COMPUTERS The Michigan Daily Tuesday, April 2, 1985 Page 5 Arbornet offers A2 information and interaction By SCOTT JOHNSTON In his- book Megatrends, John Naisbitt states: "The new source of power is not money in the hands of a few but information in the hands of the many." In Ann Arbor, Network Technologies'International is offering a computer network that will provide an affordable information service to the -local community. The service offered is called Arbor -net, and its goal is to provide a low cost communications and information ser- vice for Ann Arbor's residents. Jeff Williams, an executive at Network Technologies, said the strength of Ar- bornet would be in its subscribers., A HOME computer, modem, and communications software are all that is necessary to connect to Arbornet. The * onthly fee of $12.50 includes 4 free Htours of connect time, with additional tisne at $1 per hour. Arbornet can offer this low rate because it does not use long-distance telephone lines or have a national market that requires massive computer resources. With this low price, Arbornet hopes to attract a large market in Ann Arbor. Electronic mail through Arbornet provides users with the ability to send messages via computer to other sub- scribers. Such a system could sup- plement the regular local postal ser- vice, with the advantage of immediate delivery. Another option is the Arbornet Party program, which simulates a 'party-line'. With the Party program several users could carry on a com- puter conversation hosted by Arbornet. Computer conferencing is another service offered by Arbornet. In a con- ferencing situation, users can partake in discussions about subjects as varied as Macintosh technical questions or opinions of current movies. Conferen- By ROB FRANK Seeking to extend its success with Apple Inc. and Zenith Corporation, the University is looking into similar con- sortiums with International Business Machines (IBM) Corporation and American Telephone and Telegraph (A.T.&T.) The Univerity is also seeking for the first time, consortiums with sof- tware manufacturers. The consortiums allow students, faculty and staff members to purchase computer equipment at rates lower than average retail prices. "SLOWLY we want very much to establish similar types of relationships especially for student purchase," said Greg Marks, Assisiant to the Vice- Provost and negotiator for the proposed consortiums, referring to the arrangements with Apple and Zenith which have led to a flood of microcom- puters on campus. cing is organized into discussion topics with discussion leaders. Arbornet does not limit the nature of the conferences it hosts; if a user sees the need for a discussion on a particular subject, Ar- bornet will provide the resources necessary to support that discussion. Topics for discussion need not be com- puter-related. Arbornet puts no bounds on discussion topics. "IF YOU have something that's a lit- tle bit controversial. I think that's what belongs here," says Williams. Arbornet hopes to host discussions that will be of interest to the community. Political, social and personal issues may be ad- dressed in a conference. Arbornet's databases are maintained by Arbornet and other subscribers who have access to large amounts of infor- mation. A user can access this infor- mation with no additional charge. Database functions allow a user to Marks shrugged off the concerns of local merchants who have felt the brunt of the University's entry into the retail computer business. In the-past retailers had complained that a clerk or low level University employee, unlikely to make use of a computer for professional use, should be prohibited from receiving the discount. "I think that's an unfair denegration of that class of employees," said Marks," I could just as easily see that employee usinguthe computer to learn skills which would make them a more productive worker." Local retailers have also threatened to sue should the University enter the software market, but that hardly seems to have halted University attempts to sway Lotus Development Corp. into a consortium. Lotus Development Corp. is the maker of Lotus 1-2-3, the most popular piece of business computer search the database for a particular piece of information. Public Domain softward, text files and reference libraries are all accessible through the database. Arbornet offers shopping and con- sumer information service, as well as games, text editing programs, and ac- cess to UNIX programs and utilities. Microcomputer users groups have a special conference for each of the major computer systems. A wide variety of educational programs are available through the network. Williams said Arbornet is currently working with educators to provide better and more comprehen- sive educational facilities. Arbornet hopes to offer the community educational tools that will enrich the knowledge of young and old, as well as information aimed at the University student. Arbornet plans to build its base software to date. Lotus has plans to release a new product, Jazz, which will be compatible with the Apple Macin- . tosh. Though Lotus "doesn't seem the least bit interested," Marks is pursuing fur- ther negotiations. Officials in Lotus Corp.'s Cambridge, Mass, headquarters said that a consortium may be more palatable once jazz becomes more widely available. Currently Lotus is discoun- ting its software for professors in- terested in using it for teaching pur- poses