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January 20, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-01-20

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom

cl be

Lit ian


Cloudy, windy, and cold with
blowing snow and a high between
2 and 5 degrees.

Vol. XCV, No. 91 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, January 20, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages

SNR: Have budget cuts made it better?


Editors note:
This is the last in a series of articles
examing the effects of the University'sfive-
year plan to redirect $20 million of its
general fund budget into "high priority"
areas. The following story explains the
School of Natural Resources' efforts to
cope after a 25 percent budget cut.
Two years ago students in the School of
Natural Resources (SNR) protested impending
budget cuts by tying green ribbons around
campus trees.
Now, a year and a half after the University
decided to decrease by 25 percent the budget of
the natural resources school, some of the

school's staff believe that the school will indeed
become both smaller and better.
SNR IS IN the second year of its transition,
following a curriculum plan drawn up by a
committee of five faculty members and the sc
hool's dean.
The result? Decrease the school's enrollment,
cut its four-year undergraduate program to a
two-year upper level degree plan, and
eliminate one-fourth of the faculty members -
nine full-time positions.
The team's proposals were later approved by
the University, and the school began its down-
sizing process.
ACCORDING TO Dean James Crowfoot, the
nine faculty positions are being phased out
through early retirements and joint appoin-
tments in other schools. He would not be
specific about SNR's plans for these

'Now we're going to become
excellent or go down the
tubes trying.'
- John Bassett
associate dean
professors. He would say only that the school
has eliminated about half of the positions so
Even with the loss of faculty, Crowfoot and
others are optimistic that SNR will be better af-
ter the transition than it was before the review.
"I think given the reality of source constrain-

ts in the University... that we are going to
maintain a high quality school," Crowfoot said.
"We were very challenging before the review,
and we continue to be," he added.
" YES, WE will be better."
But some aren't quite ready to make a
blanket statements praising changes in the
school. It's just too early to tell, they say.
"I think it's very difficult at this time to be
specific on the results of this process," said
Prof. Kenneth Polakowski, a member of the
transition team.
"THIS experiment that we're going through,
we're in the middle of it," he said.
Other faculty members have even pointed
out specific areas where the school has already
paid a price for experimenting. Enrollment is
down from 718 to 410 since fall 1982, and many
faculty members have become targets of other

universities who have heard that the future of
SNR is shaky and who want to snap up faculty
According to Prof. Charles Olson, an SNR
instructor, raiding by other colleges is
"discreet" but it does occur.
"I WOULD doubt there has been a single
member of our faculty who hasn't considered
moving elsewhere," Olson said, adding that
these faculty members probably wouldn't have
been looking for new jobs if the review hadn't
At least one, and maybe three, faculty mem-
bers will be leaving in May, Olson said.
Young professors seem to be the most sought
after candidates in these raids," Olson said.
"Those are the ones that most people want
to get ... they'll build their reputation, they'll
See SNR, Page 2

Blue tops
in3 OT,

for Reagan



The Michigan basketball team is in
the drivers' seat in the Big Ten, but it
took a lot more to get there than your
average drivers test.
The Wolverines staggered and strut-
ted, but eventually pulled out a thrilling
69-67 triple overtime victory last night
against the Iowa Hawkeyes at Crisler
ROY TARPLEY'S last-second hook
shot off the glass sealed the victory that
puts them in a first-place tie with
Illinois, each team sporting a 4-2 con-
ference record.
Michigan looked terrible in the first
half, but Frieder must have done
something to spark the team along in
the second half. The Wolverines over-
came a first half 12-point deficit with
nine straight unanswered points mid-
way through the second period. Then
some gutsy defense which eventually
earned them the lead for the first time
in the game, 45-44, at the 7:57 mark.
SAID MICHIGAN Coach Bill Frieder,
"If we had played the first 15 minutes
we wouldn't have had to play the last 15
Each squad matched each other
bucket for bucket building to the
suspenseful overtime period. "It had to
be one of the great games," said Iowa

