PINI Page 4 Tuesday, March 26, 1985 The Michigan Daily 4 Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Lessons of a decadent age WI. XCV, No. 138 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Money talks R ELYING heavily on the language of the First Amendment, which guarantees free speech, the Supreme Court has confirmed that money talks most. Last week's .Court' decision not to impose a $1,000 cap on Political Action Committee (PAC) contributions to Presidential candidates in the general elections is tantamount to a judicial vote against the private citizen; and a fairly ominous warning of the sort of narrow interpretation of the Corf- stitution a Reagan-packed Court is likely to yield in the years to come. PAC spending last year totalled $15.3, million for President Reagan and $621,000 for Democratic hopeful Walter Mondale. While both Reagan and Mon- dale received $40.4 million in public funds and another $6.9 million from their respective party's national com- mittees to conduct their campaigns, PAC contributions bought Reagan costly and politically valuable media exposure which Mondale simply couldn't afford. The National Conser- vative Political Action Committee alone kicked-in $5.5 million to back Reagan, while the Fund for a Conser- vative Majority spent $2.5 million on Reagan's behalf. These two powerful, PAC's were only the two highest con- tributors, several hundred smaller PAC's supplied many millions of dollars more. In his opinion for the majority, Justice William Rehnquist argued that to cap PAC contributions at $1,000 (which is the legal limit for individual contributions to a presidential can- didate in a general election, as opposed to the $5,000 PAC limit), "is much like allowing a speaker in a public hall to express his views while denying'him the use of an amplifying system". Cer- tainly, PAC s present the paradox of America's brand of democratic pluralism: rich in both dollars and in the diverse capabilities and clout of its members, PACs act as vehicles for citizen participation and simultaneously shut down the power of the single constituent to effectively in- fluence the election or actions of public officials. The Court's unjust over-extension of First Amendment doctrine in this case only lends legitimacy to the gross distortion of democracy which occurs when the private citizen's voice is drowned out by the louder, collective voices of business and ideological PAC s. PACs offer dollars, perks, and power maintainence that only economically super-elite or politically important individuals can compete with. The Court's decision preserves the PAC's unfair advantage. The Court has confirmed that money talks - and more money talks even louder. By Brian Leiter Who among us can really estimate the educational value and interest of living at the bottom end of Western culture? From Pericles and Sophocles to Reagan and "Dallas": what vast distances have been covered! If we ever escape the stunning "chauvinism of the moment" that charac- terizes our age, we shall have quite a story to tell. Old men shall sit amidst groups of children and muse, "Oh, I remember those days well: the continuing decline of intellec- tual standards, the triviaization of culture, the undermining of the value and sense of language-back then we young boys thought we'd truly seen the worst of it...and then came Reagan!" The children shall gasp, or titter, as is the habit with children, and then quickly demand, "Tell us more, tell us about this Reagan person!" Oh, yes, one would very much like to reassure oneself with images of such distant exchanges between young and old: for therein would lie the educational value and interest of our decadent age. But here, as well, the peculiar character of our epoch rears its head: for it seems that education-as the critical assessment and communicationof culture through language-is itself dramatically endangered. As we move more and more toward becoming a mass "pop" culture of obedient herd animals, a culture in which the appointed "substantive matters" have no substance, a culture in which those who use "sensible and meaningful language" say nothing with sense or meaning, one begins to wonder whether anything like "education," like "critical assessment," will have any place; indeed, whether it will have any means left! Standing atop this vast morass into which we as a culture are gradually sinking, standing not as cause, but as symbol, is Ronald Reagan. Reagan, too, without a doubt, is doing his part to chip away at the boundaries that stand between culture and anti-culture. Consider the problem of "inference," the classic logical tool of millenia. Students of the history of philosophy will recall the problem Hume raised for inference. If one sees 800 white swans, one would like to infer that "All swans are white." But, as Hume is quick to observe, there is no logical reason why the 801st could not be black. In this respect, the inferential process-the move from the particular to the general-is forever troubled. Now along comes Ronald Reagan. It is ap- parent- that most of Reagan's statements related to matters of the mind could have been made as easily in the tenth century as in the twentieth: that is, Ronald Reagan is a man upon whom the thrust of the intellectual history of the post-Renaissance West has not made its mark. When it comes to Reagan's approach to the problem of "inference", his strategy is quite novel. Reagan can be credited as the inventor of the "anecdotal inference", which works as follows. If