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October 17, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-10-17

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Alit ija
Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, October17, 1985


Vol. XCVI - No. 31
'U' regent
says he
University Regent Deane Bake
said yesterday that if Presidei
Harold Shapiro presents a code o
nonacademic conduct to the regen
in January, he would favor ti
passage of the code.
In addition, .Baker said he wou]
support the changing of a regents
bylaw which requires the approval o
both the Michigan Student Assemb]i
and the faculty senate before sucl
guidelines governing behavior outsic
the classroom can be implemented
Both have opposed the ad
ministration's proposals for a code.
BAKER, SPEAKING at the moi
thly session of "Campus Meets the
Press," in the Union, was asked aboi
the code issue, after it was disclose+
last week that Shapiro has threatene+
to propose a code of conduct to the
regents in January unless the Univer
sity Council completes an alternative
code by then.
The nine member council made t
of students, faculty, and staff have
1 been working since last November c
an alternative to the administration'
code which sparked student protest
last year.
Baker said yesterday he does no
feel the council has been makir
progress. "Student effort (on ti
council) has been concentrate+
around delaying discussions instea+
of promoting them," said the
Republican from Ann Arbor, "I
students wish to participate, then the;
should sit down and seriously discus
be a code."
See BAKER, Page 3

Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

Eight Pages





Daily Photo by JAE KIM
Poet Allen Ginsberg, famous for his activism spanning four decades, appeared at Rackham Auditorium last night. He
was accompanied on guitar by student Tom Lorcanic.
Ginsbe rgentertainsfull hose

By ALAN PAUL and lines such as "The axe on the neck
Poet-activist Allen Ginsberg, backed of Nicaragua is a big error of war
by two student guitarists, began a fever," showed that Ginsberg is still
reading of his work last night by politically sharp.
singing "Gospel, Noble Truths" Following "Little Fish Devours Big
before a standing room only crowd of Fish," Ginsberg read "America"
1,100 at Rackham Auditorium. from his recent "Collected Poems:
From the first words of the 1956 1947-1980." The poem opens with
poem, "Born in this world, you've got "America I've given you all and now
to suffer," it was clear that the I'm nothing" and goes on to mock
radical poet has not softened his stan- Americana from the Red Fear to
ce. The song's message was clear: Reader's Digest and Time magazine.
Live easy and be real. "I love to read the older poems,"
"WALK WHEN you walk, talk when Ginsberg said during intermission.
you talk . . . Die when you die," the "With perspective, they are very real,
poet crooned energetically. very accurate."
Introducing the next piece, "Little A 1976 series of poems about the
Fish Devours Big Fish," a 1982 poem death of his father revealed Ginsberg
about Nicaragua, Ginsberg said that contemplating and accepting mor-
since Homer, poetry and music have tality. He asked, "Will that happen to
been allied. He gave wonderful proof. me?...Will my knees collapse? Your
"Fish" with the chorus "Hypocrisy legs will need crutches perhaps. Will
is the key to self-fulfilling prophecy" my chest get thin? Your breasts will

be hanging skin."
"Plutonium Ode," 1978, Ginsberg
spoke of the nuclear threat as a new
divinity, "a divine wind over vengeful
nations in civilizations stupidly in-
Ginsberg ended the first set
strongly. "Bird brain," a 1984 poem,
revealed the poet at his cynical best.
He blasted and mocked everyone
from J. Edgar Hoover to Stalin, in-
cluding Ronald Reagan, Hitler, the
P.L.O., and Israel. Almost every
politically powerful institution of the
last half century, including the Bible,
was called "bird brain."
Ginsberg finished his first set by
singing William Blake's "The Nurses
Song." The crowd clapped and sang
along, obviously enjoying themselves.
The guitarists, Darren Shaff and Tom
Lorcanic were also well received.

ROME (AP) - Defense Minister
Giovanni Spadolini's Republican Par-
ty pulled out of the governing coalition
yesterday to attempt to bring down
the government over Italy's release of
PLO official sought by the United
States in the Achille Lauro hijacking.
Spadolini said he expected the
action would force the government to
resign, but Premier Bettino Craxi
said he would not quit without a vote
of confidence in Parliament.
CRAXI SAID he will take the
government's case to Parliament
Asked if he was going to the presid-
ential palace to hand in his
resignation and end the 26-month-old
government, Craxi snapped, "Why
should I go to the Quirinale?
Tomorrow I will go to Parliament."
In a statement adopted by the par-
ty's executive committee, the
Republicans accused the government
of failing to consult coalition partners
on "major subjects of the fight again-
st terrorism and fundamental
political interests" involving foreign
policy issues.
IT SAID the party's "paramount
task today is to safeguard indispen-
sable interests for the good of the
Spadolini, a former premier, has
condemned the release of the
Palestine Liberation Organization
oficial, Mohammed Abbas, and said
he only learned of Abbas' departure

from television.
Washington has said it had infor-
mation that Abbas, a top aide to PLO
leader Yasser Arafat, masterminded
last week's hijacking of an Italian
cruise ship during which an American
passenger was killed.
THE UNITED States has issued a
warrant for his arrest, charging him
with piracy and hostage-taking.
Meanwhile, Israeli Prime Minister
Shimon Peres arrived here yesterday
with "a message of peace and hope"
for President Reagan and, according
to Israeli officials, a plea to exclude
the Palestine Liberation Organization
from the U.S.-backed Mideast peace
Abbas was aboard the Egyptian
plane carrying the hijackers that was
forced down in Sicily by U.S. carrier-
based jet fighters. Italy allowed Ab-
bas to leave for Yugoslavia on Satur-
THE SMALL but influential pro-
NATO Republicans have three
ministers, including the key posts of
defense and finance, in the 30-
member Cabinet. The government
was formed in August 1983 and is one
of Italy's longest lasting governmen-
Spadolini and the two other
Republican ministers submitted their
resignations to Craxi.
The other coalition partners are the
Christian Democrats, Craxi' s
See ITALIAN, Page 2

