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September 23, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-09-23

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Ninety-six years of editorial freedom

Vol. XCVI -No. 13

Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan - Monday, September 23, 1985

Ten Pages

Blue beats
'Cocks, 34-3

Special to the Daily
COLUMBIA, S.C. - The Wolverines
discovered the pleasure of beating the
'Cocks senseless Saturday when they
whipped South Carolina, 34-3, for their
second win of the 1985 season and
biggest non-conference road victory
in 45 years.
A potent offensive attack and a
defense that stiffed the number 15
Gamecocks' option offense were the
keys to the victory and changed what
was supposed to be a close game into
a blowout. The margin of victory was
the largest Michigan has enjoyed in
an away, non-Big Ten contest since
1940, when they trounced California,
THE WOLVERINES racked up 507
.total yards while holding the 'Cocks to
a mere 202 yards. The groundgame,
which accounted for most of
.Michigan's offense in last week's win
over Notre Dame, again was a big

factor, gaining 324 yards.
Nonetheless, only 85 of those yards
came in the first half as the
Wolverines had some trouble han-
dling South Carolina's defensive
"We were spotty in the first half,"
said Michigan head coach Bo Schem-
bechler. "We didn't block quite as
well as I would have liked."
Part of the reason for the blocking
problem was the Wolverines' loss of
center Bob Tabachino, who left the
contest early in the first quarter with
an injured calf muscle.
BUT ONCE the offense adjusted to
new center Andy Borowski and wore
down the smaller South Carolina
defensive line in the second half, they
were off to the races, gaining 239
second-half yards on the ground.
"I think we had them outweighted

Michigan Ensian Photo by JIM DOSTIE
Tailback Jamie Morris dashed for 95 yards on 22 carries in Saturday's 'Cock killing. The offensive line dominated South Carolina all day to the
tune of 324 yards rushing and a 17 minute edge in time of possession.



'Star Wars'

highlight a busy Friday

Frye to leave,
policies altered
course of 'U'


NOTE: The following stories are reprinted
from Friday night's special extra edition of The
Michigan Daily.


research Shapiro
endorsed r i
The Board of Regents this after-
noon unanimously approved a
resolution supporting University1'0
professors who decide to do research
for President Reagan's Strategic
Defense Initiative. r aise ,
"The resolution appears just to be a
recapitulation of our current policy,"
said University President Harold University President Harold
Shapiro. "That is to let out professors Shapiro was given a $10,000 raise this
make their own decisions as long as it afternoon as the University's Board of
follows our research guidelines." Regents voted unanimously to raise
BUT INGRID Kock, MSA's military his salary from $107,000 to $117,000 a
researcher, and 20 other students who year.
protested at yesterday's meeting, "I think we all know the many,
said that the resolution means that many hours he has put in aboverand
the university supports "Star Wars" beyond the call of duty to this Univer-
research. sity, said Regent Paul Brown (D-
"That's not just supporting Petosky), in proposing the raise.
acaderr ic freedom," Kock said.
"That's putting the University behind Regents were full of praise for
Star Wars." The resolution submitted Shapiro after the vote. "Harold.
by Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Ar- Shapiro has done an exceptionally
bor)states that "scholars who wish to fine job as President of the Univer-
participate in Strategic Defense sity," said Regent Deane Baker (R-
Initiative Research are encouraged Ann Arbor). "He has carried the
to undertake the research within the University through very callous times
framework of the Regents' By- with the reduction of state support in
Laws." the past couple of years."

New vice

president million

for MSA
Michigan Student Assembly
President Paul Josephson this after-
noon nominated LSA junior Phillip
Cole for the position of executive vice
president of the assembly.
Cole's nomination will be con-
sidered by the entire assembly at its
regular meeting Tuesday night. A
two-thirds vote of approval is
required for him to replace Micky
Feusse, who resigned fron the position
Sept. 8.
Josephson said he chose Cole over
longtime MSA member Bruce
Belcher - the only other candidate
still under consideration - because
he thought Cole would be more effec-
tive in getting the assembly moving.
"Phil's strength could be getting the
committee chairs off and running,
and getting the office off the ground,"
Josephson said.

