~ The Michigan Daily - Saturday, March 23, 1985 - Page 3 Reagan, Senate GOP's attempt to overcome budget disagreement WASHINGTON (UPI) - President Reagan and Senate Republicans, stalemated over how much money to spend on the military, decided yesterday to let a smaller "working group" attempt to settle their differences before the budget goes to the Senate floor. White House spokesman Larry Speakes said 11 Republican senators, including Senate GOP leader Robert Dole (R- Kansas) and Budget Committee Chairman Pete Domenici (R-New Mexico) met with the president and his top aides for nearly two hours over lunch but did not strike a bargain over ,the differences in their budgets. THAT DISAGREEMENT threatens to hold up con- sideration of the budget by the full Senate. Domenici had wanted to begin consideration next week, but yesterday's developments make that timetable look increasingly unlikely. The GOP-led Senate Budget Committee last week ap- proved a spending document for fiscal 1986 that slices $57 billion off the anticipated $200 billion-plus deficit. Their budget allows military spending to rise only with inflation and eliminates a scheduled cost-of-living increase for Social Security recipients. Reagan, on the other hand, wants a 6 percent hike for the Pentagon over the inflation rate, and refuses to touch Social Security. He cut or eliminated programs in his budget proposal that the Senate committee voted to spare. "AT DOLE'S suggestion, it was decided to appoint a smaller workinig group to meet as soon as possible to look at the differences in the budgets and decide which direction we should go as we move to the floor," Speakes said following the meeting. Speakes said Reagan would like the senators to spell out specifically what military programs would be scrapped or curtailed by the lower funding level. "If there's a desire to cut our defense spending, we would look at them program by program," Speakes said. Even so, Speakes said, it would "take some convincing'' of the president to reduce military spending. Speakes said requesting that the senators spell out specifically what military programs, or weapons systems, they would reduce "is not a ploy on our part. It's simply a better way to look at the budget." Daily Photo by STU WEIDENBACH Mary Frances Berry, (standing) a visiting professor from Howard University, speaks at the Political Prisoners of South Africa Bracelet Presentation Ceremony. Also present, are (from left) Debbie Robinson, ceremony chairperson; state Senator Lana Pollack; Edward Pierce, Democratic mayoral candidate; and Reverend Mangedwa Nythi, a Detroit minister. Localgroup opposes apartheid (Continued from Page 1) was arrested last year at the age of 72. At the ceremony in Mosher-Jordan Bullard, who sponsored the bill in the Michigan legislature which made it illegal for public educational in- stitutions to invest or maintain an in- vestment in firms operating in South Africa, praised the bracelet program, calling it a "very powerful educational campaign." ARRESTED WHILE protesting in front of the South African Embassy in Washington, Berry received a bracelet with Ahmed Kathrada's name. Though enthusiastic about the concept, she said, "I hope the time will come when we can stop wearing them." Hunter, whose proposal for the divesture of city investments from South Africa fell victim to a split decision by council, said he would for- m a committee to look into rein- troducing the plan. The five Republican council mem- bers opposed the previous proposal. Hunter said their "ludicrous arguments against divesture were really just ex- cuses." Mayoral candidate Pierce stressed his history of support for civil rights as he accepted the bracelet with Rudolph Kadhikwa's name. He pointed out his vote in favor of the bill calling for divesture of public held holdings in South Africa, which he cast in spite of "considerable pressure from the University to pigeonhole it." I GEO,'U' (Continued from Page 1) waiver tax. But GEO did not bring the issue to the bargaining table, this year, Holzka said, because the union would negotiate that issue next year when the tax law expires. The tenative agreement, if passed, will expire next spring. The short term contract,rHolzka said, is preferable. "WE ARE not making long-term policy, we're making a finite contract," she said. She also noted that the University did not want to negotiate a longer contract "because of the changing nature of tax codes." GEO currently represents about 1,700 teaching and research assistants. Of that number, 1,200 are union members.' Because of the union's agency shop clause, all TAs, regardless of whether they belong fo the union, must pay a fee' to GEO. THIS REPRESENTATION fee has been a bone of contention between some TAs and the union in the past, but Holzka said the benefits GEO secured for the TAs outweigh the cost of the union fee. Administration officials would not comment on the agreement. The University's chief negotiator Colleen Dolan-Greene, said it was contrary to University policy to release details of a contract before it was ratified. The next step for GEO will be to present the pact to union members. A meeting is scheduled for this Thursday. Holzka said the contract had to be ratified by mid-April, but no specific date for voting has been set at this time. While GEO bargaining team members were reluctant to predict ratification, Holzka is optimistic. 