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October 25, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-10-25

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Ninety-six years of editorialfreedom

43 all


Vol. XCVI - No. 37'

Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 25, 1985

Ten Pages




attempt to
Twenty-six demonstrators arrested
Tuesday and Wednesday during a
protest of CIA recruiting tried unsuc-
*gessfully yesterday to speed up their
arraignments in 15th District Court.
Arraignments are scheduled to
begin Tuesday and continue into next
month. Lawyers for the protesters
said the failure to arraign demon-
strators on the day of their arrest
violates a state statute which gives
people the right to an arraignment
"without unnecessary delays."
"IT'S UNUSUAL... usually people
are arraigned in this court very
lbuickly," said Nancy Francis, a
lawyer for the protesters.
Francis, along with Molly Reno,
who is also representing the demon-
strators, asked Judge Pieter
Thomassen to arraign the group
yesterday. Thomasse turned down the
request, Reno said, because he had. to
preside over an already scheduled
Anna Arbor police Lt. Richard
See CIA, Page 2

Every team likes to win their
homecoming game, and for
Michigan this year, that should be
no problem when they square off
against the Indiana Hoosiers with
the alumni looking on.
- Kickoff '85
Well, it is homecoming, and the
alumni will be there, but will the
game be no problem? No way.
LAST YEAR the sad-sack Hoosiers
went 0-11, and while all indications
this year pointed toward im-
provement, no one imagined the
Hoosiers would be 4-2 six games into
the season. What was once thought to
be a break on the Michigan schedule
could now turn out to be a struggle.
"They could beat us," said
Wolverine head coach Bo Schem-
bechler. "They've got a good offense

that is playing hard and they've got a
very quick defense. We played them
14-6 last year, so you can imagine
what concern we have for this team."
Compounding that concern is the
spectre of last week's crushing defeat
at Iowa that still looms over Ann Ar
bor. The effects of that defeat are cer-
tainly still there, but Schembechler
thinks his team will play over them.
"I THINK they'll come back. I think
it's the type of team they are," he
said. "We're not out of it (the Big Ten
race) yet ... we've got to get back on
track and do a good job in this ball
game. I don't see any letdown at all."
To get back on track, Schembechler
must find a way to get the offense
going. After strong showings against
South Carolina and Maryland, the of-
fense has derailed for the past three
weeks, the biggest crash coming when
they managed only 182 yards against
the Hawkeyes.
See 'M,' Page 10

Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Candlelight memorial
Four demonstrators keep vigil in front of President Shapiro's home last night. The vigil was held in memory of
Benjamin Moloise, a South African Freedom Fighter who was executed last week. See story, page 6.

ln*U Council discusses violn crimes

A majority of the University Council agreed
yesterday that the University should be able to
take action against students, faculty, and staff
who commit violent crimes on campus.
Such action, however, would only be used to
protect the University community, not to
punish the accused, councilmembers agreed.
The consensus was not a formal decision, ac-
cording to law student Eric Schnaufer, who
said the University should not be allowed to act
on such crimes in the council's alternative code
for non-academic conduct.
The council is working on an alternative to
the administration's controversial proposal for
guidelines governing behavior outside the
Schnaufer, one of three students on the coun-

cil, said that "inter-personal" crimes are
"none of the University's business." The civil
authorities, not the University, should be called
upon to act against non-academic crimes, he
Schnaufer was asked whether he thought
violent crimes on campus were non-academic,
even though students may be inhibited from
going to libraries at night out of fear of attack.
He replied that the University's responsibility
is to prevent rape through such measures as
increasing lighting on campus, or improving
the "Night Owl" van system.
SocialWork Prof. An4 Hariman, one of three
faculty members on the council, asserted that
action against violent crimes didn't necessarily
mean that the University should take action on
other inter-personal crimes as theft. She also

restated that the University should not be able
to punish for violent crimes, only to protect
Under a series of "emergency procedures"
tentatively agreed upon by the council, a cen-
tral coordinator would be given the authority to
decide what action to take on students, faculty,
and staff accused of violence. The coordinator
would be able to bar people from campus, but
only until civil authorities take action.
In discussions this summer, councilmem-
bers said that in the case of students, such ac-
tion should not be allowed to hurt a student's
studies. For example, students should be
allowed to make up any work they missed
because of sanctions.
Schnaufer said the issue of whether the
University should be able to take action in non-

University matters was one of the main
reasons why students protested last year's
code proposal by the administration.
The question of whether the University has
jurisdiction over non-academic crimes,
however, remains to be discussed. "What's the
See COUNCIL, Page 6
Sleep in Sunday
WASHINGTON (AP) - For most
Americans, it's nearly time to regain that
hour of sleep they lost when they shifted to
daylight-saving time last spring.
That extra hour, a boon to everyone ex-
cept the night-shift workers, arrives at 2
a.m. this Sunday, when most of the country
returns to standard time.


