I OPINION Page 4 Tuesday, October 15, 1985 The Michigan Daily 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCVI, No.29 A420 Maynard St. AnnArbor, MI48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Relief + Recovery and rail deliveries remain low. H ow quickly we forget. Mozambique is also suffering As the front page photographs of continued setbacks. Sabotage of starving, stick-legged African relief efforts is the most unfor- children are gradually disap- tunate of problems facing the coun- pearing, and the evening news try, where insurgent activities seldom shows us reports of the have aggravated the hunger Ethiopian famine that Americans problems of more than five million were bombarded with just a few people. Hundreds of tousands are months ago the chronic crisis of displaced and live and die in world hunger is slipping to the bot- pathetic refugee camps. tom of the agenda. But it hasn't In Ethiopia, there are still more gone away. than seven million drought vicitms. Just as the famine wasn't born on But the sincere, if brief efforts of the day that BBC footage of relief world government and private camps was released to the media, organizations have somewhat so the plight of Africa has not been alleviated the absolute devastation neatly resolved, as the media's that has already been endured. fickle attention might indicate. While road transport remains a Certainly, the outpouring of in- barrier to delivering aid, special ternational concern and aid are to efforts are being made to airlift be commended. Indeed the en- supplies and expedite deliveries. thusiasm of such private voluntary But while the continued flow of efforts as the Live-Aid concert echo assistance is presently vital to the still as grain and supplies arrive at continent's continued survival, the camps. But much of Africa relief must ultimately be supplan- remains stricken with the horrors ted by recovery efforts, and again of hunger and malnutrition. international cooperation is At present, the most desperate crucial. situation exists in the Sudan, where Such efforts as the United conditions are deteriorating at a Nation's International Fund for frightening pace. The number of Agricultural Development (IFAD), people facing starvation has risen which extends credit to small far- from four million to ten million in mers must be depoliticized if the space of three months. As the Africa is ever to achieve ap- crisis intensifies, the United preciable economic independence. Nations Office for Emergency Frivolous diplomatic in-fighting Operations reports the food over percentage points of aid deliveries have dropped from fif- obligation only aggravate what is a teen percent of the daily daily human tragedy. requirements to less than a frac- The psychological dependency tion. Water supplies are grossly in- that is fostered as relief efforts con- sufficient and transportation of tinue must be mitigated with the goods is a persistent problem as hope and type of programs that rains have forced road closures IFAD encourages. Myths about South Africa By Hector Delgado It is becoming increasingly difficult to find someone outside of South Africa who is in favor of apartheid. Even Reagan ad- ministration people, not known for their liberal racial attitudes, oppose, at least in- word, apartheid. Their actions belie their words, however. They argue, as do several University of Michigan Regents, for con- structive engagement with a regime, that is not perfect, but at least anti-communist. There are people, however, genuinely concerned with social justice in South Africa, who have questions and deserve responses. There will be a teach-in against apartheid and racism on campus Oct. 17-19 designed to answer many of these questions. Among the speakers will be Congressman John Conyers and specialists on a variety of topics, including South Africans who have lived under and continue their struggle to end white minority rule in South Africa. An attempt is made here, however, to respond to several of the more commonly raised issues or questions. *Companies play a positive role in bringing about change in South Africa. Economic investment leads to economic growth. U.S. and other foreign companies have been investing in South Africa for over 100 years and substantial economic growth has indeed resulted - for whites. During this period whiterule became increasingly repressive. It was in 1948 that the Nationalist Party came to power and apar- theid ushered in by people who supported the nazi cause during WWII. Companies went into South Africa to take advantage of cheap labor and the stability insured by the country's repressive police and military apparatus. They did not go in to increase their costs and minimize their profits by in- creasing the price of labor. They are con- cerned now not because of some moral im- perative, but because their investments are no longer secure.The Wall Street Journal's, editors wrote in 1982: "South Africa itself is the best argument against the notion that economic growth necessarily brings political liberalization. Official repression Delgado is a member of the Free South Africa Coordinating Committee. coexisted quite nicely with economic growth during much of thepast 50 years or longer." To invest in South Africa is to un- derwrite apartheid. dIf we withdraw our investments, others will simply fill the void. A visiting member of the African National Congress likened this argument to someone raping your mother and telling you that if he didn't rape her, someone else would. *Divestment will hurt blacks most. Divestment will hurt those who profit most from investment: whites (particularly capitalists) in south Africa and foreign in- vestors. No doubt blacks will suffer, but as the late Chief Albert Luthuli, Nobel Prize winner and one-time ANC president, said: "The economic boycott of South Africa will entail undoubted hardship for Africans. We do not doubt that. But if it is a method which will shorten the day of