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April 10, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-04-10

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom

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Variable cloudiness with a chan-
ce of afternoon rain showers.
High in the mid-50s.

Vol. XCV, No. 151 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, April 10, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages

Legal services'

settlement may hike fee

Students r may have to pay 19 cents more per
semester next year to support Student Legal
Services, in part to cover an out-of-court set-
tlement with its former director, Jonathan
Students currently pay $3.24 each term for
the legal services, but that fee may be in-
creased 9 cents next year to cover inflation and
another 10 cents to pay for the $40,000 set-
IF A MAJORITY of the students voting in
this week's Michigan Student Assembly elec-
tions endorse the fee hike, Student Legal Ser-
vices will go to the University regents in May
for approval.
The out-of-court settlement came on March
26 as a result of several lawsuits filed by Rose

against members of Student Legal Services
Board of Directors. The board removed him as
director of SLS in December 1981 after con-
cluding from a series of hearings that he was
an incompetent administrator.
The board said Rose handled funds
carelessly, failed to pay taxes on time, didn't
keep financial records in a manner acceptable
to the auditor, and paid inadequate attention to
important details. But the board recognized
Rose's expertise in housing reform law and
kept him on staff as director of the Housing
Law Reform Project.
IN THREE lawsuits filed in Wayne County
Circuit Court, Rose charged seven members of
the board with making defamatory statements
during the hearings leading up to his removal
from office. One of two founders of SLS, Rose
resigned on March 26.

Rose was unavailable for comment.
SLS attorney Stanley Pollack, one of the
board members named in the law suit, said
Rose filed one suit after another over a period
of three years in an attempt to pressure the
board into giving him some sort of settlement.
The other members named in Rose's suits
were Thomas Easthope, Molly Reno, Barbara
Kessler, Amy Hartman, Stephan Johnson, and
David Chambers.
"HE THOUGHT he was wronged by the
process to demote him," said MSA Vice
President Steve Kaplan, the current president
of the SLS board.
The board did agree to act as one unit so that
the board, rather than each individual, would
be responsible for paying legal fees, according
to Kaplan.
The board then decided to give Rose an out-

of-court settlement of $40,000, rather than in-
vest just as much money in court costs and take
time away from their regular jobs to prepare
for the case, Kaplan said.
ROSE WAS first offered the settlement last
summer, Pollack said, but declined. Last mon-
th the board renewed its offer and Rose accep-
ted it, resigning simultaneously.
"My impression was that nobody really wan-
ted him to stay, and he wouldn't leave unless
they paid him a lot of money," Pollack said.
Kaplan said Rose's term on the SLS staff af-
ter his demotion created tension among the at-
torneys and board members, and that office
work can now return to normal.
I THINK IT was really sad that it had to
end that way," said Jocelyn Frye, an LSA
senior who serves as vice president of the
board. "'I know Jonathan has done a lot for SLS
and students."
Pollack was the only board mem'nber who

voted against the settlement. "I was vehemen-
tly opposed to it," he said, calling the set-
tlement a "grossly inappropriate" use of
student fees.
The board will use its $25,000 surplus from
this year's budget to pay Rose. The additional
$15,000 will be raised from the extra 10 cents
students will be assessed next fall and winter,
Kaplan said.
Pending student voter approval, the board
wil ask the regents to raise student's man-
datory fee assessment.
Margaret Nichols, current director of SLS,
said she is confident the regents will approve
the increase.
"I think the program is a tremendous
economy to the students of the University," she
said. "(The regents) are not unaware of the
problem we've had. . . I don't think they'll be
surprised or concerned about (the fee hike)."

