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January 09, 1985 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-01-09

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The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 9, 1985-- Page 5


Five Walled Lake protesters to appeal sentences

Five of the 13 anti-nuclear protesters
arrested last month at Williams Inter-
national Corp. in Walled Lake were
released from jail last Thursday by or-
der of the Michigan Court of Appeals.
the five protesters, arrested for
violating a court injunction which
prohibits the blocking of the firm's en-
trance, had appealed their jail senten-
ce and asked the court to release them
pending their appeal, according to
Steve Latta, a spokesperson for the Ann
Arbor Peace Community.
O'Brien sentenced all 13 to indefinite
jail terms or community service until
they agree not to block the gates of the
delense contractor again. One of the
protesters chose community service.
The other 12 protesters stayed in jail.
Among those released from
Shiawasse County Jail were Mike
'ONeill, a Residential College junior;
C4rter Cortelyou, an LSA junior;
Douglas Hamm, a substitute teacher
for Ann Arbor schools; and Ralph
Townsend, a 70-year-old farmer from
Woodlands, Mich. Maria Ringo, an LSA
senior, was released Thursday from
Oakland County Jail.
Seven protesters still remain in
Sliiawassee and Oakland jails. Accor-
diig to Peter Putman, a member of the
Ann Arbor Peace Community, the
remaining seven plan to make an an-
nduncement later this week about
whether they will also appeal their sen-
tences or remain in jail.
"I ALWAYS knew I'd get out,
although sometimes it seemed like I
never would," said Ringo, resting at
home Monday night.
"I knew the first day I went into jail
that I'd appeal ... I had confidence that
Sthe appeals court would respond with
ore clarity than Judge O'Brien or
Williams International," she added.
Ringo said she passed the time in jail
by calling friends, writing, practicing
yoiga, playing cards or watching
Nine men arrested began a fast on
Christmas Day to protest their in-
definite sentences. New Year's Day,
Ringo and another woman, Barbara
Wetula also stopped eating to continue
their protest of the manufacturing of
cruise missile engines at Williams In-
*ternational Corp.
Because of overcrowding Rindo was
transferred to Washtenaw County Jail
after first being held in Oakland County
Jail. But she was taken back to Oakland
County just before her release last
Ringo said neither her jail experience
nor the indefinite sentence would stop
her from protesting at Williams again.
"I learned that jail is survivable. I'd do
Sagain. I'm thinner now, but I'm still
alive," she said.
"The point is that we have to do
something to resist the nuclear
weapons movement - right in our

