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September 26, 1985 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-09-26

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The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 26, 1985 - Page 7

By Barb McQuade
M' club sports....
,.high spirits, low funds
They can't brag about athletic scholarships, and they don't hear the
cheers of 100,000 fans. They don't even get their picture in a black-and-
white program. But many of Michigan's club sports athletes have the
dedication, if not the talent, of some of those on varsity teams.
Members of some of Michigan's 40 sports clubs practice up to 14 hours a
week. But mandatory and voluntary team practices and individual
workouts are not the only commitments these students make for their
Because of the University's limited funding for club sports, most clubs
must raise money on their own to'offset expenses. In addition to paying
$25 dues each term, team members must devote time to running raffles,
organizing tournaments, and selling everything from candy to athletic
programs. Although the department of recreational sports allocates
money to each club, it doesn't come close to covering the cost of travel,
uniforms, officials, and equipment. So the athletes have to earn it them-
selves. That's a lot of M&Ms.
Grants from the general club fund differ according to assistant director
Bob Chaddock. Clubs that have been in existence longer and have larger
followings receive more money, he said, than some of the less-established
ones. "Tradition," Chaddock explained, "has a lot to do with it."
Chaddock works with the funds he receives from the department of
recreational sports, which runs the intramural program, outdoor
recreation, and campus recreational facilities.
An increase in the deparmtment's budget, however, said director Mike
Stevenson, would not necessarily provide more funding to sports clubs.
Because of the number of participants in the drop-in program, he said,
maintaining and improving facilities is the department's priority.
To get the funding and recognition they feel they deserve, members of
some sports clubs are seeking varsity status.
The men's lacrosse club is "absolutely as talented," said club president
Scott Miller, as the varsity teams at Michigan State, Notre Dame and
Ohio State, three of Michigan's rivals. The Wolverines went 19-2 last year,
a record that has remained consistent, he said, for the last 15 years.
Players on the club have turned down lacrosse scholaships from other
schools, Miller added, to attend Michigan for educational reasons. "We
have the talent to go against these teams without the scouting or money
they have."
A financial boost from the University would help, though, allowing
team members to concentrate on their sport and academics instead of on
nickels and dimes.
The importance of sports at the club level, however, is obvious to
athletes who are not ready to commit themselves to a varsity sport, yet
enjoy the chance to compete. "You get to participate on a team, but it's
not as demanding," said Pam Kay, a member of the women's lacrosse
team, which posted a 6-1 record last season, its first year in existence.
"Dedication," she said, "depends on the individual."
Players' attitudes are another advantage to club sports. "The people
who are there really want to be there," said Naz Azarbayejani, a member
of the women's crew club. Because no players receive scholarships, there
is no resentment among teammates. "You feel closer as a team because
no one's getting a free ride," she said. "Everyone's making the same
The women's volleyball club serves, in some instances, as a training
ground for the varsity team. "Players have moved up," said varsity
volleyball coach Barb Canning, "typically every other year." The club is
a good way for freshmen to keep up with school and with volleyball, and
then make the team as a sophomore, said Canning, who serves as advisor
to the club.
Although club spikers may not spend as much time on the court as the
varsity players do, Canning said, "they practice hard."
Club sports members are, in most cases, dedicated athletes. And
because of commitment to their sport they are willing to make the extra
time and financial sacrifices.
Michigan boasts one of the biggestclub sports programs in the country.
By providing more funds to the department of recreational sports, the
University could also make it the best.


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Special to the Daily
TOLEDO, Oh. - The Michigan field
hockey team and its weak offensive
attack was shot down by the twin-
engined Rockets of the University of
Toledo last night, 4-1.
Toledo's Amy Hudson scored on a
breakaway in the first half and twin
sister Kathy slapped in two goals in
the second half to drop Michigan's
recod to 0-5-1.
have thought they were seeing double,
seemed bewildered throughout the

) pOufldi
"This is probably the worst I've
seen us play," said Michigan coach
Karen Collins. "We went back to
doing a lot of things that I thought we
had improved on. And that was a little
The Hudsons weren't the only
Rockets who were firing, as Toledo
outshot the Wolverines, 19-6.
"THE REST of the team played
very well around (the Hudsons),"
said Collins. "The two are strong but
it takes more than two people."
The Wolverines got a morale boost,
however, when midfielder Joan
Taylor scored on a penalty stroke with