WASHINGTON (UPI) - President
Reagan and thousands of his
Republican friends made the rounds of
scores of inaugural parties yesterday
on the eve of his private swearing in for
a second term as America's 40th chief
As mandated by the Constitution,
Reagan will repeat the same oath taken
by his 39 predecessors at noon today.
"I DO solemnly swear (or affirm)
that I will faithfully execute the Office
of President of the United States, and
will to the best of my ability, preserve,
protect and defend the Constitution of
the United States, so help me, God."
Because Jan. 20, the constitutionally
mandated Inauguration Day, falls on a
Sunday he will be sworn in on the Grand
Staircase in the ._White House in a
private ceremony witnessed by 96 close
friends and televised nationwide.
Following tradition, Reagan will ride
to the Capitol tomorrow morning and
repeat the oath on the steps before
giving his second inaugural address.
WHITE HOUSE spokesman Larry

Speakes said Reagan's address would
be less than 20 minutes long and center
on the theme of "American renewal."
"It emphasizes the importance of
economic growth and opportunity for
all," Speakes said. "In this respect it
gives special weight to the role of
freedom and incentives unleashing the
drive and enterpreneurial genius that
are the key to progress."
Speakes said the speech commits
Reagan to tax simplification, the
budget freeze, arms reduction, and
strategic defense, which will be
outlined in his State of the Union ad-
dress next month.
ON THE eve of the 50th presidential
inaugural, the Republican faithful don-
ned their finery to celebrate Reagan's
49-state landslide over Democrat
Walter Mondale: in November and the
launching of the second term of the
most conservative president in this half
of the 20th century.
Scores of private parties were held in-

Championship hold Daily Photo by DAN HABIB
Muhammed Ali chats with Faz Husain's daughters in Ypsilanti yesterday. Ali came to the area to promote Husain's bid
for mayor of the town.

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From United Press International
Abortion opponents rallied across the
nation yesterday, kicking off a 3-day
protest to be highlighted Tuesday by
President Reagan's speech to a "March
for Life" in the nation's capital.
Abortion proponents maintained
weekend vigils to guard against attacks
on clinics.
WITH THE 12th anniversary of the
Supreme Court abortion decision
Tuesday and the presidential
inauguration tomorrow federal officials
warned of a renewed threat of attacks

against abortion clinics.
Feminist groups responded by main-
taining vigils over the weekend at
clinics, 30 of which nationwide have
been fire-bombed since 1982.
To mark the Supreme Court decision
legalizing most abortions, Reagan will
speak at the "March for Life" protest,
the annual rite of dissent against the
abortion ruling, White House
spokesman Larry Speakes said.
A GROUP of anti-abortion activists
announced they will hold a sit-in at the

Panel promotes classes
aimed at global view,

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Quebec party split at convention
MONTREAL (AP) - Hundreds of hard-line separatists Pays - Le Quebec," (Our Country - Quebec) said it was too
walked out of a Parti Quebecois convention yesterday to early to say whether the dispute would lead to a permanent
protest Premier Rene Levesque's call to downgrade the goal split in the party.
of an independent Quebec. Levesque and other party moderates have argued that the
The convention postponed until late afternoon a final vote Quebecois want their provincial government to settle its
on Levesque's proposal to amend the party's official disputes with the central government in Ottawa, not to fight
program, deleting a commitment to make independence for for independence.
predominantly French-speaking Quebec the central issue of
the UT THER apeared to be little doubt as to the outcome RECENT POLLS show support for making the
after the hard-line faction lost a vote on a key procedural predominantly French-speaking provine an idependent
issue (921-495) - a reliable indicator of the balance of forces county to nister serre arc Johnson told the delegates
on the convention floor. that if the party made the "sovereignty option" the central
Camille Laurin, a former Cabinet minister who led the election issue and lost, "it would weaken our option and be a
walkout of the hard-liners under a banner reading, "'Notre See OUEBEC. Page 2


