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April 24, 1985 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-04-24

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vs. Michigan State
May 5, 1p.m.
Ray Fisher Stadium
the Michigan Daily


vs. Ohio State
May 3, 3 p.m.
'M' Varsity Diamond

Wednesday, April 24, 1985


I09ce rs sign six recruits

Associated rress
Cleveland second baseman Tony Bernazard takes a wild throw from catcher Jerry Willard as the Tigers' Kirk Gibson
(23) steals second for the second time in the Tiger's 4-3 win yesterday.

Despite what he labeled a not-so-
strong recruiting year, hockey coach
Red Berenson has plenty of good news
for Michigan hockey fans.
As of today, the Wolverine braintrust
has signed six newcomers for the 1985-
'86 season, who as Berenson put it,
"should step right in and play," from
day one.
"THE FEELING was that it wasn't
going to be a strong year," Berenson
said, "but I think we got what we wan-
Number one on that get-list is
goaltender Bob Lindgren, a US Junior
League player out of Roosevelt High
School in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Lin-
dgren impressed many stopping pucks
for the St. Paul Volcans in the Juniors,
and was highly sought by Berenson and
"Goalie was a position that had to be
filled," the head coach stressed,
referring to the departure of senior
Mark Chiamp.
Losing Chiamp to graduation left the
Wolverines with only one experienced
netminder, Tim Makris, the 1983-'84.
Massachusetts Goalie-of-the-Year. The
addition of Lindgren-after he's broken
in-should make the Michigan goalten-
ding arsenal solid.
ANOTHER SPOT vacated by
graduation was that of defenseman
Mike Neff. But never fear, recruiting is
here. Blue-chip defenseman Myles
O'Connor, a 5-11 blue-liner from
Calgary, Alberta, will also don the
Maize and Blue in October, filling the
void created by Neff's absence.
"We felt (O'Connor) was the most
sought after player in Canada," Beren-
son said of his new defenseman; "he'll
probably go in the first or second round
(of the NHL draft)." Of all the recruits,
Berenson feels O'Connor has the poten-
tial to become one of those coveted
players who generate success.
In an effort to strengthen the defense,
Michigan has also signed two other
defensemen, both from the Boston
BILLY Campbell from Westborough
High and Dan Campuano from New
Hampton Prep both "really wanted to
play and go to school," at Michigan, ac-
cording to Berenson, who anticipates
both recruits will make the team.

Up front, Wolverine recruiting also
captured a bundle of good news. Center
Todd Brost, another Calgary native,
just might be a mainstay, according to
Berenson. "Todd was recruited by
Harvard; he'll be a pepper-pot center-
Brost was the leading scorer for the
Pentincton Knights of British Colom-
bia, a tier-two Junior A team.
At right wing, Billy Powers will leave
New Hamshire's St. Anselem, a
Division II school, to play for the
Division I Wolverines.
"POWERS is completely out of his
element in Division II," Berenson em-
phasized. Michigan grabbed Powers, a
Philadelphia Flyers draft pick, before
Eastern schools knew he intended to
transfer, Berenson said.
With the signing of the new six, the
Wolverine head coach feels Michigan
"essentially obtained (its) main
Although recruiting is a job never
done as Berenson put it, the hard part
lies ahead. "A group of freshmen is not
going to step in and win a championship,"
quiped the now not-so-naive college

coach. "It'll depend on how much we
improve, as a program and a team."
The newcomers, however, might just
make some noise next season. "We took
players that will make a meaningful
contribution," Berenson added, "not
just make the team."

... spot will be filled

'Tigers cut
CLEVELAND (AP)-Kirk Gibson
Collected three hits, including a two-run
bloop double to snap a fifth inning tie,
4nd Dan Petry, Bill Scherrer and Willie
Ijrnandez combined on a nine-hitter
yesterday as the Detroit Tigers
efeated the Cleveland Indians 4-3.
'Petry, 3-1, gave up six hits while
striking out two and walking one over
the first six-and-two-thirds innings.
kernandez came on in the eighth for
$dherrer to register his third save.
CLEVELAND'S Bert Blyleven, 0-2,
yielded nine hits while pitching a com-
plete game.

t down Clev


Detroit took a 1-0 lead in the top of the
first when Allan Trammell singled with
one out, stole second and moved to third
on Gibson's bloop single. Trammell
scored when Lance Parrish grounded
Cleveland tied the game in the third
when Julio France was hit by a Petry,
pitch with two out and scored on Mel
Hall's double.
THE TIGERS loaded the bases after
two outs in the fifth to set up Gibson's
key double. Chries Pittaro and Lou
Whitaker singled before Trammell
walked. Gibson, who also stole two
bases, then dropped his double into

short left field, just inside the foul line
scoring Pittaro and Whitaker for a 3-1
Tiger lead.
Cleveland scored a run in the bottom
half of the inning on Tony Bernazard's
triple and Franco's sacrifice fly, but the
Tigers added their fourth run in the six-
th when Larry Herndon singled and
scored on Chet Lemon's two-out double.
The Indians reached Hernandez for a
run in the ninth when Bernazard, who
had singled, scored from first on Fran-
co's two-out single.
Detroit improved its record to 8-4
while Cleveland fell to 5-8.

