4 OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, November 5, 1985 The Michigan Daily 6j Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan On Reagan and Coolidge Vol. XCVI, No. 44 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Low turnout HEADLINE in Friday's Daily read "RSG turnout exceeds expectations." Ordinarily it would be good news that a student government, in this case Rackham Student Gover- nment, had polled more voters than expected, but the numbers here are so insignificant that it is anything but encouraging. Only 91 out of 3600 eligible students voted - roughly 2.5 per- cent of the electorate. Even so, that number was one-and-a-half times as high as last winter's turnout. Such a low turnout is not a total indictment of the current RSG because it was an off election in which only six seats were up for grabs, but it shows that RSG is becoming disturbingly irrelevant to a large number of . Rackham students. Rackham has had difficulty at- tracting both voters and can- didates for its student government for some time. For the six seats open this time, only two candidates filed to run. It's difficult to place the blame for such apathy. RSG seems to have publicized the elections fairly well, yet such an extraordinarily small turnout suggests they needed to do more. On the other hand, Rackham students have some explaining to do as well. With roughly one in 40 of them voting, many of them seem to have chosen to ignore the elections. Implicit in such a low turnout is a call to do away with RSG altogether, but RSG plays an im- portant role in campus debate and acts as one of very few student checks on Rackham ad- ministrators. The recent RSG resolution ex- pressing strong dissatisfaction with George Bush as the speaker for the 25th anniversary celebration of the Peace Corps prompted response from the Michigan Student Assembly and The Engineering Council, and star- ted the general debate only now ending over the Peace Corps and Bush. In addition, RSG brings speakers and hosts forums that might not otherwise be a part of campus. RSG must draw considerably more voters for its spring elections when it elects a president and the majority of its representatives. In the mean time, Rackham students should begin to educate them- selves on what their student gover- nment is doing, and RSG should redouble its attempts to promote its activities and encourage students to vote. By Dave Kopel A few months ago, President Reagan had i the portrait of Thomas Jefferson removed from the Cabinet Room. Reagan ordered a portrait of Calvin Coolidge to replace Jef- ferson's. The parallels between Reagan's Presidency and Coolidge's (1923-1929) are both interesting and frightening. Both Presidents made few personal decisions themselves. In Coolidge's autobiography, he wrote that his most important rule was "never do something someone else can do for you." Reagan cannot match Coolidge's prodigious sleeping ability (12 hours a day), but he has brought the afternoon nap back to the White House. Both Presidents were social conser- vatives. Coolidge aligned with rural fun- damentalists who supported Prohibition and opposed teaching evolution in the schools. Today President Reagan tells us, "Evolution is just a theory," and fights for school prayer along with Jerry Falwell and Jimmy Swaggert. Reagan's economic policy has much in common with Coolidge's. Coolidge's Treasury Secretary Andrew Mellon cut the top tax rate from 50 percent to 25 percent. (Today this is called "Supply-side"; back then it was "Trickle-down.") The tax and economic policies of each President produced a general prosperity that earned them a landslide re-election. In his 1925 inaugural, President Coolidge ob- Kopel is a recent graduate of the University's law school now living in New York. served that America had achieved "A state of contentment seldom before seen." Unfortunately, the Coolidge prosperity had a dark underside. As today, farmers were left out and farm bankruptcies sky- rocketed. And much of the Coolidge boom was built on a weak foundation. During the mid-1920s many people made a fortune in the stock market, but that stock prosperity contained the seeds of national economic disaster. Thanks to non-existent regulation, many of the new issues were frauds that made short- term profits for insiders, at the expense of common investors. Even honest speculation would later cause trouble. By buying "on the margin" (with credit from a broker), investors could greatly magnify their potential gains or losses. If an investor pyramided his margin accounts (buying stock on credit, and then using that stock as collateral to get more credit), he could make huge profits on a tiny investment - as long as the market went up. For $6,000 in cash, he could buy $95,000 of market action. If the market went down, he would lose far more than he had originally invested. When the market did turn down on "Black Thursday", margin buyers had to sell at whatever price they could get, in order to raise the money to pay off their brokers. Forced selling of margin accounts unbalan- ced supply and demand, and drove the market down even further. The collapse of the stock market in 1929 was symptomatic of the near-fatal weakness of an economy built on speculation and paper en- trepreneurialism, instead of on true in- vestment. President Roosevelt's stock market reforms of the 1930s, which are still in force today, did much to take fraud and unhealthy speculation out of the stock exchanges. Un- fortunately, paper entrepreneurs have sped ahead of the regulators, and re-injected in- stability into the economy. Business Week recently complained that stock futures and stock options (both of which are much less regulated than the un- derlying stocks themselves) have "whip- sawed" the market. To buy stocks on the margin today, one must put down cash worth at least 50 per- cent of the stock's value; but to buy a stock index future (essentially a bet on which way