Brothers of a sort
Photo essay
See Weekend magazine
'cl ble
Ninety-six years of editorialfreedom
Vol. XCVI - No. 32
Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 18, 1985
Ten Pages
Gumbel brings
'Today' to
position as president. "He is in as
marvelous a position."
Brown's president, however, did not
seem to be as forthright with infor-
See GUMBEL, Page 8
The small, private atmosphere of
Brown University and the larger,
public atmosphere of the University
of Michigan provided quite a contrast
yesterday as the Today Show com-
pared the two schools.
University President Harold
Shapiro, University Athletic Director
Don Canham, former University
student activist Tom Hayden, and
several current students spoke about
their experiences on campus. They
joined Today Show host Bryant Gum-
bel for a discussion on academics and
activism here at the University.
Although the hour was early and a
cold 36 degrees, about 800 students
sacrificed precious hours of sleep to
come to the Diag and watch Shapiro
lead off the activities.
Shapiro said that the University's
traditional curriculum was in some
ways just as liberal as Brown's in-
dividualized one. It is "in some senses
traditional, but also vital, dynamic,
and changing."
He also commented that he was not
envious of his Brown counterpart's
Students gyeet 'Today'
with mixed responses
Whether you stood on the Diag sip-
pig hot chocolate and struggling to
keep warm or preferred the comfort
of your pajamas, The Today Show's
visit to campus yesterday was a big
Students began gathering on the
Diag around 6 a.m. yesterday mor-
ning - despite 36 degree tem-
peratures - to catch a glimpse of the
live broadcast from the heart of cam-
THE SHOW, featuring Bryant
Gumbel and Willard Scott, compared
See STUDENTS, Page 8
Doily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
1 NBC weatherman Willard Scott and Today Show host Bryant Gumbel share a laugh during yesterday's broad-
cast on the Diag. The show was intended as a comparison/contrast between Michigan and Brown University, a
smaller, private institution.
Michigan loads up for powerful Hawkeye attack
L Of the 105 NCAA Division 1-A colleges that play foot-
11, all but two would kill to be ranked number one
going into this weekend. And as fate would have, those
two teams will square-off for that distinction tomorrow
when Michigan travels to Iowa.
The Hawkeyes are ranked number one in the
Associated Press sportswriters poll and the United
Press International coaches poll, while the Wolverines
top the USA Today and New York Times list, and are
second in AP. But neither team wants the lofty ratings.
"I'VE BEEN telling our guvs that we're number two
all along," said Iowa head coach Hayden Fry. At Iowa
don't think we know how to spell number one yet."
Michigan coach Bo Schembechler, who has never had
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Topranking is on the line
much faith in the polls or the pollsters, found no reason
to believe the claims that his team is the best in the!
country this week. When told earlier this week that his
squad topped the USA Today rankings, Schembechler
simply responded, "I don't read that paper." When
asked about his reaction to the Times rating, the 17 year
coach laughed, "I don't get that paper either."
Nonetheless, while both coaches may not think their
teams are the best in the country yet, both squads have
done a good job of proving they are among the best. The
ways Michigan and Iowa have gone about doing this,
however, is about as opposite as night and day.
THE HAWKEYES (5-0) have established themselves
through their offense, which is number one in the
nation in scoring (44.2 points per game) and have rolled
up nearly 470 yards in each contest. Setting the pace for
Iowa, of course, is All-American quarterback Chuck
:Long, who has picked apart his opponent's defenses with
elusive and patient style of play.
"He's basrally a pocket quarterback," noted
Michigan defensive coordinator Gary Moeller. "But he's
never in one spot. You can't tell your players that he'll
be standing right back there, because you have to be
able to find him as well as get to him."
Long's ability to evade the defensive rush has allowed
him to hit on 106 of 158 passes for 1288 yards and 15
touchdowns, among the best in the Big Ten and in
America. But while the fifth-year senior is probably in the
bad dreams of most defensive coordinators in the Big
Ten, the Hawkeyes have another offensive weapon that
has given Moeller nightmares lately.
"THAT RONNIE Harmon scares me the most," said
Moeller, referring to the Iowa's top running back who is a
double threat as both a rusher and receiver. "He's so
fast and has great moves. You can go to hit him in one
spot, and before you know it;it won't be there anymore.
He's going to be hard to stop."
In five games, Harmon has rub for 512 and five touch-
See BLUE, Page 10
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'7' Council
'Shapiro s
Ignoring recent threats by Univer-
sity Presdient Harold Shapiro, the
University Council yesterday reached
an informal consensus to continue
working on an alternative to last
year's controversial proposal for a
code of non-academic conduct.
Shapiro told students involved in the
code issue two weeks ago that he
would by-pass the council and submit
last year's code proposal to the Board
of Regents in January if the council
doesn't finish its work by then.
said he would not go to the regents if
as a "sign of good faith," the council
reconsidered the administration's
code proposal.
But yesterday, councilmembers
didn't discuss last year's code
Ben Long, an LSA junior and one of
three students on the council, said the
students didn't mention Shapiro's
warnings at the meeting, because
they will not consider the ad-
ministration's version of the code.
