4 OPINION Page 4 Monday, September 30, 1985 The Michigan Daily Edite etichigan Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Couzens policy problematic Vol. XCVI, No. 18 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Faux pas FTER TWO months of cover up French Prime Minister Fabius finally named former Defense Minister Charles Hernu and former intelligence head Pierre Lacoste as being ultimately responsible for ordering the July 10 bombing of the Greenpeace ship, Rainbow Warrior. The day before Hernu's resignation, he still professed his innocence. Last week President Mitterand did acknowledge French responsibility for the bombing but refused to disclose the names of those agents who actually carried out the mission. Mitterand argued that since the agents had faithfully followed their superior's orders they were not directly accountable for their actions. Mitterand's rationalization has met interesting reaction, notably the plea of Klaus Barbie, Gestapo Chief of Lyons, who earlier this week demanded release from prison since he, like the French agents, was only following orders when he committed his crimes. As New Zealand Prime Minister David Lange points out, this is not a time of war. "Just following or- ders" is not a viable excuse for terrorist action and only reinforces France's harsh role in the bom- bing. Additionally, it's disturbing to note that opposition leaders within France claim they would have carried out similar actions - only they would not have bungled them. While the opposition leaders' position seems to indicate that French citizens could have tolerated terrorism of the Green- peace ship, they do not seem to be able to accept the lies they have been told. In an atmosphere reminiscent of Watergate, Mit- terand's administration has lost credibility with the people at a crucial time. Mitterand's Socialist party currently holds a majority in Parliament, but with elections coming in March, it's almost cer- tain that- they will lose that majority. Mitterand would then be the Prime Minister from a minority party, an unprecedented situation in the current Fifth Republic, and could potentially cripple the gover- nment's ability to pass any legislation. But the implications of the Fren- ch government's sanctioned terrorism go beyond that country's borders. Whenever Western nations criticize Soviet bloc coun- tries for quelling dissent, they do so from an implied "moral highground." The French, although not acting for any country other than itself, have undercut that notion for all "free" nations. It is even more frightening to think that the French government is admitting that it slipped up in executing the sinking. Such an "admission" is a tacit confession that similar activities take place with some frequency, only they go unnoticed because they are By Sherif Emil It is very frustrating to have someone else discuss matters that affect you personally without attempting to represent your point of view on these matters. The Daily has been discussing the enforcement of the alcohol policy in Couzens and its implications on the Housing Division as a whole for some time now. While many references were made to Couzens staff, their opinions were never represented or even considered. As a second year Resident Advisor in Couzens, I thought it's about time to represent the view points of the staff, the people who have to deal with these issues day and night. While I don't claim to be speaking for all the resident staff here, I do claim to speak from personal experience and a desire to shed a different light on this whole subject. The issues we're struggling with as resident staff are very different from the issues focused upon by the Daily. Let me first men- tion the University Alcohol Policy. Contrary to what many may think, the policy goes far beyond simply asking people to restrain alcohol consumption to their private rooms. In fact, this is only one section of a policy composed of a preamble and eight sections. In Article One, the policy obligates students to obey Michigan laws concerning consum- ption of alcoholic beverages.. In the past, en- forcement of the policy simply meant asking Emil is a senior in the school of engineering. people to drink only in their rooms. Thus, we were in effect telling residents it's o.k. to violate Article One if they respect Article Two. I, for one, was quite disillusioned with this policy last year. If we're going to enforce something as important as the Alcohol Policy, then let's make it a realistic one. In addition, certain dorms known for their loose standar- ds, had no enforcement whatsoever and this undermined the policy even more due to the complete lack of consistency. Couzens is bringing attention to the real meaning of the alcohol policy. Housing will have to come to terms with this policy now. They can either reconsider it or decide to make it a consistent one. Enough hypocrisy! Another main issue we have to deal with here in Couzens is the consequences of enfor- cing the policy on the relationshipsbetween resident staff and residents. This has been of utmost concern to everyone who lives here since Couzens has always been famous for its warm and friendly atmosphere. Staff enjoy a certain degree of autonomy on their in- dividual corridors. To be honest, I have not had any significant problems with my own residents because I try to emphasize that a personal, friendly, and mutually respectful atmosphere on the hall should override problems emanating from policies and procedures. The main problem comes when I have to approach residents of another corridor in or- der to enforce policy. My job is then seen as mainly a policing one and this does create a certain amout of