Teach-in to discuss apartheid and racism

Sponsors of a "Teach-In Against Apartheid and
Racism" hope to educate students about apar-
theid and establish a link between apartheid and
racism in the United States.
The series of speakers, panel discussions, and
workshops begins tonight and continues through
"PRIMARILY we want to educate students and
other members of the Ann Arbor community
about the situation in South Africa and what apar-
theid is," said Barbara Ransby, head of the Free

South Africa Coordinating Committee (FSACC)
and organizer of the teach-in.
FSACC members believe that establishing a link
between the apartheid system in South Africa and
racism in the U.S. is crucial for building a strong
anti-apartheid movement on campus.
"While we've come a ways (against racism), we
still have a ways to do and sometimes we lose
sight of that," said Hector Delgado, a University
graduate student in sociology and one of the foun-
ding members of FSACC.
DELGADO SAID that one of the major reasons

why students and faculty have trouble making this
tie is because we're "so far away from where the
action is happening."
"We do want the focus to be on South Africa and
apartheid," he said, but he feels that making the
tie is essential in order to "see what we can do
here to help bring about the end of apartheid."
ALDON MORRIS, a Sociology professor at the
University, will be the featured panelist at a
Saturday discussion session titled "How Univer-
sity of Michigan Faculty, Students and Staff Can

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US most
in world,
study says

strides in schooling since 1940 "have
made the American people the most
educated in the world," but the
quality of U.S. schools sagged in the
1970s, a Census Bureau study con-
cluded yesterday.
The special demographic study by
two Census analysts also found
evidence that the "return" on a
college education - the edge in ear-
nings that college graduates have
over high school graduates - is
growing again after shrinking in the
LESS THAN 45 years ago ... a solid

majority of young adults were either
high school dropouts or had never
gone beyond elementary school," said
the report. "Today . . . high school
dropouts have been reduced to a small
In 1940, only 38 percent of those ages
25 to 29 had attained a high school
diploma, and a mere 6 percent had
college degrees. Now, the report said,
86 percent of those surveyed by the
Census Bureau said they have high
school diplomas and 22 percent
possess college degrees.
"These are very large trends and
they have made the American people

the most educated in the world," said
the report, "Education in the United
States: 1940-1983," by Dave M. O'Neill
and Peter Sepielli.
IT CITED surveys showing that in
1980-81 almost 32 percent of all U.S.
adults 25 or older had at least some
college education, compared with 17.3
percent of East Germans, 17.2 percent
of Canadians, 15.5 percent of Swedes,
14.5 percent of Japanese, and 7 per-
cent of Hungarians.
The Census figure on high school
graduation is markedly higher than
that used by the U.S. Department of
See U.S., Page 6

Former MSA member seeks reinstatement

Former Michigan Student Assembly member
Virginia Ward is contesting her replacement on
the assembly as one of five Rackham Student
Government representatives.
In September, Ward told MSA President Paul
Josephson that she wished to resign her seat on the
assembly, but she is now claiming that her
resignation was never validated and that RSG's
move to replace her with Bruce Belcher was
wrong and "sets a dangerous precedent."
JOSEPHSON SAID he took her resignation on
good faith, adding "I asked her to get me

something in writing so I wouldn't have any
problems down the line."
"In the three years that I've been here there's
never been any problem with accepting
resignations on good faith. It's a precedent,"
Josephson said.
In a letter to MSA members, Ward, a graduate
student in engineering, wrote "oral discussions
lend themselves too easily to misinterpretation,
misunderstanding, and indefiniteness to be enfor-
ceable. By the very nature of my discussion with
the president of MSA, no contract came into
existence because there was no meeting of

the minds."
WARD ALSO said that Michigan law does not
recognize verbal agreements as binding.
But Eric Schnaufer, MSA's director of personnel
and a law student, said "the state takes verbal
agreements as binding and it is unnecessary to
rely on Michigan law in this case because Virginia
Schnaufer said that Ward acknowledged the fact
that she resigned when "she came storming into
the office the morning after MSA passed a
resolution objecting to Bush's visit to the campus.
See WARD, Page 6

Daily Photo by JAE KIM
Fallen leaves and a light fog grace the near deserted sidewalk in front of
Angell Hall yesterday.

C Care Package

bakers mixed and poured 1,200 pounds of flour, 336
eggs, 192 pounds of butter and other ingredients. The
cookie was rolled into a specially built oven and baked.
"All we need now is the world's largest glass of milk, so
we can dip the world's largest cookie," said Cheshire's
son, Lance. Chunks of the cookie were sold to raise
rr s~...' TTLn~L... A '. irT.......,..

to take six courses in high school," the 15-year-old said.
"Here, I only have to take three." Done decided in the
third grade - when most boys worry about recess and
avoiding yucky girls - that he would make science a
career. He attributes his interest in science to his
father, James Sr., who earned a chemistry degree
Sfrm Pnncevelt and wnrkad sa TT 5 cnpvrnment

WEATHER: Sunny with a high in the low 60s.
MfADTAIITY. hnv aei.lnnist Eric Mattson

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