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April 05, 1985 - Image 26

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-04-05
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U U q

Bars and Clubs

The Apartment (769-4060) - Bof-
fo! It's Bosco Johnson! !
The Ark (761-1451) - The RFD
Boys pick and strum.
The Blind Pig (996-8555) -
Whoa, it's Ann Arbor favorites
The Earle (994-0211) - Jazz
with the Ron Brooks Trio,
featuring (guess who?) bassist
Ron Brooks.
The Heidelberg (663-7758) -
John Lucero livens up the
Mountain Jack's (665-1133) -
Billy Albertson performs.
The Nectarine Ballroom (994-
5436) - From the Motor City...
Free Spirit!
Rick's American Cafe (996-2747)
- Steve Nardella rocks at Rick's.
Windows (769-9500) - Scream
and squeal with Mass Appeal.
The Brecht Company
Bob Brown directs Brecht's
adaptation of Moliere's Don Juan,
the story of history's most famous
sex scoundrel. The drama of Don
Juan's misadventures gives
Brecht the opportunity to make
rather ironic observations of
relationships. Men and women,
masters and servants, and in-
dividuals and society are all ob-
served. The cast includes Martin
Walsh, David Isaacson, Deborah
Allen, Barbara Thorne, Don
Cameron and John Shaw. Univer-
sity Residential College Theater, 8
p.m. Tickets are available at the
door and the Michigan Theater
Box Office. $5, $3 for students and
seniors. Call 995-0532 for more in-
Performance Network
Peaceworks, a dance concert by
Kathy Gantz Morse, will kick off
the Performance Network's
calendar of events for April. Kathy
Gantz Morse will present this con-!
cert in collaboration with Susan,
Creitz and others. Performance
time is 8 p.m., at the Performace
Network, 408 W. Washington.
Tickets are $5. Call 663-0681 for
reservations. For more infor-
mation, call Ms. Morse at 769-0685.
University Department of Dance '
The Dance Students' Recital
features choreography by Alison
Alexander, Linda Goodrich John-'
son, Kelly Kilgas, and Hazel
O'Carra. 8 p.m., at Studio A of the
Dance Building. Call 763-5460 for
more information.
The University of Michigan Gilbert
and Sullivan Society
H.M.S. Pinafore, the well loved
comic opera by Gilbert and
Sullivan, is a nautical romance
enhanced by lively jigs, hornpipes,
and shanties. The University of1
Michigan Gilbert and Sullivan
Society will perform this thea
spirited and comedic story of the

romance between Josephine,
daughter of Captain Corcoran, and
Ralph Ruckstraw, a common
sailor. Although promised in
marriage to Sir Joseph, the First
Lord of the Navy, Josephine elopes
with Ralph through the help of the
Pinafore's crew. Costumes,
music, and scenery flaunt the
unique and exuberant style of
Gilbert and Sullivan. The perfor-
mance is at 8 p.m., in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater of the
Michigan League, 911 North
University. Tickets are $7.00 and
$5.50 with a 10% discount for
groups (20 or more), seniors, and
children under 12. For more in-
formation, call 761-7855.


University Department of
Princeton Professor of
Philosophy David Lewis kicks off
the annual Spring Colloquium with
a lecture entitiled "Casual Ex-
planation" at 1 p.m., in the
Rackham East Conference Room.
Free. Call 763-2126 for more infor-
University Department of
Jonathan Bennet, Professor of
Philosophy at Syracuse University
lectures on "Event Causation: The
Counter-Factual Analysis," the
second of three lectures in the
department's annual Spring
Colloquium. 3 p.m., in the
Rackham East Conference Room.
Free. Call 763-2126 for more infor-
Bars and Clubs
The Apartment -- (769-4060) -
More jazz with Bosco Johnson.
The Ark - (761-1451) - A little bit
over everything with the Lost
World String Band.
The Blind Pig - (996-8555) - Uh-
oh, it's Domino! !
the Earle -- (994-0211) - Jazz
three ways with the Ron Brooks
The Heidelberg - (663-7758) -
Real easy listening with John
Mountain Jack's - (665-1133) -
Billy Albertson entertains.
The Nectarine Ballroom (994-
5436) - Free Spirit rocks the Nec.
Rick's American Cafe - (996-
2747) - Rock and Roll with the
Steve Nardella 'Rn'R Trio.
Windows'(769-9500) - Here's
the deal - it's Mass Appeal.
The Brecht Company
Don Juan continues, 8 p.m. See
Friday's entry.
University Department of Dance
The Dance Students' Recital
continues. 8 p.m. See Friday's
The University of Michigan Gilbert
and Sullivan Society
H.M.S. Pinafore sails on. Refer

