OPINION Page 4 Wednesday, September 11, 1985 The Michigan Daily Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan SDI barrier cannot hold By Robert J. Mrazek Vol. XCVI, No.5 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Hollow gesture AMERICAN JEWS and others. offended by President ;Reagan's April "reconciliation", visit to a cemetary in Bitburg, Germany aren't likely to be ap-. peased by the Administration's an- nouncement to withhold new arms sales to Arab nations until after the Jewish High Holy Days. Reagan's April antic, which in- cluded the laying of a wreath at the gravesite of Nazi stormtroopers, demonstrated an appaling insen- sitivity to those victimized by the Holocaust. The savvy among the White House press officers, however, are obviously still trying to smooth the ruffled feathers of Reagan's significant and growing Jewish constituency. The delayed sales of F-15 and F- 16 fighter planes and advanced an- ti-aircraft missile is a ludicrous gesture of concession in the wake of Reagan's demonstrating his inability to assimilate some rather fundamental history lessons. Primarily, the decision to stall delivery of war machines to Jordan and the Saudis reflects a most unattractive feature of politics: the superficial shine that the White House Press Office works hard to produce. The announcement should come as no surprise. The White House Press Office is quite candid about their mission: to present the image of an informed and polished President, although the man ob- viously suffers an advanced case of foot-in-mouth disease - what the Administration euphemizes as a tendency to "mis-speak". In a recent press conference, Reagan told reporters that he "didn't intend to say" that all for- ms of segregation have been eliminated in South Africa. But the fact is that he said it. Most frightening is that between the things Reagan does intend to say and do and those statements and actions which are later billed as accidental, is sufficient reason to question the general knowledge, wisdom and sincerity of the President. The present move is certainly not of a sort unique to the Reagan ad- ministration. Indeed, gestures are an inherent part of politics. Never- theless it is particularly disturbing that the administration would offer such meaningless conciliation to a constituency he so deeply offended so recently. As the wars in the Middle East multiply and intensify, the Ad- ministration should resist Xivializing the massacre with slick political posturing. WASHINGTON - When Gen. George S. Patton was leading the U.S. Third Army on its; extraordinary end run around the German; flank in 1944, he suddenly found himself' facing an unsuspected obstacle. Ironically, the resistance came not from the Wermacht of the Third Reich, but from Pat- ton's own military superiors. Gen. Omar Bradley informed Patton that he was tem- porarily cutting off gasoline suplies needed by Patton's tanks. Patton was livid. "Right now, the weak spot is here," he thundered to Bradley. ".s hToday I have precisely the right in- strument at precisely the right moment in exactly the right place. With a few miserable; gallons of gasoline, we could be in Berlin in ten days." Bradley replied, "What about the German. fortifications at Metz and Verdun?" Patton then pounced. "Fixed for- tifications," he replied, "are momuments to the stupidity of man. When mountain ranges and oceans could be overcome, anything built by man can be overcome." The course of military history provides ample evidence to support Patton's assertion. For every wall, humans have built a batering ram. And, despite what some of the brightest' military minds in America are telling us today, there is no reason to think that things will be any different with the Reagan ad- ministration's Strategic Defense Initiative - better known as Star Wars. Few of us in Washington took great notice in March 1983 when the president announced his dream of making nuclear weapons "impotent and obsolete." After all, the U.S. government had once considered and dismissed the possibility of defenses against nuclear weapons, and in fact turned toward forging, with the Soviet Union the 1972 ABM Treaty.. The treaty stands today as one of the few steps away from our species' slow descent in- to what Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. called "a militaristic stairway into the hell of nuclear destruction." But the Reagan magic held on Star Wars,: Mrazek is a Democratic Congressional Representative from New York. and we now find ourselves dangerously close to a point of no return on another questionable weapons system. However, Star Wars is more than just another missile or tank or aircraft carrier. It represents nothing less than a fun- damental reversal in geopolitical strategy, an: evolutionary journey into the next - and perhaps last - arena of human conflict. It the arms race is to ascend toward the stars, it would be only proper in the world's greatest democracy if that decision was the result of a reasoned public policy debate. Un- fortunately, I see no evidence that this has oc- curred. The people, in general, have little idea of what Stat Wars really means. Until the president announced his vision, the Pentagon had no idea what Star Wars meant. And they've been scrambling to make it up as they go along, without "torturing the facts too badly," as one of my colleagues has noted. Onething that Star Wars means is money. This immutable fact has hardly escaped the notice of the nation's leading defense contrac- tors, who not only are falling over each other to jump aboard the Star Wars ba wagon but also are being asked by the Pentagon to assess its chances for success. Talk about