The Michigan Daily - Tuesday, March 26, 1985 - Page 3
Officials support student's
actions in South Quad fire
.s Associated rress
An American flag waves at half mast yesterday at the U.S. Military Liaison in Potsdam, East Germany. A Soviet guard
shot and killed a U.S. soldier who was assigned to the mission, prompting a series of accusations and counter-ac-
cusation between the superpowers.
U.S.U S.R. exchange accusations
University and city officials said
yesterday they support a South Quad
resident's decision not to pull a fire
alarm when he put out a small trash
can fire in the residence hall last
Friday night, although other residents
said a hallway was filled with smoke.
"It's a good policy to always pull the
alarm, but he made his decision and
I'm not going to second-guess him,"
said Ed Soper, a fire inspector at the
LSA SOPHOMORE Michael Mikhail
said he smelled smoke as he left a
bathroom in Kelsey House at about 8.
p.m. After locating the source of the
smoke-smoldering papers at the top of
a trash barrel - he alerted his room-
mate and the two residents im-
mediately put out the fire with a nearby
"I was ready to pull the alarm, but
the fire was out so fast, I didn't feel it
was necessary," Mikhail said. "If the
extinguisher's first shot hadn't put it
out, and had there been any danger at
all, I would have pulled it."
Mikhail said the presence of children
in the dorm for "little sibs" weekend
further deterred him from pulling an
alarm. "To empty the building with sup-
posedly 300 little kids would have
caused a panic," he said.
MARY ANTIEAU, South Quad's
building director, agreed that the
"dilemma was with all the little
siblings in the building."
"Would we have created a panic by
evacuating? It might have harmed
more than helped," Antieau said.
She added that a more serious fire
during last year's little siblings
weekend resulted in an evacuation that
produced mild panic among some of the
younger children.
"I THINK HE did the right thing,"
Antieau said, even though dormitory
staff members told students to always
"get out of the building in the event of
a fire" in house council meetings at the
beginning of the fall term.
"It's not possible to train 1,300
residents to the point where you can
predict how they'll react when they see
a fire," Antieau said.
Leo Heatley, director of the Univer-
sity's Department of Safety, said the
University does not have an official
policy for determining if dormitory
staff members should pull a fire alarm
because there are different circum-
stances in every fire.
"THE PERSON there made a
judgement-a moral judgement-and
you can't knock success," Heatley said.
"Obviously you pull an alarm
anytime you think there's a fire or you
smell smoke," he added.
But Kelsey House resident Mark
Reiss, an LSA freshman, said the fire
produced "enough smoke that if you
were in the vicinity you were hacking."
"I PROBABLY would have pulled the
alarm. You can't ask an 18- or 19-year
old to play God with 1,300 people,"
Reiss added.
LSA freshman Eric McDaniel,
Mikhail's roommate, said the smoke
was "pretty thick-I think there was
quite a bit."
"If we hadn't put out the fire with the
first blast of the extinguisher, we would
have pulled the alarm, but the smoke
wasn't really posing a threat yet," Mc-
Daniel said.
REISS SAID he was surprised that
the South Quad staff never sent out a
memo explaining to residents what to
do in the event of a fire, especially since
the dorm has been plagued by trash can
fires this term.
On February 5, four simultaneous
fires in different parts of the dorm for-
ced residents to evacuate to neigh-
boring West Quad. Officials say they
suspect arson as the cause of those
West Quad and the Union have also
been the scene of trash can fires this
University security and Ann Arbor
Fire Department officials also suspect.
arson in Friday night's fire.
"That was in fact an arson-we know
because of the circumstances of the
fire," Soper said. He would not
elaborate on the investigation.
"We certainly suspect that this fire
would be related to the other fires,"
Soper added.
The Campus Copy Shop
(Continued from Page 1)
officer "was not in a restricted area."
Both spoke on condition-of anonymity.
Nicholson wore a camouflage suit
and carried a camera used to
photograph combat equipment, the
Soviet Embassy said.
"The officer was caught red-handed.
by a Soviet sentry guarding that
equipment," said the statement by em-
bassy spokesman Vladimir Kulagin,
issued in response to press inquiries.
"He did not comply with his orders and,
after a warning shot,while attempting
to escape, he was killed."
THE UNITED States, Britain, and
France have military liaison offices in
East Germany and the Soviets have
three in West Germany, established
just after World War II under the Allied
occupation. Their main function now is
gathering intelligence.
Richard Burt, an assistant secretary
of state, said Nicholson cried out
helplessly to his driver, a sergeant
named Schatz, but Soviet soldiers
prevented the sergeant from using his
first-aid kit to help him.
Nicholson was a member of a daring
cadre of American soldiers who for 38
The Central American Action Committee is sponsoring a lecture by
Nicaraguan social worker, Miriam Lazo about the costs of the contra war to
the civilian population. This free presentation will begin at noon in Con-
ference Rooms 1 and 2 of the league.
AAFC, GI - Tickets of No Return, 7:30 p.m., Aud. A, Angell Hall.
AAFC - Le Plaisir, 7 p.m., La Honde, 8:45 p.m., Nat. Sci.
Ark - New Talent Night, Bob Brozman, 8 p.m., 637 South Main Street.
Eclipse Jazz-George Winston, 8 p.m., Hill Auditorium.