panded to cover non-University em- The caution that smoking, drinking,
ployees in a couple of years. and illegal drug use are still major
Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor), problems among young people and that
who voted for the proposal, expressed their 'research only shows a gradual
some reservation about the University decline in use.
becoming so involved in financing
health care. He said that historically - Arona Pearlstein
the University has left financing health
care up to individuals and their in-
surance companies. Projectionistspicket
Marszalek-Gaucher said possible Pr ionst
risks of the plan are that there will be State Theatre
too many subscribers for the hospital to
handle or that there will be too few sub- Movie projectionists have been
scribers to make the plan cost- picketing three local theatres after a
effective. change in ownership last month cost
MARSZALEK-GAUCHER said that them their jobs.
M-Care will "offer some of the benefits Former employees of the Campus
of an HMO, but technically it has a and State theaters in Ann Arbor and the
Blue Cross/Blue Shield base." Wayside Theatre in Ypsilanti have been
As a result, she said, the financial picketing and handing out fliers en-
risk to the University is minimal. couraging patrons not to support a
Baker agreed that "that is true within company they think fired them un-
limits, but there still is substantial fairly.
financial risk to the University" on the "WE'RE NOT out to ruin anyone's
order of $1.5 million. evening, but we do want them to know
ACCORDING TO Marszalek- what kind of a business they're
Gaucher, the new plan will force patronizing," said Mario Brennan, a
University Hospitals to become more Butterfield projectionist for four years.
efficient managerially and avoid un- Shortly after W.S. Butterfield
necessary tests by emphasizing cost- Theatres Inc. sold the theatres to
effective care. Kerasotes Theatres on the 17th of last
Also at last month's meeting, the month, the new owner, a Springfield,
regents approved the renovation of the Illinois-based chain, informed the
East Engineering building for the projectionists' union it had not assumed
psychology department. Butterfield's labor contract and would
The project, which will cost at least not be hiring union members.
$10 million, will be financed by bond While Butterfield's management,
sales and is expected to be completed ushers, concession workers., and other
after the engineering college completes non-unioned help were retained by
its move to north campus in 1987. Kerasotes, the new owner would not
The psychology department is meet with the union or its members.
currently scattered throughout central "(KERASOTES) didn't even want to
campus. talk to us. It was their intent not to deal
Also at December's meeting, the with the labor union at all," said Bren-
regents saluted two of their departing nan.
comrades, Regent Robert Nederlander The International Alliance of
(D-Detroit) and Regent Gerald Dunn Theatrical Stage Employees and
(D-Garden City). Moving Picture Machine Operators
Nederlander was defeated in last Local 395 filed charges against
November's election, and Dunn was Kerasotes with the labor relations
defeated in the primaries. The two new board in Detroit for discriminatory
regents are Neal Nielsen (R-Brighton) refusal to recognize the majority status
and Veronica Latta-Smith (R-Gross of the union.
Isle). Greg Mazure, a union spokesperson,
said the charges and the picketing are
- Eric Mattson not attempts to regain the lost jobs of
union members. Members are "letting
High school drug the public know what Kerasotes has
done," he said.
use drops UNION MEMBERS are asking
moviegoers to attend a different
The use of alcohol, cigarettes, and theatre, or if they are attending a
illegal drugs is decreasing among picketed theatre not to buy concessions,
American young people, according to a high-profit item for theatre owners.
social psychologists at the University's They are also asking people to write
Institute for Social Research. In their Kerasotes and express their
1984 national survey of high school dissatisfaction with the theatres'
seniors, the researchers found that policies.
illegal drug use is on a gradual decline "(Except for discriminating against
that began in 1980. Moreover, the the union), everthing they have done is
researchers found that most young legal ... But we don't think its fair. Un-
people disapprove of drug use among fortunately, money and ethics don't
their peers. equate in the 1980's business world. I
Researchers Lloyd Johnston, Jerald think a lot of people think they should,
Bachman, and Patrick O'Malley, who though, and those people will consider
conducted the surveys, reported that going to other theaters."
nearly nine out of ten students disap- Brennan estimated that picketing
prove of regular marijuana use. turned away 5-8 percent of the theatres'
Regular use of marijuana (defined as business at the door but speculated that
20 or more times in the previous month) a certain number of people are aware of
decreased in 1984 from 5.5 percent to 5 the situation and are avoiding the
percent. The apparent reason for the theatres.
decline was reduced demand, they said. Managers and assistant managers
The annual survey also found that now run the films, and other employees
students were drinking less. The are expected to learn how to run the
proportion of high school seniors repor- projection machinery as part of their
ting alcohol use in a 30-day period had new jobs.
fallen from 72 percent in 1979 to 67 per- Projection mistakes resulted from
cent in 1984. "Heavy drinking" (five or . the job changeover when the strike
more drinks in a row during a two-week began, according to Mazure. The Cam-
period) also declined by 3 percent. pus Theatre was forced to start a movie
Cigarette smoking, which had fallen over after the first two minutes were
dramatically in the late 70's, has without sound. The Wayside had
leveled off in the past two years. problems with a movie being out of
University researchers expected an in- focus, and the State refunded the ticket
crease, but the number of smokers price to 60-80 moviegoers because the
declined by nearly 3 percent in 1984 to sound was not synchronized with the
18.7 percent.