to Friday's listing. Evening per-
formance at 8 p.m. and matinee
performance at 2 p.m. Evening
tickets are $7 and $5.50. Matinee
tickets, $6 and $4.50.
University Department of
Cambridge University Professor
of Philosophy D.H. Mellor closes
out the department's annual
Spring Colloquium withsa lecture
entitled "Causes: Events vs. Fac-
ts. 10 a.m. in the Rackham East
Conference Room. Free. Call 763-
2126 for more information.
University Baseball Team
Our sluggers take on Indiana in
an. action-packed double header
beginning at 1 p.m. in spacious,
scenic Ray Fisher Stadium. Be
sure to catch this University in-
'stitution early in the season. For
ticket information call 764-0244.
State Street Book Shop
Clean off your specs and plan on
inspecting some important par-
chment at the Annual Ann Arbor
Antiquarian Book Fair in the
Union Ballroom. Something for
everyone with an interest in prin-
ted matter of the past. 10 a.m. to 6
p.m., admission free, merchandise
isn't though, so bring your pennies.
Contact Patricia Finkle at 994-4061
for more information.
University of Michigan Exhibit
Museum Planetarium
If the heavens intrigue you,
come see "Starbound" and
"Celestial Spring" on the 360-
degree domed screen of the
University of Michigan's Ruthven
Planetarium Theater. "Star-
bound" is a space-age fable, that
links astronomy of the past and
future. "Celestial Spring" depicts
the current spring sky. "Star-
bound" is featured at 1:30, 2:45,
and 4:00 on Saturday and Sunday
afternoon. The Planetarium is in
the University of Michigan Exhibit
Museum. Tickets are $1. Call 764-
0478 for more information.

header with Indiana. Be sure not to
miss the cliffhanging action in
today's games at Ray Fisher
Stadium at 1 p.m. For ticket in-
formation, call 764-0244.
Bars and Clubs

The Blind Pig (996-8555) - Read
all about it! It's Nonfiction.
The Nectarine Ballroom (994-
5436) - D.J. Galen Davis spins
Rick's American Cafe (996-2747)
- Reggae with Dubwise.




Guild House
Tonight, the weekly poetry
reading features the amazing
poetry team of Brant and Vangan.
8 p.m., at Guild House, 802 Monroe.
Free. Call 662-5189 for more infor-


University Exhibit Museum
Ruthaven Planetarium
Special showings of Celestial
Spring take place at 2:30 and 3:30
p.m. See Friday's listing for the
full scoop.
Bars and Clubs

Friends of Matthei Botanical Gar-
Chief Horticulturist William
Collins hosts "Let's Plant Peren-
nials!", a guide to the care and
feeding of the plants that come
back after the snows of winter
murder all the annuals. 7:30 p.m.,
at the Gardens, 1800 N. Dixboro
Rd. Free. Call 764-1168 for more in-

Xonophobe's delight! An Alien
Nation performs.
The Earle - (994-0211) Larry
Manderville at the keyboard.
Mountain Jack's - (665-1133) -
Billy Albertson entertains.
The Nectarine Ballroom - (994-
5436) - Gay Night, with your host,
Roger LeLievre.
Rick's American Cafe - (996-
2747) - Those in with the in crowd
will be present to see Outcrowd
Windows - (769-9500) - Mass
Appeal entertains.
School of Music
The Campus Orchestra will per-
form under the direction of Zuo
Huang Chen. At press time the
program was not announced,
however the evening should
provide an enjoyable amount of
fine repetoire. 8 p.m. at Hill
Auditorium. Call 763-4726 for more
details, there is no charge for ad-
Friends of the Ann Arbor Public
The Books for Lunch Series (no,
you don't eat the books!) presents
computer and video columnist and
consultant Martin Pizsczalski

