but better'
Ninety-five Years Anathema
Of FMostly cloudy with a chance of
Editorial Freedom snow. High in the lower 20s.
ol. XCV, No. 89 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Friday, January 18, 1985' Fifteen Cents Ten Pages
9 7-56
So you thought you had a safe bet,
taking Minnesota and 11 points in last
night's Big Ten basketball contest bet-
ween the Golden Gophers and Michigan
t Crisler Arena.
Wrong, or make that WRONG!
quadrupled the spread and gave the
11,482 Maize and Blue faithful
something to stand up and cheer about
as they devastated the Gophers, 97-56. It
was the biggest Michigan margin of
victory at home in 21 years, and the
second biggest Wolverine point dif-
erence in Big Ten history.
The victory also lifts Michigan's con-
ference mark to 3-2 and catapults the
Wolverines past Minnesota (now 2-2) in
the Big Ten standings.
The Wolverines dominated every
phase of the game throughout the first
half except for one small lapse at the
midway point. Then Michigan simply
blew out the Gophers in the second half.
"WE HAD ONE lapse early and they
See BLUE, Page 10
Blanchard seeks
more college aid
Gov. James Blanchard will call for
a budget increase of about 10 percent
for the state's colleges and universities
in his budget recommendations to the
state legislature later this month, ac-
cording to a state official.
Within the $800 million budget in-
crease, Blanchard will also request $25
million for a "research excellence
fund," said the official who refused to
be identified.
THE GOVERNOR will also ask for an
additional $25 million to go for financial
aid increases, but unlike the research
fund, it will not be paid through the
Education department.
The official would not say which
would pick up the tab. He did say that
the increase in financial aid would
make more students eligible for the
state competitive scholarships and
provide higher monetary awards for
the students. The new financial aid
program would also create a state
work study plan.
Richard Kennedy, vice-president for
government relations, said that he was
encouraged by the reports, although he
added that it is too early to judge what
impact the plan will have on the
THE UNIVERSITY will probably
receive the same increase that other
state schools get, Kennedy said.
However, he said that it is likely the
University will receive a larger portion
of the research fund than other state
"I believe the research excellence
fund was designed primarily to fund the
four major research institutions in the
state . . . the University of Michigan,
Michigan State, Wayne State and
Michigan Tech," he said.
Kennedy said that Blanchard will
probably adopt the fund recommended
by the Governor's Commission on the
Future of Higher Education last month,
because it helps promote economic
growth in the state.
"These institutions have the capacity
to undertake the research necessary to
come up with the technology for new
businesses, and strenghten established
ones," Kennedy said.
ALFRED SUSSMAN, interim vice-
president for graduate studies, said
that the plan is a "positive benefit to see
this money going to research," but that
"the exact effect to be derived remains
to be seen."
Lynn Borset, assistant director of
financial aid at the University, was also
...encouraged by reports
encouraged by the proposed increases.
But she said that it was "too early to tell
how significant it is."
The higher education commission,
set up by Blanchard in 1983 to take a
look at some of the problems surroun-
Daily Photo by MATT PETRIE
Michigan forward Butch Wade lays in one of his twelve points in action last
night at Crisler Arena. The Wolverines butchered the Golden Gophers of
Minnesota, 97-56.
Army enlistment efforts meet opposition
BOSTON (AP)-The Army's effort to enlist
"quality recruits" among high school seniors
has run into opposition from some educators
because of their memories of the Vietnam War
and their objections to what they see as hard-
hell tactics.
Some school administrators won't allow Ar-
my representatives to meet with students or
advertise in school newspapers, according to
the head recruiter for the Boston area.
because of Vietnam they would not counsel any
student to join the military," said Lt. Col. Peter
Hoffman, head of the U.S. Army Recruiting
Battalion here.
Last week, Hoffman took his complaint to
Weymouth, a community 15 miles south of
Boston, telling school committee members he
has faced difficulties in selling the Army's
position on higher education.
"In some schools we've been told 'Please , we
don't want to have anything to do with you,"' he
YESTERDAY, Hoffman said that
ci'operation varies among school districts.
"Some proved adequate opportunity to put
the word out," he said.
"In other places, a recruiter cannot conduct
interviews with students and cannot advertise
in the school newspaper."
STEPHEN DABNEY, a spokesman for the
Army Recruiting Compand at ForttSheridan,,
Il., says the new, highech Arin has turned
its attention to high school seniors in order to
help fill the 140,000 enlistment spots open each
A main selling point is the Army College
Fund, a program that offers recruits up to
$26,500 in payments for a college education
following their enlistment.
