Page 2-- The Michigan Daily - Thursday, April 18, 1985
Doctorow awards 1985
(Continued from Page 1)
different from the traditional single
prize award.
Winners Suzanne Pierce and Martha
Levitt were awarded $150 and $100,
Other non-Hopwood winners included
Dennis Harvey, for the Kasdan
Scholarship in Creative Writing
($1,500), and Michael Sherrier, winner
of the Arthur Miller Playwriting Award
TWENTY-TWO Hopwood awards
were presented in all, four in drama,
five in essay, nine in fiction, and six in
poetry categories.
The largest monetary prize went into
a "special award" category for poetry.
Doctorow said "writing is a form of
prayer, aimed to cause (chaos) over 60
years, before the Holocaust, and before
the second World War."
DOCTOROW warned about how bad
things will get if nothing is changed. He
calls writing a prophecy, and says
writers themselves are "prophets,"
whose purpose is to end the
"delineation" of our houses, our airpor-
ts and our Chuck E. Cheeses'."
Six of the 22 Hopwood winners were
enrolled in the English department's
new project called the Master of Fine
Arts in Creative Writing.
The 2-year program, founded in the
fall of 1983, involves graduate students
who are serious about their writing and
wish to spend many hours with visiting
professors, writers, and critics.
Richard Tillinghast, who teaches the
poetry division of the program, said the
MFA is divergent from the Hopwood
program, but that because of the
program's intensity, many of the par-
ticipants are well prepared for the
Hopwood contest.
He said that there has been a surge of
interest in creative writing in the last
few years.
"In a lot of places, enrollment in
writing is rising, while enrollment in
literature is falling," he said.
This year will mark the first class to
graduate from the program.
w how you feel with ...
higan Daily Personals
Cal. students boycott
classes for protest
I .
T and Th 1-3 p.m. 3306 MLB In English
This course in designed to acquaint students with the best Russian short
fiction of the 19th century and will include works by Pushkin, Gogol, Lermon-
tov, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Gorky, and others. In addition
to analysis of individual works, the course will explain the evolution of Russian
fiction from Sentimentalism through Realism. A background knowledge of
Russian history and culture will be provided. Grades will be based on three
take-home exams, in class discussions, occasional quizzes. Attendance is
required. For more info. call 764-5355
(Continued from Page 1)
were arrested at Sproul and the ad-
ministration buildings were released
yesterday. But 28 of those arrested are
still being held on charges of resisting
arrest and giving a pseudonym to
police. Many of the demonstrators iden-
tified themselves to authorities as
Steven or Stephanie Biko.
BIKO, A SOUTH African student who
was murdered in police custody in 1977,
has also had the Sproul building name
in his honor by the protesters. Many of
those released yesterday have already
returned to the steps of "Steven Biko
"I could cry this morning," said An-
drea Prichett, one of the protest's
organizers who was released from
police custody. "I thought this morning
was, well, just another statement
made." She paused. "It's only just the
Campus sources have estimated that
a student boycott of classes, whichwas
unanimously supported by an
organization ofsgraduate teaching
assistants, kept a third of the student
body away fromclasses yesterday.
BUT MANY of the students may have
merely been extending Berkeley's up-
coming four-day break, which starts
today. Protesters say that they will
remain at the site of the demonstration
despite the scheduled vacation.
Some teaching assistants even set up
"tutoring booths" to encourage studen-
ts to observe the class boycott.
"If they need to learn math, they can
Jlo it here," said one of the tutors in the
math booth. "We want students out of
class, and there is no reason to be in
ADMINISTRATION officials still
assert that the demonstration is illegal,
but they have not as yet decided
whether to take action against the
"If it is determined that they are still
violating the terms of the statement
(issued by Berkeley Chancellor Ira
Heyman), they will be subject to
arrest," said university spokesman
Ron Kolb. "But we have no confir-
mation that the police are moving in
just yet."
Assistant Director, for Public
Relations Thomas Debley said that the
university doubted the effectiveness of
the class boycott.
"If a teacher fails to meet his or her
classes, that is a serious breach of duty
..," Debley said. "But Ihaven't heard
of any teacher doing that or anyone
with a complaint that a teacher has
done that."
Daily Californian staff writer
Michael Shapiro filed a report for
this story.
Cornpiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Riots topple Lebanese govt.
BEIRUT, Lebanon-Lebanon's "national unity" government fell apart
yesterday with the resignation of Prime Minister Rashid Karami and his
Cabinet as 29 people died in a savage 15-hour street battle between rival
Moslem gangs.
Karami, calling the worst fighting of the year "a dark night during which
love, peace and justice were sacrificed," plunged Lebanon into another deep
political crisis by quitting.
"How can we justify what happened to our capital, Beirut? No one can
justify this," Karami said in an emotional address over Beirut radio.
The Syrian-supported government's fall was prompted by 15 hours of
furious street battles in mainly Moslem west Beirut.
In Washington, State Department spokesman Bernard Kalb said the
resignation "comes at an untimely moment."
Researchers say AIDS spreading
ATLANTA-AIDS is spreading beyond the known risk groups to the
general population, two researchers said yesterday, but they differed over
how easily the deadly disease can be transmitted through heterosexual con-
"This is a general disease now," said Dr. Robert Redfield, an infectious
disease specialist with the Walter Reed Institute of Research in Washington,
D.C. "Get rid of the high risk groups-anyone can get it."
