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September 11, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-09-11

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Alit i au
Ninety-six years of editorial freedom
Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, September 11, 1985


Vol. XCVI- No. 5

Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily

Eight Pages

Roses. bid-
ull house
in Cincy
CINCINNATI - Pete Rose came up
empty last night in his first attempt to
break the tie with Ty Cobb, going 0-
for-4 and postponing his date with
destiny for at least one night.
Rose tied Cobb's lifetime mark of
4,191 hits last Sunday in Chicago,
going 2-for-5. He did not play in the
opener of a 10-game homestand Mon-
day night against San Diego because
the Padres threw a left-hander, Dave
BUT ON Tuesday night before a
packed house at Riverfront Stadium,
Rose took his place in the lineup at fir-
st base for the Cincinnati Reds again-
t Padres right-hander LaMarr Hoyt,
gainst whom he had an 0-for-2
lifetime mark.
The Reds player-manager popped
out to shortstop twice and lined out to
left field twice. It was the fifth time in
his past nine games Rose has gone
without a hit, and he is now hitless in
his last six at-bats. .
Rose came to bat against Hoyt in
the first inning, greeted by a standing
ovation and illuminated by the
housands of flashbulbs popping in the
stands. When the count went to 3-1, the
crowd booed Hoyt, but Rose popped
up the next pitch behind second base
to Padres shortstop Garry Templeton.
ROSE came up again against Hoyt
See SAN DIEGO, Page 7


The Michigan Student Assembly
last night empowered President Paul
Josephson to nominate a new vice
president to replace Mickey Feusse,
who resigned from the post Sunday.
Josephson must submit his choice to
the assembly by 5 p.m. Friday, unless
he requests a one-week extension.
THE PROCEDURE for selecting
Feusse's replacement had to be
worked out by the assembly after it
was discovered that the student body
constitution did not include provisions
for replacing an assembly officer.
Also last night, Roderick Linzie, the
assembly's minority affairs resear-
cher, said he had decided to withdraw
his recentresignation after Josephson
asked him to reconsider the move.
Josephson's nominees for the vice
presidency must be approved by a
two-thirds vote of the assembly. If his
nominee is rejected, assembly mem-
bers will then put forth other
nominations, in which case only a
majority vote would be required.
ALTHOUGH HE wouldn't reveal
the names of candidates under con-
sideration for the post, Josephson did
say he would prefer to nominate
someone from inside the assembly.
Lawrence Norris, chairman of
MSA's Minority Affairs Committee,
said he wasn't informed of an earlier

MSA Steering Committee meeting at
which committee members drafted
the succession process for vice
president. Norris is a steering com-
mittee member.
In response, Josephson guaranteed
Norris and the assembly that he
would solicit minority input in making
his decision. Earlier, he had affirmed
that minority and women students
would be strongly considered for the
Josephson added that the position of
vice president remains open to any
student in the University.
Feusse suggested Kurt Muenchow,
head of MSA's Budget Priorities
Committee, as a potential vice
president, and Rackham Graduate
School Representative Steve Krawc-
zyk agreed that Muenchow deserves
the position.
Muenchow said he hadn't been con-
tacted by MSA leaders, and that he
hasn't given any thought to becoming
vice president.
IT WAS NOT until Feusse's
resignation that MSA leaders learned
of the need to create a procedure for
filling vacancies.
"There just happens to be no selec-
tion procedure," said MSA
Parliamentarian Rick Frenkel, who
researched the issue at Josephson's

Neither the original student body
constitution, written nearly a decade
ago, nor the 1980 revision of the con-
stitution included a provision for
filling vacancies in the assembly's top
two positions.
JOSEPHSON said he recognized
upon taking office that there were cer-
tain gaps in the constitution. Because
of these gaps, he said, MSA's Core
Committee - which was formed over
the summer to evaluate the entire
assembly - reviewed the con-
But Core Committee member Bruce
Belcher said the committee hadn't
made the constitution one of its major
"We weren't aware of the selection
problem," Belcher said. "We were
looking at the bigger problems, such
as why MSA hasn't been as effective
as it should be."
"IT'S SOMETHING you'd expect to
be there, so we just weren't looking
for it," he added.
Even if Frenkel or the Core Com-
mittee had noticed the lack of a selec-
tion procedure, Josephson said, the
Assembly wouldn't have had time to
take action before Feusse resigned.
"The constitution wasn't a big
priority like the code. It was a priority
like filing or changing the office
around, another thing we had to do,"
See MSA, Page 3

Associated Press
Pete Rose of the Cincinnati Reds pops out in his first at-bat last night as
he went on to fail to get a hit in four times at bat. Rose remains one hit shy
of breaking Ty Cobb's all-time hit record of 4,191.

