0 Page B14 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 5, 1985 0" Center aids foreign travel By DAVID GOODWIN If you're going to leave home and the protecting wing of come tax, dust a whole pile of legal activities which the non- mom, do it in a big way. One doesn't know true freedom U.S. citizen gets involved in," Heise said. until he takes to flight, and with a little help from the In- THE CENTER publishes a newsletter that helps ternational Center, traveling abroad is as easy as leaving foreign students find housing and register for classes. home - you're just trading your wings. There is also an office housed in the center that recruits Since 1936, the International Center has served as the for the Peace Corps. University's overseas connection. The center, attached to The idea for the Peace Corps was launched from the the Union, caters to foreign students studying at steps of the Union by John Kennedy during the 1960 Michigan, and to University students who travel abroad presidential election. Since then, the University has to work or study. recruited more people for the program than any other "WE SEE about 8,000 American students per year who University in the country. come in and ask about working, studying, or just traveling THE CORPS places people around the world, including abroad," said John Heise, director of the International Africa, Asia, and Latin America. They pay travel and Center. housing expenses and if there is a family emergency the The center supplies students with necessities for' corps will pay a round trip ticket home. traveling, like student I.D. cards, Eurail passes, and The corps is especially interested in people trained in Youth Hostel memberships. the sciences, business, agriculture, medical fields, The center also has visas for students and recent alumni natural resources, and other professional fields, Heise who want to work in Europe, New Zealand, and Costa said. Rica. But they do not supply the traveler with a job, said "In the end, the Peace Corps pays very well and I don't Gloria Dunn, an office assistant. think a lot of students know that," Heise said. The Corps THE CENTER also has a room full of books packed with sets aside a portion of your paycheck which amounts to a information about foreign study programs, and files with large sum aftet two years of service, he said. cultural information about different countries. On the homefront, the center operates a child care cen- Newspaper and periodical clippings in the files help orient ter on Hill Street. University students can work at the students to a different way of life and to job opportunities facility as volunteers, work study, and in come cases even abroad. receive academic credit, Heise said. The center also serves foreign students studying at the The center is a comprehensive travel office and if the of- University in a legal capacity. fice assistants cannot help a student plan a particular trip "We help them with their legal problems, primarily they can advise him on how to get in contact with someone their passports, visas, work permits, social security, in- who can help. Daily Photo by STU WEIDENBACH Bedknobs and broomsticks A fraternity and sorority whiz down Hill Street in the annual bed race during Greek Week each spring. kA ' k '-$ , 1 I I Greek life upholds tradilon - io- CC THESE Dormitories Dormitories Central Campus r _A.,, *. i P u By KATIE WILCOX Of the many traditions associated with the college years, one of the strongest presently is fraternity and sorority life. Pledging gives some students a feeling of belonging, opportunities to develop a close group of friends, a full social life, academic support, and to be more active in the community. "Whatever you want to do, the Greek system has something for you," said Margaret Micheals, president of the Panhellenic Association. The system's strong point is that it presents an opportunity for growth, said Alan Lutes, president of the In- ter-Fraternity Council. In the past few years, more students have been attracted to the Greek system. New sororities and frater- nities have appeared on campus to accomodate the swelling number of rushees. "It's a booming thing," Micheals said. "It's (the number of Greeks) unofficially estimated at over 20 per- cent of the undergraduate population." Each of the fraternities and sororities at the University is unique. "The theme this year is Up, Up, anC Away, Sorority Rush 1985. This em- phasizes the unlimited possibilities," Micheals said. For women, rush is more struc- tured. The 'rushee' visits every house, then decides which of the houses that invited her back she would like to return to. A rush counselor is assigned to lead each rush group and answer any questions. Bids, which are invitations to pledge, are picked up on the day formal pledging. Pledges are welcomed into the house at a pledge ceremony by being 'carried in' by a fraternity and a pledging ceremony. Fraternity rush is less formal, with the rushee deciding which houses to visit. Mary Markley Couzens Alice Lloyd Mosher-Jordan Stockwell South Quad East Quad West Quad Fletcher Hall Helen Newberry Betsy Barbour Martha Cook Law Club (Continued) Bursley Baits I Baits II Oxford Housing North Campus School of Music Art & Architecture Bldg. North Campus Commons G. G. Brown Dow Building Engineering 1-A Angell Hall Mason Hall Fishbowl Natural Science Buidling Chemistry Building C. C. Little Dennison Building Modern Language Building Frieze Building LS & A Building East Engineering West Engineering Undergraduate Library Graduate Library (Cont ia nua u (Contiued) Michigan Union Michigan League Student Activities Building Lawe School School of Education School of Business Administration School of Dentistry School of Natural Resources Medical Campus Taubman Library Medical Science Furstenberg Lounge turn 'Ii SLS offers free legal help By KATIE WILCOX nature range from shoplifting to bar- The plumbing in the apartment is on room brawl charges. the fritz, one of the kitchen table legs THE MAJORITY of clients can be has fallen off, and the landlord said to helped with just legal counseling. call him when the water from the "Most of the cases are taken care of toilet begins to run into the kitchen. by advice," Vital said. e Lucky for you there's Student Legal The legal clinic is sponsored by the Services (SLS). SLS, located in the Michigan Student. Assembly. Funding Union,has provided free legal coun- comes from the money students pay seling to currently-enrolled students to MSA each term. since its establishment as a non-profit A Board of Directors, which in- organization on campus in 1978. cludes representatives from MSA, th ACCORDING TO Debbie Vital, an Office of Student Services, the Lave SLS office manager, 54 percent of the School faculty, and the staff of SLS, cases they handle are housing oversee all operations. The Board is problems. Consumer and domestic chaired by the Vice President of MSA. problems make up most of the rest. There are four full-time attorneys, Criminal defense accounts for about one law graduate student awaiting six percent. bar examination results, two part- Disputes with landlords over living time attorneys specializing in housing conditions include everything from law, and three office staffers ready to heating to parking spaces, and from handle a student's legal problem. bugs to noisy neighbors. Often, these "The office is comprised of full-time cases can be resolved with a letter, or attorneys, it's not an office of law by referral to mediation services to students," Vital stressed. avoid high litigation costs. BUT LAW students do volunteer The most typical problems students their services, and an average of face with the law is driving offenses. three assist each SLS attorney. The The recent crackdown on drunk legal clinic also incorporates student driving has led to expensive con- volunteers who are interested in sequences. Other problems of this seeing how a legal office works. Staff salary levels have recently been reviewed by the Board. The need LOOK YOUR BEST ! to adjust these salaries to make them Our new talented comparable to local legal services and other student legal service stylists appreciate programs elsewhere prompted th your patronage review. T UsAt a Board of Regents meeting in DASCOLA STYLISTS June, the regents approved an in- crease in MSA's money appropriation Opposite Jacobsons Maple Village that helped minimize the salary 668-9329 7612733discrepancy. *icepny Live Music. Demonstrations and Displays on Campus Life. Friday, September 13* 11:00am -4:00pm The Diag Produced by: Student Alumni Council (SAC) Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) University Activities Center (UAC) CampustBroadcasting Network (CBN) Office of Student Organizations & Programs I 1