ARCHIE ANDREWS, director of
housing programs and one of three
administrators on the council, said
faculty and staff councilmembers
didn't bring up Shapiro's warnings
because "the only thing we know
about it is what we've read in the
Daily. President Shapiro hasn't ex-
pressed any concern to me, so we're
not even sure if he is concerned."
Long also said that while the council
cannot finish its work by January, he
felt the council could convince
Shapiro of its progress by sending
minutes of its meetings to him every
Opponents of last year's code
proposal said parts of the plan would
violate students' civil rights.
See 'U,' Page 2
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From Staff and Wire Reports
A former University graduate
student, Jerome Karle, was this week
awarded the Nobel Prize for
And yesterday, French novelist
Claude Simon was awarded the Nobel
Prize for literature.
KARLE, WHO did graduate studies
in chemistry at the University from
until 1943, learned of the award
'le returning to the United States
from Munich.
The pilot of Pan Am flight 107 from
London to Washington, D.C. announ-
ced over the 747's public address
system that Karle and his colleague,
Dr. Herbert Hauptman, had been
awarded the Nobel Prize for
Chemistry. The jetliners crew and 279
other passengers erupted in applause
and popped open a bottle of cham-
pagne for Karle.
Karle was surprised at first, but
'Events like this are always rather
surprising and shocking and personally
- Jerome Karle,
Nobel Prize Winner
later said, "I suppose in about a half
an hour my composure returned."
"IT'S A GOOD think I heard the
news about two hours before we lan-
ded," Karle said, "If I'd had no
forewarning, I'd have been unable to
cope with all the cameras and repor-
ters that were waiting at the airport."
"Events like this are always rather
surprising and shocking and per-
sonaly satisfying," Karle said at an
airport news conference. "The prize
money is the least of it, but I'd like to
use it to do good work."
Karle and Hauptman were awarded
the prize for their work in developing
techniques to determine the
arrangement of atoms in crystals
through the use of x-rays.
ASKED IF HE thought he'd ever
win a Nobel, Karle said: "I think
there are very few serious scientists
who don't fantasize every once in a
Earle and his wife Isabella, who is a
University graduate, currently live in
Falls Church, Virginia, a suburb of
Novelist Claude Simon, whose com-
plex style has kept his work from
becoming well known even in his
native France, won the Nobel for
Simon became the 12th French
writer to win the award and the first
since 1964, when existentialist author
and playwright Jean-Paul Sarte
declined to accept his award.
Simon is a pioneer of the French
"nouveau roman," or "new novel"
style, which did away with convential
concepts of narrative structure, plot
and character development.
The Swedish academy said in its
citation that Simon's novels, many of
which draw on his experiences with
the Republican side in the Spanish
Civil War and as a cavalry officer in
World War II, combine "the poet's
and the painter's creativeness with a
deepened awareness of time in the
depiction of the human condition."
l~issed vaccine
deadli~ne -results
in hold credi~ts
By MICHAEL GLARUM THE HOLD credits, which prevent
More than 2,700 new students have a student from registering for classes,
received hold credits for failing to can be lifted within 24 hours after a
submit proof of measles vaccinations, person is innoculated.
a University Health Service official In addition to the office in the
said yesterday. basement of the health service
A new University program, in- building, students can receive vac-
stituted with the backing of state and cinations at CRISP from Nov. 18-26,
local health departments and the Daniels said.
National Center for Disease Control, She said most college students
required all new students to provide realize the serious complications of
proof they had been innoculated. It is the disease. Ear infections, brain
part of a nationwide effort to thwart damage, or death can result from
an epidemic of the disease on college measles.
campuses. "MEASLES is a very preventable
IN 1983 at Indiana University, disease, but it can have serious side
measles struck 174 people, forcing effects," Daniels said.
many of the students to leave before Delinquent students are costing the
the end of the semester. The disease University several thousand dollars in
claimed three lives at Principia mailings, data processing, and staff
College in Illinois last year. overtime, she noted, with most of the
Judith Daniels, University Health money coming from student funds
Service assistant director of clinic and state resources.
operations and program develop- Although University officials were
ment, said about 8,500 incoming somewhat reluctant to place the hold
freshman, transfers, and graduate st- credits on students' accounts, they
udents received notice of the new said they have no alternative.
policy through several mailings "Measles is a very contagious
earlier in the year. disease," Daniels said, "if we don't
Of that number, only 5,750 have immunize everyone, we might as well
complied, Daniels said. immunize no one."
alumni formed a group to raise money to buy the buf-
falo, even before Gov. Edwin Edwards on Monday
declared this "Save Buffy Week" in Louisiana. Mc-
Donalds, which officially turns the mascot over to the
school in a halftime ceremony at the homecoming
fnnthaln onmP tn-av will ,, ,ntiAP 19(Mnan nimnl
club from the city, where they don't have much chance
to see animals," said Linnie Schmitt, co-owner of the
Roselawn, Ind., club. "People really enjoy the animals
becuase they're not around them very often." Schmitt,
who owns the 20-year-old club with her husband, Tom,
said the hegan the netting zoo about five vears no
FERRIS STATE: Sports previews weekend
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