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What will students wear next? Pages 3-4
Just about every style in the world can be seen
around campus. Jerry Markon interviewed many of
the students dressed in notable ways and offers in-
sight into the development of personal style.
Women and clothes Pages 5-7
Many women have a special love affair with
clothes. For them, the new seasons offer more than
just updated fashions; they mean an updated
lifestyle. Check out what this new season holds in
women's fashions.
Hair today, what tomorrow? Page 8-9
Current hair styles are more diverse than ever
before. Rachel Gottlieb talked to
many area stylists to fund out just what "The Look"
is today. Photographer Carol Francavilla illustrates
Rachel's findings with a variety of the hairstyles
found on campus.
Men and clothes Page 10-12
Although men don't have a reputation for being
clothes horses, they also take pride in their apparel
and shop for bargains. Andrew Porter of-
fers buying tips for the Ann Arbor male shopper.
Sand, surf and swimsuits Page 13-14
The swimwear season is almost upon this helpless
state, and none too soon. Tyler Paetkay and Vibeke
Laroi help those of us who haven't had the pleasure of
seeing sunshine since August by previewing the latest
in swimwear. The news is not good if you've got many
pounds to go!
Wanna be a rock and rol star? Page 19-20
It's not enough to listen to the music anymore; now
people make an effort to look like their favorite per-
former. Nora Thorp talks to people who actually look
like recording stars, or at least borrow some of their
Unconcerned and proud Page 21
You don't even know why you picked up this issue
of Weekend, or you're just checking out the next TM
group meeting in the List. You really don't know what
fashion is, and if you did you'd disdain it. You turn to
this article by Jackie Young on Anti-fashion at the
'U'; it's written just for you.
Fidoy, Apri 5, 1985
Vol. III, Issue 23
Fashion Issue Editor.............Jackie Young
Magazine Editors...............Paula Doering
Randall Stone
Associate Magazine Editors........Julie Jurrjens
John Logie
Joshua Bilmes, Neil Galanter, Debbie Gesmundo
Diane Melnick, Sarah Rosenberg, Joyce Welsh
Arts Editors...... ............... Mike Fisch
Chris Lauer
Climbing to the top Page 22
It's not easy to make the adjustment from wearing
whatever pleases you to wearing the proper clothing
with , which to make a good impression.
Rachel Gottleib offers some successful dressing tips
to potential "position" seekers.
Profs have fashion, too Page 23
Your prof dresses the way he or she does for a
reason, although it may not be immediately ap-
parent. Whether they choose blue jeans or a suit,
profs are making a statement with their clothes.
Sarah Rosenberg explores a number of 'U' profs'
motives as well as their attitudes towards fashion.
The sporting life Page 25
On such an athletically oriented campus, sports
fashions are sure to be big news. Debbie deFrances
explores many of the most recent and most popular
looks for athletes and not-so-athletes, from nylon
jogging suits to running tights.
The frosting on the cake Page 26
Just what do you use to tie that outfit together?
How can you change the look of the outfit? Rather
than giving up in frustration, check out Amy Mindell's
research on accessoring your wardrobe.
Back for more
Page 27
Everybody on campus must have seen them at one
time or another. Dressed in maize and blue and spor-
ting the Michigan items students avoid, U' alumni
flock back to Ann Arbor at different time throughout
this year. Tom Hrach takes a look at
the alumni fashions with the aid of some local stores
that carry Michigan apparel.
Chief Photographer Dan Habib catches Cover Model
Leslie Fader in a Spring dress by Fashion 'n Things.
The beautiful pond by the music school provides an
appropriate Spring background.
Soon, the red tulips and yellow daffodils will be
pushing their way through the mud-luscious Spring
soil and the air will be scented with cherry blossoms
and sweet violets. To usher in this new season
properly with one of its rites-Spring shopping-the
Daily presents the annual fashion edition of Weekend
magazine. In this special edition, readers will get a
glimpse of what students will be wearing to celebrate
the end of wintry weather.
Second hand clothes Page 30
Fashion is not entirely made up of the newest
styles; it also consists of its roots, vintage clothes.
