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October 07, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-10-07

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Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

air igow


Ninety-six years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCVI - No. 23

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, October 7, 1985

Eight Pages


students built

Peace Corps legend

The stately bronze plaque at the
front entrance of the Michigan Union
tells only a portion of the story.
"Here at 2 a.m. on October 14, 1960,
John Fitzgerald Kennedy first defined
the Peace Corps," the marker's in-
scription reads. "He stood at the place
marked by the medallion and was
cheered by a large and enthusiastic
For a profile of the Peace Corps ex-
perience, see page 3.
student audience for the hope and
promise his idea gave the world."
THE WORDS the marker refers to
sparked the ideals of the Peace Corps
as the young presidential hopeful cap-

tivated the students' imagination.
And today, that plaque and the
inevitable changes that occur when a
story is passed down have formed a
legacy that any university would en-
Yet there would be no legacy or
legend if idealistic University studen-
ts hadn't latched onto the idea of a
Peace Corps. The media and even
Kennedy himself were late in picking
up on that morning's events.
KENNEDY rolled into Ann Arbor
having just completed the third of his
televised debates with opponent
Richard Nixon.
The senator from Massachusetts
had come to spend the night in the
Union before beginning a whistle-stop
tour through nine Michigan cities the
next day.
While addressing the crowd outside
the Union, he told the students this

campaign was the most important in
years because of the problems facing
the United States. He then asked his
audience a question.
"HOW MANY of you, who are going
to be doctors, are willing to spend your
days in Ghana? Technicians or
engineers, how many of you are willing
to work in the foreign service and
spend your lives traveling around the
world? On your willingness to do that,
not merely to serve one year or two
years in the service, but on your
willingness to contribute part of your
life to this country, I think will depend
the answer whether a free society can
compete. I think it can! And I think
Americans are willing to contribute.
But the effort must be far greater
than we have ever made in the past."
"I come here tonight asking your sup-
port for this country over the next

Judith Guskin, a University
graduate pledged her support for
Kennedy and for the Peace Corps.
She was one of the first to realize the
implications of Kennedy's remarks.
"He came to Ann Arbor basically to
sleep. He must have looked at the
students and decided to try the idea
out,"she said.
"THE CRITICAL factor was that
the campaign was almost over. The
fact that the students responded to it
spontaneously made him make up his
But the enthusiastic student respon-
se wasn't echoed by the media.
The Daily, for example, covered the
speech. But only a short mention of
Kennedy's questions appeared in the
reports of the event.
"'KENNEDY called upon the
students to comprehend the nature of
the situation facing American today

and to offer themselves to the cause of
the United States," the article said.
The' remarks faded into the pre-
election hysteria. And it wasn't men-
tioned again, until the following week
when Chester Bowles, a Democratic
congressman from Connecticut and

an advisor to Kennedy, brought up the
issue during his own speech at the
He suggested the establishment of a
United Naitons Civil Service which
would send skilled individuals to
See STUDENTS, Page 3

Students prepare to,
protest Bush's talk

When Vice President George Bush
walks onto the steps of the Michigan
Union today to commemorate the 25th
anniversary of the Peace Corps, he
will be greeted by demonstrators op-

posing the Reagan administrations
policies in Central America, South
Africa, and the administration's
nuclear weapons policies.
Bush's speech, scheduled for about
2:30 p.m. is the highlight of a two day


hap h
sk o

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Two students on the University Council
yesterday disclosed that University President
Harold Shapiro has threatened to submit a
code of nonacademic conduct to the Board of
Regents in January, unless the council makes
progress in drafting its own version.
According to Eric Schnaufer, a law student
on the council, Shapiro made his views known
last week in meetings with students involved
in the issue.
SCHNAUFER was not present at the
meetings, but he said MSA President Paul
Josephson met privately with Shapiro
Tuesday. And on Thursday, Shapiro and
Virginia Nordby, a policy advisor to Shapiro
on the code, met with Josephson, as well as
with councilmembers Ben Long, an LSA
junior, and Suanne Cohen, a law student.
Josephson confirmed last night that he had
met with Shapiro, and*'that the president of-
fered to let MSA write its own code, if it used
as a base the last version written by the ad-

Schnaufer said he was told by Josephson af-
ter the meeting that Shapiro planned to
bypass- Regents bylaw 7:02 in asking the
board to . approve the guidelines
on behavior for students, faculty, and staff
outside the classroom. The bylaw states that
both MSA and the faculty Senate Assembly
must approve a code before it is sent to the
regents for approval.
BOTH GROUPS opposed the nonacademic
bonduct code last year, saying it violated
their constitutional rights. Some said the
University should be unable to punish stud-
ents, faculty and administrators for certain
nonacademic offenses as civil disobedience.
Shapiro, however, said last year that he
might ask the regents to change the bylaw so
that a code could be implemented without
support from the groups. He refused to com-
ment on this latest development last night.
Schnaufer said he was told that if Shapiro
submitted a code to the regents, it would be
similar to the November 14 code and would
See SHAPIRO, Page 6

SDI conference
triggers .debate

Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Thomas Wilcher struggles for an extra yard during Michigan's 33-6 victory over Wisonsin. Wilcher's -67 yards helped the
Wolverines roll up 226 yards on the ground while notching their fourth straight win.

