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October 31, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-10-31

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Ninety-six years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCVI - No.41

Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October 31, 1985

Eight Pages

for Mich.
goes well
Leaders of the Campaign for
Michigan, a project designed to sup-
plement government funding sources
p the Univerity, announced this week
They have raised two-thirds of their
$160 million goal in the first phase of
Of the $107.8 million raised so far,
$66 million will go towards the con-
struction of seven facilities and $35
million will go toward increased en-
dowment for faculty, students and
teaching, and research libraries. Five
million dollars has not yet been
designated for specific projects.
THE KRESGE Business Admin-
stration Library, the Computing/Ex-
ecutive Education facility at the
School of Business Administration,
and the new University Hospital are
among the projects funded by the
money raised in the campaign.
The two-phase campaign was of-
ficially announced in 1983 in response
to a decrease in state funding for the
University. That year the state's
share of, the University's budget fell
*elow 50 percent for the first' time,
forcing rapid tuition increases.
"Phase one is the large gift effort of
the campaign," explained Jon
Cosovich, vice president for develop-
ment and University relations.
"We're looking for contributions of
$100,000 and up from a wide variety of
people and corporations."
COSOVICH cited General Motors,
Ford, and Dow Chemical as some of
the "major Michigan corporations
hat have contributed to the cam-
Cosovich singled out individual con-
tributors Ira Harris and William
Davidson for their contributions to the
campaign. Both will have endowed
professorships named after them in
as yet undecided areas.
Phase two of the Campaign, the
smaller gift effort involving con-"
tributions of $10,000 and up, will be
directed at alumni, Cosovich said.

MSA policy

Daily Photo by JAE KIM
Little Danny Kim and his big brother Henry entertain some residents of the third floor in Mosher Jordan.


Halloween reli
Witches on brooms, black cats, ghosts and skeletons of
the dead from long ago will prowl the town in the
darkness on this Halloween night.
Hmm... you're thinking that only students dressed as
these eerie figures will lurk about the streets. If you had
lived ten centuries ago, you probably would have
believed that the ghastly spirits themselves appeared
every Oct. 31.0
INDEED, very few students today realize that when
they don costumes, carve pumpkins, and "trick-or-
treat", they help to carry on a tradition that dates back
to ancient Rome. Even fewer know just what that
tradition was.
"The Great Pumpkin began Halloween," joked one
University student who blushingly declined to give her
"'Superstitions," guessed Rob Washburn, an LSA
But it was Keith Cauley, a 27-year-old graduate

ves pagan rites
student and Andrea Zucchet, an LSA sophomore, who
came closest to guessing the holiday's real origins.
Cauley said it started with "some Germanic tribal
ceremony during the fall and harvest," while Zucchet
speculated that the holiday was first a religious
They weren't too far off. The current name,
"Halloween," stems from the Christian title "All
Hollows Eve," while ancient Celtics called the holiday
"Samhain," or "Summer's End."
The Celtic pagans believed that at the end of the sum-
mer the souls of people who had died during the previous
year journeyed into the otherworld, sometimes ap-
pearing as ghosts to visit friends or family, other times
to haunt the living.
On Samhain, the Celts built bonfires on hilltops to
honor the dead-and to ward off evil tricks they might
try to play. The householders used to extinguish the fires

A growing number of disgruntled
students who say the Michigan
Student assembly ignores campus
problems is considering several
responses that range from making
student funding of the assembly op-
tional to forming a conservative party
for the spring MSA elections.
At least part of the impetus has
come from two members of College
Republicans, LSA senior Jeff Evans
and engineering junior Mike David-
son, who last week distributed a
poster urging students to revoke their
mandatory $5.07 per term fee for
THE POSTER was a parody of one
put up earlier by the Latin American
Solidarity Committee protesting Vice
President George Bush's campus
visit. Evans and Davidson also at-
tacked MSA's resolution supporting
demonstrations against Bush.
"We started this thing as a joke, but
everyone else took it seriously,"
Evans said yesterday,'adding that his
purpose was to encourage MSA to
focus more on campus issues, not to
wipe out student government..
One student who read the
poster was LSA senior Bill Clemons,
who spoke to the assembly Tuesday
night. Although he embraced the con-
cept of a student government,
Clemons said he may try to generate
support for a recall election of the
assembly's top leaders.
"I FEEL that MSA has completely
abused its power as the student body
representative," he said. "They're
out of line in forming policies
protesting other people's opinions.
They're not representing what the

