Page 8 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 10, 1985
A coffee break with Duchable
By Neil Galanter
TT'S AMAZING how close you can
Sget to a person after only an hour of
friendly coffee conversation. This is
what I decided after talking with
I Francois Rene Duchable who is
scheduled to perform an all Liszt
piano recital this evening at Rackham
Auditorium at 8 p.m.
Duchable is an affectionate,
animated Frenchman who spokes
exictedly about his performance here
and all of his performances in
.x general.
"Music is my friend always. At
,k home the piano is my friend, when I
play in public, the audience is the
friend." says Duchable, in his distinct
French accent.
According to Duchable one of the
most difficult things about being a
touring concert pianist is having to
constantly readjust to each new piano
Qfrom city to city. Every piano is dif-
a "Weather can affect the piano a
great deal, causing its performance
ability to go up and down like a moun-
hump on the tablecloth.
~1Duchable, age 33, was born in Fran-
ce and received all his training there.
By the time he was 13 years old he had
already won first prize in piano and
made headlines in the France-Soir
newspaper. Then, at the age of 16, he
won the Queen Elizabeth Competition
V in Brussels, Belgium and at age 21, he
drew warm admiration from the
330 S. State/Nickels Arcade - 761-6207lendary late pianist Arthur Runin-
Tonight, for his second Ann Arbor
Francois Rene Duchable's hands were made for Liszt. appearance; Duchable will perform
an all Liszt program in honor of the
upcoming Liszt Centennital of 1986.
He has programmed the heavyweight
B Minor Sonata, as well as a group of
four transcriptions which he admires 4
"I only play the pieces that I like,
and I don't like all the Liszt transcrip-
tions but these I like a lot. There is a
good deal of fine music among them,"
he says, referring to the Paraphrase
on Mozart's Don Giovanni, the tran-
scription of Berlioz's Symphonie Fan.-
tastique (2nd, 3rd, and 4th moveme-
ts), and the transcription "of
Tchaikovsky's Polonaise of Eugene
Onegin, which he will perform this 4
"In Don Giovanni, I like to pretend
that I am Don Giovanni himself as i
am playing," he says with a gentle
Duchale commented on the fact that
he will play music from his homeland
for his first U.S. orchestra concert. H
has played a many recitals and a lot of
chamber music here but never as a
soloist with an orchestra. He looks
forward to doing just that in Miami.,4
Duchable feels the music of Franz
Liszt has absolutely everything, and
he is naturally pleased to do all-LisZt
recitals. "There are elements of pure
popular romanticism in his music and
there are religious aspects as well,"
he comments.
Tonight's program will feature that
pure romantic color, chock and
brimming full of emotional warmth
and drive, Duchable's performance4
should produce ethereal results, the
kind that prompted Ovation Classical
Music Magazine to write,
"...(Duchabe) is a powerfully ac-
curate pianist, posessing th eprover-
bial cleark French tone and brilliant
technique at its best. In fact,
Duchable impresses as a born Liszt
Tickets are still available for the
whole price range, $10-$15 and can be
purchased at the Office of the Unvier-
sity Musical Society in Burton Tower
until 4:30 p.m., or at the box office
tonight from 6:30 p.m. until 8p.m.
Central Park
'Strawberry 4
Fields' opens
(Continued from Page
secretary-general. Also represented
were Britain, Hungary, Turkey, Peru,
Cyprus, Sweden and Australia.
Missing was Lennon's son by an
earlier marriage, Julian, 22, who ap
peared for the ground breaking ii
March 1984.
Ono announced plans for the park in
July 1981 inviting "all countries of the
world... to send plants, rocks, and
bricks." She said the area of the park
was "where John and I took our last
walk together."
The garden was seen as a testment
to world peace.
Jordan's fothergilla grows beside
Israel's cedar. The Soviet Union set4
river birches, and there are dog
woods from the late Princess Graceof
Monoco. The United States, which
tried to deport Lennon because ~of
alleged drug violations, is not
represented in the garden.
Hundreds of fans gathered outside
the park and lined the street to the
Dakota. They cheered "We love yo
Yoko" and "Happy Birthday, Sean"
as the mother and child made the
short walk to the ceremonies.
Sean stood through much of the
ceremony smiling shyly with his
thumbs jammed in his front pans
. The park's name comes from thi
Beatles' 1967 hit, "Strawberry Fields
Forever," which recounts the sim-
plicty of Lennon's childhood.
Strawberry Fields, according to Len-
non's biographer, was a Salvation
Army home near Liverpool, Englan,
where Lennon's aunt took him for icel
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