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October 04, 1985 - Image 1

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nnual Comedy


See Weekend

Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Vol. XCVI - No. 22 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, October 4, 1985 Ten Pages

'Journal says Soviets
have spies on campus


Soviet bloc nations are obtaining
"militarily sensitive" information
from several American universities,
including the University of Michigan,
according to a report in the Oct. 4
issue of the journal Science.
The report, which was based on in-
formation released by the Depar-
tment of Defense last month, says
that the Soviets "have targeted as
many as 60 U.S. universities for both
military and civilian intelligence-
gathering efforts."
VALUABLE technological infor-
mation is frequently obtained legally
by Soviet spies in this country through
reports, research projects, the U.S.
patent office, or trade shows, said Bob
Prucha, public information officer for
the Assistant Secretary of Defense for
Public Affairs.
By obtaining information in this
manner, the Soviets often save years
of research time and "millions of
rubles' at the expense of the resear-
chers and developers at American
corporations and universtites, Prucha
The top 100 U.S. corporations with
defense contracts are perhaps even
more vulnerable to Soviet spies than
universities because they do the more
advanced research, while universities
generally focus on basic research,
said Prucha.
PRUCHA SAID the defense depar-
tment has launched efforts to educate
these companies and the major
research universities

"on how easy it is for the Soviets to get
ahold of this information."
It does not mean the defense depar-
tment is advocating that all research
projects with military applications
should be classified, he said.
On the issue of campus research for
the Strategic Defense Initiative, or
'Star Wars,' prucha said that the
sheer volume of materials would
make it difficult to classify
"SDI IS such a long ways away and
there's going to be a lot of research.
Not all of it can be classified," he
said. Some of the current infor-
mation the U.S. has used to develop
SDI was obtained by American spies
from the Soviets, he added.
Alan Price, the University's
assistant vice president for research,
said that the classification of SDI and
other sensitive military research
presents problems in the open forum
of the University.
"It's a philosophical as well as a
practical question," Price said. "We
really have a difficult time doing that
(classified research) here."
CURRENT regental bylaws put a
limitation on classified research," a
substantial portion of which is to
destroy or permanently incapacitate
human beings."
However, Price said the University
has accepted partially classified
research contracts in the past. He
cited an experiment that used naval
hydrophone in which the researchers
See 'SCIENCE,' Page 6




Charges can't be pressed against 47
protesters arrested for trespassing
last week during a sit-in at
Congressman Carl Pursell's (R-Ann
Arbor) office.
The decision to forego the charges
was the result of a boundary dispute-
that opened questions of whether Ann
Arbor or Pittsfield Township police
had the jurisdiction to make the
arrests, said Pittsfield Township
Police Chief Norman Madison.
THE PROPERTY ."on which Pur-
sell's office sits was annexed to Ann
Arbor on July 30, making Anri Arbor
police officers responsible for any
arrests there.
The protesters - 23 of them
University students and one professor
- were arrested after they had staged
a six-hour sit-in protesting U.S. Aid to
U.S. aid to Central America. Hours af-
ter the arrest, all the demonstrators
were released on their own
They will receive letters next week

telling them they will not be charged
for trespassing, Madison said.
NEITHER police station was aware
of the land transfer at the time of the
arrests, said William Corbett, Ann
Arbor police chief.
"Arrests were made in good faith
but there are a lot of legal hassles and
after reviewing the facts and circum-'
stances, the police department has
decided not to request warrants from:
the prosecutors office to press
charges," Madison said.
Ron Dankert, manager of the,
building which houses Pursell's of-
fice, said he was unaware of the legal
implications of the land transfer.
"Nobody's contacted me from the.
prosecutor's office or the police
station. But I'm not taking the
initiative to pursue the matter any
farther," Dankert said.
"Next time something like this hajW
pens, I'm going to call the Ann Arbor
police," he said.
Protesters arrested expressed
See LANDLORD, Page 3

N ifty Daily Photo by DARRIAN SMITH
Carl Herschelman smiles after getting a hair cut cy barber Gerry, recently.

'U' officials endorse SDI conference, warn of bias

University officials have endorsed this
weekend's conference on President
Reagan's 'Star Wars' defense initiative, but
they caution that the controversial nature of
the issue may prevent an objective presen-
Conference organizers, however, insist
that a balanced panel of speakers will en-
sure a broad discssion focusing on how the
'Star Wars' program will affect the Univer-

THE CONFERENCE, entitled "The
Strategic Defense Initiative and Univer-
sities," will take place tonight and
tomorrow at Rackham Auditorium. Its
sponsors include the Michigan Student
Assembly, Office of Student Services and Cam-
puses Against Weapons in Space, (CAWS) -
a newly formed student-faculty coalition,
which is the event's primary organizer.
The conference's speakers and the
audience will examine the technical and
strategic feasibility of the 'Star Wars'

program, its effects on arms control and the
economy, and, most importantly, its impact
on universities.
President Reagan originally announced
his plan for a space-based nuclear defense
system in 1983. During a nationally televised
speech, the president envisioned a nuclear
shield in space that would destroy all in-
coming missiles and "render nuclear
weapons obsolete."
THE PROGRAM has aroused strong op-
position since its inception from scientists

and government officials who question its
technical feasibility and predict that it will
adversely affect the arms race.
The 'Star Wars' controversy has hit cam-
puses around the nation this fall, as the
government's Strategic Defense Initiative
Organization has tentatively allocated $70
million for university research on the
In response, opponents of the research
have started circulating anti-Star Wars
petitions on at least 37 campuses around the

nation. The petitions ask engineers,
chemists and physicists not to apply for
'Star Wars' research funds.
FACULTY members here who are
currently circulating petitions have
gathered over 30 signatures from other
professors. In addition, a similar petition
written by members of CAWS has produced
over 500 signatures from students, faculty
members, and local residents.
This weekend's symposium has received
See 'U,' Page 2

*............................................................................................................*.*.*.*.~.*.*.*.*.*~**********t ~..................

