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October 16, 1985 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-10-16

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, October 16, 1985 -Page 3
2 more arrest warrants
issued in hijackig case

Daily F
Bradford Young, an LSA sophomore, poses as Red Sox player Ted Williams in front of Bursl
Young and other students admit to admiring certain celebrities.
Students discuss their personal
(Continued from Pagen 1

ey Hall yesterday.

From AP and UPI
GENOA, Italy - Investigators
issued arrest warrants yesterday for
two more Palestinians, bringing to
seven the number of people charged
in the hijacking of the Achille Lauro
during a Mediterranean cruise that
began in this northern port Oct. 3
Gennaro Calabrese de Feo, chief
prosecutor of Genoa, would not iden-
tify the two Palestinians, reveal the.
charges against them, or say if they
were in custody.
IN DAMASCUS, Syrian and U.S. of-
ficials began examining the body of
an elderly man that washed ashore
near Tartus on Sunday, five days af-
ter Leon Klinghoffer, was shot and
thrown overboard by the Palestinian
The new arrest warrants came as
Secretary of State George Shultz in
Brussels voiced U.S. anger to Italian
Foreign Minister Giulio Andreotti
over Italy's release of Mohammed
Abu Abbas, the Palestinian believed
to be the mastermind behind the
terrorist attack.
Four Palestinians jailed in Spoleto,
Italy, already have been charged with
hijacking the Italian luxury liner off
the coast of Port Said, Egypt, with 511
people aboard Oct. 7 and of killing
Klinghoffer,an-American invalid,
during the two-day nightmare that
ended last Wednesday.
Egypt attempted to spirit the four
out of that country on Thursday, but
U.S. jetfighters intercepted the Egyp-
tian airliner carrying the hijackers
Now accepting applications for
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and two other Palestinians, including
Abbas, and forced it to land in Italy.
Egypt demanded that Reagan
apologize for the military action. But
Reagan, speech-making in Boise,
Idaho, Tuesday, replied "Never!"
when asked if the United States would
apologize for its successful strike
against terrorism.
Earlier, aboard Air Force One,
White House spokesman Larry
Speakes said Reagan had told Egyp-
tian and Italian officials he was "con-
fident he did the right thing" in inter-
cepting the airliner Thursday.
The handling of the hijack incident
has frayed the normally close
relations between the United States
and Italy and Egypt.
Commenting on Egyptian and
Italian reacton to the intercept
mission, Speakes said, "The president
has made clear to Egypt and the
Italians our position . : . He has told
them he's confident that he did the
right thing and we will continue to

work with our friends and allies in the
A SOURCE who spoke on condition
of anonymity said the prisoners a(L;
mitted hijacking the ship, but said
they did so in a change of plan made
when a waiter discovered them with
weapons in their cabin.
The men said the original planhad
been to get off the ship during the
scheduled stop at Ashdod, Israel, and
stage an attack there, the sourcb
He said they also denied killing
The four men claim membership in
the Palestine Liberation Front, a
group in the PLO that has split into
three factions, one of them led by
Mohammed Abbas. They have beeR
identified by U.S. Justice Departmen
officials as Hallahabdalu al-Asan;
Maged Yussef al-Malahi, Hammad
Ali Abdulla, and Abdel Atif Ibrahim

Vincent Van Gogh to her list of heroes,
saying the Dutch painter "epitomizes
Ooul and perseverance." "He wasn't
Interested in immediate rewards and
lived off his own intensity," she ex-
And then she rattles off leaders in
the women's rights movement "whom
I admire because they crystallize the
vague rumblings of the masses."

"My mom is the most balanced per-
son I know," says LSA freshman
Kasha Flue ge, who calls her
mother "heroic."
"SHE HAS used her experiences to
be the best person she can. I have
always looked up to her so much."
But some students say that although
they have certain individuals they
look up to, they don't let their ad-

miration become an overriding force
in their daily lives.
Holding up a book by Sergi Essinn,
LSA senior Ross Vitozki says the
Russian poet influences his writing,
but little else. "I like the way he
writes, but I wouldn't want to run my
life like his," he adds.
Other students, however, don't
claim any heroes. Said Doug Tobias,
an LSA freshman: "I'd rather not
copy anyone."
And Ted Sebransky, another LSA
freshman, adds: "I have more faith in
myself than in other people."
"When I was a kid, I wanted to be
like (former New York Mets pitcher)
Tom Seaver," Sevransky admits.
"but then he got traded, and I grew
up. I grew up a lot that day."

