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October 28, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-10-28

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Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday,_October 28, 1985

Vol. XCVI-- No. 38

Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

Eight Pages

World Champs
See Page 7


! Tarpley hurt
See Page 7
dF "
agrees to
run ads
The editor of the student newspaper
at Wayne State University reversed
her ban on military recruiting adver-
tisements Friday, ending a two-
month-long controversy in which she
nearly lost her job.
After editor Patricia Maceroni an-
nounced the end of the ban, the
university's Student Newspaper
Publications Board ended its attempt
to fire her.
"I DID LOSE a little bit," said the
editor of The South End. "Some
people might see it as a cop-out, but I
see it as a change of strategy."
She said low morale at the
newspaper and a concern among staff
members about the paper's future
prompted her to end the controversy.
Maceroni said her new strategy will
be to run "counter-ads" about the
military next to the recruiting adver-
tisements. Although the initial com-
mentaries will be put in by the staff,
Maceroni said yesterday that the
student government and several
faculty members might sponsor ad-
vertisements opposing U.S. military
activities abroad.
AT ITS MEETING this week, the
university's Board of Governors will
be asked to revise the newspaper's
charter to remove ambiguities which
surfaced during the controversy.
One provision of the charter gives
the editor control over the contents of
the newspaper, while another gives .:
the publications board authority over
all of the paper's financial affairs.
"It has got to be revised," Maceroni
said of the charter, "I still believe I
had every right to do what I did.."
See BOARD, Page 2

sets pass
mark as
'M' slams
What started as a comedy of errors
for MichiganSaturday ended up as a
tragedy for the Indiana Hoosiers as
the Wolverines overcame first half
mistakes and exploded in the second
half for a 42-15 victory.
Jamie Morris and Jim Harbaugh
both turned in career bests to spark
the offense to its best showing since
1983 (604 total yards). The defense, af-
ter a rough first half, returned to form
in time to hold the Hoosiers in check.
IN THE FIRST half, Michigan
seemed determined to throw a pre-
Halloween party for the Homecoming
crowd of 105,629, playing its
variations of classic party games
such as Bobbing for Footballs and Pin
the Penalty on the Lineman.
After Indiana was forced to punt on
its first possession, Michigan took
over on its one-yard line. Two plays
later, Gerald White fumbled at the 19-
yard line after an 11-yard pass play.
Leonard Bell recovered for Indiana,
and after one first down, the Hoosiers
cashed in on a 25-yard field goal by
Pete Stoyanvich.
The worst was yet to come, though.
On the evening kickoff, freshman
John Kolesar couldn't decide if he
should down the ball or run it back
and ended up downing the- ball on the
one-yard line.
MORRIS THEN compounded
Kolesar's mistake by fumbling on fir-
st down. Bell again recovered for the
Hoosiers, and on the first play,
Damon Sweazy took a Steve Bradley
pitch and ral untouched into the en-
dzone for a three-yard touchdown.
The extra point attempt was foiled by
a bad snap, but with only 6:31 gone in
the game, Michigan trailed 9-0.
"I though it was going to be a
disastrous start," said Michigan
coach Bo Schembechler. "The
mistakes early in the game could
have put us out of it."
The rest of the first half was more of
the same. The offense was able to put
two scoring drives together, capped
by Morris touchdown runs of eight
and 17 yards, but for most of both
periods, it was one step forward and
two steps back.
A HOLDING penalty wiped out a 38-
yard pass play from Harbaugh to
Morris on one drive, Harbaugh fum-
bled under pressure for a 13-yard loss
on the same series, and a sack good
for a 12-yard loss ended another
scoring chance. Throughout the half,
two things - last week's loss to Iowa
and the patched together offensive
line - kept the Wolverines from
playing with consistency.
See 'M', Page 8

Wolverine tight-end Eric Kattus grimaces but holds onto the ball after
one of his five catches Saturday as Indiana free-safety Rob VanVliet ad-
E E R in

Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
ministers a jarring tackle. Kattus' receptions were good for 123 yards and
one touchdown.
From bash to bowl,


homecoming's a hit
By KELLY COLEMAN CAVENDER and two other judges
From the bashed-in cars and Mud- rated each teammate's thoroughness
>owl muck to the colorful floats and in destroying a particular part of the
mighty Michigan pigskin, last car. Chris Astley of Sigma Phi
weekend's Homecoming proved a hit, received the only perfect score for his
"It's marvelous. Homecoming is a demoliton of the left door of his team's
great part of campus, and it's very car after he pummeled on it incessan-
lefinitely coming back," exclaimed tly - apparently heeding the graffiti
George Cavender, a University alum-. on the door that said "Please Band
aus and co-founder of the Michigan Me." When his time was up, the door
3and Alumni Association. lay on the ground and Astley gnawed
CAVENDER, who has attended on its handle.
Homecoming festivities every year After 14 rounds of such
ince 1946, served as grand marshall bludgeoining, the cars were reduced
>f this year's parade. But hours to steel skeletons with caved-in roofs
before he led the procession, Caven- and contorted sides. In overtime the
der helped kick off Homecoming as a team that could first tip over its
judge for Evans Scholars Car Bash. junked heap won.
That annual event pitted two teams Astley's team lost. But the National
of sledgehammer-armed fraternity Kidney Foundation was the real win-
brothers in a competition to see which ner, for it received all proceeds from
group could wreak the most damage the event. The car bash was spon-
n two cars. sored by the Count of Antipasto.

With taped windows, missing hub-
caps, flat tires, and graffiti that hid
the original blue paint, the two
Chevrolet Novas parked on the Diag
looked like they had been driven
through the wrong side of town even
before their attackers began denting
doors and cracking windshields.

TWO HOURS after the bash,
Cavender and the Michigan marching
band began leading the parade down
S. University.
Three floats followed the marchers.
Zeta Psi fraternity entered a float

Daily Photo by DEAN RANDAZZO
Kappa Alpha Theta and Chi Omega sorority members do battle in the'
annual Mud Bowl game Saturday morning.

Group to
gun ban
-- - - - - - - - - -

Members of a local community
group say they will propose a ban on
the sale and possession of handguns in
Ann Arbor during the public commen-
ts session of tonight's City Council
Citizens for Handgun Control will
propose a new city ordinance that, if
approved, would prohibit the sale of
handguns within city limits and would
require Ann Arbor residents to sell or
turn into police all handguns they
currently own except those that are
considered antique or permanently

Therordinance would exclude police
officers and other law enforcement
of the organization and a law
professor at the University, said the
ban is necessary to keep "the peace in
our time in our town."
"We've got such a good police force
(in Ann Arbor), that rather than
reaching for your .38, you could reach
for the phone and dial 911 and a
trained police officer will be at your
door in minutes," continued Duquet-
te, who also directs the Child Ad-
See LOCAL, Page 3

LSA may give ROTC credits

An LSA panel is studying the possibility of rescinding a
15-year-old policy which prohibits ROTC students from
receiving LSA credit for military education courses.
While military courses count for varying amounts of
credit in most of the University's schools and colleges,
ROTC students in LSA earn no credit toward graduation
for the 12 credit hours of class they are required to take.
LSA'S CURRICULUM committee has established a
three-member subcommittee which is "looking into every
aspect" of the LSA policy, and "that includes issues that
are relevant to academic quality of the courses," accor-
ding to classical studies Prof. Bruce Frier, a member of
the subcommittee.
The issue has been raised by the Military Officers

Education Program Committee (MOEPC), the liaison
organization between the University and the ROTC
"At this point LSA is distinctly alone so that is why it
seems appropriate to review it," aid Leland Quacken-
bush, assistant dean of the engineering college and
chairman of MOEPC.
"WE REVIEWED the whole history of ROTC credit and
saw some possible ways credit might be given,"
Quackenbush said.
According to Lt. Col. Steve Gerlach, chairman of the
Army program, "The problem is for the cadets. They're
enrolled in military science classes and they've elected to
earn a commission as a 2nd lieutenant in the army and to
See LSA, Page 3
ACTIVATE: A student urges more in-
volvement in LSA's student government. See
Page 4.

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Real problems
( NE PARLIAMENT member called for a
debate, another demanded a government
inquiry and editorial writers fumed. Uncer-
tain peace prospects and an overburdened

sports page of the newspaper Hadashot. "It seems to
me the time has come to say we don't yet have soccer.
That is, we have it, but it's not fit to represent the
state," Herzl Rosenblum, editor-in-chief of the daily
Yediot Ahronot, wrote in a lengthy editorial. And a
Maariv sports columnist noted that the entire vic-
torious New Zealand squad together earns less thatn
the three ton Israeli nbvers media darlins mwho op

many supermarket pumpkins in Southern California
came from Calabasas. Rancher Wilda Sampo planted
40 acres of pumpkins each year on her land. But now
that land is being developed for 1,200 houses, and even
the annual autumn Pumpkin Festival has been moved
to Chatsworth. Calabasas' 20-year self-proclaimed
pumpkin queen, Helen Gazzera, Mike Gazzera's wife,
admits the pumpkins for sale at her stand are from


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