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April 19, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-04-19

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See Weekend magazine

Ninety-five Years y BW 4&igh Ray Ban
Of X . IC C r 98 T Sunny and warn Awithh ighs inth
Editorial Freedom tI tg n:31low eighties.
Vol. XCV, No. 159 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, April 19, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pag


trail others
in salary
study says
Serious morale and retention
problems among the University's
faculty will arise if they are not paid
more, and according to merit, says a
report by the Committee on the
Economic Status of the Faculty present
ed to the Board of Regents yesterday.
"The average faculty salary at the
University of Michigan has fallen to 92
percent of the average salaries at our
private peer institutions," said Beth
Reed, professor of social work and
chair of the committee.
AND "'although we are still com-
petitive with our private peers, our
position relative to them has also
declined slightly," she said.
Reed didn't have the actual salary
figures available, but she said that in
* comparison with ten other private
schools - Stanford, Yale, North-
See REGENTS, Page 3


DaIly Photo by MATT PETRIE
University President Harold Shapiro shovels some dirt at yesterday's ground-breaking ceremony for the University's
new Burn Center, which is expected to open in 1986.

Mr. Basketball tops solid freshman squad

Students opposed to President
Reagan's "Star Wars" defense
initiative attacked the proposal's
feasibility yesterday amid University
efforts to secure funding to research the
controversial system.
Gathering outside the University's
Office of Research, Development, and
Administration in the West
Engineering building, about 80 students
protested the University's decision to
pursue the funding without student in-
four proposals for $4,366,000 in Star
Wars research funds to the Strategic
Defense Initiative Organization, a
special government office created last
year. The proposals originated from
both LSA and the College of
Engineering-two from engineering
and one each from the political science
and chemistry departments.
Reagan originally an'nounced his
Strategic Defense Initiative in a
nationally-televised speech last year.
In the speech, Reagan described the
futuristic system as a defensive shield
that would destroy incoming Soviet
missiles in flight and eventually "ren-
der nuclear missiles impotent and ob-
Students at yesterday's protest,
however, doubted whether the system
could achieve its stated objectives.
way to end the arms race is to build this
high-tech device that's going to
magically shoot down ballistic missiles
in space," said University graduate
Tom Marx, a member of the
Progressive Student Network.
LSA senior Chris Faber said the
"whole point is that the government
plans to spend billions of dollars for
something that's unsure and likely to
destabilize the world peace situation
even more."
The Union of Concerned Scientists, a
Cambridge, Mass., group investigating
the effects of technology on society.

recently conducted a study on Star
Wars, concluding that "there is no
realistic hope of achieving the
President's goal of an impermeable
defense against nuclear attack."
"THE PROPOSED defensive
weapons of the strategic defense
initiative suffer from a combination of
inherent technical limitations, intrac-
table basing problems, and suscep-
tibility.to Soviet countermeasures," the
study continued.
The Union of Concerned Scientists
has produced a movie about the Star
Wars proposal, which was shown in
East Quadrangle Wednesday night.
Residential College freshman Christine
Tanner said the film solidified her op-
position to Reagan's proposal.
"The impression I came away with
was an unworkable and unfeasible
system," Tanner said. "The system is
just too hypothetical and too easy to
knock out."
OTHER SCIENTISTS, however, have
supported the missile technology as the
issue has stirred heated debate within
the scientific community.
Another protester voiced his belief
yesterday that the Soviet Union will in-
terpret the Star Wars shield as an of-
fensive weapon.
Last month, Gen. Nikolai Chervov, a
senior Soviet military official, told The
Washington Post that if the United
States pushed: ahead with Star Wars,
the Soviet Union would respond by ex-
panding its own offensive arsenal,
rather than negotiating reductions.
Beyond what they see as the faults of
the Star Wars system, many students
objected to - the way the University
carried out its proposals for research
"WE FEEL THAT it's both inap-
propriate for the University to be doing
this type of research, and we resent the
fact that no discussion was held with
the students before the University went
ahead and did this," said Residential
College junior Helen Michaelson, one of
the session's principle organizers.
See PSN, Page 3

Special to the Daily
FLINT-Glen Rice proved again
yesterday that there's no place like
home.. The scoring machine from
Flint Northwestern High School an-
nounced yesterday that Crisler Arena

will be his basketball home next year,
choosing not to move far from his
house on Home St. in Flint.
Rice, who averaged 28 points per
game his senior year, said the
University's proximity gave it the

edge over two out-of-state schools he
was considering.
"I WAS making the decision
whether to leave the area or to stay,"
he said.
"First I had it down to Michigan,

Minnesota and DePaul. Then I got it
down to Minnesota and Michigan, but
then I chose Michigan."
"It's like he's still in Flint," said
Rice's high school coach, Grover
Kirkland. "His friends and team-
See ANOTHER, Page 7

