Ninety-five Years ofr Editorial Freedom E Alirtta 43ttt1 Canescence Increasingly cloudy with a chan- ce of showers. High in the mid- 40s. 1. XCV, No. 127 Copyright 1985, The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan - Wednesday, March 13, 1985 Fifteen Cents Eight Pages esden Override a s ccuses o-op o short in House acism By MARLA GOLD nit received an official complaint esterday from one of its black mem- 'By NANCY DRISCOLL were willing to consider our side on this Ehlers (D-Grand Rapids), speaking in rs who charged the co-op with racial ~ with wire reports important issue." favor of the override and Rep. Maxine iscrimination. f A Joanne Peterson, the -executive Berman (D-Southfield), opposing it. In a statement filed with the A bid to override Gov. James Blan- director of Planned Parenthood in Ann Mark Bertler of Planned Parenthood in esatment ith the chard's veto and end state-funded abor- Arbor, said the group was delighted said the lobbying of Blanchard, gainst Stevens Co-op, member tions fell two votes short in the State with the outcome. When asked about heightened grassroots efforts by abor- oderick Dean charged that "because House yesterday. the possibility of the override being tion rights advocates and the refusal of f my race and/or color, I have been The vote came as something of a sur- taken up in the House again, she said abortion foes to consider compromises ubjected" to "unfair housing prac- prise to abortion foes who vowed they the group is "taking one day at a time." contributed to the outcome. ices." will try again. Matthew Gutchess, a member of "THERE ARE no final decisions in DEAN, AN LSA junior, was expelled Both sides gave substantial credit to Students for Life at the University, said government and this is not a final rom the co-op on Feb. 12 because of the lobbying of the governor and his the vote means "continued disgrace for decision," Bertler admitted. But he ent payment problems and a aides in favor of maintaining the state's the institution of motherhood." said the vote was "a major setback" for 'generally uncooperative attitude," medicaid abortion program. "WE'VE STILL got the votes," said abortion foes. id house member Paul Martz. In a statement, Blanchard said, Rep. Michael Griffin (D-Jackson), who "The wind is out of the sails of the When Dean did not comply with the Daily Photo by BRAD MILLS "Today's vote was a bipartisan vote for was the primary sponsor of the bill. He Right to Life movement," said Howard rder to move out of the house, the In- In like a lion fairness and choice. Legislators were said two lawmakers who would have Simon of the American Civil Liberties r-Cooperative Council (ICC) started Linda Swift, an adjunct lecturer of Anthropology, greets gusty winds yester- under severe pressure on this issue and voted to override the governor were ab-. Union. n eviction process against him. day on the corner of Maynard and William Streets. Up to 60 mph March I can respect the position of those who sent." Rep. David Hollister, the Lansing Warren Bonam, a representative of winds hit the Great Lakes region yesterday leaving 73,000 people without don't agree with us. I am, however, There was only perfunctory debate R e Civil Rights department, said he is electricity, while snow and rain caused severe flood warnings, grateful that legislators of both parties prior to the House vote, with Rep. Vern See ABORTION, Page 3 nvestigating the allegations. Dean will ot be evicted if the reasons behind the viction process are found to be Inawful, Bonam said. Ouse DemsseeK tu ent ai p's refusal to accept a payment plan e presented to his housemates at a By KERY MURAKAMI would shift $15 million from the governor's money to each institution, depending on what per- more than $500 in total work/study earnings an. 31 meting is due to racial Democratic leaders in the state House of proposed allocation for colleges & universities to cent of federal Pell Grants it receives in propor- because the state only pays a part of a student's iscrimination. Representatives yesterday introduced legislation the state's financial aid programs, explained tion to other institutions in the state. money. Bullard and Rep. Mary Brown (D- House members said Dean still owed that would create a state-funded ' work/study' Speaker of the House Gary Owen (D-Ypsilanti). He said the institution's financial aid office Kalamazoo) are sponsoring the work/study bill. about $350 from the fall term for rent program and a need-based Michigan Educational KENNEDY feared that the reduction in an in- would have the discretion of awarding these gran- Sharp said the state would not pay more than 80 fines, for not doing chores, and phone Opportunity Grant Program. stitution's funds would force a university to raise ts up to a $1,000 yearly to students after all other percent of a student's salary from a non-profit or bills. He now owes more than $1,000. Reaction from University officials was mixed, tuition or cut back funds to maintain quality. aid options have been exhausted. campus organization and 50 percent