blood, the suffering to us will be a price we are willing to pay. In any case, we suffer already, our children are often undernourished, and ... we die at the whim of a policeman." The few changes, mainly in petty apartheid, that we we have seen recently in South Africa are concessions forced by a growing and in- creasingly well-organized political movem- ent in South Africa and international pressures. The changes themselves are in- significant in that the structure of grand apartheid remains intact. *The AfricanNationalsCongress and other militant organizations are communist organizations which receive assistance from the Soviet Union and other socialist nations and are themselves communist. At least white South Africans are anticom- munist. (Falwell is particularly fond of this argument, as he was when he opposed the Civil Rights movement in this country.) It's convenient for those who benefit from apartheid to argue that communism is the greater evil in South Africa. The ANC has roots in Christian pacifism and has much stronger strains of African nationalism than Marxism. Because most capitalist coun- tries have chosen to be on the side of apar- theid, the ANC has had to rely increasingly on socialist countries for assistance. In any event, whatever socialist content the ANC has, it is not a Soviet or Cuban import. it grows instead from a century of South Africans painly watching capitalists profit from apartheid. 'Only organizations denouncing violence should receive the support of the United States. The ANC and other organizations tried for over 50 years to bring about change non- violently, only to be met at every turn with violent repression. This argument is pure hypocrisy. One need only point to the many times the U.S. has resorted to violent means when all other means had failed; not to mentiondthe many times it hasrused un- provoked violence against Third World people in and outside the United States. The war it is currently waging against Nicaragua is a case in point. Quite simply, black people in South Africa have virtually 4 no other channels for change open to them. Even Bishop Tutu is now having difficulty envisioning change coming about by any other means. 'What can we possibly do to make a dif- ference? Students and others in this country have already made a difference. This year alone 18 additional universities have divested completely as a result of student pressure. A rapidly growing number of local and state legislative bodies are taking substantive steps to sever economic ties with South Africa's white minority government. The Ann Arbor City Council made such a decision quite recently. Furthermore, Africans struggling for their freedom and dignity are fully aware of the international outcry against apartheid and the pressure being applied on gover- nmental and corporate patrons of apar- theid, Our efforts are a source of inspiration for them, as their struggle surely should be for us. Africans will win with or without us, We have an opportunity to expedite the process and possibly minimize the blood- shed with our efforts. History has, repeatedly taught us the painful lesson of what can happen when decent people remain silent and fail to act. The ways in which we can help are many and varied. A fundamental impetus for having a teach-in was the need to discuss concretely the role we can play on the side of social justice in South Africa and the United States. Taking the wind from the dollar's sails: Guests " T HY OF COURSE we'd W love to have you over." And with those words, uttered by a University official to a represen- tative of the Today show, the University made necessary as thorough a house-cleaning as any student's apartment has ever seen. This Thursday, the University plays host to as many Americans as can get up early enough to see a special edition of the Today Show with Bryant Gumbel hosting on location from the diag. Suddenly, in the last month and a half, the University has found the time to attend to any number of central campus eyesores. Bright green turf flanks the fresh concrete paths around the diag, and half- washed grafitti slogans call out from buildings with "SDI, pie in the ..." Yet for all the housecleaning, the campus has been attracting an even more noticeable strain of graffitti artist. This Friday brought a carload of "Spartan" painters from East Lansing who took it on themselves to redecorate central campus with gaudy green and white "MSU" word-paintings. On top of that single incident, there have also been several rush anti- rush battles painted across walk- ways all over campus. Such concentrated action as the University has been able to muster for the cleaning suggests a more efficient bureaucracy than its ap- proaches to issues such as rape prevention or code drafting do. Beneath the cosmetic gloss, there does remain the disconcer- ting matter of blacked-out street lights along several busy streets. To the University's credit, Detroit Edison electric company is truly to blame for the holdups, but it could apply pressure. But streetlights won't seem all that important on 1'nursday mor- ning, when America comes to breakfast in the University's nice clean dining room. By Jonathan Corn and Walter White Ronald Reagan and the word strength seem to go hand in hand. His arms control policy is peace through strength, his foreign policy is toughness first, and he is a firm believer in the strength of America's industries. However, strength is not always synonymous with benefit. The American dollar, a symbol of Reagan strength, is a perfect example of this. The unprecedented growth in the value of the U.S. dollar has nurtured some big problems here at home and abroad. Although college students revel at the idea of travelling through Europe for $1.50 per day, the strong dollar is responsible for about 72% of the present increase in America's trade deficit. The deficit, which has skyrocketed from $25 billion in 1981 to $150 billion in 1985, is mostly caused