M -W 7f Alcohol (Continued from Page 3) rather than as a means of having fun. "If you don't know how to deal with the stress of independence, missing your family, not knowing what you want to do with your life, and you've been used to dealing with stress by drinking, then it's likely you'd drink more," Tulin-Silver says. On the surface, alcoholics may seem to be very responsible drinkers. "People who say they hold their liquor, they don't have a problem-they're the ones who have the problem," she says. "People who get sick and vomit after 1,2, or 3 drinks-they don't have a problem." Students may only be in the early stages of alcoholism. But counselors say that because of denial, few seek help until their academic work suffers, they have serious problems with their family, friends or lovers, or they discover alcohol-related illnesses. Of- ten, students come in for treatment for one of the side-effects of alcoholism without recognizing the link. Dr. Robert Winfield, assistant director tor for clinical affairs at University Health Services, recalls a fifth year senior who complained of upper stomach pains. The 22-year-old had been drinking a case of beer a day for five or six years. This individual realized his alcohol abuse might be causing his physical discomfort. "He came in and he said he thought his stomach pains might be from drinking problems right off the bat," Winfield says. But the student declined treatment until he convinced a friend, another heavy drinker, to quit cold turkey with him. "One of his problems was that all of his friends-his whole social life-revolved round bars" Winfield says. - "He had nothing if he didn't drink." Tulin-Silver says it may be even more difficult for a woman to face up to alcoholism. Women tend to bury them- selves in extra layers of denial-and guilt-because of the social stigma at- tached to a woman who cannot control how much she drinks. "A guy can go out and get trashed,, destroy a dorm, do other things and people say that's okay. It's kind of a 'boys will be boys' attitude," she says, adding that as a result women are more likely to be solitary drinkers. vations of her classmates by telling herself that anyone who had endured all of the family problems she had would certainly turn to liquor too. Her favorite uncle had been diagnosed as an alcoholic; her brother had been hospitalized for alcoholism, drug addic- tion, and mental illness; her mother was in and out of hospitals for mental depression as well. But as she drowned her family problems in alcohol, she began to won- 'I kept telling myself I knew too much to be an addict. I' grew up in Detroit. I knew junkies - they wore overcoats, they stunk, hung out in alleys, had runny noses.' -anonymous student, School of Natural Resources ANN, who asks that her real name not be used, says she tried to cure the guilt she felt about her alcoholism and addiction to pot by feverishly baking and cleaning the apartment she shared with her boyfriend. "I could make myself feel better by doing what women are supposed to do, being submissive," she recalls, her steely blue eyes gazing into the distance as she puffs on a cigarette. "I didn't like myself. I didn't have a picture of myself as someone who sat around and got drunk." Earlier that school year she had moved in with a group of women who were also drug users to avoid classmates who disapproved of her ex- cessive drinking and pot smoking, habits she says she never consciously chose to practice. At first, she dismissed the obser- der if changes in her behavior signaled that she too was mentally ill. She didn't acknowledge that it was only alcoholism that plagued her. "I thought there was something that was really wrong with me mentally, that any day now it would be my turn." STEVE, who describes himself as one of the most polite, reserved students in his Wayne State University freshman class, couldn't see himself as an alcoholic and a drug addict either. "I kept telling myself I knew too much to be an addict," he remembers, now a senior in the School of Natural Resources. "I grew up in Detroit. I knew junkies-they wore overcoats, they stunk, hung out in alleys, had run- ny noses." Those conflicting images kept him from admitting he was addicted to drugs and alcohol for a long time. Those uncontrollable habits began when he was 11 or 12, he says, when he started stealing drugs from his father's medicine cabinet. His father, a dentist, had died when he was six. Steve, whose name has been changed to protect his privacy, says the drugs took away loneliness and compensated for the lack of attention he felt he deserved as a child. In college, alcohol and drugs helped ease the fright he experienced at the sight of so many students whom he thought had their goals set and were headed straight toward them. When he scored well on a paper or an exam, he rewarded himself by getting drunk. But by the end of his sophomore year, the reward became more important than the task. "It wasn't so much I wanted the drugs to stop," he says slowly, "I wan- ted the pain to stop, the guilt to stop." He lied to his mother about the cost of tuition so that he would have extra money to buy drugs. When the spare tuition money ran out, he found himself doing things for cash that he told him- self he would never do. He stole his mother's silver, then her china and paintings for money. Later, he would get a job in a Detroit hospital so that he could persuade doctors to write him, prescriptions for narcotics. At one point he even stole a prescription pad and phoned in orders to the pharmacist himself. When he was sober, Steve couldn't stand to think about all of those things. As a result, he would tell himself it was fine to have one or two drinks to forget. But he always had more than two and the memories came back when he woke up sober a week later. He had been in and out of several detoxification programs without ever kicking the habit when years later his mother and relatives stormed into his Ann Arbor apartment and confronted him with his addiction. Again he enrolled in a treatment program. And. this time it worked. THOUGH the direct confrontation of. friends helped Ted and Steve recognize and seek help for their alcoholism, many alcoholics will deny their friends' or spouse's observations. They may admit they 'drink too much, but they will say they've got their con- sumption under control. Or they may simply walk out of the room. Friends and family members who are frustrated by the alcoholic's failure to seek help may begin to shoulder responsibility for the other'ssactions, often to the point where they believe their spouse's problem is their own. June, who spoke on the condition that her real name be withheld, says her husband gives her plethora of