E it tg an Iai4t Ninety-six years of editorial freedom Vol. XCVI - No. 7 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, September 13, 1985 Ten Pages Blue hopes to open strongly agintND BY PHIL NUSSEL The Game has finally arrived-Notre Dame vs. Michigan. Can anything more be said? Yes. USUALLY WHEN these two squads meet, both are in the top ten if not in the top twenty. Usually when these two teams meet, both boast a large corps of talented returners. Usually when these two tradition rich legions collide, both return from highly successful prior seasons. Well football fans, some of this has changed. When the Fighting Irish invade Michigan Stadium tomorrow to knock heads with the Wolverines. neither team will boast a top ten ranking, a huge number of talented returners, or a good 1984 record (Michigan was 6-6 and Notre Dame was 7-4). But still, all the importance, pressure, and rivalry is present. IT IS The Game. Although Michigan has the home field advantage in the nationally- See 'M,' Page 10 .., ' v " : t. x 0o 01 .* VP MSA delays decision. .., , ,.:. .t...Y.:.:._: va '.CI Irish' fight for foot ball tickets BY JEFF WIDMAN Hail to the victors. M Go Blue. The Wolverines are No. 1. Go Irish. Go Irish? Yes, that's right. The Fighting Irish are in town and so are their fans-at least they will be begining about noon today. SATURDAY'S football season opener will feature punts, passes, tackles, touchdowns and, of cour- se, the wave. It will also feature one of the largest crowds of the season. "I don't know if this or the Ohio State game will attract more fans. They will definitely be the top two," said Wilbert Perry, the University's assistant athletic director. The contest is expected to draw about 104,000 screaming fans, but not all of them will be rootinf for the maize and blue. PAT NOONAN, a junior at Notre Dame, won't be cheering for the Wolverines. After a 2%-hour car ride from Notre Dame in South Bend, Ind. to Ann Arbor, he'll start looking for a ticket today. "They gave Notre Dame 5,000 tickets for the game," he said. "Four thousand eight hundred, however, are going to alumni. Only 2,000 tickets were saved for studen- ts which were given out in a lot- tery. And he isn't alone in his search for tickets. "IT'S A real big game for us and practically the whole campus is trying to get up to the game," he said. Mark McGovern, a Notre Dame senior, is also scrambling for tickets. He'll travel to Ann ARbor to find one if he can get a ride. "Tickets have been real hard to come by. There was a mad scram- ble to get the few tickets available. I'm hoping to find someone up thgere to buy them from." A SPOKESPERSON FOR United Limo and Indiana Motor Bus in South Bend said seven busloads of fans and private groups are headed for Ann Arbor for the weekend. But scalpers aren't making sales exclusively to Notre Dame studetns. Business was good yesterday for scalpers standing in front of the Union. "I'm selling tickets anywhere from $30 ^_ up and the people are willing," said scalper Sam Frank. He anaged to unload a pair for $120. ACCORDING TO a scalper who said his name was Tillie Willie, selling-and getting a good price for the tickets-takes more than luck. It requires strategy. "I stock up on all sections. That way I can coordinate See IRISH, Page 6 BY JERRY MARKON Michigan Student Assembly president Paul Josephson will post- pone until next Friday his decision on a replacement for former vice president Mickey Feusse, who resigned last Sunday. Josephson's announcement-which was circulated in a memo to all MSA members-came amid growing pressure from black student leaders to appoint a minority candidate to the post. "I JUST don't feel comfortable making a decision by 5 p.m. Friday," Josephson said, referring to the assembly's original deadline for a nomination. "I don't feel that I have enough information and I don't feel that I've screened enough people." Josephson, who pledged to increase minority participation in MSA during his campaign for president, has stated that he is actively considering minority candidates for the post. Several black student leaders have strongly endorsed LSA seniuor Phillip Cole as a potential vice president. Cole, who could not be reached for comment yesterday, has served on MSA's Budget Priorities Committee for the past two years. "JUST BECAUSE they want a I. New heart .program i aids young patients By JACK NAHMOD Eight-year-old Wook Hyun Nam of South Korea is expected to undergo heart surgery this morning, Dr. Ed- ward Bove, chief of pediatric cardiac surgery said yesterday. Nam is the second patient in University Hospitals new Inter- national Children's Heart Program. He follows another South Korean, Suk San Hong, wh underwent suc- cessful surgery Wednesday. Both suf- fered from a congenital heart defect that causes cyanosis. AFTER surgery on Wednesday, Hong was listed in critical condition. His progress has been steady, though, and last night he was listed in good condition. He was also placed on a liquid diet last night, according to Director of Public and Market Relations John Turck. Cyanosis, a blue discoloration of the lips and skin, is the result of a lack of oxygenated blood. This deficiency is caused by a large hole in the wall which separates the lower chambers of the heart, combined with an ob- struction to the normally lung-bound blood. Consequently, the blood is redirected straight to the person's body, resulting in the blue color. Nam and hong are the first subjects of a project designed to provide special medical help to children who do not have access to the proper medical facilities. Often a trip to the facilities is too far or too expensive. THE FUNDS to start the program were provided by Tom and Cathy McDonald of Syracuse, New York. About two years ago, Bove performed heart surgery on the McDonald's son, and the McDonalds decided to show move how grateful they were for helping their son return to a healthy life. When Bove needed funds to start the University's Heart Program, the McDonalds saw the opportunity they had waited for. "We're private people," said Cathy McDonald. "You do things because they're right, not for notoriety." "They were grateful they had money to help others," said