9 Ninety-five Years of Editorial Freedom E Litgian 1 Iai1 Remnant Flurries this morning with clear skies in the afternoon and a high in the 30s. Eight Pages Vol. XCV, No. 131 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Sunday, March 17, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages Time on our hands Villanova hopes to clean Wolverines' clock By JEFF BERGIDA Special to the Daily 'Time is on my side' - The Rolling Stones DAYTON, Ohio - Coaches Bill Frieder of Michigan and Rollie Massimino of Villanova both want time on their side today when the Wolverines meet the Wildcats at UD Arena in the second round of the NCAA tournament. The absence of the 45-second clock af- fects the very nature of the 26-3 Wolverines, the number-one seed in the Southeast Region. As evidenced by Friday night's Fairleigh Dickinson game, Michigan is not going to be allowed to play the fast-paced game that carried the club to its current 17- game winning streak. NOBODY IN his right mind wants to get into a running game with a team that has Gary Grant, Richard Rellford and Roy "I want to be a 6-11 point. guard" Tarpley. Now, they don't have to. "The big thing for us is that we have to control the tempo," said Massimino, whose Wildcats stopped host club Dayton on Friday, 51-49. "We're happy (to be playing without a clock). It might be a 4-2 ball game." The last thing the Wolverines want is another low scoring game. Fairleigh Dickinson drove the Big Ten champions crazy by controlling the ball for minutes at a time and playing tenacious defense. Michigan demon- strated its frustration 'by shooting 31 percent in the first half. FRIEDER SAYS that his team will ' y ~ 1985 NCAA. CHAMPIONSHIP For more details, see page 8 be, ready for any style of play. Still, he was in the room while Massimino was talking about a slow pace yet chose not to believe it. "I don't expect them to just come out and sit on ith" Frieder said. "They might pass it six or eight times, but if they get into (Villanova's Ed) Pin- ckney - who I'd probably trade my front line for - he's gonna shoot it in. You'll probably see a game in the 60s or 70s." Frieder might have added,"I hope." Another game in the 50s could lead to disaster. Antoine Joubert, who shot a miserable one-of-nine Friday night, was clearly shaken by the problem the Wolverines had against the region's lowest-seeded team. The Detroit native is worried that Michigan's explosive ability to come back will be stifled by deliberate opponents. "IN THE GAMES that you have a shot clock, they're going to have to put the ball up," said Joubert, recalling Michigan's come-from-behind wins over Iowa, Minnesota and Indiana. "Here, if you're down seven with five minutes (left), you're going to have to foul. There is a very good chance you're going to lose the game." It's been a long time since Michigan players seriously considered losing. While Pinckney may not be quite the equal of Tarpley, Rellford and Butch Wade - Massimino says he would make the deal in a minute - the 6-9 senior from The Bronx is one of the top players in the country. His 16 points and nine rebounds per game lead Villanova in both categories. "E-Z Ed" hits 60.2 percent of his field goal attempts and Wade will have problems keeping him away from the basket. MASSIMINO starts 6-7 Harold Pressley and 6-6 Dwayne McClain up front. The pair combined for 19 points and 10 boards against Dayton. They may be as good a set of forwards as Michigan has seen all year. The Wolverines should have a big ad- vantage in the backcourt, assuming Joubert and Grant shoot better than the 24 percent they managed versus FDU. The Wildcats' Dwight Wilbur and Gary McLain are solid, if unspectacular, per- formers. In addition -to tempo, the key for Michigan will be shaking off the effects of the near-trauma it suffered in the fir- st round. Massimino thinks his op- ponent will be ready to go today. "We're afraid they're going to come out and explode," said the 12-year Villa nova head man, who won his seventh straight first-round NCAA clash Friday. Massimino even gained some respect from Michigan while watching them play below par. "I sat right behind their bench and I watched what a good job Bill did with his kids," he said. "The kids responded to the situation." If Michigan gets into the same type of situation this afternoon, its season could be over. Frieder will be looking for Mick Jagger's teammates with the hope that his club can advance to Bir- mingham. Daily Photo by DAN HABIB Villanova senior Ed Pinckney, a man with a mission, wants to continue his basketball career. Pinckney and the Wildcats will be looking to claw their way to a victory over Michigan today. St. Pat's mixes traditions By CHRISTY RIEDEL As bartenders filled glasses with green beer for scores of patrons clad in green hats and plastic shamrocks last night, few of the revelers undoub- tably stopped to wonder what their Irish counterparts were doing. St. Patrick's Day, a holiday carried over from Ireland by immigrants years ago, has maintained lit- tle semblance to the celebration in its native land. Census figures front 1980 show that there are nearly 3,000 full-blooded Irish people in Ann Arbor and there are probably hundreds more of Irish descendents. The Daily spoke with two Irishmen last week as they prepared for the St. Patrick's Day holiday. Their remarks point out the differences between the traditional Irish celebration and its American ver- sion. Tony Paxton, 39, is a native Irishman who im- migrated to the United States in 1970. He has settled in Ann Arbor after stays in Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida and currently works as the food and beverages director of the Marriott Inn in the city. Jack Foley, 50, owns and operates Foley's Uniform Store in town, and traces his ties to Ireland back to his grandparents, who were born there. Employees of the uniform store describe Foley as an "Irishman who runs around just like a, leprechaun," especially; on St. Patrick's Day. Their remarks to the Daily follow: Daily: What is the most important part of St. Patrick's Day for you? Foley: It's the parties. It's just a joyful time to celebrate. It's an excuse for a party. Paxton: It's both heritage and religion. It reminds me I'm Irish. I take the day very seriously. Daily: How is the celebration in Ireland different from the one here? P: In Ireland it's a holy day-you go to Mass.