Oct. 16
8:00 P.M.
Tickets available at
Ticket World
(in the Michigan Union
and Hudsons)

Allen Ginsberg will read his poetry at 8 p.m. at Rackham Auditorium.
Cinema Guild - The Mysterious Island, 7 & 8:45 p.m., MLB 3.
Michigan Theater Foundation - A Soldier's Story, 7 & 9:10 p.m.,
Michigan Theater.
Mediatrics - Thunderball, 7 p.m.; You Only Live Twice, 9:15 p.m.,
Nat. Sci. Aud.
Dance Department - Ann Arbor Dance Works, 8 p.m., Studio A, Dance
School of Music - Horn recital, David Jolley, 8 p.m., Recital Hall.
Department of Economics, Graduiate School of Business Ad-
ministration - Donald Lamberton, "Developing Data Service In-
distries", 2:30 p.m., 748 North Ingalls Bldg.
Women in the Arts Series - R. Pril Smiley, musician and composer,
7:30 p.m , Chrysler Auditorium.
Appropriate Technology Association - Allen F. Roberts and Carolyn
Cabiero, "Appropriate Technology in the Developing World," 7 p.m., In-
ternational Center.
School of Natural Resources - Frank Wadsworth, "The Role of
Forester in the Tropics," 3:30 p.m., Rm. 1046, Dana Bldg.
Business Administration - Barry Sullivan, "A Day in the Life of the
CEO at First Chicago," 4 p.m., Hale Auditorium, Assembly Hall.
School of Social Work - Noreen Clark & Bonnie Kay, "Women in
Development - Health & Poverty," 12:15p.m., 4070 Frieze Bldg.
Psychiatry - Richard Nisbett, "Psychometrics of Everyday Life,"
10:30 a.m., Children's & Adolescent Pychiatric Hospital Aud.
Research Club - Lectures, John Holland, "Machine Learning";
Robert Kozma, "Learning from Media, Especially Computers," 8 p.m.,
West Conference Rm., Rackham.
Michigan Gay Union - 9 p.m., 802 Monroe.
Dissertation Support Group - 1:30 p.m., 3100 Michigan Union.
Science Fiction Club - Stilyagi Air Corps, 8:15p.m., MichigannLeague.
Ensian Yearbook - 7 p.m., Student Publications Bldg., 420 Maynard.
Baha'i Club - 5:30 p.m., Michigan Union.
Undergraduate Political Science Association - 7 p.m., Rm. 1412,
Mason Hall.
Hospice of Washtenaw - 7:30 p.m., 3765 Plaza Drive.
LSA Student Government - 6:30 p.m., third floor, Michigan Union.
Guild House Campus Ministry - Beans & rice dinner, 6 to 7:30 p.m., 802
SMonroe St.
Ark- Open mike night, 8p.m., 637 S. Main St.
Muslim Student Association - Islamic Coffee hour, noon, Rm. 3, third
floor, Michigan League.
Computing Center - Workshop, Bob Blue, Intro to Tell-A-Graf, Part II,
7 p.m., 1013 NUBS.
Chemistry - Seminars: Marjorie Carter, "Concerns in the Develop-
ment of Homogeneous Enzyme Immunoassays: An Assay for Cyclic
AMP," 4 p.m., 1200 Chem.; Stephen Crowley, "Ultrasound Promoted
Organ Organometallic Chemistry," 4p.m., 1300 Chem.
Communications - Michael Traugott, "Polical Polling for
Newspapers," noon, Marsh Sem. Rm., Frieze Bldg.
Engineering - Seminar, Alexander Morgan," "Scaling Pooynomial
Systems for Numerical Solution," 4 p.m., 241 IOE.
Microcomputer Education Center - Workshops: Basic Concepts of
Microcomputer Word Processing, 3113 SEB; MacManage: Disk & File
Management on the Macintosh, 10:30 p.m., 3001 SEB.
Minority Women's Task Force - Workshop, Stephen Hill, Goal Setting
Power, noon, Conf. Rms. 4 & 5, Michigan League.
Russian & Eastern European Studies - Brown bag lecture, Nina
Tumarkin, "The Cult of the Great Patriotic War," noon, Lane Hall Com-
mons Room.
School of Dentistry Continuing Education - Workshop, Thomas
Snyder, Computer Selection: Making an Informed Choice, Holiday Inn

U-M English Dept.
and Alice Lloyd Pilot Project








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