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April 07, 1985 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-04-07

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Ninety-five Years
Editorial Freedom


4F -or


Clearing with a high in the 40s

Vol. XCV, No. 149 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, April 7, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages

man may
jumped off
Police called off a search of the
Huron River early yesterday morning
after a man who apparently jumped
from a bridge into the water was found
in good condition at a nearby grocery
The unidentified 21-year-old man
disappeared on his way to a psychiatric
examination at University Hospitals
Friday afternoon, according to Ann Ar-
bor Police Sgt. Gary Kistka.
AROUND 9 p.m. Friday night, Kistka
said a passerby reported seeing
someone jump into the river from a
bridge on Fuller Road near Maiden
Lane behind the hospitals.
Joined by divers and a helicopter
from the Washtenaw County Sheriff's
Department, police searched the river
for several hours. Kistka said their ef-
forts were hampered by high winds and
swiftly-flowing water.
The search was terminated when the
man was found at the Kroger grocery
store at Plymouth and Green Roads
around 2 a.m. yesterday. He was
wearing wet clothing and at first admit-
ted having jumped from the bridge. He
later denied it, Kistka said.
Kistka said police were "75 percent
sure" that they had found the man who
jumped. "We're not positive that it was
the same person," he said, "but it does
all seem to add up." The search was
teminated when the man was found
because of the extremely hazardous
After finding the man, police took
him to the University Hospitals
See MAN, Page 3

takes power
in Sudan

CAIRO, Egypt (UPI) - Sudan's
military commander seized power in a
bloodless coup yesterday while pro-
American President Jaafar Numeiry
was visiting Egypt and immediately
imposed martial law in the North
African nation.
Defense Minister and military com-
mander Abdul Rahman Shar al-Dahab
banned Numeiry, Sudan's president
since 1969, from returning to the nation.
where thousands of civilians protesting
food price hikes rebelled against his
fundamentalist Islamic regime.
NUMIERY, 55 who met with Presid-
ent Reagan earlier this week, cut short
a U.S. visit and stopped in Cairo en
route hime yesterday, but he was
refused permission to fly back to the
Sudanese capital of Khartoum because
of the risk,
With Numeiry stranded in Egypt,
Khartoum's new leaders declared a
state of emergency and suspended
Sudan's constitution, including sharia,
the strict Islamic law backed by
Numeiry that calls for floggings for
possession of alcohol and amputations
for robbery.
In Santa Barbara, Calif., Where
President REagan is vacationing,
White House spokesman Larry
Speakes said, "We're watching the
situation closely and monitoring even-
IN WASHINGTON, a state depar-
tment spokesman said, "Our embassy
reported the situation to be calm in
Khartdum. There have been no reports

of violence, no reports of any violence
or injuries to American citizens or
other Western residents in Sudan."
In addition to al-Dahab, the Sudanese
Embassy in-Kenya said the other main
plotters were Deputy Defense Minister
Taj el Din Abdullah and Tawfik Khalil,
a Defense Ministry official.
Political observers said it appeared
the consumer price hikes, which led to
weeklong demonstrations and a general
strike in Khartoum that paralyzed the
nation, triggered the military takeover.
LIBYAN leader Moammar Khadafy,
who had urged the Sudanese people to
revolt, immediately announced
diplomatic recognition of Sudan's new
military administration - becoming
the first world leader to do so - but
there was no indicaiton Libya was in-
volved in the takeover.
Reports from Khartoum, a city of
more than 1 million people, were not
available. Most commercial com-
munications with Khartoum were cut
and the city's airport remained closed
for a third day.
But diplomats and other analyts in
Cairo said the capital appeared to be
calm after three straight days of
demonstrations over Numeiry's 16-year
rule and the government's recent in-
crease in food prices.
On Friday, the British Broadcasting
Corp. reported a "state of total
paralysis" and a fuel shortage in Khar-
Ibrahim Taha Ayub, Sudan's am-
See MILITARY, Page 3

Daily Photo by DARRIAN SMITH

Easter bear?

Workers at Moes Sport Shop on N. University altered the Easter tradition a bit when they planted - not a bunny - but a
bear in green plastic grass and sat it in the store window. Then they went a step further and stuck a sign reading "Jelly
Beans are NOT Easter eggs" at the bear's feet.

