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October 16, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-10-16

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cl ble

Mli rtat
Ninety-six years of editorialfreedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, October 16, 1985


Vol. XCVI - No. 30

Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

Ten Pages

Today Show

comes to


Squirrels have taken to the trees,
the last remnants of green paint have
been scourged from the Diag, and the
'M' is set in blue cement just in time
for tomorrow morning's live broad-
cast of the Today Show.
NBC's nationwide morning news
show will be broadcast via satellite
simultaneously from the University of
Michigan and Brown University cam-
puses starting at 7 a.m. Bryant Gum-
bel will host the Ann Arbor portion of
the show in front of the Graduate
Library with weatherman Willard
Scott reporting from different campus
locales. Jane Pauley will be reporting
from Providence, R.I.
THE TWO universities were chosen
to contrast a big, public institution in
the mid-west with a small, private
college in the Northeast. Yesterday,
Today Show researcher, Hilary Kayle
explained: "We hope that we'll be
able to capture the spirit. . . and bring
a fair representation of both cam-
puses so that people have a sense of

the issues in higher education."
Making sure that their issues are
represented, members of the Latin
America Solidarity Committee (LASC)
will be protesting what they say is
"the poor media coverage of the bom-
bing that's going on in El Salvador that
the United States is helping to finan-
ce," according to Thea Lee, a LASC
See GUMBEL, Page 6
MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP) -
The Sandinista government issued
a decree last night suspending civil
rights because "the brutal
aggression by North America and
its internal allies has created an
extraordinary situation."
Among the rights suspended
were free expression, public
assembly, strikes and the privacy
of postal communications.
The decree, signed by President
Daniel Ortega, was read over
national radio and television.

^sc --
Daily Photo by DEAN RANDAZZO
A Today Show technician coils wire as part of the two-day preparations for the Today Show's visit to campus tomorrow morning.

MSA backs
U. Council
over code

The Michigan Student Assembly
unanimously passed a resolution last
night which insists that all formal
negotiations with students regarding
the proposed code of non-academic con-
duct be conducted through the
University Council.
The resolution to confine all
negotiations for a code to the council
comes in response to University
President Harold Shapiro's recent
threat to bypass the council if the
body doesn't formulate a workable
code soon and present the original
draft of the code to the regents.

"THIS IS to keep the process for-
malized and legal," said LSA
sophomoreaEd Kraus, the resolution's
"As soon as they bypass the council
they can bypass all proceedings laid
out in (regents bylaw) 7.02. There
would be nothing to stop them,"
Kraus said.
MSA President Paul Josephson said
"the assembly wanted to affirm that
they didn't want individual students,
by conducting negotiations with the
administration, to subvert the
privilege and right of the council to
See MSA, Page 2

Students mark World Hunger Day

When students arrive in classrooms this morning they
may find an unexpected topic under discussion: hunger.
Members of the Public Interest Research Group in
Michigan (PIRGIM) will be lecturing in dozens of classes
today as part of a fund-raising and education campaign
against hunger. The campaign includes a forum to be held
this evening and a 12-hour marathon fund-raising concert
scheduled to take place at the Michigan Theater Nov. 17.
TODAY'S EVENT were scheduled in recognition of the
United Nations' 20th annual World Food Day.
"We should be able to talk to a few thousand students"
during the classroom lectures today, said organizer' Gary
Kalman. He said the presentations would stress several
specific points.
"Essentially, the idea we're trying to get across in these
classes is that there's a problem with world hunger, (that)
in the past solutions have been looking to the short-term,
(and that) there are a number of ideas on long-term
solutions," Kalman said.
TODAY'S EVENTS will also include leafletting around
campus and a seminar led by Hugh McGuinness, a

teaching assistant who teaches a course on world hunger,
at 7 p.m. in the Michigan Union Ballroom.
P.IRGIM and similar groups around the country are
joining the U.S.A. for Africa organization to sponsor fun-
draisers for African famine relief, hold events to educate
people about world hunger, and work to relieve hunger in
local communities. PIRGIM began the campaign by
raising $700 in a bowl-a-thon last month.
Kalman said PIRGIM is concentrating both on the
world hunger relief movements and on local hunger relief
projects. He said he expects local students to be par-
ticipating in projects at local shelter and area food drives.
"People can learn a lot about food self-sufficiency through
these projects," he said.
ONCE TODAY'S lectures and forum are complete,
organizers said their attention will turn to the fund-raiser
concert, a small version of the "Live Aid" concert held
earlier this year in Philadelphia and London.
A number of local bands, including the Watusies and
Tracy Lee and the Leonards, may play at the concert. A
Grand Rapids band, Invisible Ink, is also a possible part of
the schedule for the Michigan Theatre marathon concert.

