0 Page A 14 - The Michigan Daily - Thursday, September 5, 1985 R.C. prof describes her passion for Chile } By KATIE WILCOX' ,:liana Moya-Raggio is a woman of passionate beliefs - about her homeiand of Chile under a dictator- sIgp, about her role as a teacher, and about her language and cultural heritage. And the feelings she inspires iii her students are equally strong. "She is passionate about every deision she is confronted with, from political views to day-to-day decisions," said Tamara Williams, a teaching assistant under Moya- "Profile Raggio. "SHE IS ALMOST beyond words for me," said Jenny Wieloch, one of her students in the R.C. program. But Moya-Raggio is devoted to more than just her classes. "I think I do so much more than teach Spanish, sdftetimes that gets lost in the enor- mous amount of things that go on in a place like this," she said. Moya-Raggio, who has been head of the R.C. Spanish program for 13 years, came to the United States from Santiago, Chile in 1964 when her husoand became a visiting professor at Ohio State University. She had planned to stay only a few years but her husband decided to stay for good. "It was not a choice I made, but a choice made for me," Moya-Raggio said. IN 1973 she wanted to return to live in Chile, where she is still. a citizen. The country was under Marxist President Salvadore Allende, who was working on a socialist plan to nationalize the industries and redistribute the wealth of the lands to the peasants. But in September of that year, before she returned, Allende and the Unidad Popular party were thrown out of power ina blotdy military coup. Since that time, General Augustus Pinochet has ruled the Republic of Chile. Many people, including Moya- Raggio, believe the United States was responsible for destabilizing the Allende government. Moya-Raggio leans forward to stress the point, as she often does when she feels strongly about something. "FOR ONE of the countries with the largest, most established democratic tradition in Latin America, Chile, having elected a socialist (Allende), was considered by the U.S. as a sort of shameful thing, They wanted to prove that it doesn't work or wouldn't work," Moya-Raggio said. It worried the United States to see a leader in Latin America succeeding with a socialist government, accor- ding to Moya-Raggio. In addition, the lucrative profits of large multinational corpcrations were threatened by nationalizing in- dustries. "Deep down I believe the reasons (for CIA covert involvement) were really and truly economical, to protect the multinational businesses," she said. "IN THE CASE of Chile, I think the difficult thing for me is to realize the United States' big role in destabilizing...a government that really doesn't present a threat," Moya-Raggio said. One -thing that is very hard for Moya-Raggio and many others to ac- cept is the United States' current friendly ties with Pinochet. Pincci.et said in an interview with the C.ican newspper he runs that relations with the U.S. have never been tetter than ,vith the Reagan Administration. "AT LEAS'T in the Carter Ad- ministra'ion there was an attempt to be concerned about human rights," Moya-Raggio said. C' nditi'3n under Pinochet are terrible. There is no right to free assemly; no right to notify family of an arrest, no protection from prolonged imprisonment, and very limited rights for workers. Inflation has been in the 30-40 percent range since 1975, and unemployment has been around 30 percent. Food crops were changed to export crops, and government spending on social programs such as health care and education were cut from $454 million to $190 million. The situation leads to ambivalent feelings for Moya-Raggio. She speaks of her admiration and love of the United States, but is concerned over its Latin American foreign policy. "It is something I feel is so very wrong," she said. WHEN SHARING her political beliefs it is difficult to avoid ap- pearing anti-American, she said. "That is the danger, but that is not the case.- "Many times I refrain from saying what I want to say,"ushe added, choosing her words carefully. According to the professor, students who have never been exposed to realities of foreign policy and problems in other countries find her stance towards U.S. policy in Chile difficult. "IT IS IMPORTANT to know the realities. I have a great trust in young people to make changes," she said. Her first return to Chile was not un- til six years after the coup. Now she goes back about every other year to visit family and friends. She waited so long to return because of the hostile situation. "It was im- possible then even to submit my kids to the possibilities there," she said, When Pinochet took over, the recently divorced and working mother with four children felt going back was not feasible. In addition, her concern for her troubled country could have led to more problems. 'I have a tremendous, profound, deep love or my language.' . -Eliana Moya-Raggio, director of the Residen- tial College Spanish program "ALSO I WAS very, very involved in what you would call the Solidarity of Chile. My name had appeared in various places and I was afraid to return." Now she sees her decision to remain in the United States as the right one. "I'm very glad I didn't go back. It was a good decision to stay," she said.. "For me, Chile and everything in regards to Chile was divided into before and after (the military coup)." Others see her as dedicated to her country. "Once when she was speaking of Chile you could see the longing in her eyes for it," said Sean Oslin, one of her students in the 9MNdc ~4E ~ AELRoL Residential College. WHEN ASKED if she misses Chile, she laughed softly. "I miss the ocean above all," she said. On one of her trips back to Chile, she discovered a group of women who embroidered a type of patchwork quilts, vividly colored, that depicted scenes of social and political turmoil. "They are recording the daily history of their country, what no jour- nal, no newspaper can do," she said. A "They have embroidered their lives." THE WORKS are called "Ar- pilleras" and Moya-Raggo 'has devoted time to their study and showing them here. She couldn't bring Z them out of the country because it would be dangerous, but she had some of the quilts sent and set up an exhibition at the Power Center. She also published a study in the Feminist Studies journal. The women who made the quilts are poor and uneducated. "They came; together by the need to feed their kids in soup kitchens and they started to do something meaningful," Moya- Raggio said. The tapestries show amazing political and social awareness in the pictures of torture, poverty, hunger, . mysterious disappearances of loved ones, and other issues that are dangerous to speak of in Chile. BECAUSE LANGUAGE reveals so much, Moya-Raggio feels strongly about the importance of her native;~ tongue, and that students should learn it well in a country where only one out of 10 people can speak or read a foreign language. "I have a tremendous, profound, deep love for my language and I like for my students to speak it well," she said, using the frequent superlatives that are characteristic of her speech. Almost all of Moya-Raggio's students react similarly to her intense style of teaching. "She is very, very strict - almost merciless,"' Oslin said. At the same time, he described her as caring and accessible. "SHE'S ONE OF the toughest but+ most respected teachers I've everO had," Wieloch said. Moya-Raggio does not see herself as tough, but she believes that just at- tending classes, just sitting there is""' not enough. Students must also be ac- tive in learning. "Teaching is. a two-way pcs,"1 she said. "You need to take respon-4 sibility for your classes." MOYA-RAGGIO has taught some unique courses at the P.C., such as a course on Latin American women's literature, a course called "Cultural Confrontations" aoout third-world cultures and conflicts of artistic" creations, and a :ourse on the Latin American New Song Movement. The New Song Movement combines folk music with music of social and political confrontation. It is especially interesting, Moya-Raggio said, because so much of what is heard and, seen in Latin America comes from the U.S. "It thesNew Song Movement) star- ted as a search for identity, authen-~', tiziL.y, for a real Latin American music of their own," she said Her vitality and diversity also come through in how she runs the R.C. Spanish program. "I try to keep the program changing, alive. We're always innovating, revitalizing," she said. "She has raised the level of the R.C. program to one of the best in the coun- try," Oslin said. Williams describes Moya-Raggio as passionate yet objective about everything she does. Her students describe' her as a demanding but caring teacher. She is proud of in- troducing her students to unique pieces of culture of Latin America But all agree that this intense woman's personality snows in everything she does.h "A lot of what I care for. what I am all about comes forth in the courses I teach. 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