one can tell a good anecdote about Leiter is a graduate student in law and philosophy. any matter of substantive national importan- ce, one can infer from that anecdote the general state of affairs and form national policy accordingly. Thus, if one can tell a good story about someone freeloading at a soup kitchen, one may conclude that soup kit- chens are refuge of freeloaders, and one may disparage and dismiss them promptly. Or, in Humean terms: if one hears a third-hand story that someone saw a- swan that was white, one may logically conclude that "All swans are white." And now a brief pause for a tangential ex-" cursion into American history. Abraham Lin- coln was also fond of anecdotes, though unlike Reagan's, Lincoln's frequently had a "sub- tle" point. (Essence of Reaganism: it is un- subtle.) Here is my favorite Lincoln story: Lincoln said to a man, "If I call a dog's tail a 'leg', how many legs does the dog have?" "Why, five," said the man. "No," said Lin- coln. "It has four; calling the dog's tail a 'leg' doesn't make it one." Surely with this skep- tical tool in hand, one could dispose of almost everything Reagan says. But to return to the point at hand: the fun- damental tension between Ronald Reagan and Western culture is that Reagan is not a part of the latter. Consider, for example, his remark last week that liberals are irreverent" and that it is "abnormal"to support abortion and oppose prayer in schools. Now it is at moments like these that I have my greatest sympathy for the man. For surely it is apparent what we are witnessing: here is a man of mediocre intellect and dulled sensibilities, existing in the late twentieth century,and confronted with the fact that the bulk of the post-Renaissance West (culture and science) has been a systematic disman- tling of Christianity, deism, morality, Truth, etc.'This is not to suggest that Reagan has any idea what Einstein's theory of relativity means or what Freud's theory of personality is-but at the same time, these matters do "trickle down" (to borrow from the Republican vocabulary) to the sensibilities of the culture at large and it is to this that Reagan is reacting. Bouncing around in the caverns of his head are the notions that "These people don't believe in God" and "They are skeptical about the truth, beauty and goodness of Christianity, the U.S., the free marketetc." and the like. "Now wait a minute," you say. "Listen here Mr. snot-nosed radical intellectual know- it-all, if you are so damn dissatisfied with things here, why don't you go live somewhere else!" This certainly tops my list of "Favorite Non-Responses to Societal Criticisms" for it amounts to saying, "Yes, everything you say is true, but look how stinky everything else is, too." Of course, everything else is not quite so stinky. Consider France, with the political programs aside. When the great French philosopher Michel Foucault (a forceful critic of contemporary society) died this past sum- mer, the prime minister of France made a public statement assessing the greet loss for France and French culture. Now can one imagine, let us say George Shultz-who has spent the past several months rationalizing funding for general rape and pillage in Cen- tral America-making a public statement of loss concerning the death of, say, the political philosopher John Rawls or the linguist Noam Chomsky? I doubt it. Though one can cer- tainly imagine the endless flow of public eulogies that will follow the passing on of, say, Frank Sinatra. Such is the powerful, yet almost underhanded role public officials play in the creation of cultural auras. Anyway, to get finally to the event, that triggered all these remarks. Buried on page ten of last Wednesday's New York Times was a brief piece reporting that Clarence Pen- dleton, Jr., the Reagan-appointed chairman of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission, had ac- cused black leaders and civil rights suppor- ters of being the "new racists." Now one of the disadvantages of main- taining the pretense of an objective press is that one must treat- seriously individuals who are only parodies of serious people. Hence, Mr. Pendleton (and William Bennett and George Bush and...) . Pendleton is a white black person. This a special type of black person. In a more honest day, these people were called "Uncle Tom." Such people are much sought after by conser- vative groups: conservatives scour the coun- try searching them out. For white black people are of immense value to conser- vatives. Anytime one has something blatantly racist, transparently racist, substantively racist, or effectually racist to say, one hands it over to the white black person and has him say it: this immediately disarms the "critical liberal journalists. "Gee," they say, "if a black person said it then it, can't be prejudicialsto blacks" (such is the "probing" liberal mind). What Pendleton said was, in essence, that affirmative action programs are discriminatory-hence his use of the label "racist." Now the philosopher Thomas Nagel-hardly a radical type-has pointed out that there is a very clear difference bet- ween affirmative °action and the discrimination of, say, the Ku Klux Klan: the latter makes racial distinctions through the stigmatization of one race as inferior, less werth etc.; by contrast,. affirmative action makes racial distinctions by focusing on an historically excluded group in order to in- clude it, rather than by stigmatizing that group as inferior in order to exclude it. This is a very simple