only. Marks said the availability of ad- ditional brands is primarily an attempt to increase computer literacy on cam- pus. At the Microcomputer Education Center, where IBM products can be demoed along side Apples and Zeniths, the demand seems to be there. "Our P.C.s get as heavy usage as the Macin- tosh and Zenith," said Jim Griffin, as assistant at the center. of University-oriented programs thorugh the summer. Arbornet is one of three such systems currently in operation. The other systems are Chariot Communications of Colorado Springs and the Whole Ear- th Electronic Link in the San Fransisco Bay Area. Arbornet runs on an SCI computer under the UNIX System 3 operating system. As of press time, Arbornet had been in service for 3 weeks. Already a wide variety of information and conferences existed in the system. A subscription to Arbornet includes 4 hours of free con- nect time, a monthly newsletter, up- .dated electronic mailing address listings, and an index to Arbornet ser- vices that is updated monthly. Arbornet documentation and sign-up kits are available at local computer stores or from Network Technologies Inter- national on 315 West Huron. '4U'seeks to expand computer, *deals 5 COMPUTER GAME CONTEST Up to 4 $100 prizes will be awarded! Design a computer game that will promote the public understanding of nuclear energy. Contest rules and applications may be obtained at: 2038 E.E., 322 W.E., or 121 Cooley (N. Campus) IF INTERESTED CALL Doug Wood at 994-7920 for more information. British firm vying for American markets ...,. NEW YORK (UPI) - Apple Com- puter has been making a push to grab a larger share of the personal computer market from IBM, but, a little known Hij acked in Saudi Arabia (Continued from Page 1) airliner, carrying 66 passengers in- oluding the hijackers and a crew of nine, was a "publicity stunt". There was no immediate official comment from Saudi Arabia. It was the second hijacking of a Mid- dIe East Airlines jet in less than six weeks. On Feb. 23, a disgruntled gover- nment security guard at Beirut Inter- national Airport kept one of the airline's jets flying back . and forth between Lebanon and the Mediterranean island of Cyprus for five hours. The hijacker, who had threatened to crash the plane into *Lebanon's presidential palace, escaped after the jet returned to Lebanon. One man died and seven people were injured in that hijacking, when passengers were ordered off the jet during one of its intermediate stops in Beirut. The hijacker was demanding promotions and pay raises for himself and fellow employees. * POLICE NOTES Wallets stolen In a rash of thefts from the In- tramural Sports Building Sunday af- ternoon, three separate wallets valued at $24, $40, and $64 were reported missing from the racquetball court area. Leo Heatley of campus security said that although security guards saw the suspect leave the building, they were unable to apprehend the in- dividual. - Thomas Hrach British firm is also trying to get in on the act. The company, Applied Computer Techniques, is Britain's leading per- sonal computer company and has suc- cessfully fought IBM to better than a draw in the English business market. In 19Q3, ACT had a 36 percent share of the market versus IBM's 33 percent, ac- cording to the research firm IDC Europa. Flush with its success at home, ACT arrived in the United States last November with its new American distribution and marketing arm, Apricot, Inc. "WE HAVE realistic goals in trying to sell to the American market. We think we have some advantages over Apple in the corporate world," said John Leftwich, group marketing direc- tor for ACT. Apricot's target for this year is a modest 15,000 units or one-half of one- percent of the market. Within three years, the company is planning on 70,000 units with one percent of the m arket. "We don't need to take the American market by storm because most of our sales are elsewhere," said Pat Meier, director of corporate communications. Leftwich stressed that his company has been around longer than Apple and has had 11 consecutive profitable years. He said ACT started out in the software business and it is software that sells machines. Ann Arbor's Authorized healer Apple Computer Dealer is offering you special savings on all MacintoshTMsoftware in stock. 10% off when you buy 2 or more! (with this ad)yI 1 featuring: I MICROSOFT. Basic I Muflipian and Chart Sargon II (computer chess) Transylvania (adventure) " Trivia w."> Dollars & Sense LearningCertherLtd. Macint siatra Imark re iered to computer and software specialists AppeCOmputer nCi 1 . 1381 N. Maple Rd., Mapile Village Shopping Center " 996-1616 MISHappenings Tuesday Laboratory: The Macintosh PC as an MTS Terminal, 1:30-3 p.m. & 3:30-5 p.m., UNYN Terminal Rm. Registration required. Wednesday Lecture: Introduction to Tango, Part II, 3:30-5 p.m., 165 Bus. Adm. If you buy: discount is: $20to $65 savel12%/ No one faces cancer alone. $65 to $120 save 1 $120to 200 save 22% Call us. 200 & over save 26. 334. S. State St. AMERICMN CANCER SOCIETY'* Ann Arbor, MI 48104 996-0001 COMPUTER RENTALS We offer a full selection of computers, printers, modems, _ _ _ _terminals and hard drives B.. including IBM, COMPAQ, and W APPLE products. Short and long term rates-available. Full service and quick replacement of inoperative equipment. CALL US TODAY AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR LOW RENTAL RATES TERMINALS e39/month sArLI A VU A !aY. I COMPUTER