The University's Board of Regents
this afternoon voted unanimously to
divest an additional $4.5 million in in-
vestments in companies that do
business in South Africa.
The University, in 1983, divested
$45 million or 90 percent of its $50
million in South Africa-related in-
vestments it then held. This after-
noon's decision brings the Univer-
sity's total divestiture to 99 percent of
its original holdings.
THE REGENTS also decided this
afternoon to use the remaining
$500,000 in investments as a base for
its appeal of a recent court ruling
upholding a 1982 state law mandating
state schools to divest.
The University claims that the law
violates its constitutional autonomy
from the state. But Ingham County
Circuit Court Judge Caroline Stell last
month ruled that autonomy only ap-
olied to educational matters.
"IT MUST be known that the merr-
bers of this board in no way support
the system of apartheid," he said, in
voting for the resolution put forth by
Regent Neal Nielsen (R-Brighton).

When Billy Frye heads south this
spring, he will take his bow ties and
his genteel Southern style with him.
But the impact the vice president
for academic affairs and provost has
had on the University will endure.
"HE'S HAD A pervasive influence
on policy; he has helped us in getting
through some very rough times,"
University President Harold Shapiro
said last night. "He has played a
critical role at the University over the
past five years, and he will be missed
both personally and professionally."
Frye will leave the University in
May to assume the position of dean of
the arts and sciences graduate school
.and vice president of research at
Emory University in Atlanta, his
alma mater.
"If you wanted to size up Billy Frye
as a professional administrator or
bureaucrat, I'm not particularly good

at that. There is a lot of ambiguity in
the way I go about things. Certainly it
is not efficient," Frye told the Daily in
year plan, however, proved that he
was indeed an adept administrator as
he undertook to redirect $20 million of
the University general fund budget
toward "high priority" areas.
The plan, unveiled in 1982, was
designed to render the University
"smaller but better." It called for in-
tensive reviews of the University's
smaller schools and liberal arts
programs which resulted in major
cuts in the schools of art, education
and natural resources.
The $20 million was earmarked to
be redirected to high priority areas
such as faculty salaries, graduate
student aid, and a push to modernize
See FRYE, Page 2

Hospital head resigns
to take Texas post




Green Bikes, take two.
The green bikes are coming back.
They'll be on campus early this
spring, according to members of the
Green Bike Project.
The new bikes, like the two-
wheelers that were shaken during a
Diag exorcism last spring, are
designed for communal use. Each of
the 16 bikes distributed last spring
was equipped with information on
boundaries in which to keep the bikes

and a reminder that "the green bike is
never locked."
People were supposed to ride them
to class or the library and then leave it
- unlocked - for another person to
"It was like giving a gift," Andrew
Boyd, a green bike organizer, said
But by the end of winter term, the
project had failed. One of the bikes -
that was never supposed to be locked
- was found chained to the Graduate

Library steps adorned with a con-
spicuous Reagan-Bush sticker, said
Chris Faber, an LSA senior and
project member.
Two other bikes were thrown off a
fraternity roof, he added.
The project had political overtones.
The group offered the bikes as a sym-
bol of its objection to American
capitalism and Soviet communism.
Now, however, the group feels that
the political nature of the project may
See GREEN, Page 3

Jeptha Dalston, chief executive of-
ficer of University Hospitals since
1975, has resigned his post and will
take a similar position with Hermann
Hospital at the Texas Medical Center
in Houston on December 1, University
administrators announced over the
"Dr. Dalston has been an important
contributor to the revitalization of the
University Hospitals over the last
decade. I'm sorry to see him go," said
University President Harold Shapiro.
DALSTON HAS been responsible
for the University's nine hospital
units, whose revenues have totalled

more than $268 million in the last
year. They see nearly half a million
patients per year and employ more
than 5,000 people.
Dalston's major accomplishments
here include the planning and in-
stitution of the Replacement Hospital
Program, an across-the-board
renovation and construction program,
and improvements in the financial
position and medical staff of the
Since he took the post, services such
as Survival Flight, the W.K. Kellogg
Eye Center and the Burn Center have
been instituted.
See HOSPITAL, Page 6


Iuviene's offer, mailed to the state tax department in
mid-August, came to the attention of Gov. Mario
Cuomo, who this week sent him a thank-you letter and
referred to his contribution on his weekly call-in radio
program. "The state of New York receives more
money each year than your young mind could ever

Dog brakes for man
A DOG in a parked car apparently released the
vehicle's emergency brake, sending the auto
crashing through a guardrail and leaving it hanging
over the edge of a parking terrace with a 30-foot drop

GUIDELINES: Opinion reviews the University
policy for military research. See Page 4.



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