OPINION Page 4 Friday, March 22, 1985 tet a nir t Michinl Edited and managed by students at The University of Michigan Vol. XCV No. 135 420 Maynard St. Ann Arbor, MI 48109 J Editorials represent a majority opinion of the Daily's Editorial Board Minima P RESIDENT Reagan's proposal to decrease minimum wage 25 percent for teenagers between May and September is a costly means of in- creasing teenage employment. The plan calls for a sub-minimum wage of $2.50 an hour as an incentive for business to create more summer jobs and hire teenagers to fill them. The labor department predicts that 400,000 new jobs will be created through this process. Minimum wage was established as a regulatory measure to ensure that business would not exploit workers to cut labor cost. Reagan's proposal is in direct conflict with the basic principle of employee worth in lieu of employer profit. By creating a cheap labor force; the proposal exploits both the teenager, who, in need of a job, will work at subminimum wage, and the adult, who is competing for work on unequal terms. It is true that a large number of unemployed teenagers would benefit from the increased availability of em- ployment. Still, even fulfillment of the projected 400,000 newly employed would not alleviate the threat to current minimum wage earners. Teenagers working at minimum wage could possibly suffer a decrease in pay. Employed adults could easily lose their jobs to teenagers. Such a situation fosters feelings of inferiority and frustration in teenagers, and ser- ves to create tension between teenagers and adults. Adults who are displaced by teenagers would be hostile toward them and adults who do not lose their jobs would bercondescen- GoodA Stacks of ADVICE, the Michigan Student Assembly's student course evaluation publication, hit the streets today coinciding perfectly with the release of the University course guide. ADVICE, first printed by LSA Student Government for the Winter term of 1981, has been plagued by technical problems for the last couple of years, but the early release of this term's edition seems to' indicate that many of those, problems have been overcome. Last term, through a combination of printing delays and a lack of commit- ted staff, the publication was never released. Throughout this term, the assembly carefully monitored the project, hoping to have it released around the same time as the Univer- sity's course guide. The publication's success this term is due largely to the efforts of Rich Layman, a student who has been in- volved with every issue of ADVICE in 1 worth ding to teenagers who are devalued by the working world. Granting teenagers sub-minimum paying jobs is not a solution to the problem of teenage unemployment. Lower pay for equal work is a dangerous concept to implement into law. It suggests that teenagers do not have the inherent value to make their labor worth the standard minimum wage. Instead of motivating the private sector to create more jobs with the availability of cheap labor, the President would do well to reconsider his proposal before the Senate Budget Committee to cut the job corps program. The, job corps presents a viable solution to the problem of teenage unemployment. Through the corps, teens work at conservation, sanitation, and construction jobs while earning comparable salaries. Thus, teenagers are valued as contributors to society. President Reagan's plan focuses on business needs by offering reduced labor cost in return for youth em- ployment. The problem with this focus is that it devalues the individual worth of the worker. By stipulating and developing growth through meaningful em- ployment, the federal government could provide training for a productive working class of the future. The job corps and similar programs are costly but the money spent produces skilled workers and in- creases teenage employment, without instigating age based discrimination in the work place. Puerto Rico: A U. ditionally attracted by tax incentives and the By John Vandermeer lack of environmental constraints. These ind- ustries hire fewer workers. In the past 20 Notice: You have now reached the age of years as capital investment has increased, unemployment has increased as well. military service. Please report un- After approximately three decades, the mediately. However, you may not cast "economic miracle" of the Caribbean has your vote for or against those who send yielded its fruit: a destroyed agriculture, an you to fight. official unemployment rate of about 25 per- cent; an increasing degradation of water and This situation enraged a generation of young air quality; nearly 40 percent of the people in the United States a few years ago. It population living in the U.S. for primarily was one of the primary indignities which for- economic reasons; and more than 50 percent ced the voting age down to 18. But it is just one of its families receiving food stamps. of the many indignities the Puerto Rican Not to be underestimated is the Orwellian people continue to suffer. newspeak about Puerto Rico's status. Accor- Puerto Ricans, in their own country, are ding to the official nomenclature, Puerto Rico subject to Uncle Sam's rules. They are not is a Free Associated State. Never mind that part of the electorate, but they are subject to the whole world, including the United a draft. Indeed, proportionally, more Puerto Nations, considers Puerto Rico a colony, we Ricans died in Vietnam than any other U.S. will continue to call it a "Free Associated group, including blacks. In short the United State." But the obvious newspeak