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April 20, 1985 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-04-20

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom

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Partly cloudy with a chance of
rain. Highs in the low 80s.

Vol. XCV, No. 160 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Saturday, April 20, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages


The former vice president of the Bur-
sley Board of Governors (BOG) was
arrested Tuesday on charges of embez-
zling almost $2,500 from the dorm's
A preliminary hearing is scheduled
for next Wednesday, at which time
former board vice president Rick
Blalock will enter a plea. The
maximum penalty for embezzlement is
10 years or $5,000.
BLAI.OCK, an LSA sophomore, is
currently free on personal bond. If he
fails to appear in court on Wednesday,
an additional warrant for his arrest will
be issued, said Ann Arbor Police Detec-
tive Michael Schubring.
Blalock could not be reached for
In early February, the Bursley Board
of Governors accused Blalock of em-
bezzling nearly $2,500 from the dorm's
coffers and voted unofficially not to
prosecute him criminally but to pursue
the case civilly.
The board decided against taking any
criminal action at the time. Rather,
board members agreed to pursue the
case civilly as long as Blalock repaid
the money they say he embezzled. They
planned to seek criminal prosecution
only if Blalock refused to make the
This decision was later
See FORMER, Page 2





meet goal

Number of women, minorities stays low

Up a tree Daily Photo by AND! SCHREIBER
Dave the gorilla, a University sophomore, sits i a tree on the Diag. It as
a natural urge of the gorilla, one of three Daves to invade the Diag yester-
day, to return to his natural habitat. The three I)aves greeted students
throughout the afternoon. See story, page 3.

The University's Board of Regents
yesterday expressed frustration and
disappointment at the administration's
inability to increasesignificantly the
number of women and minorities it
hires every year.
The regents were reacting to a report
from Affirmative Action Director
Virginia Nordby. The report indicates
that the proportion of women and
minorities among new employees in
past years has failed to increase even
though the administration has poured
more money into recruitment.
"I'M considerably disappointed that
we don't seem to be making progress,"
said Regent Nellie Varner (D-Detroit).
University President Harold Shapiro
agreed. "The results are very disap-
pointing and inadequate," he said. "I
don't know what to do next. We've done
most of the obvious things," he said.
Neither Shapiro, Nordby, or the
regents were able to determine the
reason why the University's efforts
have fallen short of their goals, nor did
they plan any changes in the hiring
procedure for next year.
NORDBY said it is difficult to know
how to attack the problem now. "It is
really quite frustrating that the faculty
profile has changed so little over time,
despite what we consider significant ef-
fort," she said.
One of the biggest disappointments in
the report, Nordby said, was that there
was only one new black assistant
professor hired at the University bet-
ween Oct. 1, 1983 and Sept. 30, 1984.
Becoming an assistant professor is the
first step on the University's ladder to
"We clearly have a challenge in ter-
ms of vigorously recruiting assistant
professors," Nordby said.
IRONICALLY, the black assistant
professor washired in the College of
Engineering, a field which statistics
say is particularly dominated by white
The engineering college was one of
several bright spots in the report. Each
school and college is primarily respon-
sible for its hiring and firing, and
several units exceeded the "model"

number of women and minorities.
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor).
noted that the percentage of full
professors made up of white males has
dropped somewhat in the last seven
years. "There has been - even in the
time when the total number of faculty is
falling - an increase in the number of
women and minorities," he said.
THE DECLINING number of total
faculty and staff is one factor that
plagues the University's affirmative
action efforts, said Regent Thomas
Roach (D-Saline). The total number of
University employees in Ann Arbor has
decreased in the past four years from
11,381 to 10,858, according to the report.
Because of the low number of job
openings, Roach said, it is difficult to
dramatically increase the number of
minority and women employees.

'U' to drop medical

'U'students to
From staff reports
About 200 University students have boarded buses or piled
into cars headed for Washington, D.C., where they will join
thousands of other college students in a weekend march and
rally protesting numerous U.S. policies at home and abroad.
Students from at least seven campus groups will par-
ticipate in today's march, which organizers expect to draw
50,000 students from around the country.
MEMBERS of the, Ann Arbor chapter of the Latin
American Solidarity Committee (LASC) hung a banner in the
Diag to publicize the march, and organized bus transpor-
tation to Washington. They said the response was so great,
the group had to rent two buses to carry 86 people, as well as
cars and vans to accomodate another 25. The group gathered
in the Union yesterday evening to paint posters and banners
before leaving late at night.
The LASC caravan was perhaps the last group to leave.
Some students drove to the nation's capital as early as Thur-
sday. Other students participating in the march and rally
represented the Progressive Student Network, the Michigan
Alliance for Disarmament. the Interface Council for Peace,
Take Back the Night, The Puerto Rican Solidarity Committee
and the Ann Arbor Peace Community.
The issues the students will protest are as varied as the
groups they come from. Some will be calling for an end to
apartheid in South Africa and racism in the United States.
Others hope to pressure lawmakers to reject President
Reagan's proposed bill for aid to the contras in Nicaragua
next week. And still others will voice their disgruntlement
with the reduction of federal spending on social services.
"WE'RE THINKING OF (the march) as an ever-
broadening protest of issues-increasing the number of
issues," said Caesar Mitchell, one of the event's organizers.
"This is not a single purpose march."
Christen Nelsen, the Ann Arbor coordinator for the march,
said the activities in Washington, which also will include