student body feels on these issues."
Clemons expressed concern that
even his attempts to organize a con-
servative party to challenge more
liberal candidates in next spring's
MSA elections may fail. "Many stud-
ents may take it as a joke and feel
MSA is not even worth their atten-
tion," he said.
Clemons also doubted whether the
defunding campaign promoted by
Davidson and Evans would work. The
two College Republicans yesterday
also said that despite support from 20
to 30 students for the defunding cam-
paign, it probably would fail. Evans
and Davidson said they don't want to
devote time to collecting the 1,000
student signatures needed to present
the proposal to the Board of Regents
They said they feel the regents are
unlikely to eliminate the mandatory
LIKE CLEMONS the two College
Republicans favor the formation of a
conservative party over a defunding
campaign. The idea for a moderate
party has prompted at least one other
student - engineering seplior Eric
Shapiro - to begin garnering cam-
pus support.
Shapiro has initiated a computer
program available on the University's
Michigan Terminal System's Com-
puter Conference. The program asks
students to "complain" about MSA
and to respond to Shapiro's plan for a
moderate party.
As of yesterday, 15 students had
responded to the program, and four
had offered .support for a moderate
"THE ASSEMBLY should get back

oppose bill to
'ban dog, eat use

'U' should increase minority
retention efforts, report says

Special to the Daily
LANSING - Passage of a bill ban-
ning the use of dogs and cats from
animal shelters for research purposes
would cripple biomedical research in
the state, medical researchers told a
te Senate committee yesterday.
The bill, authored by Sen. Gilbert
DiNello (D-East Detroit) and backed
by the Humane Society, grew out of
concern that animals not raised for
research are used in medical ex-
RESEARCHERS, testifying before
the state Senate Committee on Higher
Education and Technology, said
without the inexpensive source of lab
animals, universities will be forced to
,egin raising or buying more expen-
We, specially-bred animals.
The increased costs of this method
would knock Michigan researchers
out of competition for research grants
with researchers from other states,
said John Cantlon, Michigan State
University's vice president for
research and graduate studies.
Without the use of shelter animals,
the development of new drugs and
surgical procedures would be stifled,

Cantlon said, adding that dogs are
essential in cardiovascular research
since their hearts are very similar to
those of humans.
AT THE University of Michigan,
the costs of biomedical research
would increase seven-fold if more
animals are bought, and over ten-fold
if the University raised its own
animals, said Alan Price,; associate
vice president for research.
The University used 2,200 and 487
cats last year at a cost of $166,000,
Price said. The expense would rise to
$2.5 million-a-year if it raised
animals, or $1.3 million a year to buy
from breeders.
But the bill's author, Sen. Gilbert
DiNello (D-East Detroit), said the
costs may be less because the resear-
chers would use the animals more
"IF YOU get ten loaves of bread for
nothing, you're bound to waste some
of it. My question is whether we need
to use all the animals we use," he
"Necessity is the mother of inven-
tion," added Eileen Liska, assistant
director of legislation and research
See MEDICAL, Page 3

