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October 10, 1985 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-10-10

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Page 2- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, October 10, 1985

Battered women stage vigil
By ROD COFFEE Co-sponsored by the Coalition for a GRETCHEN Broman shared her opened to the audience and women
About 100 women gathered on the Grassroots Shelter and the Women's experiences of family violence with from the crowd shared their personal
steps of the Federal Building last ,Crisis Center, the program began the crowd and then proceeded to lead experiences with the audience.
b tha a ttar d with Coalition member Maureen Fit- them in several group songs which In conclusion of the ceremony, both



night to remem er i e I erea
women who have died at the hands of
their assailants and to celebrate those
who have survived a battering

zsimmons sharing the stories of
several women wh ed in spouse
abuse incidents ove past several

she wrote.
Following this, candles were lighted
and the crowd observed a moment of
silence in honor of the victimized
women. A microphone was then

men and women locked arms and
formed a human chain as a show of
solidarity, singing their rendition of
"We Shall Overcome."

House approves comparable worth study

on Wednesday passed 259-162 a bill
authorizing a study of whether women
and minorities in the federal workfor-
ce are victims of pay discrimination,
which could lead to a pay system
based on comparable worth.
Final passage came after five hours
of debate and a half dozen votes rejec-
ting Republican amendments
designed to reverse the bill's intent.
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THE legislation, which now goes to
the Senate, is supported by women's
groups and labor unions that argue
women in government and in the
private sector are almost always paid
less than men with jobs of similar
Buteconservative Republicans, who
had been trying to delay the measure
for months, argued that raising pay
for certain jobs just because they tend
to be held by women would result in
lawsuits and could cripple the U.S.
"This bill is a guide for expanding
an already bloated bureau*acy. It
will not equalize pay. It will com-
plicate the labor market and keep the
courts of this country forever tanlged
in a web of confusion," said Rep.
David Monson (R-Utah).
"It tells young people out of college
that the politicians and the
bureaucrats will decide what they will
be paid," said Rep. Robert Walker
(R-Pa.). "Your skills and your am-
bition don't matter because a com-
mission will decide your worth," he
The bill's supporters said the
legislation wouldn't necessarily lead
to a federal pay scale based on com-
parable worth, but it would insure
that the government is complying
with fair labor practices. They said
scores of companies and local gover-
nments have studied the concept of
comparable worth and some already
apply it.
"We in Congress are the actual em-

ployers of federal workers and like
any corporation, we owe it to them to
study w14her there is
discriminatio said the bill's chief

sponsor, Rep. Mary Rose Dakar (D-
Ohio). "Major corporations have done
it, state and local governments have
done it, and we should, too."

'U' Council faces decision
on Shapiro's code warning

(Continued from Page 1)
THE COUNCIL must also
draft a series of guidelines
for the different sections
of the University - such as dor-
mitories - to follow in determining its
own rules and procedures. For exam-
ple, the council will probably require
that the accused be given due process
before convicted, leaving its enfor-
cement up to the individual sections.
One question that will come up, and
may tie up the council for longer than
the two-month limit, Schnaufer said,
is whether or not the University
should punish protestors, and if so,
"It may come up in the guidelines
like 'the Univerity will not punish
political protests,' "Schaufer said.
SCHNAUFER, along with the other
two students on the council, believes
the University should not have the
authority to punish its protesters.
Instead, Schnaufer says the Univer-
sity should take its cases to the civil
court. "We've said all along that if
you show us a problem, we'll solve it.
But they haven't shown us a problem
yet. Isn't 10 years in jail enough? If
they can't beat the civil process, they
shouldn't try to prosecute on cam-
However, William Sturgis, assistant
to the vice president and chief finan-
cial officer, thinks the University has
a right to enforce its rules.
STURGIS maintains that the Un-
iversity is a special institution,
similar to a corporation, and should
have its own rules and modes of en-
forcement like companies.
In cases of misdemeanors, the ac-
cused may not be sent to j ail and
allowed to return to campus, Sturgis
said. "We have to have a way to
defend ourselves from these kinds of
Neither, however, ruled out the
possibility that the council could

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finish on time. "There's a remote
possibility the political stuff could tie
us up," Schnaufer said, but he predic-
ted the council could have a general
outline completed by January.
"I JUST don't know (if we can finish
on time)," Sturgis said. "We'll have
to work a lot faster than we have been.
We haven't covered much ground so
Archie Andrews, director of the
University's special housing
programs and a council member,
agreed the panel could finish, but only
if it stayed free of "getting stuck in
Noting the controversy behind
student protests, Adnrews suggested
the council could finish most of its
code, deferring how to deal with
protests until after January.
"WE COULD spend a bwhole
semester just talking about
(protests)," Andrews said.
Schnaufer said he didn't know if
Shapiro would grant such an exten-
sion and that he was against recon-
sidering the administration's
proposal. "We should not be feeding
Shapiro's appetite," he said.
"Our reference should be the
University community, not just the
Shapiro was not available for com-
OTHERS ON the council said they
wanted to talk among the council
before deciding what they would do.
But Andrews said he preferred con-
tinuing their work.
"I'm not opposed to working from
the Nov. 15 (administration's) code
proposal, but we've put so much work
into this, I have a lot involved in it."
Andrews said he favored staying
away from the November code
because of political reasons. He said
the council decided not to take up that
code proposal last year because the
"students on the council, and a large
part of the University community
were so against it. It was politically
unwise to do it then, and it may be
unwise to do it now."
Council members, however, fear
they may be taken out of the code
issue unless it reconsiders the ad-
ministration's proposal.
for post
(Continued from Page 1)
currently advertising the position in
such publications as tle New York
Times as follows: -
"...The Vice President for
Academic Affairs and Provost serves
as the chief academic officer, exer-
cises general executive respon-
sibilities in connection with the
educational programs, and is respon-
sible for leadership on all matters of
budget allocations. Candidates for the
position will also be evaluated for
strength in the following areas:
*commitment to excellence in
teaching, scholarship, and reasearch;
edemonstrated capacity for
academic leadership, including broad
experience in budgetary and person-
nel management;
*ability to work effectively with the
various constituencies of the Univer-
sity, internal and external;
"a commitment to affirmitive action
and equal opportunity;
"a commitment to represent interests
of both the faculty and students in the
affairs of the University; and the
eability to inspire confidence
throughout the University com-


