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March 20, 1985 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1985-03-20

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Page 2 -The Michigan Daily - Wedn
Tobacco chewing may be disgusting
to some people, but on Michigan State
University's campus, interest is on the
rise. Chewers and their habit are
becoming more popular among MSU
Doug Cambell, manager of the Cam-
bell's Smoke Shop in East Lansing, said
he has noticed increased sales of
chewing tobacco to students.
"We usually sell quite a bit to studen-
ts, but in the last couple of years
especially we have sold more," Cam-
bell said.
Julie Allen, manager of another tobac-
co shop near the MSU campus, has also
noticed an increase in sales. "I would
say there has been a definite increase,
especially among students," she said.
Dave Mammel, an avid chewer and
MSU sophomore, said that he began
chewing in high school. A starting pit-
cher for the MSU baseball team,
Mammel said chewing gives him
something to do when not on the field.
"Personally, I think it relaxes me and
it's sort of a tradition by now for
baseball playerstto chew," said Mai-
The American Cancer Society, in a

esday, March 20, 1985
s fav4

or tobacco

pamphlet on the effects of chewing
tobacco, said prolonged use may cause
white leathery patches to form on the
inside of the cheeks, as well as dental
problems. - mhe State News
Former OSU prof
charged with possession
of cocaine
A former Ohio State University
physical education instructor was
arrested in what police are calling the
second largest drug bust in Columbus
Jay Will, a karate champion, was
found to have 2.2 pounds of cocaine in
his possession when police searched his
karate studio. Will was a lectirer and
karate instructor for OSU in the 1970s.
The cocaine, which was 90 percent
pure, has a street value of about
$800,000, according to detective Mike
Pagnanelli. He added that more than
$124,000 was also confiscated.
Will is being charged with narcotics
possession with intent to distribute. His
bond has been set at $75,000.
After teaching karate at OSU, Will
opened his own studio near campus. He
quickly grew tired of the constant
pressure of the business world and
decided to "spar with students."
Will's accredited course, although of-
fered at 7:30 a.m., was popular and had
a waiting list for enrollment each quar-
ter. - The Lantern

Mich. Tech. Univ. raises
graduation requirements
Tougher graduation requirements will
meet freshmen next fall at Michigan
Technological University.
All undergraduates, will be required
to complete 64 credits spread over six
course groupings-communications,
quantitative knowledge, humanities,
social science, physical education, and
upper level studies outside of the
student's major.
The University of Michigan currently
requires nine credits each in three
areas - humanities, natural, and
social sciences.
Presently at Michigan Tech, un-
dergrads are required to complete at
least 15 credits of approved humanities,
social sciences or business ad-
ministration electives. Business Ad-
ministration students are required to
complete nine hours of work in the
humanities or social sciences.
The stricter requirement was ap-
proved by the University's Faculty
Senate and president following a four-
year study by the University's General
Education Committee.
Complaints of homo-
sexual solicitation close
NU library restrooms
M en who have to use the restroom in
Deering Tower of Northwestern
University's library will be temporarily
disappointed. The library closed the
men's room because of homosexual'

soliciations of males using the facility,
library officials said.,
"After complaints from staff, faculty
and students about misuse of the men's
room , we decided to close the restroom
for other than staff use," said Lance
Query, director of library research,
analysis and personnel.
Query said the "problem" has been
going on for some time, and the closing
is designed to discourage that sort of
activity. He said he didn't know if the
harassment would move to other
restrooms in the library.
Todd Cmi, a sophomore, said a
student "made moves on him" in the
men's room last spring. Cini was in a
stall when a note was passed under the
Cini said the note said, "If you're in-
terested, you can meet me by the
mirror." When he left the stall, Cini
noticed a man peering at him from one
of the stalls.
Cini said he has never used that
men's room since.
Andy Thayer, former president of
NU's Gay and Lesbian Alliance, said
the men's room had functioned as a
"tea room," or a meeting place for
gays. He also said he had heard about
other such locations oncampus, -but
refused to disclose the information.
"If one place is closed down people
will go to other places," Thayer said.
Colleges is a Wednesday feature
of the Daily. It was compiled by
Daily Staff Writer David Bard.


