OPINION Wednesday, October30, 1985 Page 4 The Michigan Daily 0, S ridw 1ai1y Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Complexities of tax reform Vol. XCVI, No. 40 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Disarming ideal THE PROPOSED handgun ban ordinance presented at a special session of the City Council is reason to rejoice. Members of Citizens for Han- dgun Control, a local organization, have taken the initiative to press for the implementation of a most urgently needed piece of respon- sible legislation; one that might end the unnecessary bloodbath created by handgun violence. -The proposed legislation is modeled on the law currently in ef- fect is the village of Morton Grove,. Illinois: in short, the law would ban the possession and sale of han- uns within Ann Arbor city limits. eace officers, military personell on duty, corrections officers, and certain private security agents would be exempted from the ban, as would antique guns and han- dguns rendered permanently inoperable. The law would not call for the confiscation of handguns pity residents already own, or be applicable to "long guns" - those for sporting purposes. Handguns have no purpose other than to kill people. Handguns provide a pleasant illusion of security. The fact is however, that posession of a handgun is actually a dangerous thing. A loaded gun is six times more likely to cause an accidental death than to kill a rob- ber or burglar. If a victim of a rob- bery or burglary has a gun, it is eight times more probable that the victim will be hurt than if he or she has no gun. In 1983, 9,014 people were mur- dered with a handgun in America, and 57 percent of those murders were committed by relatives or persons acquainted with the vic- tim. And perhaps most tragically, approximately one-fourth of the 3,000 accidental deaths by handgun each year in the U.S. are if children under the age of fourteen. It seems hard to justify such senseless massacre with the relaxed federal gun laws that do exist. What weak legislation there is to protect the populace from the menace of handguns is embodied in the 1968 Gun Control Act, a law passed largely in response to the assassinations of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy and civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr. That law, however, is currently being challenged in Congress by senators and congressmen with heavy financial backing from the National Rifle Association. The bill, known as the McClure Gun "Decontrol" bill passed the Senate July 9 by a vote of 79-15. If it passes the lower House, legislation restricting interstate handgun sales would be eliminated, effec- tively repealing whatever measures there are to restrict han- dgun sales. After a six-year battle to block the passage of the McClure bill, advocates of gun control will con- tinue to lobby for the retention and strengthening of federal gun con- trol laws. But the implementation of local ordinances to ban han- dguns is now perhaps the most ef- fective way to act responsibly to stop so many unnecessary mur- ders. By David J. Kaufman Important interest groups have lined up for and against specific provisions of President Ronald Reagan's tax reform proposal. However, the struggle is not just between these groups, but between the White House and Congress and between the Democratic-controlled House of Represen- tatives and the Republican-led Senate. It has forced some unique coalitions between members of Congress. This short piece will explain some of the problems posed by the House. Rep. Daniel Rostenkowski, chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, will indeed send a bill out of his committee and see that the whole House has a chance to vote on it. His political life depends on how effectively he is able to gauge the different opinions of the members of his committee and the larger body and come up with a cohesive package that will be passed without significant delay. There are several reasons for this urgen- cy. Rostenkowski wants Speaker Thomas P. O'Neil's job when he retires in 1986. His ability to form a coalition and mobilize sup- port for this legislation is a significant test of his leadership. Additionally, the Reagan Administration has taken the initiative and has forced the Democrats into proving that they are not the "tax and spend" party, a label which has all too often been accurate. If the House Democratic leadership in- cluding Rostenkowski fail, the President and other Republicans will be able to claim that the Democrats torpedoed tax reform. This will do little to dispel the im- pression that the party is fiscally irrespon- sible. With general support for the Democrats waning, the future of their party depends in part on this issue. The package that Rostenkowski's Ways and Means Committee sends out will be significantly different from the one that Reagan presented at the end of May. A summer of hearings has sensitized the committee as to what some of their vocal (and powerful) constituents desire. The committee is stacked with Democrats - 23 of 36 or 64 percent are Kaufman is a graduate student in the Institute of Public Policy. Wasserman members of that party - while in the House Democrats represent only 58 percent. The point is that their bill will be a Democratic one, which will balance such diverse views as Donald Pease and Byron Dorgan's relatively anti-business stances against more moderate members like Cecil