Senate passes fed. budget plan
WASHINGTON - The Senate voted 75 to 24 yesterday to force the
federal government to balance its budget in six years. The vote opened
the way toward expected congressional passage of legislation to tem-
porarily alleviate the government's current credit crunch.
The balanced-budget plan would dramatically alter the process by
which government funds are authorized and spent, requiring that the
president andCongress meet increasingly stringent yearly deficit-
reduction targets.
Under the proposal, the deficit would have to be reduced to $180 billion
in the current fiscal year, $144 billion in fiscal 1987, and zero by fiscal 1991.
The president for the first time would be required to submit a budget
each year that would meet these specified targets, and Congress would be
required to adopt a budget - and pass related appropriations bills - that
also stayed within them.
S. African Christians gather
to 'repent' for apartheid
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - Tens of thousands of South Africans
of all races attended prayer services yesterday to "repent for the national
sin of apartheid," while blacks around the country stayed home from
work in droves.
Police headquarters in Pretoria said mobs killed two blacks early
yesterday in black townships outside Port Elizabeth in eastern Cape
Province. Both were victims of increasing black mob violence against
people who may be seen as collaborators with the white government.
Tires were placed around their necks, they were doused with gasoline,
and burned to death.
Townships that have been caught up in 14 months of bloody rioting that
left more than 750 people dead appeared relatively calm during the
nationwide display of support for peaceful change in the national system
of institutionalized racial separation.
The "prayaway" was arranged last month by about 400 church leaders
from 48 Christian denominations who launched a National Initiative for
Reconciliation. Bishop Desmond Tutu, the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize win-
ner, initially asked the group to endorse a week-long boycott of work to
press for race reforsm, but the church group decided instead on a single
day of prayer.
Mi. Senate challenges veto
LANSING - The Senate voted in a nearly perfunctory fashion yesterday
to repass, over Gov. James Blanchard's veto, provisions of the social ser-
vices budget which would effectively eliminate welfare abortions.
The 27-7 vote was cast without a word of debate. The item had not even
been announced as part of the morning's regular agenda.
The Senate has voted repeatedly in recent years to override Blanchard
and his predecessor on the abortion issue. The problem, for abortion foes,
has been getting the House to go along.
Yesterday's vote concerned a line in the Department of Social Services
budget limiting abortion funding during the 1986 fiscal year to a token $1.
Pending in the House is a motion to override Blanchard's veto of a bill
which would permanently prohibit state funding for Medicaid abortions.
Abortion foes have been unable, so far, to muster the 74 votes they need to
override Blanchard on that measure.
500 feared dead in flood
PONCE, Puerto Rico - Gov. Rafael Hernandez Colon joined hundreds
of mourners in the city coliseum yesterday for a mass funeral of many of
the 68 known victims of this week's floods and mudslides. An official said
as many as 500 more are feared dead.
Sobbing and wailing relatives and friends filed past the caskets of 23 of
the 25 bodies pulled from the mud and debris of the nearby Mameyes
shantytown, where a Monday morning landslide triggered by a tropical
deluge destroyed 400 homes.
Hernandez Colon said, "This is the worst tragedy ever to hit our island
in its history. It fills me with pain, as governor and as a Ponce native."
Rescue teams working around the clock reported finding three more
bodies under the Mameyes mud Tuesday night, bringing the unofficial
count there to 28.
Ponce's deputy mayor, Angel Emeteno Atienza, estimated as many as
500 bodies are still buried in Mameyes. But Luis Armstrong, a deputy
district attorney in charge of a temporary morgue at the site, said inter-
views with relatives and neighbors led him to believe up to 100 are still
Congress secretly approves
funds for Afghan rebels
WASHINGTON - Congress has secretly approved some $250 million in
further covert military aid to rebels fighting the Soviet-backed regime in
Afghanistan, Senate sources said yesterday.
One source, who with the others asked not to be identified by name, said
the money will be spent to buy large quantities of ammunition, small ar-
ms, grenade launchers, and anti-helicopter air defense weapons.
"It will enable them to replenish their stocks," he said. "He's a one-time
replenishment. There is nothing being introduced that is brand new or
especially esoteric. It's the kind of thing easily available anywhere in the
He said he could not confirm reports that the weapons may include the

British-made Blowpipe portable missile system, used by Britain during
the 1982 Falklands War with Argentina.








Vol XCVI -No. 26
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the Fall and Winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April - $18.00 in Ann Arbor; $35.00 outside the city. One term -
$10.00 in town; $20.00 out of town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and Sub-
scribes to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles
Times Syndicate, and College Press Service.


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