Blue stickers

8:30 left in the contest. It was
Michigan's first goal in four and a half

NY lawyer spurred Billy's brawl

But although the Wolverines have
scored only twice this year, Collins is
looking forward to Sunday's Big Ten
opener against Michigan State.
"I still think we have a good future
ahead of us," she said. "And I think if
we can start putting things together,
the Big Ten season could be very
positive for us."
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BALTIMORE (AP) - An attorney
from Binghamton, N.Y., says he's the
guy who apparently sparked last
weekend's fisticuffs between New
York Yankees' manager Billy Martin
and pitcher Ed Whitson.
Albert J. Millus Jr., 29, says Whit-
son was holding him by the throat
when Martin interceded early Sun-
day at a Baltimore hotel bar. Next
thing Millus knew, Martin and Whit-
son were in a fight and he was off the
The fight spilled out into the lobby
and the parking lot, and Martin ended
up with a broken arm and cracked
Millus said he apparently raised
Whitson's ire by staring while the pit-
cher griped about the way Martin was
treating him. Whitson pointed his
finger and asked what business it was
of his, Millus said.
"I told him that if I was making
$90,000 a year - I thought he was a
rookie, and I thougt $90,000 was the
salary minimum - I wouldn't be
acting like a little kid."

Millus, who still has a bruisec
throat, didn't know Whitson had
signed a five-year contract with the
Yankees last winter for $4.5 million.
Brewers 3, Orioles 0
Ready singled and doubled, scored
twice, and made a key diving outfield
grab against Baltimore as the
Milwaukee Brewers defeated the
Orioles 3-0 last night.
Jaime Cocanower scattered eight
hits and five walks to improve his
record to 5-7 and break a four-game
losing streak.
The Brewers opened their scoring in
the first inning. Ready singled with
one out, moved to second on a wild
pitch by Orioles starter Mike
Flanagan, 4-5, then scored on a two-
out single by Ted Simmons.
Ready scored again in the
Milwaukee third inning to widen the
Brewers' lead to 2-0. With two outs,
Ready doubled to left when outfielder
Mike Young slipped on the wet out
field grass. He came home on a single


by Pau Molitor.
Baltimore seriously threatened in
the fourth and sixth innings, stranding
two runners both times. Cocanower
got . out of the first jam when
designated hitter Larry Sheets groun-
ded out with runners on second and
Astros 6, Dodgers 4
HOUSTON (AP) - Kevin Bass hit
his 14th homer of the season in the
10th inning to rally the Houston Astros
to a 6-4 victory over the Los Angeles
Dodgers last night.

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Speier's hit
rallies Cubs
past Mets
CHICAGO (AP) - Pinch-hitter
Chris Speier's two-out single in the
bottom of the ninth inning scored
Dfave Lopes from third base and lifted
the Chicago Cubs to a 5-4 victory over
the New York Mets yesterday.
The loss, combined with St. Louis' 6-
-.3 victory over Philadelphia in a night
game, dropped the Mets four games
behind the first-place Cardinals in the
National League East.
RELIEVER Jesse Orosco, 6-6,
struck out the first two batters in the
ninth then walked Lopes. Lopes
moved to second after being picked
"off by Orosco, sliding in safely ahead
of a late throw by Mets first baseman
Keith Hernandez.
After Lopes stole third, Bob Dernier
walked. Speier then batted for
reliever Lee Smith, who is 7-4 after
pitching two hitless innings of relief.
Gary Carter's sixth-inning grand
slam home run had given the Mets a 4-
1 lead, but hte Cubs chipped their way
back into a tie with a run in the bottom
of the sixth and two in the seventh.
IN THE FIRST inning, Ryne San-
dberg walked and Keith Moreland ex-
tended his hitting streak to 14 games
vwith a run-scoring double.
Reggie Patterson was coasting with
a two-hit shutout and a 1-0 lead
through five innings. But in the sixth,
--he walked Mets pitcher Ron Darling,a
mand Mookie Wilson singled. Wally
"Backman sacrificed the runners to
third and second, then Hernandez was
intentionally walked to load the bases.
Carter blasted Patterson's next pit-
ch into the left field seats for his 31st

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