Wisconsin head coach
Clain probably could not
he never returns to Ann A
Saturday, after his tear
its way to the stadium,
Badgers got lost on the fie
6 to Michigan after los

bumps Badgers,
EL seven times, one more than they had haven't won
h Dave Mc- in last year's 20-14 loss. dropped to 3-
t care less if THE GAME was not the greatest "We won,I
rbor. for Michigan, which made a few more Michigan c
m got lost on mistakes than usual, but the win was "We did som
, McClain's good enough to put the Wolverines at then again1
ld, falling 33- 4-0, their best start since the 10-2 1978 sistency onc
ing the ball Rose Bowl season. The Badgers, who Se

in Ann Arbor since 1962,
that's what counts," said
oach Bo Schembechler.
ne pretty good things, but
there wasn't much con-
offense. (Wisconsin) took
e 'M', Page 8

Supporters and opponents of President
Reagan's 'Star Wars' missile defense system
clashed at Rackham Auditorium Friday night
over the program's technical, strategic, and
economic feasability, as well as its effects on
University research.
In a display of emotion, opponents argued
the proposed system would be technically im-
possible and economically ruinous, and would
escalate the arms race. They. also predicted
that 'Star Wars' research currently being
performed at the University would become
THE SYSTEM'S supporters, including two

representatives of the Reagan adminstration,
countered that present research is too
preliminary to determine the program's
technical feasibility. James Ionson, a director
of the office that oversees 'Star Wars' resear-
ch contracts, repeatedly assured the audience'
that university research would never become
Friday night's conference, entitled "The
Strategic Defense Initiative and Univer-
sities," was sponsored by the Michigan
Student Assembly, Campuses Against
Weapons in Space, and the Office of Student


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'U' turns
down more
than ever

Although the number of college-age
students is dropping, the University
was so flooded with applicants that it
turned away more potential freshmen
this year than ever before.
Although this fall's freshmen.
enrollment remains constant at about
4,420, the number of qualified students
denied entrance to the University rose
from 3,000 in 1984 to 4,700 in 1985, ac-
cording to Cliff Sjogren, director of
the Office of Admissions.
"THE INCREASE in denials was
caused by an all-time record number

of applications received," Sjogren
"This year's class is at least as good
as last year's class (academically),
and probably a little bit better," he
added, noting that this year's in-
coming students ranked about the
same in their graduating class as last
year's but their test scores were
FORTY-ONE percent of the in-
coming freshmen graduated in the top
five percent of their high school class;
eighty-nine percent in the top fifth,
Sjogren said. He added that the

figures for the 1984 freshman class
were nearly the same.
"The number of students submit-
ting at least one Advanced Placement
test score rose four percent between
1984 and 1985," Sjogren said, adding
that AP scores submitted also jumped
by seven percent.
"Of the 1985 freshmen that took the
SAT, 533 scored in the top three per-
cent of national college-bound seniors
in the verbal, while 601 scored in the
top three percent in math," said
See FRESHMEN, Page 6

City Council considers
S. African divestment

First Ward Democrat Larry Hunter
will introduce a resolution at tonight's
City Council meeting directing the
city's pension board to divest its funds
in firms doing business in South
It will be Hunter's second attempt
at divesting $19 million of the board's

$83 million funds. Last spring the Fir-
st Ward councilmember proposed
that a committee be set up to oversee
the divestment proceedings but the
council split its support along party
lines in a 5-5 vote and the offer fell flat
because the Republican mayor was
absent to break the tie.
See COUNCIL, Page 3

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Kohlrabi kooler
ONTRARY TO what a Bartles & Jaymes
Wine Cooler commercial says, the beverage
, indeed goes well with the obscure vegetable,

man. It went a little better in English - "Your green
and purple skins are showing, I'd love to take you home
with me and dip you in the sauce eternally." A
Czechoslavakian kohlrabi, about the size of a bowling
ball, formed a centerpiece looped with wine cooler and
slices of kohlrabi for all to sampel. "Impartial obser-

Wichita, Kan. What started as a low-key attempt to at-
tract attention to Kansas' largest city soared past the
wildest expectations of the Wichita Area Chamber of
Commerce when it announced a contest to write a song
describing the wonders of the city. The promotion has
generated more than 3,000 pieces of correspondence

LIONS: Opinion examines the logic behind the
less intelligent controlling the University. See
Page 4.


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