I OPINION Page 4 Pendleton: rac Wednesday, October 16, 1985 The Michigan Daily 4 p ribi ts and equality During Civil Rights Commission Chairman Clarence Pendleton's recent visit to the U of M campus Daily opinion page editor Joe Kraus and staffer Peter Mooney interviewed him regarding his opinions on the American Civil Rights situation. - I, Dialogue Daily: Does racism exist in America? Pendleton: Yes. D: What do you think the government's role should be in dealing with this problem? P: To get out of it. There are enough laws on the books right now. D: So you don't believe the government should play a primary role in eliminating discrimination against blacks? P: Well first of all discrimination, like anything else can be resolved in the courts of law. D: So you believe the civil rights laws are adequate to protect against discrimination? P: Yes, overly adequate. D: Are there any acts in particular which you think should be repealed? P: I hope the President signs the executive order getting rid of goals, time tables and preferences. D: What do you see as the purpose of your commission since you have renounced so many of the policies traditionally followed by the commission? P: The affirmative action policies followed under the Carter administration? It wasn't Carter who put them in place, it was a Republican action under Nixon. It was a dumb Republican action. D: You oppose affirmative action? P: I don't oppose affirmative action, I op- pose preferences. D: How do you define affirmative action? P: I agree with Lyndon Johnson's and John F. Kennedy's definition, to increase the recruiting pool. We all don't agree with Richard Nixon. D: You referred to comparable worth as a "looney idea." Why are you opposed to it? P: It's the looniest idea since looney tunes came to the screen. It proposes to destroy the marketplace. D: Do you feel that there is a problem in that area? P: The marketplace determines wages, not the government. D: Do you feel the marketplace acts on the vulnerability of a women's economic position? P: I think it's a crime that women earn only 58t for every dollar that a man makes, but that's the law. You've got to face the fac- ts. It's due to marketplace forces, when you take the women aged 20 to 25 they make only 2.8% less than what a man makes, and when you take the aggregate women make something like 65ยข on every dollar a man makes. There are all kinds of reasons why women exit the marketplace more than men do, and women work less hours per year, and whether it's sexist or not men don't have babies. D: Do you believe it's women's volition to work less than men do? P: I think women go into jobs based on the return they can get in the marketplace. Now society places a different value on women's work. I support a lot of the good which have happened such as equal pay for equal work. D: Why was support for Walter Mondale by black leaders a "suicide mission." P: He lost, they knew that going in. That's why it was a suicide mission. D: You think they should have supported Reagan then? P: That's not what I said. I just said they lost by going in. You put down your money and you take your pick, but if you know you're going to lose it's suicidal. D: What course of action would you have preferred to see major black leaders take? P: I don't know who you're talking about. Are you talking about the media designated ,g.am KK black leaders? D.: The NAACP, Urban League... P: Those are leaders you say? D: Well, they're media designated leaders. P: Well, they're outlaws. They're the ones who said the defeat of Ronald Reagan was critical to the survival of the black com- munity, yet there were more black businesses in this country between 1976 and 1982 than ever before. D: Do you question their roles as leaders then? P: I question the way the media makes them leaders. Only 14 percent of America belongs to any of those organizations, black America, and most of the money is white money from philanthropy, not black money from a grassroots kind of support, so I think you have to examine that. They spent $100 million dollars this summer on conventions talking about how bad Ronald Reagan is and not a dime went to the black community. So you have to add up which way the leadership is going and who is benefiting by their ac- tions. D: Then do you see an alternative leader- ship within the black community? P: Does white America have a leader? D: That's part of my question... P: Then black America doesn't need a leader either. D: Then you don't think emphasis over the past 20 or 30 years for black America to vote as a block is appropriate? P: It'll never happen. D: You don't think it's possible? P: I don't think it's possible, I don't think it's practical. What you've got to remember is that 90 percent of the blacks votes cast went for Walter Mondale, not 90 percent of the black support, I mean people probably didn't vote. There were ten million people or so who voted for Ronald Reagan. D: In the primaries before the election Jesse Jackson's support came primarily from the black community. P: And again I can only reemphasize the fact that he lost. D: In Michigan Williams Lucas is running for governor as a Republican. Do you see this as a positive development in black political participation? P: I think there have always been blacks running on the Republican ticket. Just because you have one in Michigan who decides to run now at this level isn't a Republican thing, I think it's a change on the part of Bill Lucas in deciding which base he wants to use from which to run. Is (Thomas) Barrow a Democrat or Republican (candidate for mayor of Detroit)? D: Democrat. P: You've got a lot of people deciding to run for office as Republicans that you just don't hear about. I think it's obvious that Bill Lucas is the highest ranking elected person to run. That's good. It shows that this is the land of the free and the home of the brave. If you decide you're brave enough to run you're free enough to be able to do