MSA and

Controversy over the scheduled
campus appearance of Vice President
George Bush next week has erupted
into a battle between Engineering
Council members and liberals within
the Michigan Student Assembly.
The Engineering Council Wednes-
day passed a proposal that condem-
ned Tuesday's MSA resolution to op
pose Bush's speech, which will be
given Monday in honor of the 25th an-
niversary of the Peace Corps.

MSA SAID they voted to encourage
students to demonstrate against
Bush's appearance here because of
his association with President
Reagan's foreign policies, which
some assembly members said they
felt was the antithesis of what the
Peace Corps means.
While engineering school represen-
tatives to the MSA say this is not the
first time MSA policyresolutions have
frustrated them, MSA President Paul
See MSA, Page 3

Wayne St. board fires editor

Special to the Daily
DETROIT - Wayne State University's student
publications board last night fired Patricia Maceroni, the
.editor of the student newspaper, for refusing to rescind a
ban on military advertising.
Maceroni's attorney, John Minick, said he will file a law
suit against the board in federal court early next week
charging that Maceroni's First Amendment rights have
been violated.
MINICK said he will seek a temporary injunction to
reinstate Maceroni in her $150-a-week position.
"I am not surprised, just angry. Very angry," Maceroni
said after the decision was announced.
"This...is very wrong and it won't stop here," said Jay
Grossman, president of Wayne State's student council. "I
don't think the pub board had the best interests of the
paper in mind," said Eileen Maceroni, Patricia
Maceroni's mother.
WHAT WILL HAPPEN to The South End is unclear.
The board did not say who would take over Maceroni's

Greeks pc
with wire reports
As rush winds up today, fraternities
and sororities are taking stock of what
could be the largest population of
Greeks on campus ever.
In addition to the 4,300 students who
currently belong to 54 undergraduate
Greek societies, 1,100 women rushed
sororities this fall, 200 more than the
previous year. And although the ac-
tual figures on fraternity rushees
haven't been tabulated yet, twice as
many men showed up at this year's
mass meeting than last year's.
"BY THE END of this (academic)
year, the Greek population will
probably reach 25 percent of the un-
dergraduate campus," says Allan*
Lutes, president of the Intrafraternity
Indeed, Greek houses are literally
bulging at the seams. "In the late '60s
and '70s, we had to have borders. Now
we have people who want to live in the
house and can't," says Paula Glan-
zman, president of Sigma Delta Tau.
Across the country, campus Greeks
- from Alpha to Omega - are
growing in number.
Conference, representing 2,427
sorority chapters, reports that since
the early 1970s, its membership has
swelled every two years by 6 percent.

position. Managing editor Chris Greenlee said that the
board may hold a meeting today to appoint an editor,
although board members didn't mention anything about a
Before last night's meeting, Greenlee said he would step
down if Maceroni were fired.
The board's 7-1 decision came three-and-one-half hours
after a 50-minute hearing in a packed room of Wayne
State's Student Center Building. One board member ab-
Ed March, an administration representative on the 9-
member board, said Maceroni was guilty of insubor-
dination because she disobeyed an order from the board,
issued Sept. 16, to allow the United States' military to ad-
vertise in The South Ena.
"THE UNIVERSITY as a public university has the
obligation to serve the public," March said. "They have
the right to see those recruiting schedules. Those
students' rights are being violated."
The ban, announced in an editorial a month ago, was
See WAYNE, Page 3

)pularity on the rise
Membership in all-male Greek Fraternity and sorority memb
societies is double the 125,000 recor- and their hopeful brothers and sistE
ded in the early 1960s - the period say it is the need to belong that mal
considered the peak of fraternity the Greek system so attractive th(
Why the steady rise? See GREEK'S, Page 6


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Daily illustration by CHARLES OESTREICHER

Love at first byte
T T MUST HAVE REEN love at first hvte when

met ASURE when she worked for People-Link as a
customer service manager. "I used to go home and go
on line, and we'd 'talk' every day," said Falejczyk,
who had her first date with ASURE in Dallas last
spring. Today, a Plinker named KRISTI will sit at a
computer keyboard and type a running account of the
nerpmnnv namnlite with h erts-and-flnwers 0ranhio

the classroom - and done away with hallway lockers
The arrangement has eliminated the excuse of forgot-
ten textbooks, a ploy of students often use to avoid
doing homework, Principal Jim Weaver said. Also
gone are pupil-packed hallways, confusion over lost
locks and forgotten combinations, and loss of in-
struction time by going back and forth to lockers, he

LOOKI' BACK: Opinion looks at the week in
review. See Page 4.
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