Alumni 'coming home' to
celebrate with students

Tomorrow's football game against Indiana will be the
climax of an array of traditional events like the Mudbowl
and parade that make up this year's 89th Annual
Homecoming festivities.
Homecoming has always been a time for alumni to show
their enthusiasm for the University visiting and par-
ticipating in the week's activities. It has not always
generated the same amount of enthusiasm within the
student body, especially during the late '60s to mid-70's.
But that trend appears to be reversing, as many students
, ave expressed their own enthusiasm and approval for
1he University Activities Center's planned Homecoming
"IT'S SOMETHING that keeps alumni tuned into the
school spirit of the University," added LSA freshman Jeff
And Roby Burley, an 89-year-old member of the class of
1920 who has flown in from Seattle for the festivities, also

sees Homecoming as a great time for both students and
The football team had just joined the Big Ten and was
not a winning team when he graduated, but this is the
eighth year in a row that he has come back for
Burley, who received the Distringuished Alumni Ser-
vice Award from the University president in 1955 in ad-
dition to eight other citations throughout the years, sees
the Homecoming game as "a climax to almost a week of
activities for the active alumni across the country.
"ALTHOUGH I didn't have much time to 'hang out'
when I went to school, I enjoy observing the differences
among today's students. There are many differences, but
there are also some important similarities."
Any changes in students' view of Homecoming "haven't
really affected us," said Burley. "I think that I've lived
about three lives as I've gotten almost every honor at the

The Parker Brothers would've been
envious, but Milton Bradley would've
been proud.
Students twisted and turned and
shrieked yesterday proving to them-
selves that Twister, the game played
during elementary school rainy day
indoor recess, could indeed tie them in
"I'VE HAD my hand on many
people's bottoms," said engineering
school sophomore Jan Mueller, after
releasing both arms from another
twistee and untying his legs from
"It's . . . a new experience," said
Chris Carrier, an LSA freshman,
flushed after having been caught bet-
ween the legs of another male player.
"It's pretty fun.. and a great way to
stay in shape."
Usually Twister istplayed on a 3 by 5r
foot mat. But yesterday, the rulesw
changed. Using eight rolls of contact
paper and hand-made six-inch circles,
the University Activities Center
created a 15 by 8 foot playing surface
and invited the campus to twist and
Yesterday's event was the first ac-
tivity in celebration of this weekend's
See TWISTER, Page 5

tar Wars' loses in 'U'debate
By VIBEKE LAROI Fnreisn Pnliev 475 nresented two bo l.. n a hLnian in th h . 4 lnn.

d A

Though the University conference
on the Strategic Defense Initiative,
finished up weeks ago, two political
science professors proved yesterday
that "Star Wars" is hardly a dead
issue on campus.
In a debate for their classes, Prof.
Raymond Tanter, who teaches U.S.
oreign Policy 471, and Prof. Alexan-
er Yanov, who teaches Soviet

r V181r1%y Y, Ftmp m W
-sides of the administration's controv-
ersial proposal to almost 200 students
in Angell Hall yesterday afternoon.
THE professors were given 20
minutes to express their views. After
they answered questions from the
audience, the students voted for a
The overwhelming victory against
SDI was reflected not only in the 125

to 5s voce, out also in t e applause ana
enthusiasm from the students.
Tanter argues that the strategic
Defense Initiative was the only
option the West had against a massive
Soviet arms build-up that
"challenged the West and provided a
framework for the Soviet Union to
meddle in regional affairs."
THE SOVIET Union could meddle
See PROFS, Page 3

Becky Klekamp participates in the Twister game on the Diag yesterday.
Organized by the University Activities Center the game was a kickoff
event for this weekend's homecoming festivities.




University of cool

"We checked with our campus sources all over
America, and found that, while things are still pretty
yupped-out, there is an emerging spirit of social
awareness and political activism that harks back to -
and in many ways is inspired by - the campus
upheavals of the 60's.

subsequent draconian sentence that rallied a huge
protest backed by the likes of John Lennon, who wrote
a song for Sinclair."f
The editors also laud the numerous hard-rock,
heavy-metal punk, and art bands that hailed from
the area.

LOOKING BACK: Opinion offers the week in
review. See Page 4.
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