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September 20, 1985 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-09-20

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Friday, September 20, 1985 1

'U' to c
(Continued from Page 1)'
because they already pay $150 per
term to support computing activities.
THE PROJECT, modeled after the
computing centers in the business and
engineering schools, will increase the
number of public computer work
stations from 155 now to 556 by next
June, said Douglas Van Houweling,
the University's Vice President for in-
formation technology.
t The clusters of 20-50 computers will
be placed in all residence halls and
several academic buildingssaround
campus, said Jeff Ogden, assistant
director of computing centers. Next
month, Mosher Jordan will become the
first dorm with the*new computers,
Ogden said, with at least a few com-
puters in every dorm by next
"The idea is to have a computer
within walking distance of every
student on campus," Van Houweling
THOUGH THE regents praised the
project, two regents, Dean Baker (R-

harge c
Ann Arbor) and Thomas Roach (D-
Saline) reported hearing some corr-
plaints of the plan from students.
Roach said that a student had called
him saying they thought it was unfair
to pay a computing fee after they had
already bought a computer. Baker
added that another student corr-
plained that it was unfair that all
students must pay the fee, though
some would use it more than others.
Van Houweling responded, saying
the same could be said about suppor-
ting the library.
ACCORDING TO Van Houweling,
the greatest immediate benefit
students would receive is help in
writing research papers.
In addition to being used as a word
processor, Van Houweling said the
computer system would be hooked up
to the libraries so that students can
look to see if a book or a journal has
already been taken out.
In the long run, he said that the

omputing fee

computer system would help students
to use computers after graduating. He
said that law students, for example,
would already be experienced in using
computers to research law briefs, and
engineers would be able to use corr-

puters to design microchips.
Van Houweling said that it's impor-
tant for the University to update its
computing system now so that the
"gap" will be smaller as technology

Students urge regents
against divestment suit

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(Continued from Page 1)
who two years ago voted against
challenging the law, said the board
made a "very important moral
decision" when it decided to divest
about $45 million in South Africa-
related stocks. "To turn around and
appeal the ruling would be taking
something away from our moral
stand," she said yesterday afternoon.
Arbor), who voted in favor of divest-
ment but supported the lawsuit,
yesterday said she favored an appeal.
She added autonomy from the state is
a very important issue.
Regent Thomas Roach (D-Saline)
and Regent Dean Baker (R-Ann Ar-
bor) both said they favored an appeal
of Stell's ruling. Both board members
voted against divestment and in favor
of the court challenge two years ago.
Neither would elaborate on their
stances yesterday. But both said the
law is about autonomy and is a
seperate issue from the South African
Grosse Ile), who was elected to the
board last year, said she had not yet
reached a decision on the appeal. She
has said, however, that the University
should challenge the state law.
Regent James Waters (D-

Muskegon), who favored divestment
in 1983 and is opposed to an appeal
was not present at yesterday's
A business meeting kept hirr out of
town for yesterday's meeting. He will
also be absent from today's meeting
and probable vote on the issue. The
closed door meeting came after
several speakers during the regents'
meeting's public comment session
told regents to divest corrpletely.
ANN ARBOR attorney Robert
Jillet, who filed a brief for the Black
Student Union against the University
two years ago, said he could under-
stand the regent's 1983 decision
because few were educated about the
situation of racial inequality in South
Africa. He said a decision to appeal
now, especially since rrore people are
knowledgeableabout apartheid,
would be "inexcusable."
The regents have a choice of being
on the "side of right or the side of
wrong," said Paquetta Palmer, a
leader of the Washtenaw County
Coalition Against Apartheid.
Debbie Robinson, a Rackharr
graduate student said an appeal
would raise questions about the
regents' dedication toward racial
equality at the University.

'U' to review guidlines

(Continued from Page 1)
terr s of what we have now," said
University Vice President for
Research Linda Wilson. She took over


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Sussman's position this week.
Wilson said that restrictions on
publication of research is "the whole
issue," particularly because "there
have been some things that have
come up that have been restricted by
this policy that it would have been in
the public interest to do."
Judith Nowack, the executive
assistant to the Senate Advisory
Committee on University Affairs, said
SACUA has submitted a list of ten to
twelve faculty members to the
research office for consideration.
Nowack refused to elaborate on the
identity of these faculty members,
saying only that they have had ex-
perience with research issues in the
The final decision on the commit-
tee's membership - including the
student participants - will be made
by University President Harold
Shapiro, Sussman said.
I&I to
218 N. Division St.
Episcopal Campus Ministry
Rev. Andrew Foster, Chaplain
WEDNESDAYS at 5:00 p.m. - Libera-
tion Eucharists: Celebration of the
Holy Eucharist followed by a simple
shared meal, for people who are con-
cerned about social justice and peace.
For more info. call 665-0606
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Campus Group
Campus Ministry Coordinator:
Jamie Schultz.
Sunday mornings 11:00.
Wednesday evenings 7:00
Dr. William Hellegonds, preaching.
Worship services at 9:30 and 11 a.m.
Bible study 8 a.m.
* * *
1511 Washtenaw
Dr. Paul Foelber, interim pastor
9:15a.m. Mountain Service
10:30 a.m. Communion Service
Huron St. (between State & Division)
Sundays: 9:55 worship, 11:2 Bible
Study groups for both Undergrads and
Graduate Students.
Thursdays: 5:30 Supper (free) and
for information call 663-9376