orally in D.C.
lessons on civil disobedience and lobbying, will strengthen
students' convictions to work for social change.
"We're going to meet, and march, build networks, and
come back and build networks in our home towns," she said.
Mitchell said this is the first broad-based student march in
recent years, but that it stems from others, including one
organized last year to commemorate the 20th anniversary of
Martin Luther King's famous march on the nation's capital.
"SOMETIMES you feel like you're all alone. It's good for
people to come together," said David Miklethun, a local ac-
tivist who together with 13 friends drove down to Washington,
D.C. last night.
"It's great to see people driving all the way to
Washington," he added. "I will do what I have to do, and
bring my body to join in the action."
Miklethun and LASC will be protesting U.S. aid to the con-
tras in Nicaragua.
Earlier this week LASC paid a visit to the Ann Arbor office
of Rep. Carl Pursell to persuade him to vote against
Reagan's bill. At the time, however, the Republican
lawmaker was in Washington. Pursell's aides said he would
not have time to meet with the group in his Capitol Hill office
But LASC member Peter Rosset said about six members
plan to lobby Pursell and other legislators about the bill on
Rosset said LASC's plans were unaffected by Reagan's
decision on Thursday to eliminate the military aid
requirement from his bill. LASC still opposes the bill, he said,
because its stance is against "any kind of aid to the contras."
The march will begin today with a rally on the Ellipse at 1
p.m. At 1:30, the marchers will walk past the White House
through the downtown area, encircle the Capitol, and wind up
on the west side of the Capitol for another rally.
Daily staffers A my Mindell, Caroline Muller, and Kery
Murakami contributed to this story. It was written by
Laurie DeL ater.

Another roadblock to a more diverse
faculty is the "spouse factor," said
Regent Sarah Power (D-Ann Arbor).
The factor comes into play when the
University offers a position to a can-
didate whose spouse would have trouble
finding a job in Ann Arbor.
NORDBY SAID some effort is made
to find a University opening for a poten-
tial employee's spouse. At Power's
request, Frye will present a more for-
mal report on the subject at a later
Power said the University may have
trouble recruiting women and
minorities because of its image as well.
She blamed some of that image on the
"sloppiness of the press," evidently
referring to a Detroit Free Press ar-
See REGENTS, Page 3

The University's Board of Regents
yesterday approved the termination of
the medical technology program at the
end of the 1986-87 academic year.
The timing of the termination will
allow the 30 juniors and seniors curren-
tly enrolled in the two-year program, as
well as sophomores who already have
been accepted, to receive their degrees.
But a handful of freshmen who came
to the University this year with their
eyes on medical technology will simply
be out of luck.
IN AN amendment to the original
plan, the regents requested special help
for the roughly 10 freshmen affected by
the program's elimination.
Billy Frye, vice president for
academic affairs and provost, said af-
ter the meeting that his options range
from extending the program another
year to helping students find an alter-
native program or transfer to another
university. But he added that the least
likely of the possibilities would be ex-
tending the program another year.
Program director Sandra Gluck said

the best way to handle the freshmen
situation would be to continue the
program another year, which would
cost the University about $186,000.
"We feel that the feasible way to do it
is to extend the program to 1988," she
GLUCK said several students do not
want to transfer to another school to get
a medical technology degree.
"I came here just for that program,
and when I got here I was even more
excited," said LSA freshman Kim
Nachtrieb. "I don't think it's fair."
Nachtrieb said she will probably
transfer to a medical technology
program at Wayne State University
next year, but she isn't pleased with
that solution. "This is where I want to
go. I don't want to transfer. I want to go
here," she said. "I like it here."
LSA freshman Diane Slowiejko was
also disappointed with the regents'
decision. "Ldon't agree with the logic
behind it," .she said. "I don't under-
stand-if it's the top program in the
state, why is it being cut?"
See 'U', Page 2

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to grow
in Calif.

Students at four of the other nine
colleges in the University of California
system may begin boycotting their
classes next week in alliance with
protesters at the Berkeley campus who
are calling upon the university to
The students' movement to withdraw
the university's investments in com-
panies conducting business in South
Africa entered its tenth day at Berkeley
yesterday. Protest organizers there
said that by next Wednesday, when
spring break ends, students at cam-
puses in Los Angeles, San Diego, Santa
Barbara, and Santa Cruz will join the

HOWARD Pinderhughes, a graduate
student and one of the protesters, said
he thought the other schools would step
up pressure on the university ad-
ministration, which thus far has stalled
on demands concerning divestment.
"Divestment is very possible," Pin-
derhughes said. "Forty-two other
universities have undergone some form
of divestment. Our 1.7 million (dollars)
would be the largest yet."
Pinderhughes said similar protests at
Columbia University, the University of
Iowa, and Cornell as well as an expec-
ted outbreak at Brown University next
See PROTEST, Page 2


Oh ye of little faith

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Members of the group Christians in Action perform a skit with a biblical message on the Diag yesterday. They believe
that because people are looking for happiness in material things, they will never find it.

Stick 'em up
wo British tourists thought American police shows
were make-believe until their van was pulled over
by policemen who drew guns and told them to

"I dn'tthin anbodyis oingto e cofusd wih anam

the air.' " Budge recalled thinking, "Maybe our visas had
expired." "It was a really American experience," Butcher
said. "We had viewed American television shows about
police but we thought much of it was not real. Now we know
it really happens."

"I don't think anybody is going to be confused with a name
like that."
Penny protest

ficials, Richerson's protest apparently amused the,
spokeswoman Marva Gay said. She said the department
regularly receives unusual forms of payment, citing cases
where taxpayers have settled their bills with pennies. But
this was the first time Gay had heard of someone
submitting a wad of checks

Just call me God

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