School of Music - recital, trombone students, 8 p.m., Recital Hall.
Chinese Studies - Shigeru Ishikawa, "On Sino-Japanese Economic
Cooperation," noon, Lane Hall Commons Room.
Computing Center - Forrest Hartman, "Beginner's Guide to the MTS File
Editor," 3:30 p.m., Room 171 Business Administration Building.
International Center, Ecumenical Campus Center - Martin Einhorn,
"Star Wars Controversy," noon, 603 East Madison.
Near East & North African Studies - Ann Kilmer, "Reconstructing An-
cient Near Eastern Music: Theory & Practice," 4 p.m., Rackham Am-
Committee Concerned with World Hunger - Allen Roberts, 8 p.m., Room
1209, Michigan Union.
A. Alfred Taubman Program in American Institutions - Bruce Wasser-
stein & William Lambert, "The High Powered World of Corporate
Mergers," 2 & 3:30 p.m., Kuenzel Room, Union.
School of Social Work - "Domestic Violence," noon, Room S9410,
Alanon-no smoking men's group, 6:30 p.m., First Baptist Church, 512 East
Huron Street.
University Alanon- noon, Room 3200, Union.
Ann Arbor Go Club - 7p.m., Room 1433 Mason Hall.
Michigan Student Assembly - 7:30 p.m., Assembly Chambers, Room
3909, Union.
AIESEC - International Business Management Club, 5:15 p.m., Room
131, Business Administration Building.
Bicycle Club -8 p.m., Room 1084, East Engineering Building.
International Center - "The Nitty Gritty of Travel in Europe," 3:30 p.m.,
603 East Madison.
Society of Minority Engineering Students, 7:30 p.m., Room 311 West
Engineering Building.
GASP-7 P.M., Commupity Room, Maple Health Building, 501 Northi
Center for Eating Disorders - 7:30 p.m., Human Growth Center, Suite 13,
2002 Hogback.
Polish American Student Association -7 p.m., Union.
His House Christian Fellowship - Bible Study, 7:30 p~m., 925 East Ann
Program in American Institutions - Workshop, Pond Room A & B, Union.
Turner Geriatric Clinic - Women of all ages join the Intergenerational
Women's Group, 10a.m.,1010 Wall Street.
Chemistry - Seminar, Arne der Gen, "The Relation Between Structure
Bioconversion & Genotoxic Potency of Halogeated Alkanes," 4 p.m., Room
1300, Chemistry Building.
Museum of Art-Art Break, Portraits by John Hoppner & Sir Henry,
Karborn, 11:10 p.m., Museum of Art.
English Language & Literature - Reading, Charles Baxter, 4 p.m.,
Rackham West Conference Room.
Oral Biology, Dental Research Institute - Seminar, David Beighton,
"Progress Towards a Vaccine Against S. Mutans," 4 p.m., Room 1033,
Kellogg Building.
Men's Baseball - Grand Valley.1 p.m.. Fisher Stadium.
years have used a loophole in the Iron
Curtain to gather intelligence on the
Red Army.
THE PENTAGON won't call the pur-
pose of the unit spying because it is
done openly.
"We'd go in at 90 miles per hour bet-
ween 11 at night and 1 in the morning to
try to keep the Russians from seeing
where we were going," one former
member of the U.S. Military Liaison
Mission in Potsdam, East Germany'
recalled yesterday.
WARM bill
splits council
(Continued from Page 1)
Mandatory requirements, he said,
would only have adverse effects.
"This is a voter initiative," said
Council member Kathy Edgren (D-
Fifth Ward), who voted against the;
resolution. "Four thousand people
signed a petition to put this on the
ballot," she said.
"There is no reason to think the.
WARM proposal will conflict with the
voluntary program," said Council
member Jeff Epton (D-Fifth Ward).
"In the case of the particular rentals
that are affected in the WARM
proposal, I happen to think the (volun-
tary program) will not work," Epton
wins support
(Continued fromPage 1)
"It is unfair to those who committed
themselves to Michigan to participate
in this program," said Dolores
Slowiejko, whose daughter Diane is a
freshman. She argued it is the respon-
sibility of the University's executive of-
ficers to take care of the students who
are here now and the program should
be continued until 1988
"I don't really understand all the
politics behind that, but it's clear to me
you don't understand the value of the
program you're considering discon-
tinuing," said Christine Connent, a
senior in the program.
Wallets stolen
A wallet containing less than $5 was
taken from the men's locker room at
the North Campus Recreation Building
late Sunday night. During the afternoon
on Sunday someone broke into an
NCRB employee's car and took a wallet
valued at $15 and a car stereo worth
more than $90.
Intruder apprehended
Campus security apprehended a man
who forced open a door at the music
cooperative at East Quad Saturday
morning. The man apparently had
taken some cassette tapesfrom the
store, and was turned over to the Ann
Arbor Police Department.
- Thomas Hrach
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Move in before June 15 - Apply now - 1011 SAB
Move in after June 15 - Apply April 1 2 - 1011 SAB
-married or about to be married students
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Sublet information-leases, inventory checklist-1011 SAB
Roommate matching booklets - 1011 SAB
Large management company listings - 1011 SAB
Independent landlord ads - Main lobby SAB
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Booklets, Brochures, etc. - 1011 SAB
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