of a job with a REPEATED phone calls to Dean "This legislation comes in particularly helpful "If a first-rate university is reduced to second- "Of course we'd have' to support any program for-profit company. rom a reporter were not returned, now after federal funding has remained relatively rate, who would gain?," he asked. that puts money in the hands of students with the Speaker Owen said he expected a great deal of Paul Orrin-Brown, membership stable for the last four years," said University But Grotrian pointed out that the reductions greatest need," said Grotrian, though he didn't support for the bill in the House, but "couldn't coordinator for the Inter-Cooperative Director of Financial Aid Harvey Grotrian. "Since would be "one-fourth of one percent of the in- know how many students would be helped on cam- guess how it will be supported in the (State) ouncil, said that under ICC rules, 1980, the value of federal student aid has gone stitution's general funds." pus. Senate." "When someone is in arrears of over down by 24%." "IF THE BILL is passed, I certainly hope that GROTRIAN WAS more reserved in his support State'Sen. William Sederburg, chairman of the $100, the house discusses (the situation) RICHARD KENNEDY, University vice- our administration would develop means by which for the work/study program saying that it was not state Senate Subcommittee on Post-Secondary and comes to a mutually agreed upon president for state relations, said that he opposed that reduction in state support could be absorbed clear how it would be implemented. "It's Education, was not available for comment. payment plan." the MEOG plan because it would shift $10 million without increasing tuition," Grotrian said. something we'd support if it were a complement to Rep. Burton Leland (D-Detroit) introduced the The house members did not approve away from the general funds of the state's univer- The MEOG program would require a shifting of the federal program," he said, "if they were not in first of the six-points Thursday, calling for an Dean's plan, said Stevens Co-op sities and colleges to pay for the program. He said $10 million in funds from general appropriations to competition with each other." ammendment to the Michigan Competitive President Steve Rutz, because "the such a plan would ultimately "shortchange the colleges and universities recommended by the He said that as it was now planned, a student Scholarship Program to allow part-time and main bulk of the money was going to be student." governor. The work/study program is the same as could earn a maximum of $500 in state funds, graduate students. Two other bills creating aid for paid several weeks after the end of the Kennedy supported the work/study proposal, the governor's recommended work/study plan. while there was no limit to federal work/study part-time independent students and establishing a term. In the past we've had trouble because it represents no change in the governor's According to Rep. Lynn Jondahl (D-East Lan- funds. financial aid hot-line will be introduced this week. etting money from him." recommended appropriations to the institutions, sing), the MEOG would serve "the most-needy of Grotrian said he also didn't know how the The sixth point, appropriating $2.7 million to MARTZ SAID numerous checks from The two bills are part of a six-point plan by our students." work/study program would effect the campus. state instututions' general funds as a "good will" Dean were returned to the co-op Democratic representatives to increase student JONDAHL explained that under the plan, the DAN SHARP, an aide to Rep. Perry Bullard (D- measure to freeze tuition growth, will be in- See CO-OP, Page 3 financial aid spending by the state. Their plan state would appropriate a certain amount of Ann Arbor), explained that a student could earn troduced later this month. MSA evaluates its performance City won't By AMY MINDELL The Michigan Student Assembly has MSA members also said they suffer be much more effective," she said. strong confidence in its leadership, an from a public relations problem. The WILLIAMS disagreed, saying he had internal evaluation released by mem- evaluation showed they see themselves worked for Sen. Donald Riegle (D- ber Mark Wernick showed at last positively, but feel that the organization Mich.) this summer and learned that nght's MSA meeting. has a poor reputation on campus. letters from constituents were "coun-s "I felt the evaluation was positive," IN OTHER action an allocation ted and tossed." ' Wenick said. "We know where the $363.25 to send MSA members Mark Michaels felt that attending the Un- a ccu sed o problemsare,andhowtosolvethem." Williams and Kevin Michaels to ited States Students Assoziation- THE LESS positive issues raised in Washington D.C. on March 15 15 to 18 was sponsored event would help make the evaluation were that an over- vbted down. They had planned to lobby congressmen aware of students and the responsibility was shared by just a cuts in higher education and financial Michaels and Williams both felt that few