it. D: Are you encouraged by the fact that the Republicans seem to be embracing Lucas? P: I'm encouraged when the Republicans embrace anyone who is a good candidate. I need you to understand, I'm not into this black thing, I don't belong to anything black and Republican, I'm a Republican, I don't belong to any auxiliary. And nobody told me I had to be a part of an auxiliary to be a part of the party. I don't think Commissioner Webb (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Member William Webb who observed the interview) can be considered, as a Reagan appointee, he cannot be con- sidered as buying into all this blackness, that we have some special agenda. I can safely say - he can speak for himself - that we buy Ronald Reagan's agenda. I don't see anything wrong with that. D: So then, do you think it was ap- propriate at one time for black America to adopt something of a black agenda? P: Well a civil rights agenda is not going to make blacks free because it has no money on it. And people, I think, misuse the term civil rights. Civil rights allowed you to vote and to go to court and allowed you to have coalition politics with other people around issues but if you want to coalesce around race it's not going to work. D: What do you see as the major civil rights problems in the United States right now? P: Too much protection - 85 percent of America belongs to protected classes. I think it's the social and economic use of civil rights laws that is the problem. And I'm op-,; posed to specious schemes like comparable worth and federal equitable pay practices. D: What about the fact that many people in the protected groups come from backgrounds that make it more difficult for them to compete? P: Well if you can say that your background and your ethnics came from, poor schools and poor backgrounds, that's one way of looking at it. There are the Russians and Byelorussians and Latvians and Lithuanians and Italians, then they ought to be part of a protected class too. And I don't consider myself to have come from a; disadvantaged background, I've probably got a better background than most of you, either one of you. My family went to college back in 1867, there's no question in my mind I'm not disadvantaged. Never have been and never will be and I'm not taking that label. I went to black schools before they, were integrated. D: Do you agree with Head Start? P: Yes, that's just about the only one I agree with. D: So you think it's right to help people to prepare? P: You help them to prepare to competer, but you don't give them a place in the com- petition. You don't give remedies for discrimination without people being vic- tims. There are remedies for individual vic- tims of discrimination, I think one of the biggest problems we have right now is the laws creating all of these innocent victims:' And the people who get blamed under the quota system are the ones taking jobs from whites. Another big problem is white male America is afraid of being called a bigot. So we get all these specious little things like comparable worth which reflect liberal- white guilt. 4 4 I1LETTERS b e d tbsa niichig an i Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Pendleton:'new racism' poor excuse Vol. XCVI, No. 30 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board - i Passing the buck THE ATTEMPTS of the Ann Arbor Elected Officers Com- pensation Commission to agree on a salary recommendation for the Mayor and the City Council have repeatedly been stymied by Chairman Ted Heusal whose fear of condemnation by his radio audience has kept him from taking a stand. Heusal, who hosts a morning call-in show on WAAM, has missed two meetings of the commission leaving it deadlocked by a vote of three to three in both instances. The commission, which meets every other year, made its first at- tempt to agree on a recommen- dation on Sept. 18. Heusal showed up for this meeting but left before it began, saying that he would be "crucified" by his radio audience if he voted for an increase. On Oct. 8 he missed another meeting, this time because he "completely forgot". Heusal has not made a public statement on the issue, though he claims that will happen in the next Commission meeting. It would befit anyone willing to accept the Chairmanship of a city commission to at least attend the meetings. It's particularly important that Heusal attend the Oct. 29 meeting as state law requires that the commission make a decision by mission has been accurately described by former councilmem- ber Roger Bertoia as a "smokescreen . . . for public of- ficials to hide behind." This is not to say that no increase is justified. Mayor Ed Pierce currently earns $10,000 and city council members earn $5,500; the salaries which have been paid sin- ce 1975. It should be noted, however, that both of these positions are part-time and that all of the officials have other jobs. Pierce is seeking a salary increase to between $20,000 and $25,000 .citing the fact that he has had to cut back on his medical practice. Perhaps a more moderate recommendation would be that of former mayoral candidate Jack Garris who suggested a raise of $5,000 for the mayor and $1,500 for councilmembers. While this is no king's ransom, public service is a privilege which requires certain sacrifices. Whatever level of salary in- crease is finally decided upon it should be determined by the coun- cil. By leaving the decision up to- the commission they are literally and figuratively, passing the buck (bucks?). Heusal's behavior is inexcusable, but he never claimed to be a representative of the people. Decisions which inflame passions such as this should be undertaken To the Daily: Clarence Pendleton, the Reagan appointed Civil Rights Commissioner, came to the Law School on October 8 to address the question: "Is There Still Racism in America?" His predic- table response was that while, of course, there is still the old, familiar kind of racism, a "new racism" is emerging