the foxes guarding the henhouse ... The financial aspects of Star Wars also have not gone unnoticed by the nation's leading research universities. In these times, research money is scarce. Now the Pentagon is dangling buckets of it in front of our univer- sities. The result of this financial bonanza would have been predictable except for the eccen- tricities of the human conscience. For it now seems that, after getting a good, hard look at Star Wars, some of those entrusted with making Star Wars a reality are deciding that they will fight it. The first blows came almost simultaneously. First, David Parnas of the University of Victoria, British Columbia of- fered his resignation from the government panel overseeing the computer aspects of Star Wars. Parnas, who took pains to point out that he had no objections to defense efforts or defense research, and who had previously acted as a consultant to the Pentagon, had a simple ex- planation: Star Wars won't work. "I am willing to stake my professional reputation on my conclusions," he asserted. Next, the director of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the Univer- sity of Illinois, Larry Smarr, spoke for a group of 47 physicists at the school who stated they would not apply for or accept Star Wars grants. His reasons were equally simple: "-.. It will not do what it was meant to do, and it will not anticipate everything the enemy might throw at it." Pity that Patton is not alive to give us his thoughts. Those of us who came of age in the 1960s may have different ideas about the authority of government and the ability to foment change than today's college students. That was then, this is now. But as the civil-rights movement and the Vietnam War protests and the environmental re-awakening of America showed, the studen- ts of the earlier era did not back down from a challenge. Often, the results they realized bordered on the amazing. In the Strategic Defense Initiative, those of you looking for an issue for the 1980s have just been handed one on a silver platter. Perhaps you will come to totally different conclusions about Star Wars that those I have reached. But you owe it to yourselves and to coming generations to familiarize yourselves with the issue, and to lean what role your school may be playing in changing Star Wars from popular science-fiction celluloid to orbiting battle stations, supercomputers and laser beams - all of which will function without the "bother" of a human being at the controls. In the days of reassessment following Hiroshima, Albert Einstein offered two thoughts for the ages. Of nuclear weapons, he said, ". . . there is no defense, there is no possibility of control except through the aroused understanding and insistence of the peoples of the world." He also said, _ "the unleashed power of the atom has changed everything except our way of thinking." Now, President Reagan has offered his ver- sion of changed thinking. Is it the right way? Can we afford not to know? Copies of this article were dis.ributed to college newspaper editors thro ghout the country by Mrazek's staff. Wfl S AU4V PY To DISCUSS -T{S ~\MW P eOV2L 'Taf, LknO N- WN~ -Y4L IN9 ST TRKT \N let MNTi/ C ONTIPOL or- flWETVDI1, \Y~ I -J aI COQ?'ANDM ThG POLITICA~L Q 2oC -4& / NTERIl IN NETTI- g~l i; ,,, 1~N V . N 11'. Lk LETTERS Daily should rethink 'code'stance i i ONLY A WIZARD COULD 1I-IVE ARRA"O QA OFICIf 5O LAR6G C"S1 IN VC MF8TIC PROG9AMvS.. . ...OR~ ,A UNCE . To the Daily: Your editorial entitled "No Code" (Daily, September 5) says "Students must be ready to fight any attempt by the ad- ministration to limit students' freedom of expression." In this editorial, as well as that of Aug. 2 ("On with the show") you also state the thought "The primary purpose of a university is education, not guardianship. The University should not place itself in a position to shield students from 'dangerous' or 'offensive' subject matters." Kery Murakami's article on ac- tivism ("Activism still sparking protests at 'U"'), also in the Sept. 5 issue recounts how the representatives of the CIA, who had planned a presentation to c..au-i haMrar nata the representatives out of the building, and up two flights of stairs in a parking structure to the CIA car." Is it the Daily's position that it is okay for "about fifty students" to shield others from "dangerous" or "offensive" sub- for severe University disciplinary action." Do the Daily editors believe that students who prevent other students from hearing a presen- tation should not be subject to some University sanctions? -WilliamS. Sturgis September 5 Sturgis is an administrative representative to the Univer- sity Council which is respon- sible for drafting a new ver- sion of the code. ." ".:U:v::". . ::.. ::.w.. ....... ..:: ..x . . . .:. . :"~i$ X; s}tK:" The Opinion Page Editors of the ichigan Daily are seeking hard- ject matters? ......... ................ . . The statement on freedom of ;:::;:... ..:. . speech and artistic expression of the Civil Liberties Board ends with the following: Letters to the Daily should be typed, triple-spa and "Because freedom of speech signed by the individual authors. Names will be with,. .. only plays such a critical role in the functioning of a university, inter- in unusual circumstances. Letters may be edited for clarity, ference with the exercise of this grammar, and spelling. freedom by members of the University community is eviden- ce of a blatant disregard for the spirit of free intellectual inquiry :..: : .:...... . and, as such, constitutes grounds ,AIR A - __ w Wa.IV vW- - - - M working, politically aware people to join the Opinion Page staff in our 96th near nf nublication. Interested students I