Ninety-five Years of Editorial Freedom jEl LIE W tan E a1u Carpe diem Mostly sunny with a high in the 70s. Vol. XCV, No. 158 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Thursday, April 18, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages U see By JERRY MARKON University proposals for funding to conduct research on behalf of President Reagan's "Star Wars" defense initiative have stirred op- position from some students on campus. Researchers at the University have submit- ted four proposals totalling $4,366,000 to the Strategic Defense Initiative Organization, ac- cording to James Lesch, University director of research, development, and administration. The Reagan Administration established the organization in 1984 to study Star Wars i technology. 'ks 'Star LSA JUNIOR Mark Weinstein, a member of the Progressive Student Network, said he is "opposed in general to military research on campus, and Star Wars is about the biggest proposal in history." In an article published in Defense magazine in 1984, Lt. Gen. James Abraham, the program's director, said the "purpose of the Strategic Defense Initiative is to defend people and use our military forces." "THE IMMEDIATE objective is to conduct research on those technologies for defense systems which might be capable of intercep- ting ballistic missiles after they have been Wars' launched to prevent them from hitting targets," Abraham continued. research funds their 'The purpose of the Strategic Defense Initiative is to defend people and use our military forces.' _- Lt. Gen. James Abraham program director But University professors involved in the research proposals emphasize their non- military applications. "It represents a major source of basic research over the next few years," said aerospace engineering Prof. Robert Howe. "The faculty members I've talked to haven't been particularly concerned with the political issue." "WE'RE ONLY concerned with the research aspect. If we're going to survive as a first-rate institution, the Defense Department must sup- ply much of our basic research," Howe said. The aerospace engineering proposal, Howe said, would improve NASA's ability to change satellite orbits and control large space struc- tures. He added, however, that switching orbits could give space stations better positioning to intercept enemy stations in a futuristic space battle. "IT'S NO BIG deal. It's a big deal from a publicity point of view and to certain students, but it's business as usual for us," said elec- trical engineering Prof. John Meyer. Meyer claimed there was "not a line of military wording" in his proposal, which he says would "improve the reliability and per- formace of high speed computer systems." See STAR, Page 3 Cal. students skip classes for sit-in By PETER WILLIAMS the crowd. "I don't like to see the state "People were standing on roofs to se The sleep-in at the University of drag its feet when UC students ex- it," Churchon said. "I've never sees Califora-Berkeley reached its eighth pressing their freedom are put in jail." people standing on the roofs to se Cayyesera epter tahedarrsgth YESTERDAY'S noon rally was the anything." day yesterday, despite the arrest by largest yet, with an estimated 3000 sup- Nearly all of the 136 protesters wh campus police of 136 protesters on porters in attendance. SeCLPg Tuesday.. See CAL., Page 2 The demonstrators, most of whom i "" are students demanding that the iT w uie ra r j oi ni n university divest its holdings in South Africa, have vowed to remain on the steps of Sproul Hall until the universityad s i e ie s Sq administration meets their demands. anf ap rhd "WE WANT to free South Africa, and we feel that this is the way to do it," said Jane Churchon, one of the student By AMY MINDELL schools involved to grant amnestyt the protesters and fully divest fro protesters. Students in Ann Arbor are joining holdings in companies which Students also held a rally at noon, as protesters across the nation this week business in South Africa. they have done on every school day sin- in demonstrating against apartheid and "As students we must not rema ce the protest began last Wednesday, calling for divestment from companies aloof from the problems that confro which included a pledge of support dealing in South Africa. the world, but must actively work1 from California State Assembly mem- In its first resolution, the newly- overcome them," the resolution said. ber Maxine Waters. Waters pledged the elected Michigan Student Assembly In Berkeley, student protester Jan support of the Assembly in the demon- Tuesday night unanimously expressed Churchon said the MSA endorseme strators' efforts to "pressure the regen-- "deep support" for the anti-apartheid ts" into a decision on divestment. demonstrations at Columbia University was read at the rally there. "Any su "What am I doing at the capitol when and University of California-Berkeley. port from different schools means fori I should be at Berkeley?" Waters asked THE RESOLUTION called upon the See MSA, Page 2 e n e 0 to m do in int to ne nt p- us More than 2,000 people show their support for demonstrators at the University of California-Berkeley in a rally held Monday at Berkeley's Sproul Hall. The demonstrators, who yesterday marked their eighth day of continuous presence on the steps of the building, are demanding divestment of university holdings in South Africa. Panel debates civil disobedience By ERIC MATTSON The University Council agreed yesterday to con- sider letting individual colleges and the housing of- fice enforce parts of the proposed code of non- academic conduct, and failed to reach a consensus over whether to exclude civil disobedience from the code. Prof. Ann Hartman, a faculty representative on the council, suggested at the beginning of the meeting that the council should publicly state that civil disobedience will not be included in any code it for- mulates. SHE SAID the political ramifications of punishing protesters are so volatile that the issue should be - treated separately from a code. "If we deal with them in exactly the same ways, I think we're out of business," she said. Eric Schnaufer, a first-year law student on the council, agreed. "I would say that we shouldn't use any intra-University procedures for dealing with political issues," he said. But the issue was postponed when several