members and that some members aid. the trip would be effective in helping to did little more than attend MSA's Some MSA members questioned the prevent the elimination of over two Tuesday night meetings. effectiveness of sending two members million students from financial aid. Another complaint was that MSA to Washington and using lobbying Michaels said he would continue to By VIBEKE LAROI lacked clearly stated goals. The mem- techniques. search for funding for the trip. Vice . , bers felt that there is a strong commit- MSA member Anne Ryan said she President for Academic Affairs and The citys assistant prosecutor ment to serve' student needs, but are had lobbied during the summer and Provost Billy Frye's office agreed to deri cerdothe Bue Bor o unsure if MSA really does serve those suggested a letter-writing campaign in- match whatever funding that MSA f Governors accused of embezzling dorm needs. stead. $220 dollars for 1,000 letters would allocated. funds, on the grounds that the board it- Soro itya nSionopp sedself voted not to prosecute. e x Rick Blalock, former vice presi ent S i taking $2,457.42 out of the dorm's cof By SUSAN GRANT fraternities to buy buildings in their will be difficult to sell the .house fers to rent cars for his personal use area. because of the row of fraternities and among other things. Collegiate Sorosis is having a tough "We are concerned with the density sororities across the street. We stand to CITY PROSECUTOR Marilyn time finding a new home, of the group houses and the possibility lose money," said another neighbor, Eisenbrau said she based her decision The city's planning commission last of their spreading into other blocks," Andrea Van Howeling. nghr inro minutes her of night listened to two-and-one-half hours said Bruce Benovese, who lives two The plang o ion part on minutes from the Board of ofpbi omnso h ooiys bok wyo abig n ls o.The planning commission was caught Governors' Feb. 2 voenot t rsct of public comments on the sorority's blocks away on Cambridge and close to in another tangle over the size of the Blalock, an LSA sophomore. propos purchase and expand a the sorority's present location existing house. Zoning laws say a Those minutes did not say the vote house at 903 Lincoln which was built in The block on Lincoln already has one a house with less than 5,000 square feet Daily Photo by BRAD MILLS was unofficial or that Bursley's 1901 by one of their founding members. sorority and three fraternities. Area cannot be used for group housing, and Talking money building director and the associate NEIGHBORS complained about the residents say the row will lower proper- according to city records the house the Douglas Fraser, former UAW President and Chairman of the Chrysler Cor- dire r for ing educatio aoh amount of parking space the sorority ty value. sorority wants to buy contains only ,ie, for ounedut ion. would like to set aside, zoning laws, and "WE PAID a lot of money for our 3,400 square feet. poration, addresses students yesterday in an Economics 201 class at MLB 3. Heidke, later overturned the decision. the issue of allowing sororities and house, but if the sorority moves in, it See SORORITY, Page 3 Fraser discussed import quotas on Japanese cars, trade barriers, worker- HEIDKE Said previously that an employee relations, and his views of where the U.S. auto industry is going. individual accused of embezzlement See CITY, Page 3 O D A Y reason. Or so claims a new advertisement created by Plan- lighter pocketbooks and the same old heavy figures. About healthy adjustments and are urged to exercise. No one is ned Parenthood of New York. The New York Times repor- 50 winners - those who met their weight-loss goal in the fir- placed on a diet. Hyatt thought so much of the program that ted yesterday that 13,000 of the organization's ads have st six-month program that included 176 employees - got she enrolled in a second one, again successfully betting $10 Meet Roderick Linzie been placed throughout the city's subway system which back their investment plus a share of the money forfeited per paycheck. And now she has upped her ante to $30 a read: "Girls have to be smarter than boys. Boys don't get by the losers. Not to mention slimmer waistlines. But an check. "I have had a tendency to gain weight ever since I T ODAY THE THIRD Campus Meet the Press of pregnant." But boys are not going to get off the hook that Iorganizer said the feature that sweetens the pot with money had my youngest child 24 years ago," she said. "It looks 1985 will be held in the Kuenzle Room of the Union easily. Both men and women should learn to take respon- from the unsuccessful dieters is being dropped. "We don't like I'll have to be in these the rest of my life." at 4 p.m. This week's guest is Roderick Linzie, the sibility for birth control, Planned Parenthood officials said. like some of the potential problems with competition," said Michigan Student Assembly's minority affairs So this week there followed a second ad which read: "It Dr. Robert Jeffery, epidemiology professor in the univer-