-, - _ .:d ... . .a "'L _...._.. . .,. ... . .. . . . . ..." " ..S .te .. . . . .
,Students say they need
someone to look upto

We don't need another hero.
We don't need to know the way
-Tina Turner
Although pop singer Tina Turner's
rousing voice and music have become
a hit among young listeners, she
would probably find few in her
audience who agree with her words.
Because students, though
sometimes described as rebellious
Land independent, say they do need
Particularly, many say they see in-
dividuals who have excelled in a field
of interest related to their own as
heroes they want to model.
herself is one of several celebrities
who consistently ranks at the top of
polls of youth about their heroes.
The 46-year-old singer, who recen-
lly left a torrid marriage to make one
of the most astonishing comebacks in
rock-'n'-roll, placed ninth last April in
a poll by the Roper Organization of 18-
to 24-year olds.
"Don't trivialize accomplishments
in entertainment," says Frank
Farley, an educational psychologist
at the University of Wisconsin who
last April conducted his own survey of
students on the school's Madison
HE FOUND that celebrities, par-

'Having a hero pushes me mentally ... I
need something to strive for, someone to
look up to.'
- Jessica Stockton
LSA freshman

ticularly those who had overcome a
personal tragedy, figured prominen-
tly among those people college
students most admire. But he was
quick to point out that not every hero
or heroine listed in his survey was of
celebrity status. Mom and Dad, he
discovered, surfaced as frequently as
did Albert Einstein and Mother
Students at The University of
Michigan say they want to emulate
their heroes' personal qualities as
well as professional achievements.
"Having a hero pushes me men-
tally," says Jessica Stockton, an LSA
freshman. "I need something to strive
for, someone to look up to."
GROWING UP in New York City in
a family of artists, Stockton says she
came to admire photographer Fran-
cesco Scuvullo and choreographer
Bob Fosse, whose performances she
has attended since a child.
"I first saw the show 'Dancin,'
which he choreographed, when I was
12 and I've liked him since then," she

says. "He dances the way I would like
to someday. I respect his talent and
like his style of choreography."
Bradford Young, an LSA
sophomore, says he admires Boston
Red Sox player Ted Williams, not only
for the hitter's skill, but also for his
determination in returning to the
sport after dropping out during his
prime years to serve in the military.
"(HE) SETS A good example of
persistence during hard times,"
Young explains. "I've learned to be
more persistent from him."
"My view is that there are heroes
everywhere," Farley says. "Students
see heroism cutting across a much
wider range. They are seeing heroic
proportions in their parents."
LSA junior Laura Lynch admits
that her heroes and heroines
dominate more than one field.
FIRST, SHE says she admires her
roommate who represents a "goddess
But then the aspiring artist adds
See STUDENTS, Page 3

Daily Photo by DARRIAN SMITH
Scampering hampers
Five of the University Hospitals' 17 new $60,000 automated delivery units sit on display yesterday. The
machines will deliver food and laundry in the new University hospital, which opens in January.


Very big and very lost
THE COAST GUARD reported a confused 90 foot
long humpback whale has been swimming around
San Francisco and Suisun bays for four days but

Johnston Jr. readily admits it. Johnston, a retired
General Dynamics employee, said he celebrated his
69th birthday Monday by playing gold for the 531st con-
secutive day. Johnston started the streak May 2, 1984.
"I don't remember why I started, but once I got into it,
I decided since there is no record established, I'm
onino into ea nnd nnP fr c nmannP PICPton n at " ht- s

NEW RACISM: Opinion talks with Civil Rights
Commissioner Clarence Pendleton. See Page



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