tension. Frankly, I cannot say I am satisfied with the general at- mosphere in Couzens thus, far this year. I think it will take an effort on everyone's part 4 to improve it. Furthermore, that should definitely be another area to be carefully con- sidered by the Housing Division when they discuss the issue. Last, but certainly not least, there is the issue of responsible drinking. And this is what scares me to death about any policy that is not wisely formulated or enforced. Will this policy help or hinder responsible drinking? If this criterium is not considered, we would be committing a fatal mistake. I have worked4 with residents who had significant alcohol problems in the past and I have been through some very scary moments with them. To me, the heart of any policy is its effect on people's problems. If the policy is an obstacle in helping people, then it should be recon- sidered. What I am trying to say is this. The issue is far more serious and important than whether Housing should allow kegs or not or what to do about minors drinking. An effective alcohol policy should include the input of serious residents as well as resident staff and ad- ministrators. It should be considered in the context of dorm life in general. Alcohol does not exist in a vacuum all by itself. On the con- trary, as the University realizes, it is a fact in the lives of many of the residents and should be dealth with as such. ALL R\&T , YOU SovieTS, uEQ T ~ AND \TS ?PICS COULDT 6O A5 \k&\-\ S 40 1LL\OQJ OLLA S LETTERS THE BIGGEST, SADDEST BRRGAINING CHIP EvER Tc 0ST WTSF OF LiT\Ck. CaITAL. - - h.%, I "properly"executed. In any event, the ship is drydocked photographer is dead' Greenpeace and their as the result of a government sanctioned act of violence. France has a great deal of ex- plaining to do. MAWS WE SKOULD LeT Tr=M Oc? t o Kicking the leaves W HY, IF the sun is shining, is it suddenly starting to feel a bit chilly outside? Technically, of course, it's because the shine of the angular height of the sun above the horizonis decreasing, and con- sequently less solar radiation is striking the northern hemisphere. But down here on Earth, it means that fall is upon us.+ 60 degree afternoons aren't exac- tly freezing, but they are nippy af- ter a summerful of 80 degreee nir- vanas. And suddenly leaves are begin- ning to change colors in an unrehearsed last gasp spectacle. T- shirts are slowly giving way to jackets and sweaters, and shorts are growing to full length pants. But fall on a university campus is most ominous as an indicator of time. Chilly weather means mid- terms and finals cannot be far behind. To a community that relies largely on walking as a means of transport, the hazards of winter are all too familiar. Steaming breath and frozen shoes provide various degrees of distraction along the "on my way to my 9 o'clock" walk, and as well as corresponding degrees of discomfort. Meanwhile other degrees, namely Fahrenheit, become an endangered species. But the frozen walk is still a ways away - the red leaf does not a bliz- zard make - and there is still time for a few more late afternoon strolls, with bright-colored leaves to boot. - - - - l~ rl Paying for the impossible dream To the Daily: This letter is in response to Charles D. Lipsig and Seth B. Klukoff's letter in last Monday's issue of the Daily ("SDI might make nuclear weapons obsolete," Sept. 23). I would like to express my "fascist closemindedness" towards SDI they feel I and many others suffer from. Strategic Defense Initiative, better known as and more ap- propriately titled as "Star Wars," is a fantasy of Ronald Reagan's that has drifted into the minds of others, this idea of a protective "shield" above us that would "make nuclear weapons obsolete," so to speak. So to speak. First of all, any such fantasy turned to reality has been proved mathematically and physically impossible, or impossible as least until the laws of math and physics change. Secondly, this fantasy has been given an estimated expense budget of nearly one trillion dollars over the next few years; I didn't realize there was that much sur- lus cash floating around, especially to be used towards the impossible dream. Finally, for any defensive measure, there is a Russia certainly will not sit back to watch. They may try to build up their own offense more. Or, if they are led to believe Star Wars might work, they would be in- cined to impose a first strike before it's "too late." If we broke the stretches of our imagination and pretended that the U.S. had developed a Star Wars system that was judeged incredible as being 50% effective, what then? Russia launches 10,000 warheads, of which 5000 hit pime U.S. targets, like cities; not bad for a trillion bucks. And that's at 50% effectiveness, which is very generous. Maybe Russia could send over a few thousand cheap, dummy warheads as well; BLOOM COUNTY let Star Wars stop a few of those, instead. Seth and Charles, nuclear holocaust is a serious matter, not to be taken so lightly by you Mr. Reagan. anA -Noah D. Glick September 25, 1985 Regental ethics To the Daily: What? Am I to understand that last Friday the Regents voted against apartheid and condoned the potentially destabilizing SDI? Is this not a condemnation of oppression as immoral while em- bracing potential genocide as moral enough? This is an inver- ted scale indeed. Before requiring our business majors to study ethics let's teach ou Regents some of the basics. -J. Ames September 24 Letters to spaced, and the Daily should by typed, triple- signed by the individual authors. by Berke Breathed AMYs fN 2qWfVf4, IIN N^ A MX7N- 66. 77N657 em Il~40 FR R BREK. C- 0 0, I 1 4 11 ,> ' ( '7 . . ,, 0 - oE I'1CI ."i n nmu~ i