WARSAW, Poland (UPI) - A
nasked man surprised a pro-Solidarity
)riest in his home, knocked him out
vith a blast of Mace-like gas and bur-
ied a V-sign into his chest with cigaret-
es, a Catholic official and a union sour-
!e said yesterday.
Cardinal Franiciszek Macharski of
.rahow said in a telex message to the
-hurch hierarchy that the Rev. Tadeusz
:aleski, 29, was attacked Saturday at
us home in the southern Polish city of
"THE PRIEST was stunned and then
his face, hands, and body were bur-
ned," Macharski said in a message sent
to Polish Primate Jozef Glemp and Ar-
chbishop Bronislaw Dabrowski, who is
secretary of the Polish Episcopate.
"The priest, who suffered second-
S legree burns, received first-aid treat-
ment from the abulane crew," he said.
An independent Solidarity source
reached in Krakow by telephone said
Zaleski was an ardent supporter of the
outlawed union.
THE INCIDENT came a few weeks
after the car of another pro-Solidarity
cleric was stoned in. Krakow and six
months after dissident Rev. Jerzy
Popieluszko was slain by three secret
police agents in northern Poland.
The Solidarity source said Zalesko
was walking to the basement, in his
house when he was confronted by a
masked man and knocked out with a
Mace-like gas from a small container.
"The priest collapsed and later woke
up in pain as his hand and body were on
fire," said the source. -
"A V-SIGN was burned out on his
breast" by about 30 cigarette burns, the
source said.
Solidarity sympathizers use the V-
sign symbol by raising two fingers
during rallies and anti-state demon-
strations in defiance of communist
The cardinal called on authorities to
find the priest's assailant and assure
the church that the incident would not
be repeated.
Macharski said the church and the
more than 700,000 residents of Kradow
were "shocked and concerned" by the
attack, especially following Pop-
jeluszko's murder.







After a decade-long lull in student ac-
tivism transformed college campuses,
around the country into what Abbie
Hoffman calls "hotbeds of social rest,"
activism seems to be making a
At the University of Colorado yester-
day, 30 students in the latest of a recent
surge in CIA protests, were arrested af-
ter they crossed police lines outside in-
terviews by CIA recruiters.
THE ARRESTS serve as a preface
for the disciplinary hearing of six Yale
students who were arrested after
protesting CIA recruitment on their
campus in March. Representatives for
six colleges around the country are
using the occasion to support the
protesters in a rally and vigil
tomorrow, and to discuss forming a
national campus movement against the
Eight other schools, including the
University, have sent letters of support
to be read at the vigil.
"Michigan's .protesters support
Yale's actions," reads the letter written
by University graduate Tom Marx.
"The Progressive Student Network
plans to continue opposing CIA
recruitment on campus." The letter
applauds the formation of a national
CIA resistance network.
STUDENT protests also entered their
eighth day in New York yesterday,
where up to 50 students and non-
students continue to blockade Hamilton

Hall in protest of Columbia University's
holdings in South African stocks.
Columbia has $39 million invested in
companies that do business in South
According to Tanaquiel Jones, a
Columbia University senior and one of
the organizers of the protests, Colum-
bia University obtained a temporary
restraining order on Monday, and if it
succeeds in obtaining a permanent
restraining order today, it can have the
protesters arrested.
"I would hope that they do not arrest
us, that they divest their stocks, but I
don't think they'll allow us to stay here
forever'," Jones said.
He-added that administrators have
had to take an underground passage in-
to the hall to get to their offices. The
protesters have chained the front door.
JONES, speaking from a pay phone
taken over by the protesters at the
university, said that morale among the
protesters was high and growing, and
said that most were willing to be
"This is a minor sacrifice," said
Jones, "sleeping on the concrete steps
of Hamilton Hall and putting our
academic careers on the line, com-
pared with what the blacks in South
Africa have to go through."
Jones hoped that the example of the
protesters would serve to "inspire"
students around the nation. "This is the
least Americans should do about the
See STUDENTS, Page 3

Daily Photo by BRAD MILLS
LSA senior Byron Roberts (left) receives an achievement award yesterday from University President Harold Shapiro.
Roberts was one of 48 students honored at the Student Recognition Award ceremony in the Michigan League.
Students receive awrd

University President Harold
Shapiro yesterday gave first-year law
student Eric Schnaufer an
achievement award at the student
recognition awards ceremony for his
effort in fighting the proposed code of
non-academic conduct and increasing
student awareness -work that forced

