Percentage of hi
BOSTON (AP) - The percentage of "I THINK there's been a general
blacks entering U.S. medical schools shift in the social climate, and the im-
has fallen during the past decade portance of achieving equality for
ven though the percentage of minorities has diminshed on the
ninority applicants and their test national agenda," said Dr. Steven
cores have risen, according to a new Sheai, an internist at Columbia
report. College of Physicians and Surgeons.
The authors of the study conclude Shea said medical schools have
that a waning commitment to affir- -v %in e cannot admit more
native action, not racism, is to blame xj and other minoringe because
for the trend, they cannot find qualified applicants.
"We feel that the data show that
really is not a major issue," Shea said
in an interview, "since the ap-
plications have been rising and the
quality of the applicants has been
rising, and the acceptance rates have
been falling for minority and black
HOWEVER, August Swanson,
director of the Association of
American Medical Colleges' depar-
tment of academic affairs, denied
that schools have softened their sup-
port for affirmative action. "I think
they are still trying," he said.
The researchers said about a third of
black students and a quarter of black
faculty members are concentrated in
three predominantly black medical
schools: Howard University in
Washington, Morehouse College in
Atlanta, and Meharry Medical
College in Nashville, Tenn.
The Michigan Daily - Th
acks entering med school
Asian-Americans are
WASHINGTON (AP) - Bolstered
by waves of Indochinese war
refugees, Asians are the fastest-
growing segment of America's
population and could total nearly 10
million by the year 2000, according to
a study released yesterday.
By the turn of the century, Asian-
Americans "will comprise almost 4
percent of the U.S. population, up
from 1.5 percent in 1980," according
to the projection by the independent
1 Population Reference Bureau.
"BETWEEN 1970 and 1980, a
decade in which the total U.S.
population increased by only 11 per-
cent, the Asian-American population
soared by 141 percent," according to
the study, based on statistics collected
by the Census Bureau.
The study estimated that the num-
ber of Asians grew form the 3.5
million counted in 1980 to 5.1 million
i today, a gain of nearly 50 percent that
"reaffirms Asian-Americans' status
as currently the U.S.'s fastest
growing minority."
And, "barring any substantial
changes in immigration law, Asian-
Americans could total 9.9 million by
the year 2,000," says the study by
Robert Gardner, Bryant Robey, and
Peter Smith. The three are staff
members of the Population Institute
of the East-West Center in Honolulu.
THE GROWTH of the Asian
population is closely linked to the
great immigration surge in recent
years occurring as refugees streamed
in following the war in Indochina. The
influx also occurred in the wake of
liberalized immigration policies that
took effect in 1968, the study said.
"Successive waves of immigrants
have come to the U.S. from Asia for
more than a century, beginning with
the Chinese and Japanese. More
recently, people from the Philippines,
fasWst-growg group
India and Korea have come in In addition, the image of Asians has
growing numbers. Waves oftrefugees also changed sharply from earlier
from Indochina ... followed the end of times.
the Vietnam War in 1975," the study "Once looked down upon as poorly
noted. educated, blue collar Orientals,
Asians made up less than 0.3 per- Asian-Americans are now perceived
cent of the nation's population early in as a model minority," the report
this century, growing only slowly to states.
0.4 percent by 1950, 0.5 per cent in 1960
and 0.7 percent in 1970. But the 1980 OVERALL, Asian-Americans are
census found them making up 1.5 per- better educated, occupy higher rungs
cent of all U.S. residents, and they are on the occupational ladder and earn
estimated at just over 2 percent more than the general population,
today. although there are vast disparities
EVEN WITH a projected growth to between individuals.
about 4 percent of the population by Chinese and Japanese are expected
the year 2000, Asians would remain to make up a smaller share of the
the nation's third-largest minority, af- overall Asian-American population,
ter blacks and Hipanics. the study said.
At predominantly white schools, the
percentage of blacks in the entering
class rose from less than 1 percent in
1948 to 6.3 percent in 1974. But it has
dropped since then, and was 5.6 per-
cent in 1983.
BETWEEN 1970 and 1974, the ac-
ceptance rate for black applicants
was higher than for whites. But after
1974, the acceptance rate for blacks
fell from 43 percent of the applicants
to 40 percent in 1983. At the same
time, the acceptance rate for whites
rose from 35 percent to 50 percent.
The acceptance rate for whites has
been higher than for blacks since 1978.
During this same period, the
proportion of blacks among applican-
ts rose from 5.6 percent to 7.3 percent.
The researchers said that from 1977
to 1983 the scores of both blacks and
whites on the Medical College Ad-
missions Test improved. Blacks'
scores improved more, although they
still trailed whites'.
"WE CONCLUDE from these data
that the commitment of medical
schools to affirmative action has
ursday, October 10, 1985 -Page 5
slackened," they wrote. The report by
Shea and Dr. Mindy Thompson
Fullilove of the University of Califor-
nia at San Francisco, was published in
today's New England Journal of
Swanson said that over the past
decade, the actual number of black
applicants has stayed virtually the
same, while white applications have
fallen sharply.
The researchers noted that some af'-
firmative action programs were
dismantled as a result of a 1978&
Supreme Court decision. Allan Bakke,
a white, argued that he was twice
rejected by the University of Califor-
nia medical School at Davis because
of his race. The court ruled that the
school had failed to show that quotas
were necessary to achieve diversity
and had violated Bakke's right to
equal protection.
At the end of World War II, a third
of the nation's medical schools were
closed to blacks. The color bar was
not entirely removed in the South until
Football player detained
in armed robbery case
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(Continued from Page 1)
described as six feet tall and weighing
160 pounds, implied that he had a
weapon, although no weapon was seen
by bank employees or customers. The
suspect then left the bank with an un-
determined amount of cash.
According to Moons, he was at the.
bank at the time of the robbery but
was not aware of what had happened.
After he left the bank, a female wit-
ness allegedly identified him to police
as the suspect, and he was followed as
he drove to practice. Along the way,
he picked up an unidentified equip-
Pment manager and then proceeded to
the athletic complex. Once there, he
entered the Michigan locker room
where police officers apprehended
He was taken to the police station,
where he was questioned and
released. He is no longer a suspect in
the case.
"I'M SURE that they think he had
nothing to do with it or they wouldn't
have released him," said Ann Arbor
Police Capt. Donald Carnahan.
Moons would not comment further
on the incident until he had time today
to speak to head coach Bo Schem-
bechler. Schembechler, meanwhile,
stressed that a mistake had been
"Apparently somebody mistakenly
identified Pat Moons as a bank rob-
ber," the 17-year head coach said. "I
mean that is a big mistake. Pat just
happened to be in the wrong place at
the wrong time."
SCHEMBECHLER, who witnessed
the arrest, noted that everything went
smoothly between the police and
Moons during the arrest.
"The police were nice about it,"
said Schembechler. "They used
proper procedure, but they didn't take
any chances.
"Pat was really good about it, he
didn't get upset or anything," the
coach added. "I saw him when they
had him in the wagon and I asked him
'Were you at the bank?' He said 'Yes,
I had to make a withdrawal.' I said
'You just go down with them and we'll
get it straightened out."'
Police are still investigating the
robbery, and the suspect is still at
No one was injured in the incident, a
Comerica official said. The bank was
closed for the rest of the afternoon.
Wallet stolen
A wallet valued at three dollars was
stolen from the men's locker room in
the CCRB on Monday, according to
Campus Security.
-Linda Holler
& U .r1 I E 4810l4
Daily editor Andrew Ericksen
filed a report for this story.
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