City may not try student

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(Continued from Page 1)
been done for reasons of student apathy.
JOHN HEIDKE the University's
assistant director of housing education,
said earlier that the housing division
wholeheartedly supports vigorous
prosecution of individuals who are
found to be suspected of theft in office.''
Several members of Bursley's
student governing board who wished to
remain anonymous agreed with Gould
that apathy has caused BOG to be inef-
fective in dealing with Blalock's case.
They also said they thought the
student board is not representative of
dorm residents' opinions and that a
minority group in Bursley known as the
Bursley Family, has been able to
dominate the board.
At the Feb. 2 vote, seven out of the 10
students voting were members of the
Bursley Family, said Treasurer Siler.
Currently, five of the seven governors
(one is being replaced) and one out of
the four officers are Bursley Family
According to an anonymous BOG
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member, out of about 1,300 students
residing in Bursley, an average of only
10 to 15 vote at the weekly meetings. "A
lot of people in Bursley don't even know
what BOG is," the member said.
"The BOG is closely associated with
the Bursley Family and as such can be
expected to protect its own," he
charged. "I hate to see this as a racial
thing, but then I hate to see this
dismissed because it has the potential
of being a racial issue. We can be just
as racist if we dismiss this."
Key witness
test ifies
(Continued from Page 1)
she nor Picozzi smoked but that he did
own a ciagarette lighter.
Hearing Counsel Robert Guenzel also
heard from the defense's second fire
expert, fire investigator Thomas Nolan
of Mt. Clemens. He testified that Picoz-
zi could not have set the fire. Another
fire expert was called by the defense
yesterday and also testified that the ac-
cused could not possible have set the
"I think (Picozzi) had two
professional witnesses on the stand who
were paid to testify the way he wanted
them to," charged Davis after yester-
day's proceeding. "I think they were
advocates rather than experts and their
testimony was worthless."
Defense Attorney Alan Sibler respon-
ded to the charge: "I think all three
witnesses, including (the
prosecutions's) expert, gave their
opinions the best wvay they could, and
supported that with empirical eviden-
ce, 'and were subject to cross
Sibler called Davis's remarks "inap-
propriate" and "sour grapes."