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Beirut: Ten
* years of war
stems from
tangled past

The Old Testament book of Habakkuk
warned the Israelites, "for the violence of
Lebanon shall cover thee. " Today violence
covers Lebanon and indeed, that ancient
country has been a frequent battleground,
often over religion. But in the civil war that
began 10 years ago this month alliances
have shifted so many times that even some

Lebanese forget what was behind one bat-
tle or another.
BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Near the corner
of Rue Sadat and Rue Emile Edde in West
Beirut is one of the few unscathed monuments
to Lebanon's past.
It is not a grand building, nor a statue of
a national hero. It's a small metal box,
decorated with the country's cedar tree symbol
that somehow has kept its green paint through

the years.
A SLOT AT the front and the words "Letter
Box" in French and Arabic are a reminder that
- once upon a time in Lebanon - there existed
something resembling civic order.
A card or letter dropped into a public
mailbox would arrive across town or across the
world. Police made arrests, traffic lights
flashed red or green, people took disputes to
courts founded on French justice, a sturdy

national museum guarded remnants of
Lebanon's ancient past.
In 10 years, such things have themselves
become history, lost in a so-called civil war
that erupted on April 13, 1975, with an attem-
pted assassination and a reprisal ambush on a
THIRTY-ONE people were killed that first
day, since then, more than 100,000
See SECT, Page 2

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Artist works odd jobs,
but says it's temporary

Lee Musselman,,is an artist-when
he's not too busy working as a cook, an
art teacher, a custodian, an art studio
model, a part-time stage manager, and,
alas, even an antique dealer.

Pro file

local art galleries;
Though not a bright star in the art
world yet, Musselman isn't about to
give up. In fact, he says his big break is
just two years away.
Musselman's art is a form that jux-
taposes pop culture and antiquity in a
way that exposes the enduring realities
of the human condition. Several local
art collectors admire the intentions
behind his work, but politely refuse to
exhibit it.
"His art has an earth quality about
it," said Autumn Thomas, president of
the Ann Arbor Association for the Per-
forming Arts. "Lee's art is new, unique,
and brings out feelings and emotions we
otherwise might not consider."
But Michael Brown; curator of the
gallery at the Ann Arbor Art
Association, said: "We positively sup-
port Lee's work and some of his work
with seasonal themes have been well-
received by customers, but we get

thousands of art works to jury and we
have very limited space here."
Musselman says he has been told his
art "wasn't suitable" and that it is "too
overwhelming," 4s well.
Leonora Seid, education director at
the Ann Arbor Art Associatiop, offered
an explanation as to why Musselman's
designs are so controversial.
"Lee's work has a lot of humor and
serious meaning in it, but he focuses on
the human form and incorporates
human characteristics," she said.
"That, perhaps, enforces some con-
frontation with human life."
That's not difficult to see.
In one collage he entitles "Sunday at
Brunch," Musselman planted a
reclining naked male stocking doll
beside a black cat applique. The doll's
nudity, Musselman explains, is seen as
his "stripping away from the
materialistic world," while the cat is
See ARTIST, Page 2

Born in Ypsilanti, the 28-year-old
grew up in the Upper Peninsula before
moving to Ann Arbor in 1980 to take art
courses at a now-defunct studio down-
town. But since his arrival, art has
taken a backseat to the numerous odd
jobs Musselman has been forced to
work to support himself. To make
things worse, the designs he has found
time to create out of fabric and antique
knick-knacks have been rejected by-

Local artist Lee Musselman shows an elementary school girl how to stitch cloth to make a doll at the Ann Arbor Art
Association.Local gallery curators say Musselman's own work is "new and unique," but refuse to buy it.

I --' ---



Stuffing unlimited
F RATERNITY presidents at the University and at
schools all over the nation have opened their
mail recently to find the following message:
"Imagine the possibilities. Your very own moun-
tain gorilla greeting guests in the narlor. A shiras

' Nti.'

smoking a cigar. Down the road in Columbus, an Ohio State
University student found just the thing he needed: a
moosehead to hang in his bedroom. As Jim points out in his
letter, "instead of that old boring cliche about coming up to
look at your etchings, you can really impress your date by
asking, 'Hey, wanna come upstairs and see my game

the game is to be promoted from a corrections officer to
warden by answering questions and collecting points.
Rolling a die, players move along spaces labeled "Tower
Assignment," "Execution Chamber" or "Administrative
Segregation." The worst square is "Federal Court Order,"
which carries a fine of 20 points or a demotion. The first
execution by electrocution, by the way, was in 1890 as a
promotional scheme for an electric company in New York.


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