as the result of the substitution of race for standards in employment hiring and promotion and in University admissions. He said that he favors "Kennedy-Johnson style" recruitment and training programs over current deadlines and quotas which, he said, "are giving new meaning to the term 'racism'.' While this is an interesting argument, I submit that it is strange to hear it from an ad- ministration which has been giving new meaning to the term "War On Poverty" for over five years. Judging by the Reagan Administration's broad and vigoroustassault against most existing anti-poverty programs, one must conclude that Pen- dleton's plea for alternative methods is little more than a decoy. His real purpose is to destroy much of what little hard-earned progress has been made in get- ting government to respond to social and economic inequities. The Administration has no com- mitment to replacing existing programs with effective alter- natives; its real commitment is to drastically reduce gover- nment's role in achieving social justice. That Pendleton should quote Hubert Humphrey in sup- port of these ends defies belief! But suppose we take what Pen- dleton saysat face value. Sup- pose in response to "new racism" we design alternative programs which remain effective in ad- dressing disparities in income, employment, education, and health care. Then where is the need to abandon the current quotas and deadlines at all? All we have to do is add the recruit- ment and training programs, and the deadlines will be that much easier to meet. We can keep the Support the South End same results in terms of the quotas, while "new racism" will be completely circumvented. But Mr. Pendleton and the Ad- ministration would not want standards of accountability for effectiveness of alternatives, I would guess, even if we set those To the Daily: On October 4 you carried a front page article ("Wayne St. board fires editor," Daily) about the firing of the Wayne State editor of the student newspaper for refusing to run advertisemen- ts for the US military. This seems to me to raise questions here at the University of Michigan too. Not only does the very same number of the Michigan Daily carry a romanticized adver- tisement for the US Marines, but for several years the Time Schedule directory of classes distributed free at thesbeginning of each semester also carries such advertising. In the latest edition there are at least two such ads, each full-page, in contradic- tinction to a newspaper a vir- tually obligatory possession for all university students and many professors, a guide book, in ef- fect, to what the academic depar- tments are offering, where and when. Not only is it obligatory in this sense but it couldn't very well exist without the work of the professors, who teach the courses listed, and the students who at- tend them. To advertise in such a publication, therefore, is to piggy-back with neither per- mission nor fee on the work of the professors and students. As a professor whose two cour- ses are listed in this schedule, I feel that I am being used by the advertisers, very much including the military, and by the persons who. put the advertisements together and receive the revenue. Both these parties are using my academic worth and work in or- der to sell a commodity. Fur- thermore, and this applies with special force to the hired killers that are euphemistically called "the armed forces," it is clear that academic work is here being used to legitimate and normalize a career in the killing services. It is also worth noting that by the same process the work of academic labor is dragged down by such a terrible association - Dance review To the Daily: Susanne Baum, in her October 9 review of "Greek folk dance marred by difficulties" of Kalidoscopio of Greece, shows a fundamental lack of knowledge and understanding of Greek culture. We would like to point out some erroneous observations that she presented in her article. Baum should have understood that the Greek dancers inten- tionally look at the floor during some folk dances, to express a certain feeling. In Greek culture, folk dancing i)not only expresses the emotions of joy and en- thusiasm; but also, those of sad- ness and concern of daily life. For example, the Tapinos dan- ce of Thrace and Macedonia (Tapinos is the Greek work for humble) is a slow ceremonial dance that expresses the concer- ns of the mountain peasants and this surely applies with equal force to the large number of ads, for cars, radios, telephones, etc. thus putting everyday com- modities on a par with military and, in the final analysis, com modifying the university and a university career as well. - Michael Taussig Oct. 8, 1985 mis-steppedu about their lives and their feelings about love, war and peace. Similarly, the Zeimbekikos, a 4 popular tavern dance, is also per- formed with the dancer looking at the ground as he tries to convey his feelings and worries about love. Most of these songs are emotional and melodic, and the performers cannot display the "vivacious movements" that Baum thinks typical of all Greek dancers. If baum had read the four-page program which was distributed before the performance, she, would have had a better under- standing of the dances, the goals of the performers, and of Greek; culture. -Leonidas Bacha Leo Koloutis> Yannis Tsara, October j standards at one fourth of the existing deadlines and quotas about which they so shrilly com- plain. Which only serves to underline the obvious: Pendleton is using the minor problem of "new racism" to avoid confronting the real problem a Civil Rights Commissioner ought to be chiefly concerned with: the galling social and economic effects of "old racism". -Adam Bornstein October9 Letters to the Daily should be typed, triple-spaced, and signed by the in- dividual authors. Names will be withheld only in unusual circumstances. Letters may be edited for clarity, grammar, and spelling. r BLOOM COUN1 by Berke Breathed a L