- There's a parade, which is mostly commercial but has some military in it. There's lots of dancing, com- petitions, and sports. The stores also put on special sales like they do here. It's festive the entire week, not just one day like it is here. Daily: Do you continue to observe the religious aspect of St. Patrick's Day? F: I don't much now, but when I was in Detroit I madea real effort to go. They have a St. Patrick's Day mass at the Holy Trinity there where they have a collection for the poor. P: I did and my family always went to church. It's See REAL, Page 2 Foley .. toasts St. Patrick's Day Paxton ... celebrates quietly 'U'English prof encourages activism By STACEY SHONK English Prof. William "Buzz" Alexander remembers when students in his "Vietnam and the Artist" course a few years ago refused to take a quiz. At the beginning of the term, Alexan- der had made a pact with his students not to give them a quiz as long as they kept up with reading-assignments and wrote each day in a journal. ALEXANDER said later in the term Profile necessarily acquiesce to it," he recalls. Perhaps Alexander, 46, remembers that class because he acted much the same way as a student at Harvard during the 1960s. Involved in the anti- war movement, he organized a group of Harvard faculty members to protest and was arrested for civil disobedience. Even today, Alexander devotes much of his spare time to local peace activism. IN ADDITION to being a member of the Ann Arbor Peace Community, Alexander established the Ann Arbor Committee for Human Rights in Latin America in 1976, and took a two-year sabbatical in Peru in 1978 and 1979. Next fall he will return to Peru as a Fullbright professor. But it wasn't until he had taught at the University for five years and had ruminated the impact of the Vietnam War, that he began to incorporate his political views in course lectures. "You went through (the war), and then the war wound down. Then a lot of people had to find how to fit their beliefs into their life after the war," he says "THERE WAS a quiet period in which people were deepening their See PROF, Page 3 Homeless must be ePierce says By ARONA PEARLSTEIN Democratic mayoral candidate Ed Pierce yesterday called for a city- sponsored daytime shelter for the homeless. "Many of (the homeless) have mental problems," said Pierce, 'they're in terrible, terrible shape." Pierce also addressed the main problem facing his campaign - voter turnout. He discussed these concerns with Sen.. Carl Levin (D-Mich.) and members of the Ann Arbor Democratic Party at Dominick's restaurant yester- day afternoon. "WE'VE HAD a great deal of dif- ficulty getting out the vote," said Pier- ce. He singled out the predominantly student controlled First Ward (which includes South and West Quads) as a problem area because ". . . that's where there are plenty of Democrats who don't vote." Pierce will face Republican can- See PIERCE, Page 3 - he decided to pop a quiz when he thought the students were slipping on their end of 'the deal. But he was wrong, and the students countered that he wasn't living up to his end. They told him so by saying "no" to his quiz. "They had heard a lecture on obedience to authority and had.seen a film on the Massacre at My Lai that had disturbed them. They learned that when something is wrong, you don't Daily Photo by ALISA BLOCK English Prof. William "Buzz" Alexander doesn't believe in educational hierarchy. As a result, students in his class "Vietnam and the Artist" are free to protest when they don't think they deserve a quiz.. TODAY-- Just about anything goes TUDENTS WHO spent spring break in Fort Lauder- -dale last month just missed one wild party. The master of ceremonies for spring break contests at The Button on the Beach in Fort Lauderdale told other men wore g-strings for a "wet Willie" contest, in which the garments became see-through when watered down. Rich Martin, public information officer for the Fort Lauderdale Police Department, said some of the contests were clearly a violation of Florida statutes. "Exposure of one's sex organs is clearly in violation of the law," he said. "You just can't do it." Super hero the right wing on the trailer, but the truck wasn't fast enough, witnesses said. After three attempts, the plane rescuers abandoned the plan-and the pickup truck. They climbed into a BMW sports car with a sun roof. A mechanic stood inside the open roof as the moving automibile raced along at speeds up to 100 mph, trying to match the speed of the plane, one witness said. The plane made a pass over the sports car. The mechanic reached up and pulled on the plane's landing gear. Down it came. The plane landed safely and n ne lPwasiniured. nights in the slammer you'll still see him on the tube. U.S. District Court Judge Edward Rafeedie modified Robinson's sentence this week to allow the actor to be let out daily to go to work on the soap's set. Robinson, 46, pleaded guilty to two counts of misdemeanor for failure to file federal in- come tax returns in 1980 and 1981 and agreed to pay all back taxes, interest, and civil penalties owed the government. in fln ;VI-*1 I I I I