is only a States maintains virtually total political con- small part of the political package. Puerto trol over the island, yet grants its citizens Rican people have very little to say about only some of the rights accorded to U.S. what happens in their own country. The citizens, a condition recognized worldwide as associated (in "free associated state") is colonialism. A population will suffer the in- easier to find than the free. The most impor- dignities of colonialism only so long. tant policies and decisions affecting the Puer- It does not take a Ph.D. in history to under- to Rican people are under complete control of stand that colonized people eventually the U.S. Federal Government (i.e. im- demand freedom. Thus the U.S. has migration, commerce, defense). developed a strategy to try to avert that The economic and political programs could inevitability for as long as possible. The not work if the third component, the military, strategy is economic, political, and military, wasvnot fully in place. From a military point Realizing that oppression usually leads to of view the island is one of the most revolution, Uncle Sam and its puppet gover- strategically import points in this hemisphere nment on the island have encouraged certain for the US. The invasions of Grenada (1983) forms of economic growth without allowing and the Dominican Republic (1965) were the Puerto Rican people to direct their own rehearsedon military bases in Puerto Rican economic development. After World War II, territory, and the seemingly endless military the United States began using Puerto Rico as exercises designed to intimidate Nicaragua an economic and political showcase for other are staged there also. Recently, a study Caribbean and Latin American countries. prepared by the Puerto Rican Bar Operation Bootstrap, a made-in-America Association denounced the Pentagon for its project designed to provide tax exemptions nuclear-related installations at Roosevelt and other incentives for U.S. corporations to Road Naval Base in Puerto Rico, in open locate their operations in Puerto Rico, was a violation of the Treaty of Tlatelolco which key component of this strategy. Initially low designated all of Latin America (including wages attracted a variety of labor intensive Puerto Rico) a nuclear free zone. industries, especially textiles. However, they Preserving Puerto Rico as a colony is thus were gradually replaced by capital intensive central to U.S. military strategy. As we all industries like petrochemicals, phar- know, the ultimate authority of a state rests maceuticals, and electronics, which were ad- with its coercive power, with its military, broadly defined. From the police to the national guard to the U.S. Navy, the coercive apparatus of the state bears the stamp"made Vandermeer is a University professor of in America." Whenever Puerto Ricans begin biology. organizing for their independence, as they have been doing since 1898, the police and (~.. The Michigan Daily S. colony /or FBI are quick to repress so-called Puerto Rican "terrorists." The recent case of Cerro Maravilla, not a particularly unusual case, has received some attention in the U.S. med- ia. A police informant infiltrated a pro- independence group and encouraged two young students to engage in a political action breaking into a radio transmitter located on the top of a mountain called Cerro Maravilla to transmit a pro-independence message. They of course were led into a trap, and while begging for mercy, were murdered by the police. The incident was reported as a scene in which two terrorists aiming to blow up the radio transmitter were killed in an exchange of gunfire with the heroic police. The gover- nor of Puerto Rico heralded the police as heroes. It was not until extensive in- vestigation demanded by the governor's political opposition that the truth eventually came out. The two young men did not even have explosives. Many Puerto Ricans political prisoners languish in U.S. prisons to this very day. Few other nations in the world have to deal with such a goliath in terms of coercive power. Partly because of the need to stifle any move for Puerto Rican independence, and partly to maintain its immense military machine in the region, the U.S. military presence in Puerto Rico is enormous. More military personnel are permantently stationed in Puerto Rico than any comparable piece of real estate in the world. Vieques, for example an island municipality of Puerto Rico's, has had two-thirds of its area ex- propriated for target practice and am- munition depots by the U.S. Navy. Many of the citizens who have dared to protest this violation of their human rights have been beaten, arrested, and given maximum sen- tences and fines. One, Angel Rodrigues Cristobal, was assassinated in a Florida prison. In summary, the Puerto Rican people have suffered indignities and oppression at the hands of the U.S. government since 1898. The Puerto Rican's struggle for freedom is enor- mously more complicated than most previous anti-colonial struggles. They -want a free country. They call on all freedom-loving North Americans to support them in their struggles. The Puerto Rican Solidarity Organization has been formed in large part to provide infor- mation on Puerto Rico Rico and Puerto Ricans both on the island and in the United States ISL AH EMMER-You HEP.Q ** on issues resident "A letter to the us, have President"(Daily, March 6), I way; we,, urge President Shapiro to take iragous, time gout of his busy day to rageous, evaluate his complicity with the s fingers arms