Quake hits central Mexico
MEXICO CITY - A killer earthquake ripped through central Mexico
yesterday, devastating portions of the capital, toppling luxury hotels and
skyscrapers, starting hundreds of fires, and taking a heavy toll of life.
Channel 13, the only Mexico City station able to stay on the air, said
there were 250 confirmed deaths but the toll was expected to go much
higher as rescuers scram bled to free thousands still buried in the rubble.
The quake, with a magnitude of 7.8 on the Richter scale and centered 40
miles off Mexico's Pacific coast crumbled churches, hotels, schools,
hospitals, and office buildings as far as 250 miles away in Mexico City. It
was felt all the way to Texas, shaking buildings in Houston.
Hundreds of buildings were damaged in Mexico City, a city of 18 million
people and the second biggest in the world. The streets were ablaze with'
natural gas from broken gas pipelines. Hospitals were packed with in-
Bolivia declares seige
LA PAZ, Bolivia - The governrr ent declared a state of siege yesterday
and arrested labor leaders who refused to end a 16-day-old general strike
against a wage freeze intended to fight inflation of 14,000 percent.
Tanks and hundreds of troops took up positions before dawn in this Ad-
nean capital, in other cities and on highways. Violence was reported in
some parts of La Paz.
President Victor Paz Estenssoro's conservative governrr ent told tens
of thousands of strikers they would be fired unless they returned to work,
but rrany stayed home.
Riot police raided the Congress building, five union halls, a radio
station, San Andres University and the state mining corrpany offices in
La Paz during the night, according to union activists who escaped.
The Interior Ministry said 150 labor activists, including the 18 executive
committee rr err hers of the Bolivian Workers Central, the leftist national
labor federation, were sent into internal exile.
U.S. may make deal to free
6 hostages held in Lebanon
WASHINGTON - Warned by the Rev. Benjarrin Weir that there rray
be only a brief "window of opportunity" to negotiate the release of the six
Americans in Lebanon, the administration appeared yesterday to soften
its earlier refusal to rrake deals with their kidnappers.
It said it is making freedorr for the remaining hostages "one of the
highest priorities."
Although the administration says it doesn't give in to hijacker's
derrands, it does negotiate, especially in a life-and-death situation. Some
tacit deals have been rrade, such as for the release of the 39 prisoners
from the TWA hijacking in Beirut in June.
But the kidnappers of the six Americans still in Lebanon are derran-
ding a price that the administration rray find impossible to pay - the
release of 17 convicted terrorists in prison in another country, Kuwait.
Weir, released after 16 months in captivity, said if the demands aren't
met the kidnappers threaten to seize other Americans and "will go so far
as to proceed to execute" the six still in their custody.
Spending soars, report says
WASHINGTON - U.S. personal incorr e inched up 0.3 percent in
August, spending soared and savings plunged, governrr ent econorrmists
said yesterday.
The latest report showed a wider-than-usual divergence, with the 1.2
percent increase in personal purchasing of goods and services three
tirr es the rr onth's growth in pre-tax incorr e.
What was left, savings, turned out to be the sn allest percentage of
disposable incorr e on record, a national savings rate of only 2.8 percent.
Today's scheduled release of the quarterly "flash" estirr ate of GNP
growth is anxiously awaited on Wall Street and foreign exchange rr arkets
as the rrost informed guess yet about where the econorr y is headed.
"My guess is if there is going to be a surprise it is going to be on the high
side rather than the low side,"' said econorrist Douglas Lee of the
Washington Analysis Corp. forecast firm. "It looks like there are a couple
things going which would rrake the third-quarter GNP figure look pretty
Senate passes immigration bill
WASHINGTON - The Senate, trying to regain control of the nation's
borders, passed an irr rr igration control bill yesterday that would irrpose
severe penalties on em ployers who knowingly hire illegal aliens.
The vote was 69-30 on the third irrrrigration bill to pass the Senate in
four years. The legislation went to the House, where the Judiciary Con -
rr ittee is considering a different version of irr rr igration reforrr .
Before voting, the senators broke a two-day stalerrate when they
reached a com prorr ise on a non-binding proposal to take Social Security

out of the federal budget.
Before the imrr igration vote Sen. Pete Wilson (R-Calif.) gave up his
battle for an amrendrrent that would have rade it rrore difficult to ter-
m inate a prograrr for foreign agricultural workers.
Sen. Alan Sirrpson (R-Wyo.) sponsor of the bill, asked senators to sup-
port the rreasure "if you agree with rre it is a balanced and well-intended
proposal. It is certainly a political 'no win' for any of you. I can tell you
Vol XCVI - No. 12
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Monday through
Friday during the Fall and Winter terms. Subscription rates: September
through April - $18.00 in Ann Arbor; $35.00 outside the city. One term -
$10.00 in town; $20.00 out of town.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and Sub-
scribes to United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles
Times Syndicate, and College Press Service.





Editor in Chief...................NEIL CHASE
Opinion Page Editor ............ JOSEPH KRAUS
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Lampy, Kristine Miller, Kathleen O'Brien.



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