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April 05, 1985 - Image 24

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-04-05
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li"ke a
By Nora Thorp
R OCK AND rollers have set fashion
trends from the era of Elvis Presley to
the generation raised with MTV. Each
rock star has that look which comes to
symbolize more than a catchy tune.
For some, Michael Jackson's glove,
Madonna's belly button, and Cyndi
Lauper's orange hair represent an
identity they would like to borrow. If
they do not rent it for a lifetime, they
may settle for a few hours at the bar or
a look-a-like contest.
, "Everybody dresses like they're
somebody, even if they're not," says
Dooley's bartender Jeff Brainard, a
local expert on people who dress to be
someone else. "There're basically two
types of girls - Madonnas and Vanitys.
And, there are two types of guys - Billy
Idols and David Lee Roths."
While Brainard might be
exaggerating the situation to some
degree, more and more students are
buying into celebrity dressing.
Many on campus got into thelad as a
result of the M Against MS Rock-A-Like
contest. Held last month at the Univer-
sity to raise money to fight Multiple
Sclerosis, contest winners from 11
colleges will compete in an MTV-filmed
look-a-like contest. The final winner is

offered a $4,000 MTV summer inter-
nship in New York.
University Rock-A-Like winner
Karen Berman, an LSA sophomore,
transformed herself into Tina Turner in
only 45 minutes. All it took was a
sequined tank top, black leather
miniskirt, long black gloves, fish net
stockings, and black pumps - instant
Grammy Award-Winner.
But Berman admitted that she nor-
mally doesn't dress like Turner and it
took some friends' urging here on to do
it for the contest.
Joe Goode, an LSA senior and
another Rock-A-Like participant,
Revolutionized himself in a white ruf-
fled shirt, white ruffled pants, and a
long, purple trench coat sprinkled with
silver studs around the shoulders.
For the finishing touches to his
costume, he applied a little eye-liner
and "a lot of hair mousse" to make his
hair curl in a Princely fashion. During
the hour-and-a-half that it took him to
get ready, he says he found "some pret-
ty amazing things you can do with a
blow dryer."
You won't see Goode in class dressed
as the Controversial rock idol, Prince.
Goode says he normally dresses (and
acts) nothing like the recording star. In
fact, when pictures of the Rock-A-Like
contestants were posted in the window
of Ulrich's bookstore, Goode says he
could stand with a group of people ob-
serving the photos and no one would
recognize one of them as him.
Eric Lee takes his celebrity dressing,
more seriously than Berman and
Goode. Lee doesn't just dress up as
Prince to win money for charity. He
devotes two hours every day to molding
his features into those resembling the
rock star. And when he's finished, he
looks a hell of a lot like the original.
Although he says he never really
planned on dressing like someone else


This style is Revolutionary
and shuns the look-a-like idea, Lee says
he grew into it because of his passion
for spending money on clothes. He says
his hobby is changing everyday clothes
into something "Princey."
To do this, Lee buys most of his out-
fits at The Merry-Go-Round in the
Briarwood Mall, with frequent trips to
Ann Arbor Pet Supply for chains.
Lee's 14-year-old brother, Mark
Bradley, also has a passion for

celebrity dres
look-a-like, he
junior high sc
Both brothe
about once a w
their mother'
Dad hasn't qu
See E

LSA junior Susie Vestevich poses in Ft. Lauderdale.
University of Michigan
125th Annual Spring Concert
8:00 p.m.
Tickets $6, $5, $4, (students $2)
Available at Hill Box Office:
April8 - 12; 8 a.m.- 5 p.m.
April 13; 8 a.m.- 8 p.m.


14 Weekend/Friday, April 5, 1985


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