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April 05, 1985 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1985-04-05

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Page 2 - The Michigan Daily - Frida
Baker wair
From AP and UPI
WASHINGTON - Saying the loser in
a trade war may be the United States,
Treasury Secretary James Baker tried
yesterday to quell congressional
demands for trade sanctions against
"We do need more access to
Japanese markets for beef and
agricultural products and telecom-
munications and a lot of other things,"
Baker told the Senate Appropriations
subcommittee on foreign operations.
"I'm just not sure that the way to get
there is to have an all-out trade war."
"I'M NOT sure we'd win that," he
However, the senators appeared un-
moved by Baker's comments.
Baker testified as officials from both
countries continue talks aimed at
easing trade tensions between the two
Reishi Teshima, Japan's deputy
foreign minister for economic affairs,
arrived in Washington yesterday for

ay, April 5, 1985
7ns against
talks with administration and
congressional officials to brief them on
Japan's view of the situation. In ad-
dition, Japanese Foreign Minister Shin-
taro Abe has scheduled a meeting
April 13 with Secretary of State George
TESHIMA MET in the afternoon with
Rep. Don Bonker (D-Wash.), chair-
man of the Foreign Affairs inter-
national trade subcommittee, but had
no comment for reporters.
Bonker later said he told the envoy
that if changes in Japan's trade prac-
tices are not forthcoming, "the
pressure will mount (in Congress) and
we will have to take stronger actions."
ALSO, THREE senators introduced
legislation that would restrict the im-
ports of foreign telecommunications
equipment from countries that do not
buy enough U.S. telecommunications
And in the House, Democratic
leaders announced the formation of a
22-member party task force to study

trade deficits and to recommend way
of dealing with them.
Baker, meanwhile, told the senator
President Reagan is eager to secure a
agreement at the May sumjnit of tl
major industrial nations to set up a ne'
round of international trade talk;
Congressional action restricting impoi
ts from Japan would make that in
possible, he added.
At the White House, spokesma
Larry Speakes indicated the presider
would veto the Finance Committe
measure if it reaches the president'
Afterwards, reporters asked Baker I
speculate about the effects of a trad
"We'd have no market for ou
products," he said. "We'd be foreclose
from exporting. And it would have
very deleterious effect on the wor
The U.S. trade deficit with Japan wa
$37 billion last year.

trade war

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports

...opposes trade sanctions



Reagan, GOP compronse
(Continuedfrom Page 1) A1 1 li-.. . n...... f h



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So ... Embark on a road trip to the great
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most ambitious budget reduction plan
in post-war history" and said the
president "is committed to this
package and he intends to fight for
passage in both houses" of Congress.

uutLIing the various elements of the
proposal, Regan said it would eliminate
17 federal programs and reduce 30
others, ranging from farm price sup-
ports to highway construction to Coast
Guard operations.

RHA proposal questioned



' " Y
' 1 ! j
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10 A.M. - 6 P.M.
Admission Free

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(Continued from Page 1)
"I THINK A contract like that is more
effective than just letting them buy
their way out of it," Buckley said. "I
respect RHA's intention of decreasing
vandalism, but I think fines are very
"We stress that vandalism may con-
ceal a larger problem like alcohol or
substance abuse, and you can get at the
person's underlying problems better
with a behavioral code than by just
dealing with the vandalism itself,''
Buckley said.
According to Dennis Swayne,
assistant to the building director in
Mary Markley, the residence hall is
plagued by repeated vandalism but
charges fines only in isolated cases.
MARKLEY ASSESSES a $50 fine to
student who "habitually take the screen
out of their windows and walk onto the
roof and ledges, which are not architec-
turally-designed to support someone,"
Swayne said.
He said he supports the proposed
system of fines and rewards because it
is "beneficial to have guidelines."
South Quad began offering rewards

and assessing fines for pulling fire
alarms after a rash of false alarms in
the past, according to Building Director
Mary Antieau.
PULLING A false fire alarm will lead
to automatic lease termination, An-
tieau said, and the residence hall
assesses a $10 fine for breaking the
glass that covers the alarms.
Antieau said South Quad offers a $25
reward to informants of false alarms,
and has occasionally offered rewards
for other acts of vandalism - including
a $100 reward last year for information
about a vandalized pinball machine.
For the four trash can fires that
struck the dorm on Feb. 4, South Quad
Council offered a $100 reward, and the
state arson control unit offered up to
$2,000. Neither offer produced a respon-
Ann Arbor Fire Marshall Wesley
Prater said the city code imposes up to
90 days in jail and up to a $500 fine for
pulling a false fire alarm in any city
building. Although he couldn't cite
specific instances, he said the city has
prosecuted University students for this
offense in the past.