examples to show drinking and pot aren't unhealthy. She says he quotes a pro- marijuana book published in the 1970s that advocates pot smoking as har- mless recreation. According to the book she says he quotes, George Washington smoked hemp everyday. (More recent research has been unable to substantiate that claim). Being from a family that drank very little, June thought her husband's drinking was excessive but she wasn't sure what was moderate. When she suggested he cut back, June says his response was: "If I'm an alcoholic, then 80 percent of Americans are alcoholic." Thinking that she was the one with the problem, June tried smoking pot to identify with her husband but gave it up because she didn't like its effects. June then tried taking her husband to special lectures on alcoholism. But -af- ter three sessions he left, saying the speakers didn't know what they were talking about. Every couple of months she suggested he enroll in a treatment program. He always refuses. "I'm not sure I will live with it the rest of my life, but I don't see divorce as an easy thing," she says as tears well up in her eyes. . His addiction is making her miserable, yet June knows that he will probably never change. Not everyone who lives with an alcoholic confronts his friend or lover. By not speaking up, some unwit- tingly feed the alcoholic's craving for booze and ease his or her guilt. Experts call such people "enablers." Before Steve's family intervened, his wife threatened to leave with their baby unless he sought help for his addiction. But more often, she was an enabler. She would call in to Steve's boss and explain that Steve was ill and wouldn't be in to work, when actually he was so drugged out he couldn't get up from bed. She also wouldn't question where the money went that was earmarked solid Stoneage Romeos LP. Less slick but similar in approach are the first two bands to be released on Big Time America, the Lime Spiders and the Beasts of Bourbon. Both have gleefully loud and unaesthetic two-color (lime/navy and tangerine/violent, respectively) album covers and pure Z- movie mentalities; given these discs and the Hoodoo Gurus', one has to won- der what culture there can be for poor Australian youth beyond old E.C. Comix and Roger Corman pics on the late show. The Beasts' Axeman's Jazz album is the more entertaining of the two, a sustained werewolf howl of garage cheesiness that spreads the blood 'n' guts narratives as thick as the guitar fuzz. Particularly colorful is the touching backwards social-misfit gore- a-rama tale of "Psycho," and on the confessional side there's "(I'm a) Drop Out." These songs would sound perfec- tly appropriate (ditto the cheap-booze- cracked vocals by Tex Perkins) at thrashing pace, but one appreciates the Neanderthal can't-think-that-fast men- tality that keeps them a bit on the slow side-just at the point where a regurgitory collapse might logically intrude at any moment. Cajun queens, murder, graveyards and assorted other air-plane-glue hallucinations frolic through the toughguy territory of The Axeman's Jazz, wreaking havoc everywhere you turn. I screamed through The Texas Chainsaw Massacre just once, you can bet these guys are what they call 'heavy repeater' viewers in the move trade mags. I wouldn't want to meet 'em, but it's big fun to deal with them from the comfortable distance of several thousand miles. Yee-hah. Not quite so inspiring is the Lime Spiders' six song Slave Girl EP. Con- taining three tracks from the band's '81-'82 assemblage and three more from the considerably different '83 lineup, the disc is more than decent garage purism. The only problem is that we've been so glutted with this kind of indie Shadows of Knight/Seeds revivalism of late that the Lime Spiders can only sound redundant, though one ap- preciates the fact that they were doing this stuff a couple of years before everybody else. A punky tough tautness of attack and occasional near-metal in- tensity of din distinguishes the Lime Spiders from generic spirit-of-'65 revivalists like the Outta Place and the Pandoras. Unfortunately, the minor- The Beasts of Bourbon: A picture says a thousand words classic status the record earns is unfor- tunately buried for the moment by the current glut of garage sad saledom on the market. The people who would be most easily turned on to the record have probably already been desen- sitized and oversaturated by the scads of similar stateside efforts by bands on Pink Dust, Voxx, Midnight... Still, both these records are pretty exciting stuff, and one expects further swellness from Big Time Records. Estonian composer Avro Part is in- troduced to larger American audiences in the ECM release Tabula Rasa, which has strong potential to ap- peal to classical audiences, progressive jazz fans and the abient/tasteful-Muzak tastes of the Windham Hill crowd, as well as to 20th-century music en- thusiastics. Exquisitely emotional, the four pieces here seem strongly reminiscent of the Romantic Era in their effect, yet they're very much of the 20th century in their barely discernable 'structure,' in their willingness to follow the vaguaries of the composer's whim rather than any strict form. Inexplicably moving, the opening "Fratres" pairs simple repeated piano patterns (performed by Keith Jarret) with Gidon Kremer's often wrenchingly sentimental violin theatrics, the latter spiralling like smoke rings around the tender melodic base of the former. The result is a gorgeous, stately melancholy that is riveting and strangely calming at the same time. "Cantus in memory of Benjamin Britten" has the fugue-like effect of Eno's Discreet Music meltdown of Pachelbel themes, with the Staatsorchester Stuttgart strings overlapping slow downscale patterns in a manner that gradually takes on the beatific gravity of a funeral dirge, or perhaps a song of spiritual ascendance. The 12 Cellists of the Berlin Philhar- monic lend their interpretation to an arrangement of "Fratres," one less emotionally powerful than the violin- and-piano version but equally as haun- ting. Here, the shifting melod: emergent son definitely felt a processional be The climact rasa" is also f add melodic overlapping w sibility allow pi vigor and ph silence. Few m so well with the the high strings cessive pathos. matic specifi somehow mana narrative prog perhaps what o tic' in Part's wo the-ground feel age, for the ext and stars. The implicitly work-which he BEACONST. CREAMERY ICE CREAM Have We Had A Good Time Yet? * 25,0OFFI any purchase with this coupon April 5 - 9 Hours 11:30 a.m. - 12 a.m. S, University at Church Q no i 45 fan i ] rYnc 8 ' ~u Z w Y IoAlGdf -krTi1 I V , V* 0 w A' Counselor Leonard Scott: Educating students to care 4 Weekend/Friday, April.l, 1985 Weekend/Friday