4 "I see no reason why TAs wouldn't be excited about the increase in salaries and tuition waivers," she said. reach tentative pact April to see sublet rush, experts say (Continued from Page 1) slarger than a two bedroom apartment because you "generally won't find a large group" of interested renters. HERMAN said rooms in large units are going for about $100. SEfficiencies run about $150 to $175, one bedroom apartments from $175 to $250, and two bedroom apartments between $200 and $300 per month, she said. However, prices vary according to location and extras like laundry facilities, parking, and garbage disposals. Most tenants are "willing to talk," Herman said. There is an art to negotiating, said Riumsey, who doesn't want to see students sell themselves short. TENANTS should -be able to get almost all of the original rent for efficiency cies and one bedroom apartments, but can expect to cut rent by 30-50 percent for anything larger than a two bedroom apartment, said Rumsey. Another alternative is fraternities and sororities. According to Rumsey, single rooms run between $75 and $100 and doubles will be priced at about $75. These prices do not include meals. If students are flexible with prices, persistent with advertising, and willing to show their units, they have a good chance of subletting, said Herman. ' SHE encourages students to bring their ID card to the housing office to get a'free sublet ad put up in the housing of- fice's glass case - ads must be .enewed every three weeks. Putting up fliers around campus is also a good idea, she said. Even if you're flooded with calls from likely leasers, "choose people wisely," Rum sey added. Herman added that tenants who are staying often don't get along with new tenants and its important to meet them before you sign anything. ONCE YOU find suitable tenants, you're not through yet. Get previous landlord references if you can, said Herman. Eric Lipson, staff attorney at student legal services, added that it's impor- tant to "check the references of sublet- ters and try to know them if possible." Tenants planning to sublet should also collect a security deposit and pick up an inventory check list from the housing office, said Herman. SECURITY deposits are important to cover any potential losses, damages, or unpaid utilities, she added. And then there's the new clock on the wall, or that fancy electric can opener that strangely disappears when you* come back at the end of summer. Her- man says her rule of thumb is "if it can't be replaced, don't leave it there." Even though your house in Ann Arbor may be the farthest thing from your mind when you're at the beach this summer, Herman says it's important to contact your landlord periodically, or whomever is in charge, to make sure the subletter is paying the rent. Herman also said it's a good idea to furnish subletters with a copy of the original lease. A MAJOR problem is either the sub- tenant or primary tenzfnt does not live up to their responsibilities, said Lipson. The best solution is to "document the problem," Lipson said. He specified writing letters and keeping copies of them, and if ther's no furniture or a hole in the wall, take a picture of it. He also suggests keeping track of the tem- perature if there are problems with the heat. "Any promises your landlord makes, get them in writing.. . the best place is on the lease with the tenants initialling it," said Lipson. An alternative to a sublease is an assignment agreement, whereby the tenant assigns all responsibility to the subtenant with the permission of the landlord, said Lipson. This means the landlord, rather than the primary tenant, has to pay for any damamges or rent of the subtenant, which is the reason many landlords are hesitant to use an assigned lease agreement, said Lipson. A fact that many students overlook, he added, is to put all utilities and phones in the new subtenant's name. Although subletting is often, if not always, frustrating, Rumsey warns against giving up like most people do. The season is still early, and the big rush is usually during the second week of April. Med Tech program faces elimination (Continued from Page 1) is still very important." Judy. Ozbolt, chairman of the com- mittee that reviewed the program, said the fact that it was not research orien- ted was discussed but later dismissed as not the purpose of the program. WARD SAID there are "not enough highly qualified applicants to maintain the program size." He continued to point out changes in the market place that account for the decrease in demand for the training. "Hospitals are turning to less highly skilled, trained individuals because of cost." There are twenty-five to thirty similar programs in Southeast Michigan. Only a few of these are degree-granting programs such as at Michigan. There is little doubt about the high quality of the 30-year-old program. "We consider ourselves the best in the state. It's been said we have the reputation as one of the top programs in the coun- try," said Gluck. THE NEXT step is an open forum scheduled for Monday in the Kuenzel Room in the Michigan Union at 7:30. Those concerned with the issue may speak before the Executive Committee of the Medical School. Many feel the decision to discontinue the program has already been madeand the hearing has little meaning. "Per- sonally I don't think much can be done at this stage, it (the hearing) is one of those things to let people blow off steam," said Medical Technology program senior Michael Dupuis. Ward called it "the usual University forum for discussion and comments, part of the required process.' Gluck's response on whether the issue was decided was "I suspect it'is. I think that as a program we don't have any power to keep this from happening. I'm an eternal optimist. I keep thinking maybe something will come up." Reactions from the students of the program reflected sadness and disap- pointment. "Kind of like having the rug pulled out from under' you," said Dupuis. -APP ENINGS IHighlight Canterbury House is sponsoring a Liberation Eucharist, a vigil for Oscar Romero and the Martyrs of Central America, at 5 p.m., in 218 N. Division Street. Films Hill St-Diner, 7:45 p.m., 1429 Hill St. AAFC-Apocalypse Now, 6:30 p.m., L'Argent, 7 p.m., Angell Aud. A. C2-Raiders of the Lost Ark, 7 p.m., MLB 3. Alt. Act.-Harry and Tonto, 7 p.m., MLB 4. U-Club-All Screwed Up, 7:10 p.m., U-Club. Performance Ark-Ferron, 7:30 p.m., 637 S. Main. School of Music-Japanese Music Concert, "Mythical Musical Animals", 8 p.m., Rackham Auditorium ; Recitals, Jill Christenson, piano, 2 p.m., Todd Camburn, piano, 4 p.m., trumpet students, 6 p.m., Kelley Posey, flute, 8 p.m., Recital Hall. + Armenian Students' Cultural Association-Hye Hop with the Johnites, 8 t p.m., 414 N. Main St. 1 Meetings Ann Arbor Go Club-2 p.m., 1433 Mason Hall. MONDAY, MARCH 25' "SELFISHNESS, CHARITY AND PUBLIC POLICY" A talk by Russell Roberts Assistant Professor of Economics and Political Science at the University of Rochester. MICHIGAN ROOM 4:00 P.M. BUSINESS SCHOOL Sponsored by Jewish Organization of Business Students and Jewish Law Students' Union 802 MONROE ANN ARBOR, MI 48104 NEXT WEEK at GUILD HOUSE MONDAY, MARCH 25: ANDREW CERNISKI WENDY MARTIN Reading from their works wEEIuEcUAv MADrU 9270