There are many area vintage clothing outlets that of-
fer different looks from older items. Laurie DeLater
checks into such stores and offers insight into the rise
of vintage clothing popularity.
New season, new face
D Reman
(Continued from Page 30)
women. Men typically wear their
clothes threadbare, so that fewer are
available for reselling invintage shops.
Though local sellers say they try to
keep prices low to compete, they admit
that doing so is becoming harder all the
"Why would somebody want to come
here and buy something used for $5
when they can go down the street to TJ
Maxx and get it new for $5?" asked
Gladys Pressley, an employee at
Downstairs Attic on Stadium Blvd.
"It's a hard business when you don't
have much stock."
Merchants say they don't bother
shopping for vintage clothing at auc-
tions or garage sales because people
have either sold all of their old clothing
or it is in too poor condition to resell.1
Instead, they have "sources" around 1
the state-and throughout the Mid-1
west-from whom they buy vintage
clothing, often at higher prices.
Lynn Ray, a partner in Vintage 1
Clothing on State Street, said "we used 1
to be able to keep stock by just going s
between here and Detroit. Now wet
have to go a lot farther."E
Ernie and Virginia Morton, owners of9
Second Hand Rose on E. Huron Street,s
said they buy their clothes-from a com-t
pany which has cut back 80 percent ofN
its clientele over the last two yearsI
Bowling is in vogue at 53rd & 3rd.
because it can no longer keep up with
"We aren't getting the amount or the
variety of clothes we once had," said
Ernie Morton.
The trick to keeping the cash coming
in, according to Keith Hay, owner of
The Cat's Meow, on State Street, is to
stay up with changing trends. He
predicts the "Leave It To Beaver"
sweaters and dresses will grow in
popularity, and mare vintage wearers
will mix early '60s apparel with their
new clothes. He sells new cotton men's
shirts alongside of old Bermuda shorts,
for example, modern military wear
alongside of used army shirts and
repaired trousers, and New Wave ac-
Other vintage mercha'nts have tried'
to carve their own nitch in the local
market by selling something their
competitors don't. Vintage Clothing,
for instance, specializes in silk
kimonoes, ranging in price from $15 to
$60, and white dinner jackets. Once
Possessed, located on State Street, is
known for its linens. And one can even
buy old Vogue patterns for dresses and
suits at Ruby Tabu, also on State Street.
Local vintage merchants are hoping
to pull through the slow spring months
by hawking strapless party dresses
made of satin and crepe along with
tuxedos and dinner jackets to prom-
goers. All of these items sell for $20 to
$45. Hawaiian shirts and Bermuda
shorts are also expected to be popular
this spring, with the shirts running bet-
ween $10 and $15 and the shorts about
Page 28
Many women end up feeling locked into a make-up
routine. Sure, they'd like to try some different
products and techniques, but it can be just too big an
undertaking when they consider expenses and the
time involved. Nadine Lavagnino recently received a
make-over at an area shop; here she shares her ex-,
perience as well as the professional advice she
Associate Arts Editors
M ovies .......................... . Byron L. Bull
Music .......................... Dennis Harvey
Books ................................Andy W eine
Weekend Marketing Coordinator......Miriam Adler
Sales Manager ..................... Dawn Willacker
Sales Representatives:
Steve Friedlander, Debby Kaminetsky, Cynthia
Nixon, Leslie Purcell, Jenny Matz, Kathleen
O'Brian, Meg Margulies, Mary Anne Hogan,
Sheryl Biesman, Mark Bookman, Leigh Schlang,
Peter Giangreco
Weekend is edited and managed by students on the
staff of the Michigan Daily at 420 Maynard, Ann Ar-
bor, Michigan Daily 48109.
Weekend, (313) 763-0379 and 763-0371; Michigan
Daily, 764-0552; Circulation, 764-0558; Display Adver-
tising, 764-0554.
Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily.
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The Campus Area's Lowest Hair Prices
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Weekend/Friday, April 5, 1985
.. m . ,