by three factors. First, the fast growth of the American economy has attracted many new imports. It has becomeeasy for importerstto sell their less-expensive foreign products against an expensive American market. This, accor- ding to experts, accounts for about $20 billion of the $125 billion increase. Second is the Third World debt crisis. Some of the U.S.'s best customers, like Brazil and Mexico, simply can't afford to buy American products any longer. Experts say this accounts for over $15 billion of the increase The remaining $90 billion is caused by the overvalued dollar. This trade deficit has several unfortunate results. For one, it costs American jobs. The fact that many consumer goods can be bought more cheaply abroad makes it difficult for American firms to compete. This results in layoffs and raises interest rates. Currency, like any commodity, fluctuates with the laws of supply and demand. If the price of the dollar is high, it is because it is in demand. This demand allows toward trimming the value of the U.S. dollar. In accordance with the four other largest in- dustrialized democracies, the U.S. has agreed to intervene in the currency exchange to bring about a projected 25% devaluation of the dollar. The bright side of this problem is that it is not a rigid partisan issue. The high dollar is clearly bad for everyone. It seems that any action would be welcomed by all sides. This isn't to say, however, that President Reagan wasn't pressured into taking ac- tion. Actually, he succembed to fears of rising protectionist sen- timent in Congress. Free, uninhibited trade has been one of the edifying blocks of the Reagan Administration, but this new economic initiative was born out of necessity. Since coming to office, the Reagan Administration has purposefully stayed away from intervening in currency markets. But by promoting a devaluation, the President has also avoided a big Capitol Hill showdown. It is interesting to understand how this is done. The key to un- derstanding the devaluation process is to view currency as any other commodity. It can be exchanged on the market just like corn, wheat or oranges. Its availability follows the laws of supply and demand quite closely. In that regard, it becomes easier to understand how governments can intervene. Just like the orange market can be drastically changed by the influx of surplus crops, the currency market can be changed by the influx of sur- plus dollars.tAnd who is better equipped to supply these megabucks than the U.S. gover- nment itself? The process by which the Federal Reserve intervenes to control the dollar is done by a simple phone call. When the Reserve wants to decrease the value of the dollar it places an or- der with a currency-trading bank for say 50 million Japanese yen. Paying for these yen in U.S. BLOOM COUNTY dollars increases the supply of dollars in the market decreasing the demand and driving down the value. This can be done with several different banks and with many different currencies until a moderate balance is reached. Also the Reserve does this with varying amounts of confiden- tiality depending on how they want the market to react. In this case, no secrets will be made because the fat dollar is such an issue. The Federal Reserve will just start buying foreign curren- cies in huge amounts. Despite all the hoopla, the results of the devaluation will not really be felt in the short term. Eventually, the huge trade im- balance will subside, but the more tangible parts of the economy will not show much change. For instance, interest rates should drop, but experts are predicting that the devaluation will just manage to keep them from rising. They say that the fact that nothing has been done to ease the large federal budget deficit will prevent rates from going down. Also, one might ex- pect the prices of imports to rise. However, experts believe that the foreign suppliers will not raise their prices for fear of losing their share of the market. Regardless of the results, last month's meeting between the five industrialized democracies represents the possibility of a new era in global monetary relations. With this -intervention 4 as precedence, future exchanges may not be left in the hands of laissez-faire economics. What will likely be seen is in- creased governmental activity in currency regulation. Gover- nments all over the world will at- tempt to manipulate the market in the best interests of their coun- tries' economies. This could very well be the end of the free- floating rates. LETTERS SDI resolution encouraging To the Daily: As the dust settles after the University of Michigan Regents' resolution of September 20 "en- couraging" Strategic Defense Initiative ("Star Wars") resear- ch, let us take another look at the wording of their entire resolution in par- ticular: .. . scholars ... are en- couraged to undertake that research within the framework of the Regents' Bylaws..." It is reassuring, and a sign of hope for the future, that the Regents have thus unanimously and forthrightly expressed their support, without the need for ex- tensive debate, of the present U- M guidelines on classified research, which would prohibit research with a "specific purpose to destroy human life or to in- capacitate human beings." Those who have been ap-4 prehensive lest thesebcurrent guidelines might be weakened, or even dismantled, can welcome this newest signal from the Regents that no such action is contemplated. This good news is further supported by President Shapiro's statement (September 25) : ". .. The Regents' resolution should not be read as committing the University regarding which particular type of research individual faculty should pursue, but rather as an explicit reaffirmation of existing guidelines concerning research at the University of Michigan ..." -Frances S. Eliot October 5 by Berke Breathed a i We encourage our readers to use this space to' discuss and respond to issues of their concern. Whether those topics