Heftel. First and foremost in the Democratic members' minds is the issue of fairness to families and to the middle class. They wish to make the proposal more generous to those in the middle, rather than to those in the upper income groups. However, they fail to realize that the reason why the higher groups are receiving a larger tax cut is because they pay at a higher rate and in- dividually pay more. In fact, many are taxed at the rate of 50 percent, or for each dollar earned, 50 cents is paid in taxes. Is it not fair that those who pay at the highest rate get the largest per- centage decrease? Additionally, they fail to realize that the bulk of revenue is generated from the mid- dle class. If one gives a larger cut to many individuals, it will be more expensive and have greater negative consequences for the deficit. A relatively larger cut to those in the higher brackets would cost less and in many instances, increase government revenues because of the removal of the disincentive effects of high marginal tax rates. Because just about everyone involved in the process agrees that the proposal must remain revenue neutral (whatever that means), money for the more generous tax cuts to the broader base of people must come from somewhere. But before that can be discussed the fallacy of revenue neutrality must be uncovered. "Revenue neutral" assumes that in- dividuals and businesses do- not change their behavior relative to tax code changes. Everyone knows that this is incorrect. In fact many believe that the reason why the United States has a tax code is to influence decisions of consumers, workers and business people. Individuals and cor- porations do take tax considerations into account in making decisions. In addition, such "fairness to families" provisions as two-earned deduction and. child care credits will be reinstated. The cost of these will be made up from tax in- creases in the most politically easy places. Corporate taxes and the way in which a company recovers the cost of an investment are two "hidden" places in the eyes of Congress, and the public are prime areas to pick up more revenue. However hidden they appear, the ramifications involved are clear. It is well known that businesses are often able to pass on all or some of their tax bur- den to their consumers as a cost of doing business. Wages could even decrease because of their increased costs. Business, more specifically small business, is the most active place for job creation in this country and will suffer from , increased taxes. Investment in plant and equipment is an important determinant of the growth of income and productivity in any economy. If businesses are unable to recoup their investment as quickly as they have been able to in the past, serious slowdowns in in- vestment and hence growth are destined for our economy. The effects of such provisions will be to slow growth in or even decrease the standard of living for all Americans. Further, a fourth rate for higher individual incomes and a stronger individual minimum tax will probably be parts of Rostenkowski's package and will reduce the incentive effects of reduced tax rates. The non-deductibility of state and local taxes. is the largest dollar item and most controversial of the provisions in the Reagan tax plan. Surely a compromise will result in the Ways and Means Committee with the deductibility for property taxes only the most likely outcome. Large amoun- ts of money will be needed because of this compromise, however, this may make the proposal politically pallitable enough to the high-tax state legislators, most notable those in New York. Additionally, because the personal exception is a more lucrative advantage for those in the higher brackets, it will be changed to a credit instead. Overall it appears as if the tax burden will be significantly shifted from the middle and lower income individuals to those with higher income and the business sector of the economy. Only influential business lobbies can prevent this from occurring or at least decreasing the level of diversion. Rostenkowski will broker enough votes to enable the bill to clear the House by the end of the year. The Senate has promised to work on it in 1986. Reagan will have a chan- ce to sign a bill before the midterm elec- tions, but the question remains as to whether it will be meaningful, or merely a reshuffling of interests. 4 0 ' . e YIOU MOW, A TOTAL BAN ON TSSTIN& NUCLEAR WSA~bw' COULDP BIiNc6 A NAAT To~ T1 NAM RACE IT SOUNDS 6G01), BUT TXe £ovIET& WOULD NEVERP A&R2EF TD IT -MOE -~ rK ~ ONES MO PPOPoS6D IT THEN TOU OF, 'Ve QUESTION . Constitutional intent LETTERS: Activists at the height offashion ATTORNEY General Edwin Meese sparked the latest con- troversy over the United States Constitution in July when he called upon the Supreme Court to return tO "a jurisprudence of Original In- tention. " Subsequent clarification from Meese's staff seem to indicate that Meese would have the Court inter- pret theConstitution in the precise ianner in which the Constitutional flamers had intended it to be writ- ten. Beyond the impossibility of knowing what went through the minds of the founding fathers, Meese's request is disturbing in its sheer inappropriateness. The men who wrote the Con- stitution were, for the most part, adept politicians who sought to create a national government that would preserve the rights of private citizens to maintain property. They were responding to the urgent