Compiled from Associated Press and
United Press international reports
Supreme Court upholds policy
on draft registration resisters
WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court yesterday upheld 7-2 the gover-
nment's policy of prosecuting only outspoken resisters of draft registration,
rejecting pleas that such enforcement punishes those excercising free
speech rights.
This is the third time since President Jimmy Carter, responding to the
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, revived draft regestration in 1980 that the
nation's highest court has adopted the government's policy regarding con-
In 1981, the justices ruled women could be excluded from the pool of names
for quick call-up in event of war, and last July, held that students may be
required to sign up for conscription if they want federal college aid.
Iranian army shells Baghdad
Iran claimed it hit a Baghdad neighborhood with a ground-to-ground missile
yesterday and witnesses said the explosion killed 14 people and demolished
four houses. Iraq, meanwhile, said its warplanes struck five Iranian cities.
Hundreds of foreigners left Tehran on special flights hours before the Iraqi
deadline for safe passage through Iranian airspace. The Baghdad gover-
nment threatened to shoot down commercial airliners over Iran starting
yesterday afternoon.
The West German national airline Lufthansa flew 357 Europeans out of
Baghdad yesterday and Turkish Airlines evacuated 200 Turks. A government
spokesman in Tokyo said some of the 600 Japanese residents already had
Prime Minister Hussein Musavi of Iran called the Iraqi threat "insane"
and said Iranian missiles would destroy Baghdad's airport if the threat is
carried out.
Five die in Lebanese fighting
SIDON, Lebanon - Lebanese army forces and christian militiamen who
joined the revolt against President Amin Gemayel battled yesterday with
mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and mahine guns in this southern
Lebanese city.
Police and hospital sources said at least five people were killed, including
two soldiers. At least 39 people were reported wounded, including nine
soldiers and 30 civilians.
Fighting started Monday in Sidon between Shiite and Sunni Moslem
militiamen and the Christian Lebanese Forces who have rebelled against
the Gemayel leadership. The army moved in to stop the fighting and became
The sound of explosions and heavy machine-gun fire could be heard across
the city, the provincial capital of South Lebanon. Families could be seen
fleeing the Christian-held areas during the shooting. Schools and shops were
closed throughout the city. The fighting in Sidon started after Christian
militia garrisons in the predominantly Moslem city joined the rebellion led
by Lebanese Forces commander Samir Geagea.
T.V. scriptwriters settle strike
BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. - Scriptwriters returned to work yesterday and
top television shows prepared new episodes after West Coast writers over-
wheliningly approved an $84 million, three-year contract with producers.
Union leaders accepted the vote, but not all were pleased. {
"Am I happy? No, I'm not happy," Writers Guild president Ernest Leh-
man said after announcing the contract vote.
The contract was ratified by 71.6 percent of the 2,897 writers who voted
Monday night at the Hollywood Palladium. The vote was 2,075 to 822 in favor
of the pact offered by the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television
"The membership has spoken. We posed the possibility of a six-month
strike, and they simply said 'no,' "Lehman said.
"We believe the settlement is good for the industry, and even more impor-
tantly, good for our relationship with the guild," said producers' association
president Nicholas Counter.
Writers reported back to work yesterday on such shows as "The Tonight
Show with Johnny Carson" and "Late Night with David Letterman."
Writers accepted a producers' offer to withdraw from arbitration on the
key issue of videocassette sales percentages, in exchange for a contribution
from producers of $1.25 million into the guild's'health and benefit fund over
the life of the contract.
Six-year-old boy saves mom
BETHEL, Okla, - A six-year-old boy, bluffing with an unloaded rifle,
scared off a man holding a knife to his mother's throat, saving her life and
probably averting a masacre of the family, a sheriff said yesterday.
"He's something else, isn't he?" said. Sheriff Paul Abel after Jimmy
Roland confronted the man in the yard of the family's central Oklahoma
"The little boy ran a bluff," the sheriff said. "This is what just blew my
mind. He knew the rifle wasn't loaded."
Abel said the suspects, Arlen Alexander, 29, and Joshua Baldwin, 19, both
of Norman, were arrested within 15 minutes near Bethel.
A third man, Douglas Humphreys, 19, also of Norman, was arrested when
he went to the jail in Shawnee to check on the other two suspects.

All were jailed on complaints of assault with a deadly weapon and con-
siracy to commit burglary.


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Three lee
burning van
(Continued from Page I)
flames appeared from behind the
dashboard near the van's heater when
the ignition key was turned.
While Kirsten ran inside the store to
find her mother, Sean attempted un-
successfully to put out the flames. He
then got Todd out of the vehicle and
ran to get an extinguisher, but by the
time he returned - less than a minute
later - the entire van was afire.
Firefighters arrived at about 4:20
p.m. and quickly brought the fire un-
der control, according to Captain
Charles Torrey. The entire van,
however, was gutted four minutes af-
ter the fire began, he said.
Fire inspectors Ron Baker and Ed
Soper said the cause of the fire is
probably faulty wiring, which may
have been installed by the van's
previous owner. The Thuesons pur-
chased the van used last October.

Vol. XVC - No. 133
The Michigan Daily (ISSN 0745-967 X) is published Tuesday through Sunday
during the Fall and Winter terms and Tuesday through Saturday during the
Spring and Summer terms by students at the University of Michigan. Sub-
scription rates: through April - $4.00 in Ann Arbor; $7.00 outside the city.
Second class postage paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan. Postmaster: Send
address changes to The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
Michigan 48109.
The Michigan Daily is a member of The Associated Press and subscribes to
United Press International, Pacific News Service, Los Angeles Times Syndi-


cate, and College Press Service.

Editor in Chief......................NEIL CHASE
Opinion Page Editors........... JOSEPH KRAUS
Managing Editors..........GEORGEA KOVANIS
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Wilcox, Andrea Williams.
Magazine Editors.............PAULA DOHRING
Associate Magazine Editors.......JULIE JURRJENS
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Movies.....................BYRON L. BULL
Music....................DENNIS HARVEY
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Associate Sports Editors.............. JOE EWING
SPORTS STAFF: Dave Aretha, Eda Benjakul, Mark
Borowsky, Emily Bridgham, David Broser, Debbie de-
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