council members expressed opposition to the plan. Bill Sturgis, an administrator on the council, said protesters shouldn't be treated differently than other students. "IF THE University as a community needs rules to protect particularly meaningful University goals, and somebody violates that kind of rule - preventing research, for example - then that's a very special kind of wrong that should have a sanction," he said. The plan for decentralization would let individual schools and colleges handle minor problems like classroom disruption, but responses to life- threatening behavior and sexual harassment would be determined by a central authority. The housing office would also play a role in the decentralized plan by setting up a system to deal with problems in the dormitories. PROF. SHAW Livermore, a faculty representative on the council, said he doesn't like the idea of a cen- tralized code because it would concentrate too much power in one place. "Trying to get a central authority is fatuous. The world doesn't work that way," he said. Hartman agreed that a unified code could be too powerful, but she added that a decentralized system might be unfair because students would be treated differently under separate systems. AS A RESULT, the council would set up general guidelines for the decentralized systems, and will oversee their operation. The council would also establish an appeals process to a central authority. "We would be like the Supreme Court, and they would be like the states," Hartman said. Livermore also said the council - which is com- See PANEL, Page 3 t ff " .*. *.* * f.l.*is:.": J:"::"::':"::{:14":.1".:: i."." J:.. .. .. ...::..... .... .. .YfY"Y.;'." ":4? .. .L ~ Yl+. 1:: ... Ro...................................... _ Panel won't reconsider waiving codes for sorority By SUSAN GRANT The Ann Arbor Zoning Board of Ap- peals yesterday denied Collegiate Sorosis' request to have the panel reconsider waiving three zoning codes in order for the sorority to build an ad- dition on a house it wants to purchase. "There has not been a substantial change in the facts to warrant a rehearing," said board member Nancy White. THE BOARD denied the sorority's first request to build the addition at a March meeting because panel mem- bers felt the modifications to the house at 903. Lincoln could be implimented without violating the zoning ordinan- ces. Collegiate Sorosis is looking for a new house because the lease on the house they now rent from Alpha Epsilon Pi fraternity expires this year. Alpha Ep- silon Pi recently reorganized its chap- ter at the University and plans to move back into the house in the fall. Collegiate Sorosis wanted the board to reconsider the plan because the sorority felt that this proposal was superior to other alternatives. IN ORDER to conform to the zoning code, the current plan would have to be modified to include a wider driveway, more space between nearby property, and parking spaces located farther from the house. Before the first zoning board meeting, the city Planning Commission had approved a special exemption allowing the sorority to use the house as group dwelling. Because zoning code modifications or variances were not passed by the board of appeals, the special exemption will not be valid, said city attorney Bruce Laidlaw. The neighborhood is zoned for both single family homes and group dwellings, but a group who wants to move in must get the Planning Com- mission's approval first. Despite the denial of the request, the sorority has developed an alternative proposal that will conform to the zoning regulations. The Planning Commission will decide on the new site plan and the special exemption next Tuesday. Daily Photo by KATE O'LEARY Novelist E. L. Doctorow meets with Hopwood winners after the announ- cement of the 1985 awards at Rackham yesterday. Doctorow inspires 1985 Hopwood Award writers By CAROLINE MULLER Author E.L. Doctorow challenged over 500 eager writers yesterday at the Hopwood Awards ceremony in Rackham Auditorium by telling them that contemporary writers "lack some rage of imagination." Doctorow, author of Ragtime and Lives of Poets, complained that modern novelists lack the romance of Hemmingway, and blamed part of it on the increasing political com- plications. "TWO superpowers are holding our brains hostage," he said. Doctorow congratulated the 1985 winners of the Hopwood Awards as he took the stage. This year marked the 54th annual awards ceremony, and a total of $27,000 was awarded to un- dergraduate and graduate participan- ts in the categories of fiction, poetry, drama, and essay. TWO PEOPLE won prizes this year for the Jeffrey C. Weisberg Memorial Prize in Freshman Poetry, which is See DOCTOROW, Page 2 La... t.: + ..... .... .. ... . . .................. . . . . . . .. . . . ........... . . . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . . .... . } -:{ .a. . .:... . ..:r. . . . . . . ..:'} ..1 1.1 a... f f~~~ ~~~~~. La....a....a. ." Sr'L..a.... a."::1 LS..1r.a~ L "Ya " ... "" ..5." ...: "....." .h.. ......... .. a... ". .: :..YY. \...aS.Yf ..S" aa." Y ati ":r:.:'S : . ." '. r TODAY East Quad A .15-YEAR-OLD girl sent home from school for dying her -. . pink streaks and some orange from when I died it red." That was a. reference from a previous hairy adventure. Pola said she had been at school for a week with purple hair before Grey said anything. Grey said Tuesday that he hopes the situation dies down. He said purple hair is not appropriate at school. more students, especially men. Now all he needs is to get everyone to agree on a new name. The Institute of Child Development objects to "College of Human Development," and "College of Applied Arts and Sciences" sounds too much like the old name of the College of Liberal Arts, which used to be the College of Arts and Sciences. The latest proposal is "College of Human^Economy." But that's a poor use of the word ecology, complained several members a number of disc jockeys in nearby Fargo, N.D., who in the past have organized the Zip to Zap and the Fling to Flom, both Tiny North Dakota communities. The festivities include the Herman Trot, a three-quarter mile biathlon involving water buckets and baggy pants; an accordion contest; a barbecue to feed 5,000; a dance, and a raffle. Money raised will go toward the mortgage on Herman's American Legion hall. I I I