Legal service rewrites


A new set of bylaws for Student Legal Services has
cleared two of the four hurdles it must pass before
being adopted.
The new bylaws are necessary because they have
become outdated in the four years since the service
was founded, according to Steve Kaplan, who served
this year as Michigan Student Assembly vice
president and president of the SLS Board of Direc-
"THIS ORGANIZATION had two employees and a
$20,000 (budget) when it was set up," said SLS direc-
tor Margaret Nichols. "It's a little bit different now."
The SLS board recently approved most of the
proposed changes, and Tuesday MSA approved those

same changes. The new bylaws must still be ap-
proved by the University's Office of Student Services
and the SLS staff.
One major change in the new bylaws concerns the
removal of a member of the board of directors. While
members can now be removed only by the individual
or body who appointed that member, the proposed
bylaws would give the board the right to dismiss one
of its members by a two-thirds vote for "failure to
reasonably perform the duties of a board member."
THE NEW bylaws would also give the board power
to indemnify its members and SLS employees. In-
demnification would make the board financially
responsible for legal actions brought against SLS
employees or board members.

The new bylaws also call for monthly board
meetings, as opposed to the presently required quar-
terly meetings. "I felt it should be monthly because it
gives the board a sense of what's going on," Kaplan
The revisions have been in the making for the past
two years, according to Kaplan. When current direc-
tor Nichols took office at SLS, one of the things she
was instructed to do was rewrite the bylaws, Kaplan
"THEY'RE BEING rewritten basically because of
bureaucratic momentum. Once they decided to write
them, they got written," said Eric Schnaufer, the law
school representative on MSA who served as
See MSA, Page 2


Linguistics faculty ready
. for program's new path


E ;;; 4' 4

Whenever there is an administrative
change or a departmental alteration in
the University, tension and conflict are
natural by-products.
The reorganization of the linguistics
department into a program originally
had the same result, but linguistics
faculty have come to support the
"The new program has a lot to look
forward to in terms of support from the
dean," said Madhav Deshpande, a
linguistics professor.
The reorganization will improve the
teaching of linguistics, according to
linguistics Prof. Alton Becker. "The
idea we see this as a way of
strengthening linguistics on campus."~
for a program that ties linguistics to
other language-related departments on

campus, reduces the number of faculty
positions from 11.5 to six or seven, and
creates a director and steering commit-
tee to work out the details of curricula
and teaching assignments.
Attention was drawn to linguistics in
1983, when interim department chair-
man Eric Rabkin had to be replaced.
The selection of a new chairman
highlighted factions in the department.
Candidates for the chairmanship
were put forth from each of the several
facets of the department, including
such areas as traditional linguistics,
the English Language Institute, and
South and Southeast Asian language
Each part of the department was
concerned that a new chairman might
change the priorities of the department,
making some facets less important.

pointed Prof. Ian Catford to the post
and establish the reorganization com-
mittee headed by Jack Meiland, the
associate dean for long-range planning.
The committee presented its report
last month and it was accepted in late
March. "I think people would like other
options, but under the circumstances
this is what we've gotten and we've got
to make it work," Deshpande said.
The problem that had developed, ac-
cording to Becker, was that the depar-
tment had grown too isolated from
"LINGUISTICS HAS become more
and more concerned with the internal
structure of linguistics than with
language within its context or language
in the world," he said. "Linguistics
doesn't have onehcenter. It's multicen-

Daily Photo by SCOTT LITUCHY
Ann Arbor protesters gather in a parking lot to prepare for this weekend when they will take part in a protest march on
Washington, D.C.

Bump and grind
yesterday was the 79th anniversary of the great
San Francisco earthquake of 1906, and some
people marked the occasion by surviving another
one. It wasn't the real thing this time, but a

bronco." Some riders laugh, some sit rigidly in the chair,
and others crawl under the table. A few even shout "that's
enough." The van, one of 80 that tour Tokyo and Yokohama
to teach people how to protect themselves in an earthquake,
is due to return to Japan in June. "Mostly it's to give kids an
opportunity to feel what it's like in the first seconds of an
earthquake, when there's that sense of helplessness, so they
won't panic," said Ken Maley of the governor's Earthquake
Task Force.

Russell Birmingham, the board member who initiated the
ploy last month. "When our ratings fell below those of the
Water and Sewer Department's, that's when I knew
something had to be done." Joining the banjo-playing Miss
Stoneman, a regular on the syndicated TV show "Hee-
Haw," was another board member, psyciatrist Nat Win-
ston, who sang and played guitar. Perhaps the most ap-
propriate tune in their repertoire for the hospital board was
"Going Down the Road Feeling Bad."

within a month the 50 pounds she had gathered. "I was just
ready to go buy a 50-pound bag this morning," she said.
Sharn Waggoner and his friend, Hubert Clack, think they
grabbed about 400 pounds of potatoes altogether. "I hauled
them away in garbage cans," Waggoner said. "I'm going to
give them to my family. It's bad times, anyway.
On the inside...





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