Michigan Student Assembly's minority researcher in a
new report urges the University to step up its efforts to
prevent minority students from dropping out, charging
that retention programs have lagged behind other plans to
boost minority enrollment.
"(Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost)
Billy Frye and Associate Vice President for Academic Af-
fairs Niara Sudarkasa have directed the bulk of their
response to the enrollment challenge to recruitment,"
wrote graduate student Roderick Linzie in his report to be
submitted to University officials today.
"THE FOCUS, although iore difficult, should be on
improving the quality of life for minority students who are
currently enrolled," he continued.
The report, the culmination of a year's worth of resear-
ch, is based upon sociological studies and interviews with
minority student leaders on campus.
In response to Linzie's report, Sudarkasa said that,
retention has not been ignored in favor of recruitment

programs geared toward increasing minority enrollment.
"ANY ATTEMPT to separate recruitment from reten-
tion is a false dichotomy," she said. "The two must go
Sudarkasa pointed out that the retention rate has im-
proved steadily over the past six or seven years.
In 1975, only 29.4 percent of the black students, 28.7 per-
cent of Hispanic students, and 7.7 percent of American In-
dian students had completed their degrees in four years.
In 1984, those figures had improved to 37 percent for
blacks, 31 percent for Hispanics, and 32 percent for
American Indians.
BUT THE 1984 numbers still fall behind the graduation
rate of 51.4 percent for whites ad 52.5 percent ,for Asian
Linzie cited studies by sociologists who found that
academics were only part of the reason minority students
drop out. Other factors, Linzie noted, are the feeling of
alienation and isolation, the sparsity of minority faculty

...releases report

City board m
The Ann Arbor Retirement Board yesterday
decided to sell its stocks in three firms that
operate in South Africa but do not adhere to the
Sullivan Principles as long as the move won't lead
to a net loss in the board's investments.
Board trustees, however, stalled other action
regarding divestment of its stocks after a two-
hour special session by resolving to research the
issue until a Dec. 4 deadline.
THE ANN Arbor branch of the National Bank of
Detroit will complete the divestment of $1.5
million in stocks from Air Products and
Chemicals, Inc., Beatrice Companies, Inc., and

a divest stocks
Boeing Co. These firms have not adopted the div
Sullivan Principles, which are designed to ensure me
blacks equality in the workplace. ha
The board holds about $18 million worth of wh
stocks in firms that operate in South Africa. ap
Trustees will ask NBD and the city's other two t
financial managers to recommend a program for W,
divestment. sp
The board's action is in response to a resolution he
approved by City Council earlier this month
urging the trustees to divest.
BUT DURING their meeting yesterday, several th(
of the nine trustees expressed their reluctance to bo.
sell off pension investments for city employees. dil
They questioned the financial feasibility of

of 3 irms
vestment and the legality of divestment for
ral or social reasons, whether the. City Council
d the authority to order divestment, and
ether the move will have any impact on the
artheid-torn country.
City Councilmember Larry Hunter (D-First
ard), who introduced the measure and who
oke to the board at its meeting yesterday, said
was unsatisfied by the trustees' decision.
Speaking before the board earlier, Hunter said,
f no one knows if (divesture) will hurt or help,
en its up to you to make a decision. I came to the
ard with a plan, and I was told it was being
igently studied . . . that was. one-and-a-half
See CITY, Page 3

he seven residents of 521 Linden St. have been

of life," return him to their house preferably before
Halloween. Costilo is not placing a reward for Harvey's
return because, she says, "We don't want to put a
monetary value on him. We just want him back. We
miss him."
RrirlP of nraenla

bridesmaids plan to dress as ugly witches and hold
black cats instead of boquets, while the best man will
dress as a warlock. "We just thought if would be a fun
idea to get married on Halloween," Miss Barnett said,
"but we never thought it would go this far." She and
Pirtleworiginally planned a small ceremony Oct. 31 at
the store. But then they played with the idea of
(ir ii t I-n,,.m. Mice SSBanetdidn't knnwi

PROTESTS: Daily columnist Eric Mattson
examines the current ware of political
protests. See Page 4.
REVOLT: Arts answers the Mihutemen's call






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