A panel-of University faculty members yesterday agreed
that teaching a broad range of disciplines rather than a
narrow range allows students to view the world from a wider.
"Multiple idealogies are the essential components in
ethical questions," said James Crowfoot, dean of the school
of natural resources.
"(WE) SHOULD regard undergraduate studies as a broad
spectrum preparing students for specialized graduate
studies," said Engineering Dean James Duderstadt.
The purpose of the two-day conference was to discuss
ethics and values in relation to the teaching of various sub-
jects and disciplines at American universities, said Rev. Jit-
suo Morikawa from the First Baptist Church of Ann Arbor.
Billy Frye, vice president for academic affairs, said that
the University should offer courses in ethics and that ethical
questions should be addressed in other areas of the
PROF. JOHN Cobb of the laremont School of Theology
said Friday that American uni ersities need to incorporate a
global perspective of world problems into the curriculum. He

said this view would enable man to survive without
destroying himself and the environment.
A nuclear holocaust in the far future is inevitable unless
changes are made in the values of man, said Cobb.
The famed theologian and author added that the major
issues the university should concern itself with are the con-
servation of the environment and the avoidance of a nuclear
war, justice concerning the plight of citizens of third world
nations, and the role of Women in society.
COBB SAID that faculty members should not fall into the
"academic trap" by trying-to define what ethics and values
mean. Ethics are shared concerns, he said, fundamental
enough that people can discuss them.
Approximately 120 people attended the conference held at
Hutchins Hall. The audience consisted primarily of faculty
members, although some students did attend.
"I'm just here for the panel discussion," said LSA senior
Cynthia Marshall, "I'm trying to get a business angle on it."
Scott Simonds, professor of Health Behavior and Health
Education, said "the issues that are raised by the focus of the
conference ... the question of ethics and values are concer-
ns to all of us on the faculty."

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Taste of America
TT MAY not be standard fare on America's dinner
tables, but squid-stuffed ravioli, swan-shaped
pastries, and abalone creme bisque was on the menu


eggs, 210 pounds of sugar, 182 pounds of butter, 93 pounds of
flour, 85 pounds of apricot marmalade and 12 bottles of
rum. William Anton, who organized the food fest in a repeat
of his performance during the 1981 inauguration, billed the
gala as "the culinary experience of the century." Anton, 43,
hobbling on crutches because of a November ski injury,
said he'd spent 18 hours a day organizing the event, and
viewed it as the hospitality industry's way of saying "thank
you to this great land that has given them so much." Anton
said each participating restaurateur and winery donated its
services and specialties to the gala. The estimated retail
value of the culinary creations was about $3.5 million to $4
million. Leonold Schaeli. a cornorate executive chef and

When duty calls
PRESIDENT Reagan's police escort plans to stay
together through thick and thin in the inauguration
parade tomorrow. But officials say the thick they will have
to go through may not be pleasant as they walk down Pen-
nsylvania Avenue behind 730 horses. The city's Department
of Public Works is in charge of shoveling the estimate 16 /
tons of manure left by the 35 equestrian units, but police
said they expect some slipping and sliding. District of
Columbia police spokesman Jim Battle said the president's
escort will "obviously go around it if they can." But
security will be especially tight during the parade and Bat-

ching to see whether the first lady bows down to their
request to refrain from wearing a fur to inauguraltevents.
She wore a full-length mink to the opening pageant, but her
press secretary Sheila Tate, said Mrs. Reagan had not yet
decided whether she would don a fur for other festivities.
The Committee for Awareness about Furs in a statement
said the first lady made a commitment four years ago "not
to wear fur." The committee called on Mrs. Reagan "to set
a humane example for the millions of Americans who look
to herto lead and to remember the millions of animals
killed so human beings may wear items that none of us can
claim to need." But the first lady, who arrived in a light
snow at the opening pageant in a mink coat, usually decides




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