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ELL SPORTS fans, school's out today. Within the
next week or so, most of you'll be home for the better
part of the next four months. Here are a few things to look
for in the baseball world before the beginning of Septem-
" Dale Murphy will continue to strike fear in the hearts
of National League pitchers. Although his present pace
must slow down, this mild-mannered Mormon should
"have at least 40 home runs come September 1. If Bob Hor-
ner and Brad Komminsk provide strong support, Murphy
could take the Triple Crown.
* Juan Samuel, Philadelphia's sophomore second
baseman, will be moved to the outfield. Samuel will be up-
set by the move because it will ruin his chance to become
the first man in history to steal 50 bases and make 50
errors in one season.
w Yankee owner George Steinbrenner will fire manager
Yogi Berra shortly after the All-Star Game. Lou Piniella
will take over, but after he loses two of his first three
Fames, Steinbrenner will drop hints that he is looking for a
new skipper. Billy Martin, Earl Weaver, Bill Virdon and
Lee Iacocca are all mentioned as candidates.
" Dave Kingman, Oakland's DH, falls into disfavor with
both management and fans after refusing to fill in at first
base for an injured Bruce Bochte. "I'm paid to hit, not
field," says Kong, whose .208 average is lower than his
" Fernando Valenzuela demands a trade after pitching
a no-hitter but losing the game 1-0 on a four base error by
Al Oliver. The loss leaves Valenzuela with a 4-8 record
despite a league-leading 1.71 ERA.
* A bench-clearing brawl will erupt during a Cardinals-
Reds game after Joaquin Andujar and Mario Soto
repeatedly hit opposing batters.
I" Player-manger Pete Rose will break Ty Cobb's all-
,time hit record of 4,191 on August 21. When asked about his
retirement date, Rose, hitting .248 with no homers,

Lookout sports fans ...
. .. baseball's summer surprises
replies, "As long as I can still contribute, I'm sure the
manager will be more than happy to write my name on the
lineup card. I'm looking forward to hit number 5,000."
" Dwight Gooden will throw a no-hitter to silence his
critics. Gooden's arm was becoming questionable
because he was averaging "only" eight strikeouts per
nine innings.
" Tiger glamor boy Kirk Gibson will be found
possessing a "controlled substance" by a customs official
in Canada as the Tigers arrive for a series with the Blue
Jays. In an effort to replace the suspended star, Sparky
moves Darrell Evans to center, Lou Whitaker to first,
Lance Parrish to second and Walt Terrell to catcher.
* A bench-clearing brawl will erupt during a Reds-
Braves game after Mario Soto and Pascual Perez
repeatedly hit opposing batters.
" Tom Seaver will win the 300th game of his career.
Tommy John and Don Sutton, both of whom will have
ERAs in the 5.00 range, will try to become the next to
reach that plateau but both will fall short.
" The Mets and the Cubs will be 12 games ahead of third-
place Philadelphia by the end of August. The New York-
Chicago summer-long battle will have both teams' fans in
a frenzy. By the time the two clubs meet for the last time
in September, they will be ready to tear each other to
pieces. Cub GM Dallas Green will challenge Gary Carter
to a Texas Death Match after Carter refers to Green as
the "man behind Chicago's choke."
* George Brett and surprising Steve "Bye-Bye" Baloni.
will put the Royals atop the AL West. Dan Quisenberry
will once again have an outrageously high save total.
" Atlanta will lead San Diego by about five games in the
race to see who will get the honor of losing to the Mets or
* In baseball's best division, the AL East, the Tigers,
Blue Jays and Red Sox will all enter September with
realistic chances at winning 100 games. The Yankees, now
managed by Geraldine Ferraro, won't be far behind.
And remember.. . you heard it here first.


*beats Bucks
PITTSBURGH (AP) - Rick Sutcliffe
seattered eight hits and belted a long
home run and Ryne Sandberg, last
year's National League Most Valuable
Player, also homered for his first run
batted in of the year last night as the
Chicago Cubs blanked the Pittsburgh
'irates, 5-0.
Sutcliffe, 3-1, who had won 16
straight regular season games before
losing his last start in Montreal, did not
allow a Pittsburgh runner past second
bise. He struck out seven and walked
one, and also triggered a two-run third
inning with a single off loser Mike
Bielecki, 1-1.
Bielecki contributed to his own down-
fall by ill-advisedly throwing to second
iase too late to nail Sutcliffe on Bob

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