Shapiro to o
groups re
the Univers
ceremony i
Ballroom. S
ts and two

Ten best 'U' T
good batch of

rder ther of the received the more honorable
rewriting achievement plaques for outstanding
ht students and 11 student FOR THE last five years, the award
ceived certificates of committee presented only
for their contributions to achievement plaques. Last year,
uacommuity t shrough however, the committee decided to
cular activities in a give out certificates as well so that
n the Michigan League more people could be recognized.
seventeen of the 48 studen-
of the 11 groups also "By offering the certificates we are
able to recognize more students than
we did in the past when only plaques
were given out,"'said David Mitchel-
Yellin, administrator of the program.
A s.A The sponsors of the award
ceremony include the Office of
- Student Services, the Comprehensive
Ni ninei's Studies/Opportunity Program, and
the Michigan League.
"The recognition awards are a
ith awards of $750 at a singular distinction," said Shapiro.
cheo inthe ichga "It demonstrates a commitment
cheon in the Michigan made by students to something
rday. beyond themselves."
the University's prized ANY GROUP or individual could be
Scanlan, who has joint nominated for the awards. This year,
s in the English depar- a total of 131 individuals and 30 groups
e Pilot Program. He has were nominated for the awards. A
ductory and upper-level screening committee makes the final
courses, argumentative decision on who receives certificates
akespeare, fiction, 20th and plaques.
ature, and Language of

Court date set for
billboard protesters

Recipe for a winning teaching
assistant: Graduate student who has
studied at one or two of the world's top
universities and who, though young, is
renowned for original research. Add a
dose of creativity. And combine the
mix with an admirable rapport with
Billy Frye, vice president for
academic affairs and provost, presen-
ted a perfect batch of teaching

assistants w
special lun
League yeste
TAs is John
tment and th
taught introd
writing, Sha
century liter

Judge Pieter Thomassen of the 15th
District Court set May 23 as the date for
the jury trial of LSA junior Jennifer Ak-
firat and Ann Arbor resident Mary Jane
Emanoil. The two women are accused
of defacing the Canadian Black Velvet
Whiskey billboard near the 200 block of
North Main Street.
Akfirat and Emanoil, who face fines
of up to $100 or 90 days in jail, have
pleaded not guilty to a charge of
malicious destruction of property.
ON MARCH 7, the sign, which depicts
a woman in a low-cut black gown and
the words "Feel the Velvet," was pain-
ted with the slogan, "Objects never,

Women forever, Women RISE."
Canadian Black Velvet Whiskey has
adv.ertised on the billboard for 20 years.
The billboard is owned by Central Ad-
vertising of Jackson.
About 60 people connected with the
group RISE (Women Rebelling in a
Sexist Environment) filled the cour-
troom yesterday in support of Akfirat
and Emanoil. They sang "I did it, she
did it, we all did it."
. THEY PLACED signs with anti-
sexism messages around the courtroom
but were asked to remove them by

See FRYE, Page 3

See CEREMONY, Page 2

They're here
THEY'RE HERE. No, it's not aliens from outer
space, but something just as intriguing. Boxes full
of 1985 Michigan Ensian yearbooks arrived this
week in all their brown vinyl snlendor at the

Gearhead parade
THE LEADER of the University of California's Nerds
Parade says "It's not what you wear that makes you a
nerd, it's what you are underneath that matters." Kevin
Lange, waving a T-square as a baton, led fellow
engineering students Monday in the march spoofing their
reputation as goofy eggheads. Calculator holsters dangling
from their belts, pens and mechanical pencils stuffed in
shirt pockets and eyeglasses held together with pieces of

engineering students are so busy studying they don't even
have time to bathe, explained Wally White, another
engineering student. True, there are more women taking
engineering, but they don't bathe either, he added. The
engineers were accompanied by the Cal marching band.
Naturally, they were out of step all the way. "We don't dan-
ce much," said Dan Ring, who wore navy and red-plaid
polyester pants and a brown wool sports jacket. The entire
outfit cost $3.


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