distinction. One might object that affirmative action's social goal (coun- teracting the effects of a racist social history) is unrealistic or its costs too great, but one should not equate affirmative action with the stigmatizing discrimination of the Klan. To do so is merely to broadcast to the world one's stupidity. So why bring this up? Because Pendleton's accusation of "racism", like Reagan's "anecdotal inferences", are symptomatic of the general decline of standards for the use of language and rational processes. One can say anything at all and precede it by the words "I think that..." One can, in short, call a dog's tail "a leg" and be taken seriously; be elec- ted, no less! I recall vividly when at the end of .the vice- presidential debates, George Bush said, "Let me tell you. honestly...". I almost choked. Here is a man who smells of his own super- ficiality using the word "honestly" with reference to himself. It typifies an age in which critical sensibilities are in disfavor; one may hope only that such sensibilities are not forever disabled. Think twice F RESHMEN who are considering moving out of the dorm into apar- tments next fall would do well to carefully evaluate their 'reasons for doing so. While many students com- plain that one year in the dorm is more than enough, there are many advan- tages' to dorm life that should not be overlooked when making a decision. At a school the size of the University, it is easy for students to feel bypassed, isolated, and, alone. Separated from family and long-time friends, students need to develop a new support system at college. In the dorm, there is a built- in structure of Resident Advisors, Resident Directors, and a diversity of students with whom to discuss in- dividual concerns that are inap- propriate in the classroom. Interaction with other students on this level is an important aspect of dorm living and cannot be underestimated. By sharing a hallway, bathroom, meals, and mid- night conversation students expose themselves to others in ways that are impossible in the classroom. There are few situations more representative of the University's incredible diversity or' more conducive to the enhancement of social maturity than the dorms. Dorms also house extras that are easily undervalued, like libraries with records, magazines, and newspapers. Dorms promote educational programs, ice cream parties, and athletic teams. There are study lounges, pool tables, pianos, laundry facilities, and meals. Students who want to experience "the joy of cooking" tend to exist on pizza seven days a week instead of just one when they move out of the dorm. Finally, it's important to remember that university living is for a limited time period. Beyond these four years, apartment renting is always an option. But for dorm living, now is the time. Just as freshmen and sophomores try out courses in various fields of study, so should they extend that diversity to their living situation. Why not take ad- vantage of the opportunity while the choice exists? Wasserman Y/OU WER ~AMFR Y490 WERE ' LEEING THE k'4 I &\ANw6 SANCTUARY To .ar - MI~LTARY/ FORCE.S oUR WHAT iS T44E CETALM I~tGOVERNM'ENT I5 CHARGE, YOUR (ZF6E5\ RMNG & HONOR?' r~n~nn MAE QZCY 'NIT "d INTENT To EMBARASS I Letters Why should we eed the Eth -__uL-sIca12 11 in no aun ld± To the Daily: During "the last few months, many people have been raising money to feed the starving people of Ethiopia. Their fundraisers have included asking people for donations on streetcorners and selling records, activities which have led me to wonder, "Why are we feeding the Ethiopians?" I have come to believe that we should not feed them. Today, the world is over- populated. If it were not, there ' would be no laws in China that limit the number of children; and there would be no , Zero Population Growth movement in the United States. Famine is nature's way of limiting a population - of any species - that is too large. If we feed the Ethiopians, some people will live that would have died. Each per- son that survives long enough to reproduce, due to foreign aid, will create more people to feed. If the population grows without a simultaneous growth of the the objection may be true, the population's needs have definitely exceeded man's ability to produce food. The existence of a famine proves this to be true. If man could produce enough food, there would not be a large starving population in any region. The existence of groups that are trying to end "world hunger" also prove this to be true. If man could provide food for everybody, then there would BLOOM COUNTY be no sucn thing as woi hunger". My second reply 'deals with the possibility that the objection is true. If the world can support all of its population, then we should start by feeding the- starving people in our own nation. There are starving people in Washington D.C., New York, Los Angeles, - in every major American city. 'These iopians.? people even exist here in Ann Ar- bor. They spend their entire day looking fortdiscarded bottles and cans so that they can buy something to eat. If we want to end starvation, then we should start by feeding these people. On- ce we have accomplished that, then we can start feeding the people of other nations. - Tom Leete March 18 by Benkc Breath1d AN )VW #AWP-MW* NGIERBM OL M5AI ~IL 7Th IX MPL a S anna, rfllnrn aA&Y. Ap4W KA f44?IAL 91ffOFF 97O~ 019K MM~/ MNiYP. I'. 1 I.~/ VJA"ii RALY ReAGLY NK'W'XOl'1! i I I': XT. 60 VE S T) ON /4/ r( 1 A1 wa4i t 'FftM~ ' [- ...11 I 1 /r / .1 I F P-/ !I \ II I a