Alt i'au
Ninety-six years of editorialfreedom
Vol. XCVI -No. 25
Copyright 1985, The Michigan Doily
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday October 9, 1985
Eight Pages
High court
hears case
involving 'U'
The United States Supreme Court yesterday heard the
University's case against a former fourth-year medical
student who was expelled from the University in 1981.
The case against Scott Ewing, who now lives in Chicago,
went to the Supreme Court because it involves a dispute
over the violation of a constitutional right and because the
University contends that a lower court ruling in favor of
Ewing was in contradiction with previous Supreme Court
EWING enrolled in the University's Inteflex program in'
1975. He first filed suit against the University in 1982, after
an unsuccessful appeal to a panel of professors who ex-
pelled him for substandard academic performance.
A University legal brief said that Ewing was placed on
academic probation three times before his expulsion,
which came after his failure on Part One of the National
Board of Medical Examiners test. The brief also says
Ewing's score was the lowest ever received by a student
at the University. Medical students take the test before
beginning work on medical internships.
Ewing asked to be reinstated at the University and to be
given a chance to retake the test. The panel of professors
who made the decision to expell him upheld their original
decision, making Ewing the first University student
denied a chance to take the examination again.
EWING then filed in U.S. District Court in Detroit,
which upheld the University's decision, saying that the
University was immune from such a suit.
Ewing appealed his case to the sixth U.S. Circuit Court
in Cincinnati, which ruled in his favor. The court stated
See 'U', Page 3
Ask president to intervene
One hundred Wayne State University studen-
ts rallied yesterday to protest the firing of the
student newspaper's editor and ask the univer-
sity president to enter the controversy.
Patricia Maceroni lost her $150 a week
position last Thursday because she refused to
print military advertisements in the school
paper, The South End.
YESTERDAY'S demonstrations began at
Gullen Mall, the center of campus, where the
students rallied for 35 minutes. They then set
off for university President David Adamany's
McKenzie Hall office.
Evan Dixon, vice president of the campus
student council, and an organizer of the march,
said the students wanted Adamany to "inter-
vene and establish mediation before"
Maceroni's dismissal is taken to court.
Maceroni has said she may ask a court to settle
the issue if she is not reinstated.
According to Jim Burrows, the lone mem-
ber of the WSU plublications board who voted
against Maceroni's dismissal, when the
demonstrators reached McKenzie Hall they
were met by campus and Detroit police officers
who were trying to barricade the building.
HE SAID protesters tried to enter the
building as police were attempting to lock it.
"They handcuffed the doors shut to McKen-
zie Hall while people were inside," he said. "I
tried to walk into it . ..and the police punched
me (and) threw me back out of the building and
finished barricading the doors."
Burrows, who resigned from the publications
board after Macerom's firing, saidhe was sur-
prised by the police officers' aggressiveness.
"I'm 38 years old and balding," he said. "I'm
really not a very threatening person.r"
"I THINK violence is inappropriate at.
anytime and most especially on a college cam-
pus in response to the needs of a student," he
A Detroit police spokesman said there were,
no injuries or arrests during the protest and
refused to comment further on the incident.
After the protesters spent an hour in front of
McKenzie Hall, Dixon and the student council
president, Jay Grossman, were allowed into
the building to take a written statement to.
Adamany. But when they arrived at the office
they learned that Adamany had left the office
shortly before the protest.
DIXON SAID he believed the protest was
successful because the student council officers
were able to arrange a meeting with
Adamany. They are scheduled to meet with
him at 10 a.m. today.
Adamany could not be reached for comment.
Dixon said he will ask Adamany to reinstate
Maceroni until the issue is settled and arrange
for the dispute to be mediated by a third party
on campus.
"Hopefully (Adamany) will be able to stop
this thing from going to court," Dixon said.
Guiding light Daily Photo by JOHN MUNSON
The morning sun creates a pattern in an East Quad stairwell yesterday.
P calls for
S. African
The United States must enact com-
plete economic sanctions against
South Africa or risk becoming
enemies with those fighting apartheid
in that nation, according to Onmarou
Garba Youssoufou, ambassador to the
United Nations from the Organization
of African Unity.
Speaking before about 200 Peace
Corps volunteers at a luncheon in the
Michigan Union yesterday,
Youssoufou said "It's academic if you
help us (fight apartheid),"-he said,
"we are going to win, with or without
the United States."
YOUSSOUFOU warned that history
is recorded so precisely now that 20
years in the future South
Africans will be able to "turn on a
videotape" and see exactly what the
United States' stance was now.
"If you jump on the bandwagon and
endorse comprehensive economic
sanctions against South Africa, you
will show the blacks in that country
that you really care. If you don't and
we win, you're ging to have a
problem," he said.
See SPEECHES, Page 6
Ex-SLS director blasts code
A former director of Student Legal
Services last night accused Univer-
sity President Harold Shapiro of
trying to coerce the University Coun-
cil into drafting a code for non-
academic conduct similar to the one
last proposed by the administration
last November.
Jonathon Rose, who served as
director of SLS from 1975 to 1981, said
Shapiro is "trying to coerce anyone's
endorsement because he's saying if
you don't write a code, we're going to
do it worse."