need for a unified mechanism of response against foreign governments and a system for arbitrating grievances between state governments. :The situations the framers were c6ncerned with have either been resolved or greatly altered. Many of the pressing Constitutional issues of today couldn't have been was written. Abortion was not a formalized medical procedure, so there was no question of "when life begins," universal public schooling was still a dream so there was no question about prayer in the schools, and slavery was an accep- ted institution so there could have been little debate over civil rights. Despite its distant origins, the Constitution remainstan important document because it embodies a spirit of freedoms and rights that lawmakers from the founding fathers on down have accepted. It remains a viable part of the U.S. legal system because its basic truths can be applied to contem- porary problems in light of changing situations and changing public perceptions. No doubt some of the framers of the Constitution intended it to guarantee their rights to own slaves, and in that respect their in- tention should certainly carry no weight. Instead, Supreme Court Justices have appropriately accepted the basic tenets spelled out in the Con- stitution and applied provisions originally intended for a small segment of society to all U.S. citizens. What Edwin Meese proposes is not only infeasible, but reactionary To the Daily: It's always good to know that the University is always at the height of fashion. We protest apartheid, the SDI, the Vice- President, NBC Television, the Administration's policies in Cen- tral America and South Africa the CIA, "the Code", and everything else of Fashion. Why call it Fashion? Fashion represents, according to Merriam-Webster,b"the prevailing style," and today, the above causes are "in style". Now, while I will agree with anyone who says bombing other countries' populations is wrong, does anyone besides me remem- ber that, as you read this, the Soviet Army and Air Force are laying waste to the Afghan coun- tryside, and that the Israeli Air Force violated "national sovereignty" by 1. invading Lebanon and 2. Bombing the nearly-completed Iraqui nuclear power plant, killing French technicians. I guess that's okay, as no one protests these things any more. It is all well-and-good to protest against the racist regime in South Africa and its backing by the Administration. But unless the real economic -bulwark of the regime collapses, not much will be accomplished. This, I know, is the point of divestment. But, divestment does not keep the corporations out of South Africa. Tf vnn reallyI irwa* nt. to make *ba any and all visitors from Israel, including Yitshak Perlman. However, I don't see this forth- coming, as Israel has never been a fashionable protest target, lest one be labelled "anti-Semitic". I'm sure that there are real believers out there, and I too believe that things need to change. But by assaulting only the fashionable, high-visibility, low-risk targets, all one does is become, as the Bush protesters, an obnoxious rabble. No one respects the obnoxious ones, and your form, as it happens with stylish causes, far outweighs your substance. Until the true causes are attacked, no construc- tive change will occur, just another protest. -Roland S. Rogers October28 Protesters present foolish image of 'U' To the Daily: As a student here at the University for the last five years, I am becoming more and more concerned about the growing reputation of this university to protest public events. Anytime television cameras and newspaper reporters are going to be on campus, left-wing students seem to be able to produce a group to protest some subject complete with signs and catchy slogans. It doesn't matter that the reporters are here to commemorate the 25th anniver- sary of the Peace Corps, or the Today show being on campus to give the public an impression of typical life on a large public university campus, the protesters are still out in force. The unfortunate part of all this protesting is that the views held by these persons only represent a small portion of the students here. I know they don't represent "ir ~%" - . u' T11~ws my political views. However, because of their ability to protest public events, their views are broadcast by the media, which gives the general public the im- pression that the slogans and signs represent the general feelings of the student body. . I have received three commen- ts from people in my home town asking why students were protesting at the anniversary of the Peace Corps, one of the large outgrowths of the 1960s. It was hard to explain that people were protesting the presence of the Vice-President of the United States on campus, not the Peace Corps. How ludicrous that people protest a governmental figure being on campus, especially the second highest ranking gover- nmental official! Granted, protests are ap- propriate in some cases, in theW right places and right times. However, in the cases of the Peace Corps anniversary and the Today show being on campus, the protests were inappropriate and did nothing for the people protesting. All these protests did was to make the students of this university look pretty foolish to alot of the people across our country. -Richard D. Maki October 24 . Names will be withheld only in unusual circum- stances. Letters may be edited for clarity, gram- mar, and spelling. I i_ w .m w d in AL, I