The program has brought dramatic suc-
cesses. Before the program began in 1981, only
60 percent of new recruits were high school
LAST YEAR THE GROUP represented 91
percent of new enlistments.
But Dabney said recruiters still face
resistance from parents and administrators
who are not eager to see their children join the
military. Dabney attributes the opposition to
individual recollections of the Vietnam War
"It's hard to say there's one section of the
country where you face resistance," he said.
"It's spotty and has to do with the philosophies
of local school boards and principals and their
conception of the desires of the local con-
While the Army has been meeting its quota of
new recruits nationally, Hoffman said his
district has beer, running 10 percent behind on
its quota.
Weymouth officials said military recruiters
get the same opportunities as college
"WE PROVIDE an opportunity for students
who are interested to find out the many oppor-
tunities that there are," says Superintendent
Leon Farrin.
Jurors selected for PSN trial
Jurors were selected yesterday to
hear the trial of 11 members of the
Progressive Student Network (PSN)
arrested last March for blockading a
University research laboratory.
"I felt satisfied with the jurors that
were in the jury box," said "Linwood
Noah, prosecuting attorney.
DONALD KOSTER, the defense at-
Itorney, said he was also satisfied with
the seven-member jury. "I thought we
got what looked like seven good
people," he said.
Although seven district court jurors
are chosen to sit on a jury, only six
decide a case. One becomes an alter-
Koster questioned the potential
jurors on two points.
He first asked if any of the prospec-
tive jurors were associated with the
engineering profession.
THE RESEARCH the group
protested was being done in
engineering Prof. George Haddad's
Koster also asked jurors if they would
be swayed by testimony coming from
several high-level University officials
simply because of the officials' rank.
University President Harold Shapiro,
engineering Prof. George Haddad,
several University regents, and other
University officiers have been sub-
poenaed by Koster.
LAST MARCH PSN protesters
blockaded Haddad's East Engineering
See PSN, Page 5
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OBy ERIC MATTSON changes occurring throughout the
The University*s Board of Regents medical community.
will approve the appointment of a new For example, Johnson said, the
medical school dean at its meeting University wisely adopted a health care
today. financing program similar to the health
p ic k d e a r 1fJoseph Johnson, currently chairman maintenance organizations which are a
of the medicine department at Wake popular, cost-effective way of dealing
Forest University, said yesterday that with skyrocketing medical costs.
he was very pleased with the recom- Another step the University has
m'mendation that he succeed acting dean already taken is the current construc-
Peter Ward, who has served since 1982. tion of a $285 million hospital complex,
JOHNSON, who is expected to take according to Johnson.
over the position in May, emphasized BUT THE medical school has to con-
that the University's medical school tinue to look for new ways of dealing
must be flexible enough to meet See REGENTS, Page 3
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Associated Press
Battling the elements
A U.S. park employee spreads a melting agent on the snow-covered walkway in front of the Washington Memorial
yesterday morning. Several inches of snow are expected in the Washington area.
quadriplegic when he attempted a rebound backflip off a
wall, but landed on his head. "These acrobatic dance
movements are not performed without considerable risk,
as evidenced by three recent cases of cervical-spine injury
of varying degrees, which occurred while the patients were
break dancing," the letter said. No word yet on the
possibility of warning labels for portable cassette players.
Little lavender Corvette
years, said the United States is undergoing a radical
change in color preferences. Burgundy, black, and grey are
on there way out and peach, coral, and pink are on there
way in, she said. "It's never a revolution, it's an evolution,"
Roche said. "By '88 or '89 we might see a lavender car. The
consumer eye is not ready now. First they get used to it on
each other, then a rug or a sofa then eventually on a
Cadillac." Roche says color is dependent upon economic
trends. "We've been in a recession economically
speaking," she said. "At the same time all of our colors
were grey and dreary. Our economy is lightening up and so
gained notoriety in Brazil in 1980 by breaking through
police lines to kiss Pope John Paul II, briefly interrupted
Neves' acceptance speech Tuesday by trying to kiss him.
Neves, 74, had just been elected Brazil's first civilian
president in 21 years of military rule. On Wednesday,
Moura was intercepted by security men at the Rio de
Janeiro clinic where Figueiredo, 67, was recovering from
back surgery, according to a Globo television network
broadcast. The Globo network said the "kisser" was
released Monday from the Rio state hospital, where he was
admitted for observation after the mayor of a Rio suburb