Air Force waste investigated
WASHINGTON - The Air Force, while producing joint radar jam-
ming equipment with the Navy, is wasting $3 billion by also developing its
own system for some combat aircraft, congressional investigators said
"It's simply a proliferation of jammers," Frank Conahan, director of the
national security and international affairs division of the General Accoun-
ting Office, told a House Government Operations subcommittee.
Committee Chairman Jack Brooks (D-Texas) said the military services'
"do as they please" after getting their money and contended the Pentagon
philosophy is, "We make money the old fashioned way - we put it in cost
Brooks also held up an outer covering from a current Air Force jammer,
which he said had buckled in flight and was indicative of serious problems
with the equipment.
Iraq bombs Iran, kills 25
BAGHDAD, Iraq-Iraq fired surface missiles into two Iranian
cities yesterday and Iran said dozens of people were killed.
An Iraqi military spokesman said the missiles were fired at Bakhtaran
and Hamadan at midday, about an hour after a deadline Iraq had set for
Iranian civilians to evacuate cities within range.
Iran issued\ its own evacuation warning after the attacks, telling Iraqi
civilians to leave Baghdad so they would not "burn in the fiery wrath of our
It said later that "destructive missiles" would hit the Iraqi capital within a
few hours. Iran fired more than half a dozen surface-to-surface missiles into
Baghdad in the past few weeks.
President Saddam Hussein's government in Baghdad has vowed to "im-
pose peace" in the 4%-year-old conflict with its Persian Gulf neighbor, and
said last week he might use missiles to do it.
Iran's official Islamic Republic News Agency said 25 people were killed
and more than 70 injured in Bakhtaran, formerly known as Kermanshah
The toll in Hamadan was 11 dead and scores injured, according to IRNA
reports monitored in Nicosia, Cyprus.
Reagan calls for Nicaraguan
ceasefire, more aid to rebels
WASHINGTON-President Reagan called yesterday for a ceasefire and'
.peace negotiations in Nicaragua and warned that the United States will
resume sending military aid to rebel forces if the ruling leftist regime does
not agree to a settlement within 60 days after opening negotiations.
At the same time, Reagan urged Congress to release $14 million in aid t
the rebels. Congress refused last year to appropriate any more money to
support them.
- "While the ceasefire offer is on the table, I pledge these funds will not be
used for arms or munitions," Reagan said. He said the money would pay for
food, clothing, medicine, and "other support for survival."
His proposal represented a new strategy in the face of overwhelming
congressional opposition to military aid for the rebels fighting the
Nicaraguan government. But one 'Democratic congressional leader called
Reagan's statement "old wine in new bottles."
A ceasefire proposal by Nicaraguan opposition groups sets April 20 as the
deadline for the government to agree to peace talks. The Sandinistas have
rejected the offer, and Reagan asked the rebels to extend it until June 1.
Three federal judges to rule
on comparable worth case
SEATTLE-Three federal judges yesterday took up a case in which
secretaries, and nurses claim they should be paid as much as janitors and
truck drivers working for the state of Washington.
The outcome could cost Washington state more than $400 billion.
Before the appeals court was a U.S. District judge's 1983 precedent-setting
comparable worth ruling against Washington that sparked similar lawsuits
by women in several other states who assert their jobs should pay wages
matching those of male dominated jobs.
A three-judge panel from the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals came from
San Francisco to consider the issue at a hearing yesterday.
Lawyers for both sides have indicated that whatever the appeals judges
decide, the issue eventually is likely to reach the Supreme Court.
Chrysler to pay pollution fine
WASHINGTON-Chrysler Corp., in one of the largest fines ever imposed
under the Clean Water Act, will pay $1.5 million to settle an anti-pollution
suit, it was announced yesterday.
In a proposed consent decree to resolve a civil complaint brought by the
Justice Department on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency, the
nation's No. 3 automaker did not admit violating any laws.
But under terms of the decree entered in U.S. District Court in Detroit
yesterday, Chrysler agreed to pay the fine and to bring waste water
discharge systems at three plants into compliance with the law by July 15.
The civil suit brought by the Justice Department's Land and Natural
Resources Division alleged that three Chrysler auto assembly plants
discharged "excessive amounts of metals" into public sewer systems.
The consent decree will become final after a 30-day public comment period
and approval by the federal court, the department said.
Vol. XVC - No. 147

The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: through April - $4.00 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 outside the city.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-
cate, and College Press Service.



Z. -- , .





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