the market will go), one can put up as little as 1 percent of the stock's value. The proliferation of financial instruments such as mortgage-backed securities is channeling more and more of America's capital into paper transactions that add nothing to productivity. As in the '20s, a "merger mania" (driven by leveraged buy- outs, junk bonds, and greenmail), has done much to redivide the economic pie, but little to make the pie grow. If the economy stumbles, we may discover that the Reagan boom was just as much a house of cards as was the Coolidge prosperity. "We are living in a fool's paradise" observed leading investment banker Herbert A. Allan, Jr. The head of First Boston worries about a collapse worse than the 1929 one. Bank failures are already at the highest level since the Depression, and only a U.S. government bail-out preven- ted the Continental Illinois Bank's bankrup- tcy from triggering a financial crisis. Coolidge had the good fortune to leave of- fice three months before the Great Depression struck. From the sidelines, he observed, "When more and more people are thrown out of work, unemployment results." One wonders if President Reagan will have an equally apt observation. 0 6 Chassy (r RONZO i V I ,')jI I d MAGICIAN Q1 / ! PERFORMIN6 FAl IPI ( 'A fi~UCYWOND0E id .- rfi! 1 -tq 1A 141 ti rr lu'm' III r Blah! N ODD YEARLY phenomenon is slowly unfolding across Ann Arbor: color is leaving. After the glorious rainbow burst of fall, anything would seem dull, but Ann Arbor seems particularly colorless. Once blue skies now seem completely washed out and even newly blackened streets seem to fade to a dismal grey. Everywhere one looks, color has left in its place a mere shadow of its true self. The sun doesn't penetrate the morning gloom until noon, when, if it doesn't rain, clouds start to billow by. What little color there is to be found is unnatural: neon signs along State Street or orange and lemon-yellow posters on different kiosks; or, worst of all, bright blue around the diag M.' Cheerful clothes have given way to brown and grey warm ones, and bulky coats make it easier to face the ground than look forward. Even the usually dependable grass is fading away as the com- bination of rain and trespassing mashes it into a brown-green pulp. Colorless nature has its counter- part in the academic year as the indefinable, unscheduled "blah time" sets in. The first few weeks of the term have an identity, mid- terms are a tangible period, and finals constitute an almost physical entity, but the period bet- ween midterms and Thanksgiving has nothing to distinguish it. Weekend jaunts start to seem a virtual necessity, making Friday and Saturday night parties come up short one or two expected guests. Homework starts to pile up, but with very little to make it pressing, it tends to stay piled up. With football season coming to an untimely close, excuses for spending time outside dry up and turn brown, and even the early morning walk to class becomes painful where it once was only tedious. There is hope - it's called Thanksgiving - but it's still three weeks away. And three weeks is a long time to stare at grey. -- DAILYi LETTERS: 'U' coolness criteria questioned 0 To the Daily: In the Today column on Oc- tober 25 ("University of cool") the Daily blithely reported that a "drug advocacy magazine" con- siders the University of Michigan to be one of the nation's "cool campuses". The magazine had described "cool campuses", it was reported, as places where "...activism is not a dirty word, where a creative education can still be obtained, and where over- the-edge partying is still more important than cramming for an Economics exam." At the risk of sounding schoolmarmish, I must confess that something about this list of "coolness" criteria makes me uncomfortable. Which of these three do you think does not belong? Unless the author's intention was to cast aspersions on the value of Economics courses in general (in which case, judging from personal experience, I am whose hallway they deign to vomit in, and who, out of some inexplicable fascination with loud noises of any kind, often make it difficult to study and at times turn my neighborhood into a bot- tle-rocket free-fire zone, are without doubt among the least cool elements of our campus community. -Adam Bernsteif October 26 Vote for MSA, it's the American way To the Daily; There has been much discussion lately that MSA does not represent the views of the mainstream of the student body. My friend Jeff Evans and others to the left of him complain that MSA is catering to a very small but very vocal minority of the University community. There are cries to defund MSA and bypass its duly constituted powers. Why doesn't MSA represent the student body? The reason is that in the last election only 20% of the student body cast ballots. My advice to Mr. Evans and others who oppose the current BLOOM COUNTY MSA policies is to run a party and vote out the current government. This is the American way. When President Carter was supporting projects that Mr. Evans and the majority of the American public did not approve of they did not call on taxpayers to withhold their checks - they voted him out of office. If the right thinks that MSA is too leftist then they can exercise their franchise and vote in delegates and a president that is more compatible with their views. Time will tell whether this issue of MSA accountability is just a flash in the pan. The time will be in the spring when new people will run and the students will vote. If only a fifth of the con- stituency participates in the elec- tions then the other four fifths have no justification for com- plaining ex post facto. I don't mean to single out Jeff, but if he and others do not approve of MSA the answer is simple - VOTE THEM OUT. If students don't vote they have to take what comes at them. -Andrew Hartman October 30 Hartman was the president of College Democrats during 1983-84. 16ira Ra"1a M s a 0- O C