SPEAKING after he addressed the
Michigan Student Assembly about the
dangers of submitting passively to a
code, Rose predicted that the ad-
ministration will eventually "try to
manufacture history" by claiming
that the student body favored a code,
even if the students actively resist its
The code issue heated up again this
week when two students on the
University Council - which has been
attempting to write an alternative to
the code proposed by the ad-
ministration last November 15 -
revealed that Shapiro had threatened
to bypass the council and submit the
November code to the regents in
Originally proposed by the Univer-
sity in 1983, the Code for Non-
Academic Conduct would create a
mechanism for the University tc
punish students, faculty, and staff, for
various offenses outside the
See EX-SLS, Page 3
Pendleton says racism in
America will always exist
Diag relit, but
S. University
still in the dark
One of President Reagan's most
controversial appointees, Civil Rights
Commission Chairman Clarence
Pendleton, yesterday told a largely
hostile University addience that
racism still exists in the United
"There is racism in America. There
always will be," Pendleton said at the
speech, which was sponsored by the
Federalist Society, an organization of
law students. "It cannot be prevented
by laws or regulations."
BUT HE added that there is a "new
racism" in America, an example of
'There is racism in
America. There
always will be.'
- Clarence Pendleton
which is "substituting race for stan-
dards in employment and admission
to college."
Advocacy of this thinking by black
leaders, pendleton said, is a "role
reversal" in that they now want
"equality of results."
During the question and answer
session which followed the speech in
Hutchins Hall, demonstrators
wearing black face makeup ap-
proached the podium and accused
Pendleton of having an "European
mind hiding behind a black face."
The protesters, who would identify
themselves only as "concerned mem-
bers of the Ann Arbor African-
american community," then put a
Bible on the podium to aid in what
they called an "exorcism" of Pen-
PENDLETON chuckled at the
demonstration, saying it represented
a "slave mentality."
See STUDENTS, Page 6
... attacks affirmative action
Training begins for rape workshop leaders
A power outage in the Diag that
lasted three nights has raised a great
deal of concern among University
students over the lack of light at late
From Saturday night through Mon-
day night, there were no lights on the
Diag or along S. University Street. As
of last night, light had returned to the
Diag, but S. University remained
ACCORDING to Leo Heatley, the
director of the Department of Public
Safety, there have been similar
outages around campus during the
past month.
Heatley said he was told that the
outages could have been caused by
the subcontractors from the Univer-
sity's new phone company inadver-
tently cutting the wrong cables un-
derground, where they are installing
new phone lines.
Neither Al Stevens, a foreman at
the University Electric Shop, nor
George Thompson of the Detroit
Edison Company were available to
give a reason for the outages.
CONCERN among students for
their own safety at night has in-
creased because of the outages.
Suzanne Wagner, a graduate student,
said she felt "lousy" about the recent
outages, because "it's very dark to be
walking home alone."
Janice Simon, a Ph.D. candidate in
history of art, was angered by the
outages, noticing that the lights on S.
University have been out for days and
have yet to come back on. "With all
the problems of assault in this city...
you think they'd do something about
"We've received a lot of complaints
from students and staff people" about
the poor lighting, Heatley said, adding
that his office is trying to get Detroit
Edison to fix the lights quickly.
"The more people who squawk
about (the outages), the faster they
will get fixed," he said.
Administrators, student coordinators, and
representatives from the county's Assault Crisis
Center kicked off training sessions for workshop
leaders last weekend as part of the Sexual Assault
Prevention and Education Center that the Univer-
sity recently established.
The 90-minute workshops will focus on acquain-
tance rape and are scheduled to begin late this
fall. The workshops will be available to dorm
residents, fraternities, sororities, co-ops, and
other student groups, said David Lovinger, an art
school senior and a student coordinator of the
THE VOLUNTEER student facilitators will go
through close to 20 hours of training in the next two
weeks. The training was designed by the Assault
Crisis Center and includes group facilitation
techniques, myths and facts concerning rape,
some prevention methods, and ways to deal with a
victim of sexual assault, officials said.
These workshops are the first program to come
out of the new sexual assault center which has yet.
to hire a coordinator. Members on the hiring
committee hope to have someone on board by
November 1, said Marvin Parnes, co-chair of the
hiring committee and assistant director of housing
The workshops were initially planned by a num-
ber of groups, including the Michigan Student
Assembly, several University offices, and the
crisis center which serves Washtenaw County.
Those groups later joined with the new campus
center to organize the program.
"IT IS NOT all a cold and heartless
bureaucracy. There are some people who care,"
Parnes said.
After running three pilot workshops in July, or-
See RAPE, Page 3
Dealer in immortality
4MROF. JACK Tomlinson calls himself "a
ts that are little more than bent spears and togas, of-
fering little information about the life of the common
man, he said. "I'm a dealer in immortality in a sense,"
the biology professor said on Tuesday about his sab-
batical project. "What we need.. . is to take everyday
items and preserve them in such a way as to take them
past the 'ugly duckling' stage of worthless junk," said
Tomlinson in a telephone interview at his home in the
1Santa Cruiz County town of Felton. "After a hundred
flying his wife, Claire, and an unidentified passenger to
the Iowa-Michigan State game Saturday in Iowa City
when his plane developed engine trouble. He set the
single-engine Piper Aero-Two down on state highway
175 near Hubbard in a "perfect no-power landing"
around 10 a.m. Saturday, the Hardin County Sheriff's
department said Monday. Carlson, a guard on the Iowa
football team in the late 1940s, arranged to have the
WEATHER: Cloudy and mild with a high in the
MID-EAST: Opinion offers three perspectives
an Israel's invu.aianofTunim. D.A* A
i 1