Internship programs aid students after college


Until David Cohen worked as an intern for
the Peace Corps in Washington, D.C. last
Isummer, he hadn't an inkling about job
possibilities for an economics major. Now
he sees himself returning to the Peace Corps
for a full-time position when he graduates
this spring.
Business senior Eleni Sengos, on the other
hand, isn't at all certain that insurance is
e pression for her, especially after her
ummer job with Aetna Life and Casualty in
WHETHER THEIR experiences are good
or bad, undergraduates like Cohen and
Sengos who land summer internships across
the country through the University's Public
Service Intern and Business Intern
programs say their jobs provide career in-

sight they might not have gained otherwise.
"I started out the summer without any
perspective of where I wanted to go," Cohen
said, "and because of being involved with
PSIP I decided what I want to do in the
foreseeable future."
To become involved in either program,
operated by the Office of Careering Plan-
ning and °Placement, students must apply
and interview with former interns. The
process begins tonight at 6 p.m. in Rackham
Auditorium, and the Public Service Intern
Program on Wednesday, September 18 at 6
p.m. also in Rackham Auditorium.
AND THE process is competitive. About
300 students applied to each group last year,
though only 75 were chosen for the business
program while 100 were selected for the
public service program, according to Anne

Richter, assistant director of the career
placement office.
She said students are chosen on the basis
on extracurricular activities and previous
work experience, on motivation and en-
thusiasm - and academic record.
But this year students who are rejected,
as wellas any other undergraduates, will be
able to get help in finding internships
through a third program, Summer Jobs and
Internship Services, created by the Career
Planning office this fall.
"I'm not guaranteeing a placement," said
Jobert Abueva, an LSA senior who is coor-
dinating the service. "We'll give the student
a guideline and help him through (the job
search process), but the internship is up to
his design."
ABUEVA, a former intern in the business

program, said he will help students resear-
ch available internships on a one-on-one
basis, and show them how to assess their
skills and goals through lectures, workshops
and group discussions. He can be reached in
the career placement office on the third
floor of the Student Activities Building. This
term business program, open to
sophomores, juniors and seniors, consists of
weekly, two-hour workshops focused on
specific job-hunting skills such as cover let-
ter and resume-writing, researching an em-
ployer, finding housing in a strange city,
and handling office politics, said Sengos,
now coordinator of the program. Par-
ticipants will also practice interviewing
before a videotape camera; the tapes will
then be critiqued by their peers.
During this period students will be looking

for entry-level, usually paying positions in
the field of their which choice, Sengos said
has run the gamut from banking to adver-
During the winter term, the weekly
meetings will be devoted to guest speakers
and panel debates from such fields as finan-
ce, computer;-manwgement, and the media.
The Public Service Intern Program, open
to students in all class levels, offers monthly
workshops on resume writing and job hun-
ting in Washington, D.C. and Lansing, ac-
cording to Emily Weber, an LSA junior who
coordinates the program.
The University reserves apartments at
George Washington University during June
and July for public service interns to rent.
The cost of spending the summer in
;Washington runs about $1,200 Weber said,

.A good parking place
is hard to find inA2


The ticket is on the windshield and the person who wrote
it is nowhere in sight. Few things are as frustrating as
eing confronted with an Ann Arbor parking ticket.
Ann Arbor parking enforcement officers issued 254,329
parking tickets between July 1984 and July 1985, and the
city collected $1.4 million in ticket revenue during that
period, according to Donald Mason, an assistant city ad-
ministrator. The. revenue includes fines from overdue
tickets and impounded cars.
"THEY'RE OUT to get you," said LSA senior Bill
Ranger, one of many students interviewed who said
students seem to be a favorite target of the ticket writers.
'Parking is one of the worst things about U of M," he said.
"I don't pick on students," said parking enforcement of-
ficer Chuck Fritts as he wrote out a ticket on Church
Street yesterday. "I don't know one car from another. If
there's an expired meter then I do it. I'm just doing my
Fritts' beat includes the south end of the campus area, a
predominately residential neighborhood where many
students live. On an average day, he said, he dispenses 150
to 200 tickets in his area.
ONLY ONE-THIRD of the tickets issued in the city are
written in the campus area, according to Jim Stein, a city

parking enforcement official. Stein said there is a com-
mon misconception that ticket writers focus on students.
"We have a total of 12 parking enforcers, four of which
patrol the U of M area," he said.
Many students choose to risk getting a parking ticket
rather than feed the meters. "Sometimes it's worth the $3
ticket rather than going back to put money in the meter,"
said Joanne Warwick, an LSA junior.
Although the city estimates that 60 percent of all tickets
are eventally paid, "the rate of compliance within the first
14 days is only 25 percent," said Lillian Cuthberry, the
parking violations coordinator.
After 14 days, unpaid tickets are declared in default and
the fine is raised. Two weeks later the fine jumps again,
and a car which has six or more unpaid tickets can be.im-
pounded by the city - with towing at the owner's expense.
Lorne Brown, an LSA senior, learned the hard way after
his car was impounded twice. He has paid over $200 in
parking and towing fines over the past two years. "The
University doesn't do nearly enough to provide adequate
parking," he said.
As an alternative to towing, the City Council this week
gave preliminary approval to reintroduction of the Den-
ver boot, a device which would immobilize cars with six or
more unpaid tickets.

Men at Work
Two men put their muscle power to work on a construction site on State Street.




Michigan Alumni work here:
The Wall Street Journal
The New York Times
The Washington Post
The Detroit Free Press

LOUIE, LOUIE: Arts checks out a release of
rock history. See Page 5.

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