discussing Sherry Turkle's book,
"The Second Self: Computers and.
the Human Spirit" Noon at the
Public Library. Free. Call 994-2333
for more information.
University Baseball Team
The U's own sluggers take on
Wayne State in nine (or more ...)
innings of non-stop swinging ac-
tion. Get to Ray Fisher Stadium at
3 p.m. at all costs! Baseball before
books! For ticket information call
University Department of Theatre
and Drama
Walter Eyesselinck directs
Caryl Churchill's Cloud Nine. 8
p.m. at the New Trueblood
Theatre. Call 764-5387 for more in-

Noon in Lane Hall of the Commons.
Free. Call 764-0351 for more infor-
Men's Tennis Team
Our very own Michigan netters
take on the powerful force of Notre
Dame here at home in the Track
and Tennis Building at 2:30 p.m.
sharp. For ticket information call
Michigan Gay Undergraduates
MGU hosts an open meeting. 9
p.m. at Guild House. Free. For
more information call the Human
Sexuality Office at 763-4186.
T___U__ _ D Y

Center for Japanese Studies
Mike Thornton discusses the
Konketsuji, Amerasian children in
Asian countries. Noon in Lane Hall
of the Commons. Free. Call 764-
6307 for more information.
Center for Near Eastern and North
African Studies
Founder and director of the
Project of Translation from Arabic
(PROTA) Salma Khadra Jayyusi
speaks on "The Image of Women
as Depicted by Arabic Women
Authors" Dr. Jayyusi received her
degree from the University of Lon-
don, and is currently working on an
anthology of works by and about
Arabic women. 8 p.m. in the
Rackham East Conference Room.
Free. Call 764-0350 for more infor-
Michigan Union
Thailand is the focus of tonight's
International Cuisine. 5-7:15 p.m.
in the Michigan League Cafeteria.
Meals range from $5-7 average.


University Department of Theatre-
and Drama
Walter Eyesselinck directs The Ark - (761-1451) - New
Caryl Churchill's Cloud Nine. 8 Talent Night; featuring Andrew
p.m. at the New Trueblood Calhoun, a major songwriting
Theatre. Call 764-5387 for more in- talent from Chicago.
formation. The Blind Pig - (996-8555) --

Univerity Exhibit Museum Ruth-
ven Planetarium
Special showings of Celestial
Spring take place at 2:30 and 3:30
p.m. See Friday's listing for the .
full scoop.


Bars and Clubs
The Ark - (761-1451)
Talent/Audition night with Lady of
the Lake.
The Blind Pig (996-8555) -
Strictly Reggae night; featuring
The Earle - (994-0211) - Larry
Manderville tickles the ivories.
Mountain Jack's -(665-1133) -
Billy Albertson performs in the
The Nectarine Ballroom -- (994-
5436) - Free Spirit is back
Rick's American Cafe - (996-
2747) - You ain't worth a thang if
you don't see the Slang.
Windows -- (769-9500) - What's
the deal? It's Mass Appeal.
School of Music
The Seventh program in a series
of Basically Beethoven Chamber
Music will take place at 8 p.m. in
the School of Music Recital Hall.
No charge for admission and more
details are available at 763-4726.
School of Music
Edward Parmentier leads the
Early Music Ensemble in a
program of works by composers
such as Schutz and Handel. The
evening commences at 8 p.m. at
St. Thomas Church, 517 Elizabeth
St. No charge for admission and
more info is available by calling
the church at 761-8606 or the school
of music at 763-4726.
University Center for Russian and
East European Studies
Vera Dunham lectures on
"Moods of Soviet Patriotism."