race; I urge-him to make are not public some clear, concrete For all proposals that the University will . reFr oalt f n is undertake in order to do all it can h and its do to prevent the nuclear ve it and holocaust; I urge him to do that act. . today. At this rate, we have only a limited number of tomorrows. ity with -Peter Putnam. ly letter March 12 omm unity 'success chigan in We begin with a re- Michigan examination of crime, its causes, tinschgas its cures and our personal values nions has and attitudes towards -the entitle Criminal Justice System. rom the Throughout these discussions the walls many of us were forced to rethink for an in- various positions, to re-examine on of the many of our views and recognize n Fof the that each of us wants the same . For all things from the system. We all Project want a system that is fair an tempt to just, a system that recognizes th the com- concerns of the poor just as by crime quickly as that of the rich. A n prison. system that affords equal oppor- s created tunities to all. immunity -Deno V. Strodder nd discuss March 18 by Berke Breathed PO . a Wasserman A\ND NOWN PAN EX)(RT ON SOVIET Nf A 2G WI4LL FELL VS WHAT WE CAN EXY-T FROM AMIHA~iL 6GOS -V V mE' ENERAL N612EEMENT TW Rt 'LL OR "E'LL MOE CAVJTIOU EITRIQ ANCT BOLDL.Y To PUT t K PERSONAL CONTINUE TH POciCiES SIP\MF ON THE Kt2ELIN... RQC _ _ _ (4 ADVICE 1 1 j''I' i t 1 T a S t 1 f r i i 1 one capacity or another since its incep- tion. When various issues of ADVICE were unsuccessful, he was blamed, and it seems appropriate that his final edition of the publication would be a success. . The current edition of the publication was compiled using an improved com- puter program, which Layman claimed will streamline the process in the future. In addition, the new program will eventually allow the program to begin evaluating classes in schools outside of LSA. It currently has sporadic listings from the schools of Nursing and Engineering. ADVICE is an effective tool for students in selecting their classes and has the potential to be an important source of information for ad- ministrators evaluating courses. Its recent overhaul is an appropriate response to the difficulties it has en- countered in the past few years, and its release today is a source of relief after last term's failure. I- Letters Shapi ro 6 To the Daily: Five times in a two-week period in February I went to talk with President Shapiro about what he thinks is "the single most important problem facing the world today" (Ann Arbor News, Oct. 11). Each time he was unable to see me; I guess he was too busy working on the second, third, and fourth most important problems facing the world today. I just wanted to tell him that 5 University students had been arrested for blocking the driveway to the Williams cruise missile engine plant-two, Brian Larkin and Ken Jannot,had been in jail for the last 70-odd days-and I wanted to ask him what he could do about it. Not that I expected he'd press his presidential finger down on some button-and bingo, Brian and Ken would be sprung free. That would have been nice, of course, and all the Williams' protesters were recently freed (thanks, in part, to people with less power, but apparently, more free time than President Shapiro). But I really wanted to ask him what he could do about "the single most important problem facing the world today"; the very problem (no coincidence) that Brian and Ken were trying to do something about-that Nancy Aranoff and Ingrid Kock and the 9 other cam- pus peace protestors were trying to do something about-when they nut their bodies in front of hould speak spirit and in content to the letters so glarin sent to Judge Francis X. Shapiro, an O'Brien by 3 Mayors, 2 chosen to lo Congresspersons, and 6 Bishops. the "blind,' It is important to know that this just go ab( letter did not ask Williams to usual (with, stop making cruise missile crossed). B engines (although I hope our yet falling: leaders will find the courage to of us who va begin making such demands) ; people, ther, the letter President Shapiro and energy refused to sign simply stated that to save us.F America has a tradition of civil Therefor disobedience dating back to the Lee Winkl Boston Tea Party, that civil disobedience as an expression oft freedom of speech is fundamen- Proj tal to the democratic process, To the Dail and that Judge O'Brien's in- The Uni definite sentencing of the cooperation Williams' protestors abuses this Departmer rightsby enforcing tan implement unreasonable punishment. "Project C That's all. It seemed to me that week six even a prominent figure who has University+ "warned to expertly side-step the of Jackson world's single most important tensive grc issue, arms control, could safely criminal ju sign a letter that proclaimed no practical more than a basic democratic Communit right. bridge the I have a theory as to why munity tha President Shapiro did not sign and those such a letter. I don't think he is, Project Co at heart, an undemocratic man. I an opport do think the horrible vision of and prisone imminent nuclear annihilation is common c up g that Pr dmost all of Kok the otherm ' the uncou bout our busi ,perhaps, ou But the bombs from the sky. alue this eart ie is still enou and love to sa But we must a e, in solidar eman's time eCt Cc ly:- versity of Mi rn with ther nt 'of Correct ed a program Community". students f come inside1 State Prison oup discussio ustice system purposes, ty is an at gap between at is affected1 who are in ommunity ha unity for co ers to meet an oncerns. " o~ BLOOM COUNTY