Dr. Walter Dowdle, director of the Center for Infectious Disease at the
CDC, agreed that the virus is spreading to the general population, but said
there "are factors that indicate it's not going to be explosive."
Dowdle said transmission of the virus is difficult enough that it is not likely
to spread quickly through the general population.
Until now, AIDS, an affliction in which the body's immune system
becomes unable to resist disease, has been largely confined to homosexuals,
intravenous drug abusers, and hemophiliacs, according to the federal Cen-
ters for Disease Control.
Satellite rescue attempt fails
CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.-All the planning, rehearsal, and makeshift
tools went for naught yesterday, as Discovery's astronauts failed to awaken
a sleeping $85 million satellite and had to abandon it as useless space junk.
The effort concentrated on bringing the space shuttle close and tugging on
a lever suspected of causing a total power failure on the Syncom satellite.
That was done, but still the satellite did not respond.
Astronaut Margaret Rhea Seddon twice brushed the shuttle's mechanical
crane against the satellite and hit the master switch with a handcrafted
"flyswatter" tool.
"We have now proven it wasn't the lever arm," an official said laer.
Ms. Seddon had only six minutes to accomplish the task, because after that
the satellite could not be positioned properly for its mission to provide Navy
communications. When the period was up, Mission Control ordered the
shuttle to leave.
"The window is closed," Mission Control said. "Perform the separation
Democrats consider alternative
to Reagan s Contra aid plan
WASHINGTON-House Speaker Thomas O'Neill said yesterday that
Democrats are considering a proposal for Red Cross refugee assistance to
Central America as an alternative to President Reagan's plan to release $14
million for the Contra guerrillas fighting in Nicaragua.
The House will vote next Tuesday or Wednesday on Reagan's Contra aid'
proposal, and O'Neill said a count of Democrats shows the plan will be
And in the Senate, sources who spoke on condition of anonymity said
Republican leaders were looking for a way to sidestep any showdown vote at
A proposal under discussion by Sen. Richard Lugar, (R-Ind.), chairman of
the Foreign Relations Committee, and Sen. David Durenberger, (R-Minn.),
chairman of the Intelligence Committee, would call for a statement of sup-
port for the Contras, but end all military assistance.
But Majority Leader Robert Dole, (R-Kan.) said he believes the $14
million will be approved without change.
Refund delays spur income drop
WASHINGTON-After-tax incomes fell sharply in both February and
March as computer-caused delays deprived Americans of $6.7 billion in
federal income tax refunds in the two months, the government reported
The declines in disposable income sent consumer spending tumbling 0.5
percent last month, the biggest decline in more than a year, the Commerce
Department said.
Economists tended to discount the weakness reflected in the tax
processing foul-ups. They predicted that consumer spending and disposable
incomes would both bounce back later this spring when the tax refund
checks finally get delivered.
Butkthey saidethe ripple effect would make economic activity appear
weaker during the first three months of the year than it otherwise would
have been.
The report said Americans' disposable income, the amount left after
paying taxes, fell 0.5 percent in March following a 0.8 percent February
decline. 4
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MSA supports protesters
at Berkeley and Columbia
(Continued from Page 1)
that there is a tide of student protest
that has been building and building. It
means even more solidarity in the
movement.eRight now we are so happy
(about the endorsement). "
ALTHOUGH members of the
Moderates at the University of
Michigan (MUM) Party said during the
campaign that MSA should avoid
political issues, the resolution passed
unanimously Tuesday.
''I was about to raise a feeble 'nav.'''
said Rackham representative Virginia
Ward, a MUM member. "But we were
not going to give any money to them.
The letter could only do good."
"You have to stand up for what you
believe. It's not cool to be complacent,"
said LSA representative Vebo Prasad,
also of MUM. He stressed the fact that
the vote did not involve appropriating
money for the anti-apartheid protests.
MSA PRESIDENT Paul Josephson
said he wasn't surprised that the vote
was unanimous, because "no matter
their ideologies, people know that apar-
theid is unjust." He added that the issue
directly concerns University students
because the fact that the University
still has some money invested in South
Africa "indirectly says that students
here support apartheid."
Josephson said MSA members may
speak against apartheid and for com-
plete divestment at Thursday's
meeting of the University regents.
The Michigan Alliance for- Disar-
mament is planning an anti-apartheid
rally at 1 p.m. at Elbel Field on Satur-
day. It is in solidarity with a march on
Washington this weekend, according to
Janice Michaels, MAD's coordinator
for the rally.
The Washtenaw County Coalition
Against Apartheid will be handing out
information about apartheid tomorrow
in the Diag. "We will be trying to
promote awareness about the apartheid
and our group," said Scott Horner, LSA
sophomore. "Few people know what
the apartheid is. I wear a button that
says 'Art against the Apartheid' and
people constantly try to read it, but no
one understands it."
Also tomorrow there will be an anti-
apartheid protest in the Diag at 12:30
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Vol. XVC - No. 158
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: through April - $4.00 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 outside the city.
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Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to
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Wednesday April 17 - Friday April 19, 11a.m. to 4p.m.