Page A2 6-The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 5, 1985 .Students foktROC By KATIE WILCOX The University's Reserve Officers Training Corps is recruiting higher quality students than in past years, and iore people are applying than ever before, according to ROTC officers. "We've probably never had it so good," said John man- tei, an Air Force ROTC detachment commander. "It's been a great last two years in terms of quality and number of students." THIS YEAR'S Air Force ROTC students have better Scholastic Aptitude Test scores - about 100 points higher - than the University's average, Mantei said. He added that the increasing prestige of the University is partially responsible for the high quality of ROTC recruits. Last year, Mantei's recruiting group won the Superior Performance Award. "We've been crediting the Univer- sity of Michigan for this award for the quality of students that it brings here," he said. Applying for ROTC scholarships is a competitive process, based on SAT and Achievement Test (ACT) scores, grade point averages, and extra-curricular ac- tivities, especially athletics, said John Costello, a Navy ROTC lieutenant. ROTC SCHOLARSHIPS are awarded for two, three, and four years, and pay full tuition, supplies, textbooks, and $100 a month. Scholarship recipients are required to serve active duty after graduation for the same number of years that they participated in ROTC. They also attend summer programs and take the required ROTC classes. Although getting scholarships is becoming more com- petitive, this does not mean that more people are ap- plying, but that more qualified people are applying, Costello said. FEWER STUDENTS than last year are enrolled in the Navy ROTC program though. "NROTC enrollment probably peaked last year or the year before. Now it's leveling off at the University of Michigan," Costello said. Enrollment fluctuations are probably related more to economic factors than conservative political trends, Costello said. In troubled economic times, paid college tuition and a guaranteed job are enticing. "Job security is probably the best thing about the ROTC," said Tim Green, an NROTC ensign, (a com- missioned officer). BUT FINANCIAL reasons are not the only incentives to enroll in ROTC. "The best thing about the job is that it's a job where you're actually doing something for your coun- try," said Rodney White, another NROTC ensign. Many students enroll in ROTC because businesses ap- preciate the specialized skilled learned in ROTC courses, one recruitment pamphlet says. The corps fosters this assumption by focusing ad campaigns on businessmen citing the merits of an ROTC education. But recent studies conducted by Chase Manhattan Bank, AT&T, and Standard and Poor's show that businesses are becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of employing graduates with a broader knowledge in the liberal arts. ALTHOUGH ROTC may be recruiting a more highly qualified group, most of the students attracted are studying engineering, computer science, physics, and math. These students like the ROTC training in highly technical skills. And for engineering students, the attraction is multiplied, because most credits from ROTC courses can be used for College of Engineering required classes. This is not true for LSA. In one case, ROTC textbooks for a class were identical to those used in an LSA class, but no credit was granted to the ROTC students in the LSA class, Mantei said. The regents are now considering granting credit to students who take ROTC courses. "It (the credit controver- sy) is one of the most significant issues we're involved in," Mantei said. 0 0 Daily Photo ROTC students stand at attention in their army greens. Affordable housing need studied by city [ 3 : Air -I 1° i' . ' 7 M.# j y ' M ,y ^ an K' t «{. SI ' N 11'I ki / dpr I ,' I 11' kp F ' ' ' [: ' i (Continued-from Page 3) "WE'VE BEEN having a heck of a time getting people to agree on num- bers," he said. A minority opinion included in the Affordable Housing Task Force's April report concurred: "The student factor has irredeemably skewed the data, the assumptions, and the out- comes projected. Students, who are almost by definition low-income, would present an insatiable drain on rent subsidies." But Councilmember Lowell Peter- son (D-First Ward), chairman of the task force, said "the bias that might have been brought in by the students was minimal." Besides, he said, even without the students there is an over- whelming need for more affordable housing. THE TASK force came up with numerous recommendations how to encourage developers to build low- cost housing, but most of the attention was focused on more controversial ways to lower housing costs, such as "inclusionary zoning." Under that plan, developers would in effect be forced to contribute to low- or moderate-income housing when building a new project. In return, the developers would get certain building restrictions lifted. The idea, which the task force in- cluded in its report, immediately drew fire from Republicans and developers who saw it as an unfair attack on the free market. The minority report, backed by many Republicans, said the inclusionary zoning proposal "smacks of extor- tion." Peterson defended the idea as one that has worked in Republican areas such as Orange County, Calif., but he also said controversy over the in- clusionary zoning proposal has ob- scured the other things the task force advocated. "The overall thrust of the report is simply to encourage the private sector," he said. PETERSON said doing things, like easing building codes without sacrificing safety could have a significant impact on the housing market. He added that the city can more aggressively pursue the federal funds for housing that still exist, and Republicans don't seem to object to simply making it easier for developers to build or rehabilitate housing for low- and moderate- income people. Former GOP Mayor Louis Belcher, who is developing office space down- I Js9 1 I _ -I !:' ASO TEDA ASSORTED HEADBOARDS LIAPS $29 00 FROM $1800 FROM town with two partners, approved of the low-key approach. "The only way they're going to get it is to encourage it," he said. "I've often thought that you can get more with sugar than by beating someoe over the head with a baseball bat." Peterson and/a large majority of the task force wrote that the city should set up or contribute to numerous fun- ds, trusts, and pon-profit corporations to pick up where the market leaves off. PETERSO pointed out that homeowners ready receive tremen- dous subsidies in the form of tax breaks, so "the government is subsidizing housing no matter what. It's just a question of what income level." But Deem said that because state and federal money for housing projects is nearly exhausted, the city would be forced to pay the bill. And that, he said, would be "a completely new direction." Deem said any major expenditures on public housing should be approved in a referendum. "Before anything like this is undertaken, you're going to have to take it to the public," he said. "You better be doggone sure that people who are going to be picking up the tab want to do it." "I DON'T think you can just shove these things down people's throats," he said. Another problem the task force identified was a pressing need for single-room dwellings. Since the Downtown Club on Fourth Avenue closed a few years ago, the only remaining single-room occupancies.* are in the Embassy Hotel on East Huron. Peterson and his wardmate Larry Hunter (D-First Ward) tried to keep Belcher from turning the Downtown Club into office space after he and his partners bought the vacant building in 1984, but the effort came up short when Belcher "just called Peterson's bluff," Belcher said. Peterson had said that the building could be rehabilitated for around $250,000, but Belcher said it would cost ten times that amount. "He got front page publicity on this for three mon- ths, and it was totally unfeasible," Belcher said. Peterson said the project could have been done before the winter of 1984, but "the winter killed it." et 71Ci. 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