picture. Managers of the theatres
declined to comment.
- Stacey Shonk
Clericals reject
University clerical workes last month
rejected union representation for the
third time in four years. But Ann Woelk
of the American Federation of State,
County, and Municipal Employees
(AFSCME) predicted that the
University's clerical workers will
unionize within seven years.
Woelk said the votes indicated that
clerical workers were closer to
unionization. The vote was 1,265
clerical workers against and 1,234 for
OVER SEVENTY percent of those
who were eligible to vote cast their
ballot during the election. There are
3,300 clerical workers at the University.
James Thiry, the University person-
nel director, said he did not want to
speculate on why the clerical workers
voted the way they did. But, Thiry
noted that the University has had "con-
structive relationships with unions sin-
ce the late '60s."
Thiry said that it was not the position
of the University to object to working
with elected bargaining representation.
The employees, though, should be well
informed and fully prepared for
unionization, Thiry said.
THE UNIVERSITY is the only major
state university besidesWestern
Michigan University which does not

have a union representating its clerical
workers. "The University offers the
lowest wages for its workers while it
receives the highest state ap-
propriations," Woelk said.
Dan Madaj, an administrative
secretary at the School of Social Work,
who voted for unionization, said he was
disappointed at the results of the elec-
"The situation seem right for
unionization . . . the pay is low, the
status is low ... So I was surprised that
the clericals were resistant," Madaj
MADAJ THINKS there were two
reasons why union representation
failed to pass. The first reason, Madaj
said, is that the university offices seem
to offer a "big family situation where
there is a mood of 'we take care of you.'
But he said that was more talk than
Madaj thinks that the workers fear
that the family atmosphere would be
lost and that the unions would make
things more regulated. Madaj said the
second reason clericals voted against
unionizing is that may workers were
afraid to overstep their ground.
THOSE WHO voted against
represenatation were divided in their
reasons. Dottie Walker, academic ser-
vice secretary, voted against the union.
She said union may not appreciate
individual efforts and unions might en-
force across-the-board wages. "I feel
that the University appreciates in-
dividual efforts," Walker said. She also
complimented the University's more

flexible schedule and feared it would
change if a union was brought in.
Woelk said that she has encountered
many employees who felt the same
AFSCME has been campaigning in
Ann Arbor since 1983. The organization
lost a hotly contested election in May
1983 when AFSCME challenged several
votes and accused the Michigan Em-
ployment Relations Commission
(MERC) of improper conditions during
an election. AFSCME conceded after
state officials accepted the results of
the election.
The University's clerical workers
were in a UAW affiliated union in the
mid '70s. But the affiliation was drop-
ped when different divisions within the
organization battled for control.
--Lily Eng

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Regents approve
health plan


V$niversity employees will have the
* o0ortunity next month to join a new
h lth care program, similar to the
health maintenance organizations
which have been gaining popularity
adross thecountry.
-At their December meeting, the
University regents unanimously ap-
pfoved M-Care, which planners hope
will attract some 5,000 University em-
ployees in its first year of operation.
4-Care will pay for up to three office
vtsits to a University doctor each year,
and participants in the plan will pay
exactly what they pay now under the
University's heath care plan.
In addition to the three office visits,
subscribers will be entitled to a 20 per-
cgnt discount on eye glasses, cheaper
prescriptions, and reduced rates for
parking in areas close to University
Each member of the plan will be
assigned a personal physician from a
pool of doctors working directly with
the University or the Brighton Health
Center and the Chelsea Family Prac-
tice Center.
THE PLAN is an expansion of the
University's current plan, which is run
trough Blue Cross/Blue Shield. The
qew program is designed to meet the
changing demands in health care and
kbeep University employees from swit-
ching to the new Health Maintenance
According to Ellen Marszalek-
Waucher, associate director of am-
bulatory care, the program may be ex-
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