The Apartment - (769-4060) -
Jazz with Bugs Beddow.
The Ark (761-1451) - David
Mallett, best known as the com-
poser of "The Garden Song," per-
formed by Arlo Guthrie and Pete
The Blind Pig - (996-8555) -
Fork It Over performs.
The Earle - (994-0211) - Larry
Manderville at the keyboard.
Mountain Jack's - (665-1133) -
Billy Albertson in the lounge.
The Nectarine Ballroom - (994-
5436) - Pan-Hellenic Party Time!
Windows - (769-9500) - Mass
Appeal plays top 40.
School of Music
Bruce Smith will conduct the
Jazz Bands of the School of Music
in a program of assorted jazz
musical styles. As usual no charge
for admission. 8 p.m. Rackham
Auditorium. Call 763-4726 for more
Performance Network
Extremities will open in Ann Ar-
bor. William Mastrosimone's con-
troversial. and explosive
dramatization of an attempted
rape and the victim's revenge will
be directed by Pauline Gagnon at
The Performance Network. The
play is set in a rundown New Jer-
sey farmhouse where the
peacefulness of a summer after-
noon is shattered when a young
woman's home is illegally entered
and followed by a subsequent at-
tack. Extremities explores the
emotional, legal and attitudinal
aftermath that a rape victim must
suffer through. Her trauma and
retaliation are dramatized along
with the reactions of her
housemates. The Performance
Network plans to use Extremities
as a springboard for examining the
issue of rape in our community.
Tickets are $5 with a $1 discount
for seniors and students. Group
rates are available and opening.
night The Network will offer 2 for 1
admission. 8 p.m., 408 W.
Washington. Call 663-0681 for more
The University of Michigan Gilbert
and Sullivan Societ
H.M.S. Pinafore sails on. Refer
to Friday's listing. Performance
time, 8 p.m. Tickets are $7 and

. x>

Hatcher Library Rare Book Room
A tribute to birds is the main
theme of a wide ranging display of
bird books. The exhibit is entitled
Homage to Audohon: The
Illustrated Bird Book, 1300-1860.
The books include Islamic and
Medieval illuminated manuscript,
thtee rare editions of Audobon's
Birds of America, History of
British Birds by Thomas Bewick
and Mark Catesby's Natural
History of Carolina. There are also
some beautiful hand colored
hummingbird lithographs by John
Gould. The exhibit runs through
April 20. Rm. 711, Harlan Hatcher
Graduate Library, 764-9377. Hours
Mon-Fri 10a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m.;
Sat 10a.m.-noon.
Kelsey Museum of Ancient and
Medieval Archaeology
Ancient Needlework continues to
be shown through July. Various
needlework techniques on 50 tex-
tiles from the 5th to the 14th cen-
turies include examples of em-
broidery, applique, mending;
quilting, piecing and darning. 424
South State, 764-9304. Hours: Mon-
Fri 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Sat and Sun 1-4
Latent Image Gallery
Gallery members have prepared
a group showing that uses
photographs and portraits of
people in various stages of life. The
exhibit runs until April 13 and is
their interpretation of the
Shakespearian theme The Seven
Ages of Man. 221 East Liberty
Plaza, 761-6689. Hours : Mon.-
Thurs. noon-5 p.m.; Fri. noon-7
p.m.; Sat. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
The University Museum of Art
Abracadabra! The Graduate
students in the Museum Practice
Program have organized a display
of pottery. The exhibit is entitled
Earth Magicians: Pottery from
the Collections of the University of
Michigan. The display is composed

Truly Non.
of about 7(
are tow
beauty of t
the uncan
potteries v
the same t
exhibit r
Saturday &
Monday a
S. State St
A comi
with sculp
and paintir
collection c
It is enti
works can
South Stat
763-1231. H
4p.m.; Sat
from the ID
composed c
the aforen
addition t
June. 763-12
p.m:; Tues

Bars and Clubs
The Nectarine Ballroom (994-
5436) - The Nec's Easter Party
features Bert Robinson and his
Bad Bands with D.J. Magic.
University of Michigan Gilbert and
Sullivan Society
H.M.S. Pinafore sails further.
Refer to Friday's listing. Matinee
performance time, 3 p.m. Tickets
are $6 and $4.50.
University Baseball Team.
Our sluggers battle out a double


If you ha'
MENTS list
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on events i
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16 Weekend/Friday, April 5, 1985

Weekend/Friday, A

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