Bove. CURRENTLY, 1,000 children are being considered for the program. Harriet Hodges of Seoul, South Korea, the International Human Assistance program in New York, and other sources refer potential patients to Bove. Then, Bove determines how serious the patient's condition is and whether help is readily available at the University Hospitals. The process of choosing patients is extremely difficult because facilities for the proper diagnosis are often inadequate in their local area. Bove hopes that the program will some day be monetarily self- sufficient, so that it can continue to help those in need. To help ensure this, Bove, the cardiologists, radiologists, and anesthesiologists have waived their professional fees, so that the money can be used mainly for hospital costs. "I talked to the cardiologists, radiologists, and anesthesiologists and they happily waived their fees," Bove siad. One chaperone is sent with each patient. The government or the family pays for the air fare. Once the patien- ts are in town, people such as Dr. Li of the Korean Society of Ann Arbor provide room and board. minority VP doesn't mean it'll have an effect on what I do," Josephson said. "They've given me some oppor- tunities to evaluate the minority can- didates and I'm accepting all of their information." Josephson confirmed that Cole who has been labeled conservative, has expressed an interest in the position. "I certainly think he'd be a very viable candidate, and he does have a strong backing from the minority community," Josephson said, adding that Cole "has a lot of experience at MSA and he does know the University well." LAWRENCE NORRIS, chairman of MSA's Minority Affairs Committe, said he supports Cole for vice president. "Philip Cole would be an excellent choice. He really-knows a lot about the issues at MSA and he really knows the University well-not just the minority community," he said. "It's very important to fill the position with a minority to further in- crease our choice in the decision- making process of MSA and to reaf- firm Josephson's commitment to minorities," Norris said. See JOSEPHSON, Page 3 Ed. Dept. drops college aid rule BY KYSA CONNETT with wire reports Male students who receive financial aid will not be required to show college officials proof that they have registered for the draft, although they must still signa form saying they have complied with the law. THE CONTROVERSIAL rule to require proof of draft registration was quietly dropped by the Department of Education because the rate of com- pliance among young men is so high that is wasn't necessary to have college aid administrators police the law, an education spokesperson said yesterday. Originally the verification rule was part of a law passed by Congress in 1982 and dubbed the Solomon Amen- dment, after its sponsor Gerald Solomon (R-New York). But the role was not set to go into effect until this fall because of the controversy surroundits implementation at college financial aid offices. Harvey Grotrain, the University's director of financial aid, said the verification rule was put on hold by the education department because it was very unpopular. IN ADDITION, an education depar- tment study on the Solomon Amen- dment that was published last winter found that well over 90 percent of those who signed forms saying they had registered for the draft actually were legally registered, Grotrain said. This study led the education depar- tment to consider dropping the rule and the University didn't make any plans to enforce it, said Lynn Borset, the University's assistant director of financial aid. Grorain said he was pleased to hear that the verification rule had been dropped. He added, however, that he still opposes the principle of linking federal financial aid with draft registration. See ED. Page 6 Hindenburg? Overcast skies didn't stop the Goodyear blimp yesterday at Ann Arbor airport. The blimp will reappear Saturday over Michigan Stadium during the football game. 'U' appeals divest-ment ruling By KERY MURAKAMI The University's chief attorney filed a suit Wednesday with the Michigan Court of Appeals in an effort to over- turn a recent court mandate for the University to sell its South African-related investments. The University currently has $5 million in investments in companies that do business in South Africa. THE APPEAL comes after Ingham County Circuit Court Judge Caroline Stell ruled last month against the University's claim that a 1982 state law requiring all state universities to divest violates the University's con- stitutional autonomy. The University's regents, however, will not decide whether to pursue the appeal until their monthly meeting Thursday. The appeal was filed Wednesday without regental approval, the Universities chief attorney Roderick Daane said, because the University's deadline to appeal expired then. The regents are expected to appeal, but Barbara Ran- sby, a Rackham graduate student and leader of the cam- pus pro-divestment Free South Africa Coordinating Committee, said yesterday the group would lobby the regents next week to drop the appeal and divest com- pletely. "THE UNIVERSITY has exhibited insensitivity towar- ds the situation in South Africa and the plight of blacks in that country," she said. See STUDENTS, Page 2 TODAY- Friday the 13th, Part I r r HE FRIDAY the 13th wedding date was dictated by their schedule, the couple said, Friday the 13th, Part II But some folks - including University students - wouldn't dare plan their wedding, let alone a date, on Friday the 13th Anday Senson, an LSA junior complained yesterday that he "couldn't get a date with a certain girl because it is Friday the 13th." Those who was driving him over the edge. That was in April 1984. Bob Twedt - the "mountain man" who placed the ad - and Kathleen Smith of northeastern Pennsylvania were married Saturday on Twedt's spread 1k2 miles from the Utah line in Glade Park, Colorado. "I kind of live in the sticks up here. It's a different life. You're isolated, and I was wantin' somebody to live up here with me for enmnaninnhin " said Twedt. 40. who was INSIDE HARRIERS: Sports looks at this year's mens and womens cross country teams. See Sports, Page 9. I